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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Hrm... specifically sniping Green orbs from Fighter Skills banner gave me nothing, but I noticed something... It's been a long time since I summoned a Bartre. Even one of a crummy nature.
  2. So flat chested, you don't even need to wrap your chest flat to pass off as a dude!
  3. Figured since I have nothing else to do, I'd clear both the kill quests for this GHB rerun. Fjorm I guess doesn't need Speed +3, but she did on a previous run.
  4. Shiro +Def -HP from Quick Riposte banner. Free summon was 4* Leon, but hey whatever, we get 4 orbs for free a day now.
  5. "And" I don't. Sure I'm hovering around 50 or 60, but that's not a stash I have to complete quests that only just started. I have that stash for things like training units, blazing through quest rewards for TT when there's only a few days left, and such. I still don't think it's stamina friendly (I have other stamina needs to), and in fact I think I found a map that can be used to get the kills just as easily: Chapter 7 Part 3: Baffling Labrynth. The walls limit the enemies that can properly attack Wrys to Nino and the Blue Mage, neither of which will be able to do much damage, and Wrys himself can poke at each of the other units safely, for the most part anyways, and no one has enough Res to properly wall Wrys. It's cramped, but you can still surround Wrys in two dancers. Plus there's 5 enemies, so at best you can clear the quest in one go. EDIT: Okay it's actually possible even with just +Def -Atk Azama, Pain+, and Fortress Res 1 SS (Renewal and Threaten Atk 3 might help to). Azama takes no damage from the enemies, deals no damage in return, but still inflicts 10 damage to each enemy within 2 spaces after each battle. The way I had it set up, he was also taking blows from Nino for a while, so the Sword Infantry couldn't get near Wrys to attack him. Meanwhile, Wrys is able to poke each enemy once and get 5 kills.
  6. Note the fact that that is VERY stamina-hungry. Again, my Wrys is -Atk, and considering his Attack is already Odin-levels of bad to begin with, plus Staff damage modifier, even an Armor is only taking like 10 damage per hit. And yes that is with Assault. ...now that I think about it, wouldn't it have been easier to Pain+ spam on that map with Zephiel and Narcian...?
  7. Honestly, I can't think of anyone. Alm is pretty much the only "smart" user of it, and even he might prefer something a little more offensive to guarantee he gets kills with Double Lion Falchion, Chill Def comes to mind. Here's the Windweep Builds page on Gamepedia, and here is the Windsweep page on Gamepress. The Gamepress page specifically highlights most of what I have to say on Windsweep, but basically a middling-Speed Brave user seems your best bet, given that it replicates the Double Lion-Windsweep that Alm can do, but weaker, reliant on Phantom Speed, but not limited to being at 100% HP, and still gets in two attacks despite Windsweep canceling out proper follow-ups. Think Soleil, ASS!Takumi, Cherche without a -Spd bane and a Hone Fliers boost, and HatF!Alfonse. Specifically, all but Soleil can receive their respective Hone Movement type buffs to help with triggering Windsweep. Reinhardt with some serious Speed stacking could work to. I highly doubt you'll get a burst of inspiration though, and I think a Brave user would prefer a Breaker or Chill Def anyways, just taking the kill instead of not dying because you didn't get the kill, so I'd just merge and take the merge level stats on your base Alm.
  8. I swear to god, if they release another summer banner with even more characters I'd like to summon, I'm gonna need a bucket and lid to scream into...
  9. Er.... yeah...! Yep, you did it...! Here, have a pegasus-shaped cookie...! No one tell them the truth.
  10. Aaand I gone done it now. Killer Lance+, which will become a Defense refined Slaying Lance. Bonfire. Fury 3. These were the skills passed on to a certain unit. Care to guess who it is I promoted to 5*? Here's a hint, it's someone who I've promoted many times before, but others may not find any strong reason to.
