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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Nah Bowser was officially let into WiR. If Wikipedia can be believed, they even tried to find a place for Mario that wouldn't steal the spotlight, but couldn't. Ironic, considering Sonic was let in... @Anacybele To be fair, if I know the incident referred to, I probably could have realized you meant you didn't have a unit sooner than I thought you didn't believe Micaiah could survive a hit from Terrace Sigurd... apologies for that.
  2. Fighter Banner pity exhausted! Effie unfortunately, but I'm just glad to say it's done and over with. +HP -Spd, just a hair away from the +Atk -Spd I'd have prefered. Well... shoot. I don't really care to summon from Festival in Hoshido, so... guess I'll get an orb stock started for the other not-daily banners coming soon. At least those hastily spent 7 orbs from before my phone change weren't totally wasted...
  3. For a Firesweep build using a nature that doesn't boost either offensive stat, that is still a solid setup you have on Oscar. LnD3 and an Atk or Spd boosting SS would probably serve better if you can't get Horse buffs or Tactics on him, though LnD3 might still be an elusive skill for some... @SilvertheShadow Desperation is useless with a Firesweep though, the enemy can't counterattack anyways. Desperation would make better sense on a Slaying Lance or Harmonic Lance build though.
  4. It isn't though, @Sunwoo brought up the fact as well, and it is, in fact, somewhat relevant that you did quote a comment made 3 weeks ago. Again, you don't try to convince someone that Vegas is better than Disneyland Florida when they only brought it up once in passing weeks ago. Maybe bad example, but IMO anything that happened and stopped being relevant for at least 24 hours is ancient history on a forum. In fact, we wouldn't even have known about that comment had you just @mentioned Vax instead of directly quoting him. ...actually it wasn't even a discussion, nobody ever quoted or even directly acknowledged that comment from Vax within at least a few pages of him making the comment??? How did you even remember he ever made that comment... @Mackc2 I say she is female because of Warriors at least, since her main storymode appearances, separate from History Mode, depict her as Female. And in fairness, Corrin's personality does match up with more feminine traits than male. Even in some of M!Corrin's Rank S supports, which for the most part are specifically tailored to a Male Corrin, he doesn't come off as all that... male? Same with Robin, but most of Robin's personality traits more aligning with Male, so on so forth.
  5. Huh... quite the argument you guys are having... not argument as in "No IKE is better/No, Ike SUCKS" as re-enacted by children, just, y'know, a court of law argument. More adult-y. I have no say on the direct matter, still haven't played PoR or RD so all I know of Ike comes from Heroes, Wikipedia, Smash Bros, and Awakening DLC. Sure I support Ike when he appears, but usually the competition is so barren that why wouldn't I vote for him? I'm not quite that much a Corrin hater myself... I mean, she literally is a sheltered princess who has naive ideals, what I find terrible about her is that so many people put so much unnecessary stock in her side that it borders unrealistic. But if she were the naive young princess in any other FE game, then she'd fit perfectly. Also Corrin is female, fite me. You literally brought up a discussion that not only happened in the past, but that everyone completely forgot about. You may as well have just tried to convince Vax that Las Vegas is a better vacationing spot than Disneyland Florida, meanwhile that argument was at least a month ago and Vax doesn't even remember ever having it with you.
  6. Urg, I've been getting a little to lenient with who I'm willing to abstain from... Fjorm Rating: 7.5/10 While her close-range walling is lackluster, Fjorm is one of the better non-bow and non-Blue Tome ranged walls available, and can build up a lot of damage if the attack was powerful enough via Ice Mirror. For a free unit, she's great, but compared to most other ranged walls, she kinda begins to stand out far less... Winter's Envoy Tharja Rating: 8.5/10 Tharja went with as much bulk as she could get with just dropping her Speed and Armor stats, and it pays off. Her defensive game is deadly, and her offensive game can get pretty brutal as well. With how little Speed she has though, she does need keep an eye out for who she can't wall completely though, as her OHKO game isn't that great with just normal hits.
  7. Huh... just got a new phone to replace the broken speaker-cracked screen protector old one I've been using up to now, and I thought all Orbs didn't carry over when restoring data, so I used up the 7 orbs I had left at the time on one summon and some barrack expanding, but then when restoring data it said Orbs would be carried over... I wonder if the hasty use of those 7 orbs is gonna impact my ability to exhaust the pity on Fighter skills banner...
  8. I more or less abstained from Azura and Olivia, but I'm not abstaining from the unit I spent all of a month to pull. Witchy Nowi Rating: 8/10 Call it bias, but Nowi still serves as a good choice for an offensive Red Mage thanks to flying status allowing her to attack from angles others may find harder to attack from, and her default tome is fun to play with, if lacking for direct combat purposes. Her defensive ability is shoddy though. Hallowed Henry Rating: 8.5/10 With good offensive ability and great Resistance, Henry has the making of an offensive Armor who can also Ploy you for even better results. Defense is bad, and HP is horrid for being an Armor, but I suppose something had to go down to keep his other stats up... just keep him safe from Armor slaying weaponry.
  9. I doubt it's Battle of the Seasonal Dancers myself. Once it starts at least, you'd only have the spanning of the first round to get whatever dancers you'd want for the gauntlet, and after that tough luck. I don't exactly remember past history with Banner availability compared to Voting Gauntlets, but I'd at least assume they'd want a banner with units on the gauntlet to last throughout the duration of the Gauntlet. Could it be CYL2? Yeah it could, but it could also just be a normally themed banner. I'd gladly accept Hoshido vs Nohr, it's such an obvious gauntlet...
