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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. This is fine and all, but I kinda feel it doesn't have any elements of being from Heroes... like, this could have just as easily happened in the Fates 4-koma as it did here.
  2. I think it also gave 100% accuracy in most appearances, though my only real use of Triangle Attack was in Echoes, where it was a proper skill that also had boosted Attack power...
  3. This LHB was hell for me on Infernal, but on Abyssal... did not take me as long to figure out. Valentine Roy, Reinhardt, HNY!Azura, and Lilina came together for a clear of epic proportions. Escape Route really saved me here. Roy would otherwise have not been able to reach the second Dagger Inf and still attack the Troubadour in the same turn. He had Swordbreaker before, but then I realized he wasn't actually using it, so I replaced it with something that made sense. It really doesn't matter who attacks the Axe Armor in the end, I just felt like giving the SP to Lilina. This is now, I realize, the second time I used Blazing Flame to clear an Abyssal battle... huh...
  4. The unit in question would need to have considerably high Player Phase Defense/Resistance for Brash Assault to work well without Desperation. Brazen Atk/Res stacking on, say, Felicia or Brazen Atk/Def stacking on Alfonse with forged Folkvangr. That way they could initiate combat on someone who can counterattack and take minimal damage in return. But the problem with that scenario is that outside most Armor units, who have their own specialized and better Brash Assault anyways, there are very few units who have that high enough Defense/Resistance. Take Hinata for instance. At 0 merge +Def -Res with a forged Slaying Edge, we're looking at 43 Defense. +7 from Brazen Atk/Def is only 50, so while he'll be taking minimum damage from most non-Lance units, he's still not that safe. The OTHER problem I now realize is getting down to 50% HP with that much bulk. Even if you did do, say, Brazen Atk/Res stacked Felicia (Assuming +Atk IVs, we're looking at 49 Res without a Res forged weapon, 52 with a Res forge, and 55 with a +Res), you still need to get down to 50% HP, and Fury isn't there to help you along. Ardent Sacrifice/Reciprocal Aid play would help in this case I suppose, and you would need to take sufficient damage before the Brazen skill applies as well. Finally, with all that preparation, in a typical Arena battle, you would get... approximately 2 or 3 kills across maybe 3 or 4 Player Phases with the BA unit, because you spent at least one turn preparing Brash Assault, when in that time you could have just fielded four units who didn't need such preparation and be done in 2 or 3 Phases, at least one of which was spent just moving everyone closer (unless it's that stupid Oasis map that's surrounded in Fortress tiles, then you're taking 5 or 7 player and enemy phases anyways) Final conclusion based on my own (somewhat uneducated) guesses, Brash Assault is useless without Desperation.
  5. Decided to push for one more 5* from the Legendary Banner with monthly quest orbs. 3 Blue, 1 Colorless, and 1 Red. First orb, Glorious Archer Lucina +Def -Res. And who cares about the rest... Current is +HP -Def, and I'll gladly take the new nature, since Thogn's whole thing is attacking melee units. The superboon in Defense and neutral in HP should help her take on the Distant Counter units better.
  6. Not even hard to make my priority list. Helbindi>Laegjarn>Gunnthra>Ylgr>Fjorm>Laevatein>Hrid>Surtr Besides him being pretty awesome as a unit, Helbindi I feel is also just likable as a whole, despite being a villain (which is saying a lot in my book, because usually I detest anyone regardless of who they are if they're a villain). On the opposite side, Surtr I feel nothing for. Hrid is alright as a character, but not alright enough to outdo the others. I kinda wanna change things up for my support unit this voting gauntlet, because I kinda feel my Bride Ninian is getting a little old. So just asking, which color do you Helbindi's think should be put out there?
  7. With Ylgr +Res -HP, Nifl is now short on one brother. ...why do I have such an easier time summoning non-tome Ranged Blue units compared to any other non-tome non-colorless ranged unit type...
  8. Knight Paradise Cordelia +Res -Def. ...meh. I already have +Atk -Res, but I also don't really think she needs a merge that badly... thinking maybe it'd be fun to give her Lance to someone, but who...? I'm also calling it there on this months Legendary banner. Not because I'm low on hope for it or because I don't like the units here, because I have relatively high hopes for it and think the unit selection is pretty good this month... rather, it's because I don't think I'll be able to get enough orbs to try for another 5* here and still be able to exhaust the pity on Fire and Ice before that banner ends.
  9. And coming up next on The Adventures of Lon'qu and Kiran the doo-doo brain, Kiran thinks he has finally figured Lon'qu out... and puts him on a team of muscly muscle men. Muscles~
  10. And the number of people who didn't see this coming... one, me because I forgot Legendary Heroes were a thing. Finally, Distant Counter isn't a Hector exclusive anymore. Guess Hrid being a Cav unit is better than him being a Infantry unit, but also... I don't like how he sounds compared to how he looks. I imagined he'd have been at least a little weathered sounding, given the damage he sustained in the War of Muspell. But nope, he just sounds like, as @TheNiddo put it, a dork. Looks like he'll be slow but powerful, given the effect of Gjoll, and has a reverse Garm, letting him double if the enemy is inflicted with a negative status, albeit also disabling their own follow-ups. If they are generous with giving him HP, he could be a good runner of Panic Ploy. I kinda feel like he and Gunnthra got their seals mixed up though...
