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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Between my last post and now, I went full Mass Summoning on Hero Fest. I don't remember if I was just tired or decided that I needed to wait for luck to waver to my side. And waver it did, but I decided to just report the big ones here. The big one I didn't think would happen, Eir +Atk -Def. With the free Eir plus a few trash Eirs and one +Atk -Res Eir, that makes a +5 Eir with good Attack and no need for Defense. Nice. Enough Ophelias to bring my +Atk -Res Ophelia to +8 (she was 5 before this banner). Just one more and I could probably consider her +10 for what it's worth, as her Atk would be unable to get any higher. Elise pity broke me, but with +Atk -Res, which is a far better nature than I have gotten with her before. She is now +4 merge. Lewyn with +Spd -HP. I also got two separate +Spd -Atk and the trash one from before, and prematurely merged into one of the +Spd -Atk ones. But this is fine to. Nothing wrong with +2 merge when I still don't even know what I wanna do with Special Spiral, if anything. The final of the CYL2 Brave Heroes, Sacred Twin Lord Ephraim, has arrived, and he is +Atk -Res. Dear god he is gonna be strong... I also got various fodder units for various needs, some 5* as well, which... stings a little, but whatever. So... just saying here, I've been trying to make an update to How Many 5* units do I have for months now, and have been stalling because I just didn't want to for a while, also because coming with with something to say about everyone while remaining at least a little witty is really hard for well over 200 units now... this is gonna be a nightmare with how many 5* units I got now...
  2. Small challenge: for some reason I thought the trenches were like forests to Fliers as well...? Clearly Smash Bros has consumed me so much I can't even remember basic FEH knowledge. Anyways, standard double range double dancer Flier Emblem clear. ToD!Nowi went for the Lance Armor first, and everything kinda fell into place from there.
  3. Just saying, my intent with the 280 orbs I bought was neither to get all the Hero Fest units, nor was it to get a better Eir. Which is why I got one of each of the Hero Fest units (Ophelia +Atk -Res, same as my current. Lewyn +Def -Spd. Two Eirs, one +HP -Def, the other +Def -HP. And most notably, Owain +Res -Spd, which... eh.) as well as +Atk -Def Mia... which I already have, and Exalt Chrom +Res -Atk... which is terrible. Man, some Hero Fest... I'll gladly take Owain, don't get me wrong, but... man, I either got the same nature I already had, or something extremely terrible. I guess I can take the +HP -Def Eir since that's technically an overall defensive boost to a unit who has no physical defense...
  4. They could have done Black Knight though, using the Mii Swordfighter decked out in the Black Knight Armor and wielding Alondite. I know for a fact they dressed Mii Fighters in animal outfits for Duck Hunts path, and they do it for just about any Spirit Battle they had the outfit for. ...though speaking of a villain rep, who could they even use...? Enemy units tend to feel like they are either mounted in some way or are Armored. Armors are probably so big and bulky it'd be Ridley all over again, alongside being very illogical as fighters overall (yes even more so than a kid from a furry village, a fitness instructor, and someones dog with a duck). They couldn't do anyone mounted without breaking some rules, so there goes another 40% of FE enemies. And it'd have to be a pretty notable villain, so you can't just pick any old Brigand Leader and expect everyone to be happy. They could do... maybe Lloyd or Linus, any of the Sorcerer manipulators from any game, maybe Gangrel if they make his Levin Sword unique from Robin... it's be freaking hilarious if we could get Ice Climber-esque Bandit Twins, or even better the best FE Character and the one who should have won CYL2... ...Brigand Boss. Don't forget that 3 of the reps are the same person but one is weird, one is a kid, and the last is a Japanese mas- I mean a cartoon.
  5. Ah man... That's still really good though. Est basically gets a 19 might Brave Lance with no speed penalty for being decent at Flier Emblem positioning...
  6. Does the Brave effect on the Whitewing weapons only trigger if Triangle Attack is in effect? Or is it basically a perm Brave effect on a 16 might weapon? The fact it lists the Triangle Attack effect and Brave Effect separated with a period confuses me... usually there'd be a ", and" if the two were linked, but then why give us such a powerful weapon...?
  7. Okay, for how somewhat tedious World of Light was, what with the hundreds of Spirit Battles that were mandatory to do, let alone the ones I went out of my way to do, which included every single one in each subworld, and after the early parts of the game (AKA after the 2 paths you didn't pick early on are unlocked) each section of the map, and all of WoL part 2, I have to say the ending to World of Light was freaking awesome. In the end though, I did miss 5 things... the facilities for Ryoma (who I completely missed) and Slowpoke (who I ironically forgot existed), as well as the Gym. For fighters, I forgot Richter (who to be fair the trigger for is stupid), and Luigi (lol). And I do also still have a number of Spirit Battles to complete, especially in Part 3, but really I think they can wait just a little longer, cause I need a small break from Spirit Battles... I am aware of the Assist Trophy thing, but I do at least think a different character could have been used to represent Tiki herself. I mean, I'm fairly certain other Hostile Assist Trophy battles have the main fighter directly represent the character in question. Hmm... CAN an Assist Trophy be possessed? They do technically have physical bodies, but they are all also spirits, so... how do Assist Trophies even work...
