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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Spring Chrom Rating: 6/10 Chrom certainly has the ability to pull his own weight. It won't be a performance equal to other, more recent axe users, and even some launch units, but he can still serve well with decent Attack, Speed, and Defense. Spring Camilla Rating: 6/10 Camilla can be deadly in a Triangle Advantage with RavenAdept, or launch Emerald Blades from on high with Gronnblade. While she isn't the best Green Tome Flier now that she isn't the only Green Tome Flier anymore, she still does a good job of tanking bow hits via RavenAdept. Not many fliers outside of Iotes Shield can boast that.
  2. If it seems a good investment, then you should. I myself forgot about Chill passives, and Celica without LnD3 is just fast/powerful enough to avoid triggering "Highest Attack/Speed" chills and some of the "Lowest Speed" chills.
  3. How do I want to build an Arena Defense team? My Arena Defense team has always been my Arena Offense team, so I've always wound up only getting about one win a week, at best. I wanna try to guarantee at least one Def win a week though, so what is it I wanna do to guarantee at least that one win? I'm not concerned about SCORE, mind you.
  4. @Ginko @mampfoid For what it's worth, given my history with Elincia, I am glad she is so strong and fast. Even with all the swords I've received and built since then, she remains very strong in most scenarios I lay out for her. ...now that I think about it, I could give Raven Flashing Blade, since the difference of 5 or more Speed is the same as getting a double, which he usually gets anyways, and Elincia can keep Heavy Blade... hehe, this Legendary Hero Battle has awoken a demon within this summoner... @Radiant Dragon I'm actually not all that concerned about Lucy in the Arena. Call it my cockiness from having WE!Robin and LA!Hector on my main Arena team, but I still feel Lucina is really hard on this particular map because there's so many units in a single area she can Future Vision with that she is almost unpredicable, meanwhile in an Arena it feels easier to predict the enemies movement.
  5. What worries me is that because Celica doesn't have that good a defensive spread, any form of retaliation will heavily damage her even without the after-combat damage, so even with Renewal she'd need Healer support to get back to 100% HP, and her Attack isn't high enough to simply kill the enemy before they can counterattack like Lilina's is. It's not like Celica has good Res to begin with, even if it's a boon nature. I'd only say bad though, since it is the same boost as LnD3 and is technically worth more in the Arena...
  6. +Atk -Spd would make a Bow user into a Brave Bow user, with Lucina specifically having 44 atk with +Atk. Give her Death Blow, and she'll basically be a physical, Infantry version of Reinhardt. You are otherwise still able to build on Lucina's Speed via A passives and Sacred Seals. Keeping Thogn would be wisest in this scenario, since it gives +3 to Speed unlike a forged bow only giving +2, in addition to the effect it has. +HP -Def is functionally a neutral nature on an offensive unit like Lucina. It does extend her Magical bulk slightly, but is otherwise not much different from pulling a Neutral Bowcina. If you'd want her Speed to be as high as possible and are okay with not having any boosts to her combat, this nature is the way to go.
  7. I think they're the same. When @Tybrosion mentioned it was 2x the other day, I checked and it was the same for my game. I'm downright done with all 4 characters now. A shame you only get 4 orbs for doing what is essentially Training Tower Tenth Stratum but with slightly updated units and no random skills, but hey 8 accessories and a bunch of feathers are all still quite neat.
  8. If I ever call a map "easy", know that my account has been hacked and to shut me down. Even this map, I was trying to run it through with Brave Bow LA!Roy, Nanna, BB!Ninian, and Y!Tiki, but nothing I tried was working. THEN I went back to my main flier team (ToD!Nowi, BB!Ninian, HNY!Azura, and PF!Nino), but not only was that doing me no good, but Lucina was actually using Future Vision and reaching units I didn't think she could reach. It was only when I not only traded out Nino for Elincia, but also gave Elincia Drag Back and Galeforce, that I was able to clear Infernal. I'd only call Lector's map easy because I was using BB!Lyn and Lucius, so Candlelight and Pain, a Dancer, and my Armorsmasher Soleil, so the deadliest units were being rendered unable to counter me and being weakened within minutes, but even that I wouldn't call easy.
  9. Welp, guess we gotta start with the kinda shoddy again... Gh... it's gonna be hard to adjust to the new times. Sring Lucina Rating: 5.5/10 Lucina fails to stand out among the Blue Mages from both before and after the Spring Festival. While her speed is good, she ultimately doesn't have the power or bulk to do much else with it. She still serves whatever role you need her to serve though. Spring Xander. Rating: 6.5/10 Having bulk assisted by Fortify Cavalry is a boon to Xander, especially since there isn't really any bulky Lance Cavs otherwise, but Xander is lacking in power to deal any really notable damage. He is also somewhat outclasses by the defensive Infantry Lances.
  10. Took a lot longer than it should have taken me. For a while I was adamant about using my LA!Roy in the battle, even took the time to give him the Brave Bow I promised him so long ago, but then I realized I was complicating the whole thing. Flier Emblem also wasn't working as well as it should have been though, but then a certain someone was given two skills that she should have had ages ago. Galeforce and Drag Back. Trick or Defeat Nowi is +Atk -Res, Happy New Year Azura is +Atk -Def, Bridal Bloom Ninian is +Atk -Def, and Elincia is +Spd -Res. Turning on Assist animations was a little much in my opinion, but I'm liking Battle animations enough to keep them on in the future. Thank god for the changes to battle music.
