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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. That's essentially the same as Canto (1) on Scion Leif/Seliph, albeit worse since Leif will probably need to use the one move he's allowed to actually reach whoever he's trying to attack.
  2. Claude gets a huge weapon textbox, everyone else gets... average boxes. Oh yeah, definitely no 3H bias here. Just look at Death Knight, he gets the smallest box! Thoughts in the spoiler:
  3. I think it'd be more along the lines of how Weapon refines have been going. Start with the earliest (and by association weakest) Tier 4 passives and slowly progress. Probably a very slow progression in this case though, since we're looking at the "weakest" Tier 4's being the likes of Death/Darting Blow 4, Swift Sparrow 3, Brazen Atk/Spd 4, and the Solos (all of which are only slightly better than their Tier 3 predecessors without offering any additional effects.) A passives are, in fairness, probably the only ones that can be safely "upgraded" even if they were to do it on a skill-by-skill basis. When all you can offer is stats compared to, for sake of example and nothing more, a post-combat stat debuff on enemies, a stat buff for yourself, and a bonus effect like [Dodge] or [Follow-up Denial], it might get out of hand exceedingly fast...
  4. Fortify Dragons can at least be given to Halloween Nils in the same vein that Hone Dragons SS could be given to regular Ninian. +6 all stat to dragons. ...no I'm not saying it's good, it's just SOMETHING. Nils at least doesn't need to be randomly summoned. Rouse actually got me wondering if they're gonna prepare to give us the ability to upgrade Sacred Seals to their Tier 4 variants. We've certainly got enough meh sacred seals with much better Tier 4 variants to justify such. ...New Years was only 9 days ago? Man, what a way to make Odd Tempest look good in comparison.
  5. It's usually also visible in a skills inheritance restrictions.
  6. I forgot there were new skills. Time's Pulse seems... alright I guess? I dunno, it's not actually adding much besides triggering a Quickened Pulse effect after combat if the Special Charge is at it's maximum value. It does better enable the Spd Preempt skill and other 1-cooldown specials, and it does better enable the Vital Astra special's DR% effect, but it really doesn't feel all that special of a Tier 4 effect. Although now that I think about it, this does technically enable Owain to finally be a useful unit, since all he wanted was Special Spiral and Vantage at the same time, but TP4 enables the same without sacrificing the SS slot... Chill Spd/Res, makes fast/strong mages more potent, not a lot to say there. Remote Sparrow is... a thing. I guess IntSys liked Swift Sparrow enough to give it three Tier 4 variants, which is... something.
  7. ...meh. Nino getting 3 move is pretty good, but it seriously calls into question why she, Yuri, Brave Alm, not to mention freaking Sigurd who is on a horse get +1 move on all turns when Duo Ephraim's refine only gives it to him on even-numbered turns. Ursula looks cruel. Don't like Byleth's art, don't like he doesn't have an inheritable weapon, don't even like that he's here at all... Linde and Sara are good. If I were able to care any less about Soren, I'd probably just uninstall. All units mentioned (probably including Soren) get the ability to ignore the movement penalties of terrain. Ursula and Linde being on horses means that they can go past the ever-common trenches presumably, while Nino, Byleth, and Soren will all be able to ignore forests. ...nothing exciting to me. Nino is pretty neat I guess.
  8. I could care less to be honest, I'm just gonna toss votes at someone from TMS. Probably Maiko, she looks cool in her carnage outfit or whatever it's called. Maybe I'll toss one at the silly armor guy from that Tellius game too.
  9. Only thing that confuses me is the very abrupt shoehorning of Yarne (and Panne I guess but she's just eating so I'll let it slide)
  10. What Alfonse doesn't know is that we were transported with a mystical artifact, one that can only exist in the World of Reality, one that has the power to put any man or woman to their knees. An artifact so powerful that no mere gun that shoots orbs can hope to compare. A debit card.
  11. I wanna say this suggests a mix-phased refine for Leif, something like he's expected to attack, then retreat to the safety of his nearby allies. Maybe he'll get some sort of Vantage effect that triggers after taking recoil damage from ARpush4? ...I'm not saying it's great, Menace or Rouse 4 would have been better, but it's a theory anyway. Can't exactly give him Oath 4.