  8. Eir, a free Colorless Dagger Flier from the looks of it, will be joining us as a free Mythical unit. ...god it's painful to say that... MYTHICAL unit... we got a whole new season of powercreep, don't we?
  9. If I had to pick one Spirit Battle... I'd cheat and say the entire line of World Tour Spirit Battles. It just felt so clever how they did it. ...okay fine my favorite Spirit Battle was Ancient Minister. I was vocally shocked to realize that the ROBs were wielding "Subspace Bombs". I kinda wanna give special mention to Tiki though. She possessed Marth, but I kinda feel like there were better ways to represent Tiki as a Spirit battle. But that led to me thinking that she might not have taken Marth as a representation of herself... and then I kinda began to feel bad for Tiki. As for Boss Battle... I hope saying Galeem isn't a cliche answer, but Galeem was a great fight. I was kinda disappointed to see it didn't use the Ultimate Light Lasers though, though then again it wasn't weakened like Tabuu was so if it did use those lasers... well, that might have been a more frustrating fight.
  10. OOOKAY so Stage Morph on Palutena's Temple is horrid and do not do it. Everyone will die and the winner won't be the best of the 2-8 fighters present, but who can reach the 2nd stage before Palutena's Temple simply drags you away.
  11. Jesus that was horrible... Someone should remind Nintendo not to do stuff like this at the same time as a major release. I missed so many rewards it's not even okay.
  12. Does it even matter what side I pick right now? I'm so addicted to Smash Bros I forgot to get all the rewards from round 2. I'll leave... uh... hm... I think I'll leave my Chrom I've been hyping up for months in everyones service. He's +Atk -Res with Spectrum Falchion, Swap, Aether, Atk/Def Bond 3, Quick Riposte 3 (considering replacing with Vantage 3), Spur Def 3, and Atk/Def Bond 3 SS. I'm on Ylgr side, FC is still 5177973547.
  13. Big Urchin, from the Mario series. ...thinking about it, Electric Weakness v might have been useful in the Great Zapfish battle...
  14. I learned many things since becoming the perfectly ripe age of 21 a whole 2 days ago... One, yeah I definitely don't like alcohol. I think the place I ate at mixed some cheap beer can crap in with barbecue sauce... Two, I much prefer gambling for FEH than I do gambling in a casino. At least in FEH the chances to get something good are always present, even if it's just more Reposition fodder, as opposed to... having a chance to win back the credit you just used?
  15. My +Def -Atk Azama was equipped with Pain+, Close Counter, and Close Defense 3 SS on the final map of World of Birthright Lunatic. easy as pie, but expensive Azama... also healers can't learn Death Blow.
  16. Wow, okay. Sure, that's fine. Just gonna make it clear to everyone that Mr. Sakurai works miracles and probably will just make even more once Smash Ult development finally ends. In other news, Splatoon 2 is holding a new Worldwide Splatfest, Heroes vs Villains Smash Ultimate edition.
  17. I have the digital version and I can confirm, at least in mid-Oregon USA, the game is not available yet.
  18. Hey hi, I'm usually at the FE Heroes section. I didn't even realize there was not just an entire side to the forum dedicated to other games, but Smash Bros specifically. 8 hours left until the US release... wow. The year felt like it took it's time all because of this one game, and now here we stand, 8 hours left...
  19. Wow, okay I mean I guess Nifl voting gauntlet is fine to. I'm heading over to Gunnthra now. It occurs to me I forgot to tell everyone my info. I'm running Halloween Niles +Atk -Def. Base kit save for Moonbow and Armor March. FC is 5177973547.