  11. Nino: just use her, probably have her built up already. Robin: Give him TA3 and Swordbreaker, reset Training Tower til one of the Lunatic Stratums have 5 units consisting of swords, Red Tomes, and Colorless units. Wrys: Bring two units with Pain+ and Savage Blow, Savage Blow SS optional but prefered, and a Dancer, then have the two of them weaken the enemy til they only have 1 HP, then make sure Wrys is slightly buffed in Attack because if you are like me you're just using the -Atk Wrys you've been saving for a rainy day, and proceed to poke the weakened foe. But immediately reset if you see a unit with 33 Res or more, an A passive that boosts Res when being attacked, or Dull Ranged, because then it's just a waste of time trying to kill them with Wrys. Someone at IS knows exactly how we like our units and trolled us with Wrys... also, can we get Three Heroes with rewards being Accessories based on the chosen heroes? Like, Robin could be his cloaks hood, Nino could be her hairband, and Wrys could give a Vulnerary to sit on the players head.
  12. It'd be a good idea even if you don't think you'll be using it often. I'll list one good reason why: Wrys. That freaking clergyman is gonna be a pain to get kills for in Three Heroes, and I'm glad I have Lucius and Azama to safely weaken the enemy for him when the time comes. I might even consider promoting Wrys before Three Heroes just so I can put Slow+ on him and make sure he has at least 30 Atk with -Atk... ...but I mean, it's still a pretty deadly combo, Savage Pain is. Just watch for Vantage and you're more or less good.
  13. Hey @Anacybele, wanna try to take a crack at this one again? Summer Frederick Rating: 6/10 Frederick doesn't really compare to modern daggers that well, but still holds a bit of potential thanks to Spectrum Push on the Seashell. His physical bulk also lets him absorb melee hits better than most daggers could have otherwise. His weakest point is his Magic bulk, so maybe consider keeping him away from the especially fast/bulky/reiny ones. Summer Gaius Rating: 6/10 Gaius has good Speed without sacrificing too much in the way of power, and has the Res to trigger Defense Ploy a fair number of times. He could be considered Setsuna but better in a way, but unlike her Gaius is not good at taking hits at all.
  14. Summer Robin Rating: 5/10 Robin is a very balanced unit statwise, which works with and against her. No matter what you do, she won't be the best at it, but she is flexible enough that she can still do what you need her to do. It's all in her boon/bane and how you build her. Summer Tiki (Adult) Rating: 5.5/10 Tiki's not necessarily good enough to warrant using over some other Axe units, but she certainly comes with a good amount of bulk by default. She's also strong, so expect her to be doing at least some damage.
  15. I, uh... I couldn't resist the temptation... I regret nothing. +HP -Def Glorious Archer Lucina. I mean, not saying the nature is good, but... it's certainly better than what I thought it was (I thought it was -Spd for a moment...) Okay, NOW orb saving time. Even if I did get a 5* on each of the daily skill banners I full summoned on, I need to save these orbs now more than ever.
  16. That was quite the server death, eh? Anyways, got Rhajat from Fury banner (off by a few banners, but whatever). +Res -Atk, the reverse of the Rhajat I have built. Not sure if I wanna give anyone a Wolftome yet, but if not that, then Distant Defense 3.
  17. I learned something interesting today! Turns out, the 0 a stat can be when a unit is low level, such as via Life and Death 3, is not 0 internally: Internally, it is counted as a negative value, so if a unit has 3 Defense, and they have Life and Death 3 equipped, it's considered -2 internally. For battle purposes, I assume the visible value is read, not the internal value. Dunno, didn't learn THAT much. This internal value is read for buffs, not the visible value, so if that unit were to be buffed by, say, Rally Def/Res or UrĂ°r/Skuld, they would only get +1 to their Defense instead of +3. And when the unit level up, any increases to Defense are read still read, so that +1 becomes a +2. Of course, this means literally nothing because we're all using Lv 40 units who seem to only be able to have minimum 5 in a stat via -Def/-Res bane and LnD3, but nobody ever said knowledge had to be useful now.