  11. Do you know what units she would Future Vision in your run? In my run (successful), the unit in question was the Cleric who spawns next to Lucina, and the cleric had just attacked my Elincia, triggering Gravity on her and my BB!Ninian. Had Lucina gone through with the switch, my run would have been toast. [video is uploading to YT as of typing if you want to see the exact moment]
  12. Hrm... strange... for some reason Bowcina, while I was doing her battle, didn't use Future Vision on a unit who've taken their action already. Can someone stupidly lucky confirm if this is something Future Vision can't do, or did the AI do a dumb dumb?
  13. I'm not too worried about Wrys. Pain+ should be able to weaken the enemy considerably enough that even Wrys can net a few kills.
  14. Even though Life and Death is usually considered better than Swift Sparrow...? Fun facts, there are now 7 default holders of Swift Sparrow in the regular summoning pool (Spring Lucina and Legendary Lucina not withstanding), yet none of them dropped... meanwhile, we only had a whole 3 default holders of LnD in the regular summoning pool for almost a year, two of them were launch units and one of them was added within a month or two, but then all it took was Sothe to make it more readily available... I think Intelligent Systems needs to change their name...
  15. Say... is it just me, or is IS trying to phase out Life and Death by giving everyone who would want it Swift Sparrow, even though no one has dropped to 4* who can learn it?
  16. Out of curiosity, can this thread continue to be active for the purpose of discussion related to things such as the rating of a unit and such, or just general thoughts on doing these RTUs?
  17. At best, the daily banners will be a free summon every day. At worst, absolutely useless. Daily Special Maps don't seem like they'll be that much of a challenge TBH. They never are, unless they're Developer maps. Speaking of which, call me crazy but I'd like to play those again some day... REALLY put my unit roster to the test, why don't you DEVS. Future proofing for units we've been wanting probably since game launch... sneaky.
  18. Welp, I gone done it now. All of Maribelle, Sumia, and Libra have been maxed out, so now I only have Sky Olivia to bond with (ironic, considering she's the only one of the four who I've summoned), but she's so close to max that soon I'll only be doing Forging Bonds for the daily orb. On top of that, besides daily quests there's literally nothing else to do. The Legendary Hero Battle will probably be no more than a sparrows cry on the wind. Grand Conquests will be the only thing to look forward to, but HAHAHA HAHAH AHAHA. ...so anyways I'd like to pose a question: Why are Manakete weapons called "Breath"? Far as I can tell, Manakete weapons have always been called Stones (Divinestone, Dragonstone, etc.), and of the Manaketes we have, three of them do not use Breath attacks in their original game (F!Corrin and the Kanas).
  19. It works exactly the same as Steady Breath. Every time Tiki attacks or takes damage on Enemy Phase, she charges her Special by 2. Honestly, if it were inheritable it'd be just as good on any dragon, not just the Tikis. I mean, it has the Steady Breath effect in it AND dragon effectiveness. Just throw Distant Counter on the Manakete and there's not much the enemy can do. @XRay I was able to check for sure in the simulator: Had the effect been similar to Vengeful Fighter, which only adds the Special Charge to the units attacks, then Tiki wouldn't be able to trigger Ignis on enemy phase against enemies who cannot double her.
  20. I am glad you brought it up, I have missed every single 2x chance given to me up to now. Any other day I'd have slept right through it.
  21. Only if the target being healed has far below 50% hp. If not, the total heal amount is 50% of healer's Attack -10, which in most cases is only about 11 hp or so. Recover+ is the one that recovers the most raw HP, healing 50% of Healer's Attack plus 10, which usually becomes something like 31 on most healers. Martyr+ is the only other one with a fluctuous Heal amount, recovering 50% of healer's Attack plus 50% of healers damage taken, as well as recovering 50% of said damage. Best used on an offensive and fast healer who has Miracle. The remaining Healing Assists are flat 50% of Healer's Attack with an additional effect, Physic+ having a range of 2, and Restore+ removing all negative effects, like Panic, that are on the target. So if you want raw full heals, Recover+ is the way to go. If you think you can take advantage of the heals possible with Martyr+, or you find the self-recovery part of it valuable, go for it. If you are in too many scenarios where your units are near death, Rehabilitate+ is the way to go. To be honest though, most units these days only need, at most, one Physic+/Restore+ to be within safe HP range again, so most healers are usually just fine keeping their default healing assist.
  22. Ah, makes sense now that I read it again, thanks. Welp, not really sure how to feel about Bowcina. Guess it was gonna happen one day, but I also didn't think we needed another Blue Lucina... Lucina Emblem really has no color balance on it...
  23. Wait, is Future Vision a version of Swap that gives the targeted ally a restored action, or does it give the restored action to Lucina?
  24. @AnacybeleI don't know if multiple Legendary Heroes can be fielded on the same map, but you could probably use Fjorm as a meat shield for M Robin. Between Atk/Def bond on Fjorm and Spur Defense on Robin, she shouldn't be taking much damage at all. If you have Renewal fodder, you could replace Shield Pulse with Renewal to act as a form of sustain, since Ice Mirror doesn't do anything against Melee enemies.
  25. Maybe I'm not one to talk, since I recently decided to use up all my blessings on the units I use most often (that's about 60 or so blessings distributed to 170+ 5* units, only some of which held blessings beforehand), but the only wasted blessings are ones you overwrite. The only real time I wish I had a blessing on someone is when I realize I use them a lot more than I thought I did, and now I'm in a Blessing drought. I won't egg you on if you don't want to use them though. Maybe your Blessing distribution values are just too different from mine for anything I could possibly say to work for you. That's fine. Wouldn't surprise me either, I haven't heard of anyone blowing up 50+ individual blessings yet... @mampfoid I heard it in his battle animations myself. I'm not even sure the map animations have walking sounds...
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