  20. Maybe the combination of being tired but high on b-day energy is not a good combo for thinking logically... We've seen what a refine for Brave Weapons looks like though, via Cherche's Axe. And Ranged refines are weaker than melee refines, so Brave Lyn can only get 2 extra speed off a forged Brave Bow. Even if she went for an Atk refine... what would that even look like on a Brave Bow, +0.5 might? I mean, 2 Spd is 2 spd no matter how you try to justify it, but it's still just 2 Spd. ~Panic Ploy, which usable across the board, is limited to use by Armor units and really HP bulky units due to the HP requirement. In fairness most Bladetomers fall under the HP req by a mile, but Panic Ploy still requires line of sight to trigger, which can be really easy to counter with AI manipulation. Also wanna point out that, at least in 19.5, I haven't seen Dull Ranged on any PvP opponents even once. ~Units like Titania and Eirika exist for a reason: they are the best Field Buff providers and still remain viable on their own. A Bladetome doesn't necessarily even need +6/6/6/6 to be the best, often just 4/4/0/4 is good enough to get the job done. And really, I don't see the issue in giving up a units turn to help another unit retreat... ~The best counter to Armor March is often just letting the AI do it's thing. I've had more than one fight where the enemy clearly has Armor March advantage, but then proceeds to separate and lose that one advantage. Often, there's no real way to know if you need a counter to Field Buffs or not. Panic Ploy is not guaranteed to always be needed, and most weapons that inflict Panic status are often overshadowed by more offensive weaponry (see Legion's Axe vs Slaying Axe). And it doesn't help that it feels like the AI knows how to team up for keeping Field Buffs up better than it knows how to keep Armor March status up... Also... what do you think a Dancer is, exactly?
  21. @Hilda Okay but very few units are using Brave weapons anymore, and any that are are painfully outdated or are running Desperation + Brash Assault, which Bold Fighter is not compatible with. Or they are a Bow unit. And the few that still make melee Brave Weapons work despite how outdated they are... I mean, good for them? Brave Bow is honestly the best Brave weapon just by being a ranged Brave weapon. It's the same reason Reinhardt is still a somewhat viable threat for the unprepared. But Brave Sword, Axe, and Lance aren't as great as they once were. Amiti has Spd +3 built into it by default. Meistershwert is a Brave weapon on both phases. Cherche's Axe can either be the strongest Brave Weapon or trigger Panic Ploy as well. Point is, unless the unit comes with it by default, you don't see Melee Brave Weapons anymore. Meanwhile one of the first sets any new mage is considered with first is ALWAYS Bladetome, sometimes even before a set using their Personal Weapon is considered. Wanna make a crappy mage redeemable? Bladetome set. Wanna make a great mage even greater? Bladetome. Just wanna make sure you have a mage for every job? Bladetome. Worried about counters? Can't counter when you were killed in one hit by a 6/6/6/6 Bladetome. Personal weapon that literally nerfs the hell out of anyone who is standing next to an ally? Personal that inflicts Atk -6 on the enemy for not being Marth? Personal that makes you overall stronger because your Atk is lower than the muscly enemy? Personal that CHARGES YOUR SPECIAL BECAUSE THERE IS A TOME ON YOUR TEAM, INCLUDING YOURSELF? "But how does it compare to Bladetome?" Hell, Lilina used to only be viable with RauĂ°rblade before she got Forblaze. I really don't think self-sustain is an issue either. I mean, most Special refines on personals don't even do anything for the wielder except +3 HP if it's a melee weapon. And you not only thought of a refine for Bladetomes earlier, but are also saying BRAVE WEAPONS don't need the refine?
  22. As much as I'd like to agree, it seems the angle they're going for is "Whatever the weapon they were drawn with is now their weapon in the game", looking at the number of units who got new "original" personal weapons that look strangely similar to their artwork weapons... Ogma and Mercurius never had a chance... I hope Poison Dagger and Kitty Paddle get refines myself. The Festival in Hoishido daggers can all not only be forged, but also start with the 12 might that all normal ranged weapons have, meanwhile the Poison Dagger remains at freaking 5 might and Kitty Paddle at 8? Real fair...
  23. Fun fact, Male Robin is the last of the original 8 units featured in the original 2 banners on game release to receive a refinery update.
  24. Following up on what @XRay said. Wave skills typically require some form of planning to make them work, such as timing when the enemy will raid your team that the Wave skills will be triggered at the same time in the case of Def and Res waves, or the opposite for Atk and Spd waves. Some Arena maps, unfortunately, just don't offer this luxury. I'm not quite in agreement about Link skills, though I understand where Xray is coming from: they are B slot skills that are doing the function of a C slot skill. I can give you my own suggestion though: give a Link skill to Male Corrin with a Supportive Yato refine, and let him be an insane supportive unit to someone. I'm currently doing such with my Chrom, and he is nigh on untouchable by any physical units, and Corrin doesn't even have a Link skill yet.
  25. My absolute main focus is collecting as many 5* units as possible. As a player willing to shell out... a few hundred USD at a time... for banners, I'm fortunately able to keep up with this goal and still hover around 19.5 in Arena (mostly thanks to lucky pulls of L!Tiki, WE!Tharja, and LA!Hector), and the feathers from all the absolutely useless useless fodder units means I can usually get a few 3*/4* units to 5* at a time, or get a good skill on one of my more used units.
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