  10. Full-pull from Festival in Hoshido gave me no dancers, but it did give me +Res -Atk Lute. Already have +Res -HP Lute, so this Lute is either merge fodder or Res Ploy fodder, whichever is most needed (probably the merge if I'm honest). Well that was a successful pull, if I do say so myself! Didn't get any of the seasonal units, but got the headache of exhausting any pity rate out of the way by never getting a pity rate in the first place, so I can now focus on exhausting the pity rate on Fighters banner. Plus I didn't want any of the seasonals anyways.
  11. Just as likely, though, is Veronica, whose base form hasn't even been seen in a while. ...actually, that's more likely than Marth, if I were to be realistic... I'm not sure that the extended time period actually means anything, because Forging Bonds now so far has coincided with new additions to the normal Summoning Pool perfectly. Whether the banner time has expanded because of Forging Bonds, or if Forging Bonds is to help further promote the New Heroes Summoning Banner of the month, is yet to be told though, since the two banners are so far our only samples to examine. Keep in mind as well, the original Brave Heroes banner did not last any longer or shorter, at least to a notable extent, than any other banners did at the time. @Fire Emblem Fan It's actually in the Notifications on the FEH Castle Screen.
  12. I... never said that? Lucina and Robin were revealed in the original Smash 4 trailer, while Chrom was there as well, but more or less designated to being in Robin's Final Smash. And then EVERYONE IS HERE, which includes Lucina and Robin, and now in today's Smash Direct Chrom was confirmed playable.
  13. yeah it's about Smash, Killing Edge that looks like standard FE Killing Edge is in Ultimate, standard sword attack that becomes extra strong when the blade glows (ala Critical Hits now that I think about it...), also Chrom is playable after being teased in Smash 4 trailer for Lucina and Robin as being excluded.
  14. There is no way I could possibly respond to this without sounding stupid as either a FE fan or a SBB fan is there...
  15. Killing Edge is definitely a Fire Emblem Item, right? We finally have a Fire Emblem item, right?
  16. I asked before, but do you think this means we can expect Poison Dagger and Kitty Paddle to receive refinery upgrades finally?
  17. ...so since these new daggers have effective damage, 12 might, probably forgable, and trigger the Dagger Debuffs on all units regardless of who is attacked, does that mean we'll finally be able to forge Poison Dagger and Kitty Paddle to not only have equal might, but also trigger Dagger debuffs on all units, not just who they're effective on?
  18. Performing Arts Shigure Actual Rating: 6.5/10 Saving Shigure from a low score is the ability to Sing allies back into action. While he can still run with RavenAdept pretty well, he doesn't necessarily compare to the other Mage Dancer when using it, and generally speaking Shigure may disappoint if expecting exemplar results. Performing Arts Inigo Actual Rating: 7.5/10 Being Green and faster than Shigure gives Inigo some advantages that make him more desirable than Shigure. While being a Ranged Dancer still hurts, Inigo at least doesn't distribute his stats quite as shoddily as Shigure did. Welp, if this is how I judge the kids, I wonder just how bad I'll be handing it to the moms... well, Olivia anyways.
  19. Oh no, can't be Sumeragi. I know what you mean, but we only ever see Sumeragi as either being shot dead, or as a dead minion of Anankos. He'd be more likely as a candidate for some sort of Dead Rising banner than a seasonal banner featuring yukatas or whatever the theme is this month.
  20. To be honest, when I looked at who we are all calling Ryoma, I first thought it was Subaki.
  21. Fury 3 or Life and Death 3 are the two options most Bladetomes go for. Fury 3 is an overall boost that also makes it easier to edge the unit into Desperation range without concern of taking heavy damage, while Life and Death is a slightly better offensive boost while lowering defenses, essentially making it so the unit has to enter Desperation range via taking a decently strong hit. While I'd like to suggest Brazen Atk/Spd, the first battle performance is important, and you sacrifice that performance for strong performance in later battles. Since she is -Spd, I'd personally pick Life and Death and put a Spd +3 SS on her to patch up the lost Speed. Not only that, but it'd take two rounds of combat without taking damage to enter Desperation range with just Fury 3 damage. In standard Arena battles, that's half the enemy team dead before Desperation is triggered.
  22. I had nothing much to say about Leo, and Corrin I forgot about. So no rating for them from me. Summer Xander Rating: 7/10 Xander is just as defensive as he is on a horse, but is just as resilient, which is to say not at all. With the lack of Axes for inheritance, Xander doesn't really have much to play around with, but he still goes for defensive really well. Summer Elise Rating: 7/10 While not the most amazing offensive Green Mage, Elise still brings raw power to the table, and notably is capable of running Gronnblade just as well as Nino is. Hindered by no defensive ability may not even be an equal tradeoff considering the power Elise can pack so long as she can survive just one hit.
  23. To be completely honest, I'm all burned out on seasonal banners now... even if any of the Fates beasts are featured, I just can't get excited for them... I'll be focusing on trying to get Grima from the Fighters banner if the game doesn't mind...
  24. Correct and Noted. ...it could also be one of those muscle shirts that has the image of a bodybuilder torso on it... It could work, Kiran's from our time after all.
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