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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Well crap, four potential refines with great potential. And since nobody is getting an existing weapon but Saber, it's anybodies guess what we'll get. I wanna guess Golden Dagger will have a Solar Brace-esque effect, letting Saber recover damage in proportion to the damage dealt, since it's pretty much the only weapon in Echoes that has such an effect. There are a select few others, but the Golden Dagger, if I recall, is actually seen in the story.
  2. I've decided on my priority order. Ophelia>Delthea>Linde>Odin>Ishtar>Reinhardt>Olwen>Tailtiu This means I'll be starting on Team Ophelia. Sorry anyone who likes Tailtiu, but I know nothing about her besides she's the mother of Arthur and... Tine? So Ophelia reps, get ready for the Roy power you are about to meet. My FC is 5177973547.
  3. Legendary Lyn is back to enforce the Laws of Sacae, now from the depths of the Abyss. A gold Spring Bunny Hat is on the line for this one.
  4. I SUMMONED THE WRONG LEGENDARY HERO OF MAGVEL. +Res -Def on Legendary Lord Ephraim, which... meh. Whatever, what do I have to complain about, I finally have a Fire Legendary Hero. This was my first session by the way, the rest was Sophia, Selena, and Lucius all 3* (which made me angry to see), and 4* Lukas.
  5. The End of Brave Redux for me, and I got the Missileta- oh wait no, I got the Mystletainn. Eldigan +Spd -HP. A lot better than the -Atk I've been forced to own, even if not by much. At the very least, he's worth building now.
  6. @TheWill @Ice Dragon I still don't think it's that big an issue. So long as the > (greater than) or < (less than) is facing the right way, the skill is still easy to read for me. I didn't even notice a mistake until it was pointed out, and then I had to check again to find the mistake. At the very least, still a very poor excuse to demand compensation orbs. I was thinking something bigger like Loki wasn't implemented into the game properly.
  7. Wow, 2 years time gap between the last new Binding Blade hero and the most recent? Someone should send Nintendo and IntSys a trophy for this achievement... that has a punching bag loaded in it. Are you talking about Thokk's skill description? Because if so... what? That's a poor excuse to beg for compensation orbs. I mean, it said that if Foes HP < units HP, which usually means less than. It'd be one thing if it said Foes HP > Units hp +3, which usually means Greater than, but... oh forget it...
  8. Really dumb technicality if you ask me, but hey I'm not the one programing the game. Worrisome to me, more than the small things like what Magic refers to, is the fact we're still at only one Colorless Legendary Hero. One full year of Legendaries, and one colorless feels a little worriesome to me. Not to say there aren't still characters who COULD become Colorless heroes (Micaiah, Corrin, and Alm all come to mind quite quickly), but I'm working under the assumption that these may be the only Legendary Heroes we get, or at least Legendary Heroes Season 1, with Season 2 getting even more wild advantages over normal units.
  9. Right yeah maybe should have added that note. Even still, Gunnthra is the only one considered Magic, so she is affected by skills that affect "Magic" foes.
