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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. I kind of hope they take another crack at an Arcane Sword at some point before they "retire" Rearmed heroes. Eljudnir is currently the only one that lacks universal synergy with all units by virtue of not having any Spd boosts attached to it, which unfortunately Sword units tend to prefer high Spd. I am happy to see Brave Roy getting some love when it always felt hard to justify using him over Eliwood. Lowkey though, I hope they retain his "Roy's our boy!" line. It also still strikes me as weird that Camilla still doesn't have a Resplendent. I pointed it out before, but she's the only one of the original 8 focus units (Marth, Tiki, Roy, Lyn, Lucina, Male Robin, and Takumi being the others, and all of whom have special summoning animations that are no longer used) to still not have a Resplendent. Yes she's not really relevant anymore, if she ever was (Arcane Downfall can breathe life into her of course), but neither were any of the other original 8 when their Resplendents were released.
  2. Don't be me and forget to unsub from Feh Pass. Nearly screwed me over if I hadn't caught the purchase complete email...
  3. I don't think we've had a dual Mythic remix yet, so I think Legendary Celica would be a more likely appearance alongside Peony, assuming they don't care about the two remix units sharing the same unit type (Green Tome Infantry) and letting her go with Thrasir.
  4. I was not aware people cared enough about HoF reruns to force an outcome with such... okay I guess units. I mean I guess their refines are on the horizon...?
  5. I personally feel that Lyn is the only one who can be considered "good" as a unit, especially since she grants a Special Charge after every combat she lives through. Eirika doesn't feel like she has all the tools available to her to perform that much better than other G.Fliers (still good, just not amazing), while anything I say about Lucina probably won't change your stance. I'd vouch for Lyn. If you like her as a unit, that's great. If you don't, Godlike Reflexes and Spd Smoke 4 are now up for grabs for someone else, such as the newly released Lumera. Eirika's ASoath4 is really what you want from her, and it does enable many units to be better offensively, while Lucina's offerings are mostly tailored to speedy armors.
  6. Do you still have Free Summon tickets? We got 9 of them between the event and forging bonds. If you have at least 4 then I'd say go for it, since you would only need to spend 45 orbs total after the tickets are used. An extra 15 orbs for Veronica's rerun might not seem like much, but Alear also has a unique support effect that by itself makes her worth trying to summon.
  7. I'm willing to forgive them if the reason the Forging Bonds suck is because Engage is not released yet (or was known not to be released before the units were put into FEH), ergo the characterization and in-depth background of the characters is not allowed to be made known at risk of spoiling any aspects of the game. ...ONLY if that's the reason. And damn be IntSys if they decide to repeat past mistakes by releasing another Engage banner next month, ergo ANOTHER crappy Forging Bonds.
  8. I personally prefer keeping Push 4 skills off units who need to stay above an HP threshold, mainly for longer battles or battles where they will need to enter combat more than a few times (in the case of Veronica it'd take maybe 5 combats for her base 38 HP to go below 25% assuming she never takes a single hit.) As such, even if she doesnt have a way to inflict penalties by herself, AScatch4 seems like a solid option. Better would probably be Finish since the full effects of her refined Prf want her near allies already, but she'd have to be a completely different movement type for that... Seal Res 4 is good as-is. There are unfortunately not that many alternatives available to Tome Fliers, with S/R Far Trace being an alright consolation prize. Since Veronica already has a team-spread ASoath4 in her refined Prf, Rein/Hold is probably the next best option. Panic Smoke or Def/Res Smoke might also be good options if you wish to better enable her allies kills.
  9. I know absolutely nothing about Engage. Hell I don't even know if it's released! ...don't tell me if it is or not, I'll check after I post this. Anyway...
  10. Inf. Spd Tactic is, as stated, a situational skill. On average you just have a higher SP version of Spd Tactic. At best your Infantry allies benefit if they don't already have a NFU effect in their kit. At worst... well it just does nothing and you have a largely wasted S slot. I'm not personally a big fan of the recovery skills, so I don't have much to offer in that regard. If you want to try and use Fjorm offensively, you can always go for other Flier-based offensive skills. Oath 4 grants her the Guidance effect, which can be notable for letting her attack or heal in places she could not have otherwise.
  11. They will probably announce the results in the Anniversary Feh Channel, since that's coming up.
  12. Only voted 3 times for Maiko. Probably not gonna make even top 100, but I honestly can't be bothered to care that much anyway...
  13. After looking it up, that'd explain why I wasn't aware of it since I still haven't played any Tellius games.
  14. This has veered waaaaaay out of the topic of Feh, but a few last points I wanna make before we all silently agree to go quiet again until the next Resplendent Hero is revealed to be Wrys. It's not fair to compare a scenario where a person is unaware of their attacker (or is aware but is unable to do anything about it themselves) to a scenario where a person is actively trying to kill their attacker. And in the modern scenario, the stalked is probably not trained in self-defense. In Fire Emblem, every single playable unit is able to hold their own in combat against the likes of trained soldiers, abominable monsters, dragons, and sealed away eldrich horrors. It's important to remember that society was way different in medieval times. Someone from Coloniel American times with the same values as back then would never make it in the modern age. Hell, in reality none of the women in FE would probably even be allowed near active battlefields that didn't start in their own still-standing village, especially when the usually-feminine role of medic can be performed by a Priest. We aren't saying it's not smart to dress to protect, we're discussing the dress code values of a fictional medieval age. It seems weird to talk about "drawing aggro" in a game where aggro manipulation isn't easy to do. There's no skill that a defensive unit like Hector or Benny can use to force enemy units to specifically attack them (the Savior skills are more like Defense Stance from Fates in that regard), it's mostly just having the right combination of stats/weapon/current health that has enemies decide if it's better to attack you or the person next to you.