  11. Does it count as spoiler territory if it's about Smash Ultimate? Eh, I'll spoiler it anyways. Just know that the game was apparently leaked. Ahhhhhhhh I wanna play Ultimate so badly. What, I'll have a birthday two days before Ultimate is released? Screw that, Ultimate is where the real party is, and everyone is invited.
  12. Merry Turkymas. Speaking of, I wonder if we'll one day get Seasonals who are based on a non-Japanese celebrated holiday...? I don't particularly care about any of our American holidays, but there's some interesting ones out in the world.
  13. May the day come where someone gets the idea to build four +10 Surtrs, implying they had to summon 44 Surtrs to make the team. So much tyranny.
  14. Wait... why did these two get a paralogue but not the Generals of Muspell?
  15. I don't think I ever gave my opinions on each unit... Why they went with Ylgr and not the character who actually holds a sword in his artwork is beyond me, but whatever. We didn't need another sword unit when just about every niche that can be given to swords has been accounted for so far. Anyways, Sylgr seems to pretty much guarantee Ylgr will double so long as she has even one point of speed more than the enemy. Sorcery Blade grants Adeptive Damage so long as she is next to someone, so she'll be something like Felicia if Felicia had better Attack. Given all the Speed, jury is out on if she'll be Speed focused. At least Spd Tactic is now going to be in the general summoning pool (After the banner expires that is). I get the feeling that Gamepedia is going to go on about how she needs the Cloud Maiouga like they have every other Dagger unit... Surtr... okay I'm not that big a fan of him, but DAMN he sounds cool. At least much better than the generic evil tyrant voice I gave him in my head (and no I've never heard his Special Trigger quotes til now). He's also very big. Oh right, as a unit... uh, I really don't think the combo of Steady Stance 4 and Wary Fighter is a good one, since unless you are against Bold Fighter armors they're not going to trigger their Special anyways, not unless you replace it with Vengeful Fighter. Sinmara and Surtr's Menace together mean he's going to be a threat to any unit who can't kill him, given he's going to do what is equal to almost half of a units total HP AND inflict Spectrum Debuff on the enemy. In the end, he looks to be a very defensive unit who also counts on forcing the enemy to end their turn around him. Not that it'll be hard, given he's an enemy phase Armor.
  16. Uhhhhhhhhh... I feel really uneasy about Ylgr. Maybe it's her youth, but I really don't feel like non-seasonal units should be talking about having fun on the battlefield... not unless they were crazy to begin with anyways.
  17. Well 200 Divine Dews snuck up on me, and I can't figure out who to enhance... I'll also list who I have at 4* since there's some solid options who are available at 4*.
  18. +Atk -Spd on a staff is... interesting... Oh, which healer? Mikoto. I mean, it's not bad per say, it could have been +Def like I thought it was before realizing Mikoto just had a higher Def base than she really should have, but... hrm, this basically makes her Genny with slightly more speed and far worse magical bulk... Well whatever. I got the unit I wanted most from this banner, and in one session to boot, so I'll just pray Mikoto drops (since I really feel she's the likeliest to drop) and save the rest of these orbs for the next new heroes banner.
  19. Shoulda picked Arthur's manual and learned about how he made the enemy surrender by going onto the battlefield after getting... shall we say "gifted to" by numerous wyverns.
  20. I won't argue the point on mage tanks, but Fjorm I don't think I could do due to my Fjorm being +Atk -Def, meaning her Defense is superbaned to being 26. Even with the bonus unit boost, I feel like she needs the extra Defense to keep up physical bulk more than she needs magical bulk. Niles though... yeah he'd be doable as a mage nuke tank...
  21. Is there any use for Spd/Res Bond on 4* Young Azura as skill fodder, or should I just use her as merge fodder? I've been trying to think who'd like it, but as far as i know Bond skills are generally more enemy phase than player(given the need to be so close to someone which is slightly harder to do on player phase), and imo the best Bond skills have an Atk boost while Bond skills with Spd on them are best given to EP thanks (Nephenee comes to mind for Spd/Def at least). I dunno, Spd/Res doesn't feel that great, but I'm also probably not being that creative...
  22. Well uh... game tried to give me a unit who will be a bonus in the Tempest Trial, but gave me Wings of Fate Hinoka +HP -Def. Er... game, you already gave me the best WoF!Hinoka I could have asked for a while ago, but thanks for the... +1 Def and HP to my current Hinoka?
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