  10. This now makes 12 Legendary Heroes. That means the following... ~We have 4 Red Legendaries, 4 Blue Legendaries, 3 Green Legendaries, and 1 Colorless. ~Fire Leg heroes do not have a Spd boosting Hero, as do Water missing Res, Wind missing Def, and Earth also missing Res. ~All 4 Red heroes were Swords, meanwhile Green had 1 axe, 1 tome, and 1 Bow. Blue had 2 Lances, 1 Bow, and 1 Dragon. Colorless... had 1 dragon. ~We received 5 Infantry, 3 Horses, 2 Flying, and 2 Armored Legendary heroes. ~Gunnthra was the only technically Magic Legendary Hero. All others are either physical or are magical but deal adeptive damage against Ranged targets. ~Besides the Heroes OCs, Tiki, Lucina, and Ryoma are the only non-Lord heroes (better way to say it would be Main Characters) to become Legendary Heroes (though all 3 play major roles in their original games, while Lucina, while not technically a Lord, was of the Lord class) ~Of the 12 weapons we received, we have the following stats to look at... 3 weapons are direct lifts from other units (Ragnell, Raijinto, and Expiration) 1 has been made available to the original alt of the unit via refining (Flame Siegmund) 5 of the weapons have Distant Counter built into them. Of those 5, Divine Breath is the only one to have an additional effect besides DC or Adeptive damage. Besides the Heroes OCs, two units received entirely new weapons, those being Lucina (Thögn) and Tiki (Divine Breath). ~The following are the exclusive skills each unit received. And yes, it is possible to amalgamate a unit out of all of them. Ice Mirror (Special; Fjorm, decrease damage taken from Ranged attacks by 30%, while increasing Counterattack damage by the total damage removed) Chilling Seal (Passive B; Gunnthra, when HP is higher than 50%, decreases Atk and Spd of foe with the lowest Defense by 6) Radiant Aether (Special; Ike, same effects of Aether with 1 less cooldown charge) Solar Brace (Passive B; Ephraim, recovers HP equal to 30% of damage dealt when special triggers) Dragonskin (Passive A; Robin, negates effective damage against Flying units and receives Def/Res +4 when being attacked) Laws of Sacae (Passive A; Lyn, grants +4 to all stats if Foe initiates combat and there are at least 2 allies within 2 spaces) Bushido (Passive B; Ryoma, grants Special Damage +10) Ostian Pulse (Passive C; Hector, grants Special Cooldown Charge -1 to all allies on turn 1 if the number of that allies movement type is two or lower) Future Vision (Assist; Lucina, swaps spaces with target ally, and refreshes the actions of the user once per turn) Binding Shield (Passive B; Marth, Dragon foes cannot counterattack or make followups, while unit will always trigger follow-ups against Dragon foes) With Everyone! (Passive C; Tiki, if standing next to someone, grants ally and unit Def/Res +5) Lunar Brace (Passive B; Eirika, slows Special Charge by 1, but adds damage equal to 50% of foes Defense when Special triggers) Also... I really can't be bothered to care about Eirika right now, not when I still have a pity rate to exhaust on Brave Redux. At least the bonus heroes this time align with my interests... for the most part anyways, because I really don't want another Sky Olivia...
  11. The way I understand it, Macros are commands input by the player to complete a series of actions, such as in MMOs you'd set up a combo of skills to perform in perfect synchronization. It may sound innocent, but you'd be able to force commands that'd be impossible for humans to perform, even by pros at the game. A Bot, meanwhile, is a program that performs a given action without further input from the player, such as gold grinding in an MMO. ...I played an MMO where both were big problems overall, so I only know of Macros and Bots in the MMO sense...
  12. God, this theme makes it hard to select a helper unit... maybe I'll do someone colorless... Still deciding on a team. Ophelia maybe...
  13. TWO free 5* units tonight. On focus and off. Delthea +Res -Atk and Faye +HP -Def. Yes, terrible natures, but seriously TWO free 5* units. Delthea will be merge fodder, and Faye will definitely be giving someone a Firesweep Bow, probably Bridelia or Halloween Niles...
  14. Fackin 'ell, I can't believe I beat Ursula Abyssal using freaking Halloween Niles's Atk/Spd Link charged Smite, but I did. Halloween Niles [+Atk -Def] Devilish Bow+, Smite, Moonbow, Swift Sparrow2, Atk/Spd Link3, Fortify Armor, Armored Boots Bridelia [+Atk -Spd +3] Brave Bow+, Reposition, Luna, Life and Death3, Desperation3, Hone Atk3, Brash Assault3 PA!Azura [+Atk -Def +1] UrĂ°r, Sing, Iceberg, Fury3, Wings of Mercy3, Drive Res2, Drive Atk2 Legendary Tiki [+HP -Atk] Divine Breath, Draw Back, Moonbow, Fierce Stance, Bold Fighter3, With Everyone!, Quick Riposte3 Starting positions: Halloween Niles in the middle, Legendary Tiki at the bottom, PA!Azura to the left, and Bridelia above. Strategy below.
  15. Relatively simple actually, save a few hiccups figuring out what does what, who goes where, and why Kinshi!Hinoka repositioned Ishtar to directly in front of the unit I wanted her to get away from. Video to come, because internet is being dumb and not uploading fast enough... EDIT: Video is here! If I may say, it's okay to take the effects of Aversa's Night on units you are sure won't be entering combat, or are still able to net the kill despite the debuffs, such as Bows against Fliers or Lewyn being Lewyn.