  12. New year means another year of overpowered or just good refines. Let's see how this first batch of 2023 fares... also included is a Legendary/Mythic remix. Ragnell-Alondite, from Red Sword Flier and Red Sword Infantry Duo Altina: Dawn's Trueblade (who will also be getting a remix) and Altina w/Sanaki: Cross-Time Duo. (Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. Inflicts Spd-5. Unit attacks twice (even if foe initiates combat).) Sable Lance, from Lance Cavalry Sirius: Mysterious Knight (Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 during combat.) Scythe of Sariel, from grail Lance Cavalry Death Knight: The Reaper (Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and/or extra movement granted by a skill like Armor March or Armored Boots is active on foe, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat and foe cannot make a follow-up attack.) Snow's Grace, from Green Manakete Sothis: Silver Spectre (Neutralizes "effective against dragons" bonuses. Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP >= 50%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.) Meisterbogen, part of the remix for Colorless Bow Cavalry Leif: Unifier of Thracia (Effective against flying foes. Inflicts Spd-5. Unit attacks twice (even if foe initiates combat). When under player's control, unit gains: "If unit initiates combat, foe cannot make a follow-up attack.") Cunning Bow, from Colorless Bow Cavalry Claude: The Schemer (Grants Spd+3. Effective against flying foes. When total bonuses on unit + total penalties on foe >= 10, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foe during combat. (Example: if unit has a +5 bonus and foe has a -5 penalty, the calculated total will be 10.)) OBVIOUSLY Ragnell-Alondite is gonna get Special Cooldown -2 and all stat +8 when above 25% HP, don't even know why you'd expect anything else. THIS IS A SARCASTIC STATEMENT.
  13. Y'all who are still only in the early 3-digit amounts at worst... yeah pretty sure if I were to go through my entire purchase history, I'd just burn up my wallet and become one with nature.
  14. Actually was pretty lucky with my first 15 pulls from new years. Only units I truly "wanted" were Panne and Askr, and lo and behold I got both of them in just the first 10 pulls. And then I got a better asset/flaw for Panne in the next session, PLUS a Guinivere because I guess my luck had dried up. Haven't been quite so lucky since, but thanks to free orbs and summoning tickets I'm well on my way to sparking Ashe!
  15. I'm not really a New Years Resolutions person, but I think I'll "resolve" to spend less money on the games I play, ESPECIALLY Fire Emblem Heroes, which has been the biggest money sink of my entire life, all 25 years of it. Maybe recording all of my in-game purchases will help with that...
  16. Whitecap Bow is pretty much the premier Bow available right now, while no Arcane Bow exists yet. Atk/Spd+5 and a Brave effect on a refinable bow are pretty hard to deny. Unfortunately there just aren't a lot of good options otherwise, since almost every other bow offers Atk/Def modifiers instead of Atk/Spd or is just outdated. Helm Bow/Unbound Bow ignoring enemy Spd/Def bonuses and Springy Bow neutralizes your own Atk/Spd penalties are the only other inheritable bows that offer an equal boost to Atk/Spd plus one effect. Firesweep Bow is always a viable option if you have it. Candlewax Bow manages to offer Fury 3 if you want to try some WoM or Escape Route shenanigans.
  17. The main advantage Winter Marth have over other Far Save candidates is the Preempt effect combined with an enemy-phase Desperation effect if he has a follow-up attack, which assuming you aren't going up exclusively against the fastest units should usually be enough. Marth is not a defensive unit however, and the current lack of a Spd-boosting Far Save may hurt him for a little bit. This shouldn't matter too much however, since you already want him killing before the enemy is allowed to get a hit in. So yes, Marth is indeed a good candidate for a Far Save unit. He's not quite conventional as one, since he lacks the defensive stats that other Far Save units have, but Preempt + Desperation should help him to take out most offensive units who come in to attack his allies. Something like the below kit should help him the most: Tanngrisnir +special (Prf weapon refine with total all stat +8, Special Charge +1, Preempt, and enemy-phase Desperation) Fire Emblem (2cd Prf special that, assuming no Guard effect is in play, should always trigger on his second attack Atk/Spd Ideal, Atk/Spd Bond, Atk/Spd Unity, or Kestrel Stance (the first two grant the highest boost to his Atk and Spd possible to Armor units right now, Unity offers a chance at such if his Atk and Spd are debuffed, while Stance is always active on EP) Wily Fighter, Slick Fighter, or Savvy Fighter (nullifying bonuses or penalties is up to you, but both still offer a guaranteed follow-up. Savvy Fighter offers NFU to Marth) Any Atk boosting Far Save skill (until an Atk/Spd Far Save is released, you will have to make do with what is available. Since Marth does not need his defenses, D/R Far Save is the only save skill that is outright "bad" for his intended playstyle) any Atk/Spd boosting SS
  18. Honestly probably the only application of Odd Tempest as a "meta" seal is the scenario where you are unable to give refined Duo Ephraim/Lyon the seal in their C slot for permanent +1 move. Which in fairness isn't THAT farfetched considering right now it's only found on limited availability units (Legendary and Fallen Dimitri, Hatari festival Karla, Young Mia, and the 4* Flame festival Rinkah), but they'd still prefer Odd Tempest in the C slot. Otherwise you are looking at being able to give any Infantry or Flying unit a permanent Move +1 at the cost of their C and SS slots. Basically the old strat of a unit having both Odd and Even Stat Waves, which if we're honest wasn't even that good back then.