  18. The only units I could possibly think of wanting Spd/Def Bond are enemy-phase units who specialize in Speed and Defense... which the only one I can think of who fits the bill would be Nephenee. Sharena would be interesting to give it to, since it'd stack with refined Fensalir, but she is far from my next Divine Dew refine...
  19. Decided to exhaust the pity rates on a few banners... ASS!Takumi with +Def -HP. Technically neutral, more importantly he isn't -Spd, YES. WE!Lissa, +Atk -Def, literally the same as the WE!Lissa I kept. Ugh... for having some interesting focus units, this Legendary Banner really let me down... ...well, that was until this became the Day of the Kinshi. +Spd -Def on two separate Kinshi Knights, Ryoma and Hinoka! I can finally reverse the horrid nature that was on my Kinshi Hinoka finally, AND I have the Legendary Samurai finally! ...still don't have a Fire hero, but whatever. I'll be saving the rest of the orbs I bought for whatever comes next, since the only longterm summoning goal I have left now is Maribelle... and honestly, summoning her now is a lost cause.
  20. I got HNY!Camilla with a horrid nature. Obviously not gonna keep her when my base HNY!Camilla is better, but what I wanna know is not if I should merge into my base HNY!Camilla or if I should fodder her, moreso... should I expect Spd/Def Bond to be put in the Summoning Pool anytime soon? I ask because it doesn't really feel like it will, given HNY!Camilla is still the only holder of it and pretty much all the holders of Bond skills are limited-time units (Save BSW!Hinoka), but I also don't know what the pattern is for skills once exclusive to seasonal/limited time units being put into the normal summoning pool. ...plus it might be fun to give Spd/Def Bond to Sharena given the new refine...
  21. Bride Lyn Rating: 7.5/10 I know rating should take into account maximum potential and such, but Lyn comes by default with one of the deadlier, if harder to use, effects among Healers: the ability to disable enemy counterattacks. Without that one benefit, every weapon on your side becomes a Firesweep Weapon, and you can sweep units safely without worry of triggering deadly specials or generally powerful attacks. Herself though, Lyn is on the faster yet weaker side of things. Bride Cordelia Rating: 8/10 Cordelia may not be THE strongest Bow anymore, but she is still one of the strongest bows available to lucky seasonal summoners. An emphasis on Attack and Speed where some of the best bows are both Strong AND Fast is only hurt by Cordelia being an Infantry unit.
  22. My own is +Res -Atk, so I guess I feel you, but I gave mine Fury 3 and she still hits 40 Atk with Kitty Paddle. Since she's mostly going to be targeting mages, who generally don't have enough HP and Defense to resist what becomes 60 Atk, I don't find it that big a deal. Doesn't mean I won't replace it if I ever get -Def.
  23. Bridal Caeda Rating: 6/10 Spring Lucina but with actually good Res. Bridal Caeda can trigger Ploys on the enemy with that Res stat, which puts her ahead of Lucina slightly. Of course, the extra Res came from somewhere, and it certainly wasn't her Attack or Speed (the latter increasing slightly even). Bridal Charlotte Rating: 7/10 Charlotte's offenses are high enough that a standard Brave Lance set is enough to get her by alone. While she doesn't have much defensive ability, she can still make some use of her First Bite if need be, though her Speed can leave something to be desired when trying to take hits.
  24. Fuck FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHY DID I GET FREE SUMMON MIA FROM DAILY SKILL BANNER??? And... she is +Atk -Spd. But still, I was expecing to get trash like always, maybe 3* Hinata to be funny, not freaking Mia. And she is still pretty fast as is. I'll just slap Fury, Swordbreaker, and Moonbow on her and improvise the rest of her kit. ...also Henry and Seth, but neither are worth mentioning otherwise.
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