  16. I... do not claim to understand anything being said whatsoever, but I think I get it. Something like a tree, where each branch has its own smaller branches, which each has its own even smaller branches, and all over each leaf would be it's own world... makes the name Yggdrasil, The World Tree, make a lot more sense. We each have our own Yggdrasil branch, if not our own Yggdrasil among a Yggdrasil forest. I need to simplify what I'm trying to understand, shush ...one question I'd like to pose, what do you think is happening to all the worlds we summon these heroes from? I mean, it does not sound like we are simply copying each hero from their world, but rather taking the actual person (or spirit essence... thing... if your a 1st gen Genealogy) right from their homeworld. Will there even be a world left for them to return to when Askr's battle is over? Besides general units, we are taking actual leaders, generals, important figures, and even gods to sit in the barracks and wait to learn if they'll be used for good, sent home, or turned into a book (whatever the creation of Combat Manuals looks like in-universe).
  17. That just raises a number of questions, specifically if they're THAT attached to their weapons as Laevatein is to hers so much that she named herself after her weapon, but then we'd just be WAAAY overthinking the inner workings of a game that probably didn't put that much detailed thought into making cool sounding names for everyone. ...oh that's also my overall opinion on the matter. It could just be the 9 realms of Yggdrasil adapted into a single throwaway line, or it could be a subtle reference to the number of worlds that we could possibly be summoning our Heroes from, which begs to question when we can summon Rowan, Lianna, and Darios... Side thought, couldn't there not actually be a Warriors world and that world actually in fact be the world of the Achanea world remakes, so the first world is Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Genealogy of the Holy War, and Thracia 776, while the Remake world is Shadow Dragon, NMotE, Echoes, as well as Awakening and possible Genealogy + Thracia remakes? I'm all for the possibility of getting the World of Jugdral released in the west officially.
  18. Is that supposed to be a mistake? Just do as Bob Ross and call it a Happy Accident or whatever it was.
  19. Not that I can find, but then I'm not even really looking all that hard.
  20. And the stats are revealed. Literally none of them were surprising in any way. ...oh I'll keep it all spoilered just in case.
  21. I personally find that her good dual-phase performance means slightly more than her Enemy-phase necessity, though you can also opt to forego Spirit Breath in favor of a Def forged Lightning Breath and focus entirely on her enemy phase, though personally I'd run +Spd -Res. EDIT: Question, who are units that are generally accepted as "okay" to send home for feathers? I know the needs of a player will vary depending on what wants to be done, but I don't mean anything like "If you don't need Swap, it's alright to send home any Arthurs, Seths, and Stahls you get", I literally mean the only reason you want to keep X unit around is because you want them as merge fodder.
  22. I'm sure he'll have good Spd, Def, and Res (or at least, his starting Res is higher than Gray and Tobin) based solely on how he has good in every stat in Echoes, while his Atk is kinda... meh? Not great but not bad? Kinda reminds me of Mathilda... Plus no matter how bad his Def is, his base kit still tacks on +9 Def, so it'll be decent no matter what.
  23. I just realized Kliff is probably the first offensive unit a person would care to have as a neutral or even -Atk bane unit, just so you can secure the effects of Saggitae against as many units as possible. ...oh god, is Donnel gonna get a personal weapon with his own Underdog effect?
  24. I don't recall either map she is fought in having reinforcements, however there is also the Wellspring of Truth, whose map pitted the players army against exact copies of the players army, save for weapons and support levels. It'd be interesting if we were against enemy units wielding the weapons of Askr, Muspell, and Nifl units.
  25. She wields Goetia, the A rank Legendary Dark Tome of Awakening, in her enemy encounters, so there may be that. It doesn't have any special effects in Awakening though, so it's anyones guess what it does. There's also Aversa's Night, which is a stronger variant of Nosferatu. ...also keep in mind that since the image is from the Normal mode of the map she appears in, all the enemies are using either Iron or Steel rank weaponry, including Aversa, who is using the Dark versions of Red Tomes.
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