  19. Tempest Trials are back to normal now that Ganglot is super dead, but the quality of Sacred Seals remains good: Def/Res Ideal and Odd Tempest.
  20. Eh, just show him NY Reginn and remind him that he could have been turned into a cute Elm Tree ornament with his face vaguely cut into it 😛
  21. OH NO I NEED PANNE! Ashe doesn't look like TOO important a unit to get, unless you just really want her teleportation effect for Astra/Anima season, but she doesn't look bad otherwise. Distant Reversal exists, and that's about as much thought into it I'm gonna give. Oh look, Elm avoided the fate that Otr was met with last year! He looks pretty good, won't lie, but I don't know how to feel about these Beast skills... they're nice skills, but they honestly feel a little more geared toward CPU usage... STILL NEED PANNE. Half expected Askr/Embla to come with an effect that allowed Beast units to transform if next to them, assuming no other "humans" were adjacent as well. Looks like a lot of continued defensive nonsense, AoE specials won't work quite as well on them (especially considering how low their Def is gonna be with double LnD) Yarne... exists. ...think I prefer the mom in this case...
  22. Me: I'm not that fond of Three Houses characters save for a few (no opinion on Three Hopes characters), so I'd rather not summon anymore of them for as long as I can. I will summon colorless from this banner. Glorious Gifts banner: NO MARTH. You want a freebie Winter Sothis :3 ? Conclusion: Fire Emblem Heroes has mind-reading technology, and is a massive troll.
  23. @Diovani Bressan Ooooooh yeah that makes sense... It was more likely the Green Tome Cav or Cleric triggering the debuffs (how ironic, the Cleric was supposed to be getting rid of debuffs), but yeah... power of Chaos! @GuiltyLove Selkie is best kitsune! An underrated unit IMO.
  24. Summoned from the Shez banner way more than I originally intended trying to get her, but it did reward more than a few 5* units: 5 copies of LegMyrrh, one of which was +Atk -Spd 4 copies of Brave Chrom, two of which were +Atk and +Spd Brave Seliph +Atk -Def Fodder copies of Brave Tiki and Medeus Legendary Ninian +Spd -Def. Since I renewed my Feh Pass, I also sparked a copy of Ninian, mostly because I decided I'd rather have her than Shez in the end... which didn't stop me from summoning even more...
  25. In order to take out someone blessed with the power of a god... use another god! Gonna be honest, I'm actually surprised Yune was able to get the kill on Shez. I completely missed the fact that Shez ignores penalties on herself, so the whole reason I even brought Yune was technically null. But I guess that's just how powerful Chaos is... I don't know if I've ever brought Selkie along for one of these yet. But she is one of my favorite units to use, so what the hell she can certainly have a moment in the spotlight. I have never used Winter Mirabilis OR Summer Hilda/Marianne. Why now? Hilda's staff grants nearby allies Atk +6 and Special Charge +1 on foes attacks, which helped to take out that Sword Armor at the beginning, while she herself was able to whittle down a foe or two. Mirabilis meanwhile was able to soften a few blows for her allies to be taking. In my test run she didn't actually do any attacking, but I decided to let her inflict the final blow because realistically I probably won't be using her again, so may as well let her get off a Special trigger. If there's one thing to praise about having a Three Hopes Legendary, it's that we get to hear I Swear on my Sword.
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