  15. Probably a matter of confidence too. It's not like every single women in the FE series wears less, and the ones who do are definitely confident about their bodies and/or abilities (well... Olivia is an exception...) It's also worth noting that as-is, quite a few men do show off their muscles when allowed. Even if it's not the exact same level of exposure as women, men would definitely be better off protecting their biceps and pecs instead of showing them off. Those who don't are either knights or nobles, or they're scrawny and have little to show anyway, which there are a few women like that as well, though not to the same ratio as men I don't think. Besides, regardless of reasoning it's always going to come down to fanservice. Some people put thought into the reasoning why things have to be this way (the armor that protects your bodies from the bad stuff was short on material, so we're going to cover just the important parts), and others let the fans do the thinking, if they even bother caring about why Miss Sexytime is only allowed to wear chainmail bikinis and heels. It's just that extra layer of thought that gives some people satisfaction. That too. And the enemy men are... definitely not thinking with their brains a lot of the time.
  16. Clearly can't apply to men because we're already being weighed down by our big burly muscles *kisses flexed shoulder beef* I am of course joking. I don't even have muscles... The Robins and Corrins I think have slight differences in personality, if going off their unique support conversations and certain dialogue differences, but otherwise yes the other avatars should basically be the same person. Not like it's hard for the Byleths to be the same person... (Can't really comment on if the Shez's are the same or not, haven't seen them as characters outside of Heroes) It could also be a sort of invoked sex appeal. Since 95% of the enemies fought are men (or presumed men under all the armor they wear), and a solid fraction of those men are barbarians who DEFINITELY are partly in the business of kidnapping women, with another fraction not being that above it either, it's very possible that women purposefully wear less clothing in order to try and distract the very barbaric men they have to fight. This is still medieval times after all... Which still doesn't explain FemByleth's clothes by the way. Seriously she expresses less emotion than a tomato someone drew on with sharpie, she has no business in that getup.
  17. My bad I thought you were just talking about alts. Kris is somewhat odd because I'm fairly certain both of their outfits are just the default Mercenary/Myrmidon outfits for NMotE given some touchups for them specifically, so Kris has the (albeit somewhat flimsy) excuse that she's just in regular combat gear, which becomes flimsier when considering there are no "regular" female myrmidons to compare to, and the only other female myrmidon in the game being Malice, so really it's just weird. Shez is in an odder boat, because technically they are both Myrmidons (albeit with heavy modifications to the uniform), but this time we do have regular female Myrmidons to compare to, and they are just as dressed as the males are. Why FemShez removes the pants is a mystery to everyone... Myrmidons have a history of bearing lighter and less clothing overall, so in that aspect it makes sense, but it doesn't explain why only the women seem to wear less clothes overall... I'd honestly chalk it up to a general outlook on female depictions in media, in which even the less sexualized Kris and Shez are still prone to being less covered than their male counterparts. Not to mention females are usually depicted as more agile, and less clothing (or in some cases tighter clothing) means more speed, and the only "slow" FemAvatar is the far more covered up FemRobin when she isn't possessed by Grima. Though now that you bring it up, Byleth, based solely off her regular outfit, I'm now convinced someone had a hots for their teacher thing going on, because lorewise there's no way in hell FemByleth would ever decide to wear THAT on her own...
  18. I feel like this has only really been a problem with FemCorrin specifically, because FemRobin and FemByleth really only have their Summer alts that can be considered purely "fanservice" outfits. FemRobin's Rearmed alt is pretty skintight in the torso, but it's otherwise not showing all that much skin or exposing any lower body at all, cleavage aside in any other outfits. Hell, I'd almost say that MaleRobin has more "sexy" art if only because of the Male Grima artist (Okuma Yugo) FemByleth's non-summer outfits are more showy, but not quite so much to the same extreme as Corrin's have been (not to mention she only has three alts to FemCorrin's six) FemKris and FemShez simply do not have any/enough alts to be able to properly compare.
  19. Remind me who will be returning in the Hall of Forms? I don't remember seeing who won the poll, or anyone discussing the results. February should be the month of the Feh Anniversary, so there's a lot that hasn't been mentioned yet... exciting.
  20. Thing is that Arcane Grima just isn't available all the time, and doesn't have the guarantee of being rerun more than twice until she gets added to the 4* special pool in 3 or 4 years. In that regard, her best option is to either try to use Gloom Breath or try to run a different dragonstone, none of which offer Spd increases. It isn't like seasonal units who get one guaranteed rerun a year and even have a chance of having a combat manual being given out in the limited time exchange.
  21. I free summoned Nino. +HP -Atk. ...Khadein Nino! Very glad it wasn't one of the other two Ninos...
  22. Since Corrin has Foe Penalty Doubler on her refined Prf weapon, she could theoretically be paired with someone who inflicts all stat -6 on the enemy at the start of turn en masse (Gregor immediately comes to mind) and then also inherit Panic Smoke 4 (we do have an opportunity to get it with Khadein Ursula) to effectively triple the enemies debuffs. That'd be -18 to all of the enemies stats total not counting any theoretical Panicked stats, as well as assuming no penalty nullification or Unity effects are in play. I am kind of tempted to get her... the only thing stopping me is the fact that I don't otherwise have any investment in using her when all of my other units are already so good. Plus the only unit I own who can inflict that many penalties en masse is Yune. Maybe if we had a Sabotage Atk or Sabotage Spd sacred seal, then Pirate Vida could help out as well...
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