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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Oh, can they? I've never actually known that due to not missing any seals after the first run of Quickened Pulse and Phantom Speed...
  2. The one Masked Marth means nothing to me, I can't +8 "Marth" anyways. I failed to get their 5* variant from the original Tempest Trial. If anything I care more about Clive and Joshua. I care more about what they'd do about Sacred Seals, if anything. Will they be rerunning old seals, such as how Quickened Pulse was rerun in the first Tempest Trial Mini, or are we going to get more new seals?
  3. I don't actually know what was being said, but I don't know what it had to do with Fire Emblem Heroes in the first place...
  4. Welp, tried to pull from Ylissean Travelers, got an Exalted Chrom +Atk -Def (better than current +HP -Def)... This happens every freaking time... summon from a new unit banner, get a 5* unit from the same game universe as the banner...
  5. Lance users now have two possible enemy-phase Lances, while Sumia is really pushing being a strong and defensive unit. Meanwhile, Awakening Sumia can barely get her Attack and defense to be respectable. Libra is just as bland as he was in Awakening, albeit not with a Slaying Axe. On one hand, that's good, that means the Giant Spoon is not necessary to have for axe users. On the other, Libra remains bland. And then Maribelle. She has gone full ham on the summoning pool. Dazzling Staff AND Staff Valor. I don't really know if I wanna let her keep Trilemma, since it can give the enemy a positive effect and make even the sturdiest of walls unable to wall their triangle diadvantage, but it's still interesting nonetheless. Olivia is another flying dancer, so I guess that's the standard now...? Also shit, the coming maps are gonna have a fucking flying dancer with an Urðr buffing dance AND Guidance.
  6. Oh shit Maribelle is going full ham on the Summoning pool. Dazzling Staff AND Staff Valor. Also oh shit, Hrid enter stage center.
  7. I'm making a funny shush Triangle Adept, Spd/Def Bond, and Fujin Yumi's Shadow Step refines... hm... In addition, upgrading at all adds Brazen Atk/Def, Dull Bonuses, and Escape Route 3... Anyone else feel Anna got kinda screwed this time round? I mean, I'll upgrade Noatun one day, but probably not with Shadow Step...
  8. Bleeeeh... I've become very slack in even participating in these things... I didn't even have one typed up for Celica and Hardin, and those are the only two summoning-pool Fallen Heroes I even have... Male Robin (Grima) Rating: 9/10 While he does have double weaknesses to worry about, Grima is a powerful unit, able to absorb most physical hits without worry while returning in full with powerful attacks. His base kit is good from the start, so anything you add to Grima will only benefit him. The unsuspecting will be rended dead by Grima's hand, though Red units generally laugh at Grima and kill him dead. Naga can also be a pain... Knight Exalt Chrom Rating: 7.5/10 Chrom is powerful when he has taken damage. His base kit helps with such, and can be tweaked in places for even better performance. His Resistance is horrid though, no matter what you do with it.
  9. You think the CYL runner-ups are gonna be as neglected as Brave Roy and Lucina in banners? I just checked, and the two of them have only appeared in Legendary banners and one other banner, the Less than Heroic Tempest Trials banner (a literal copy-paste of the original Brave Heroes banner), meanwhile Ike and Lyn get to appear on more than a few other banners outside of Legendary banners.
  10. @The Priest Ah, yeah... I usually catch that mistake when reviewing these... If the .5 wasn't counted... I mean, it's just .5, nothing to worry that strongly over. L'arachel Rating: 6.5/10 Compared to other Blue Mage Cavalry, L'arachel doesn't exactly bring as explosive an entry as they do. She has a decent offensive spread and enough Resistance to trigger Ploys on the enemy, but the others are generally stronger or faster without even needing to think about Ploys. She's still good, and Ivadi's effect can give L'arachel that one little extra push to net the kill, while still being able to run with Blarblade, but if you have other options open, redundancy doesn't always mean better. Myrrh Rating: 8.5/10 A high Defense stat paired with a personal weapon that deletes enemy follow-ups if they aren't as defensive makes Myrrh a defensive beast. Having good stats overall is also a plus, though she is quite weak to Red one-hit wonders... still a great defensive unit, if a little demanding with the Sacred Seal. I think none of the upcoming units are gonna be rated much lower than 6.5/10. Bar the early seasonals and early Tempest Trial units we'll be doing afterward, every new unit past this point is pretty strong in one regard or another...
  11. If you mostly intend to user her against Armor and Cavalry, Glacies will be ready for battle 2 assuming she manages to double her opponent. guaranteeing she will get whatever kill she needs in that second battle. Iceberg would be good if you forsee her needing the extra damage in her first battle, or if you aren't running with Desperation (since it will be ready after the opponents counterattack). Moonbow and Glimmer would mostly only be for Desperation, getting triggers so long as she is soundly injured enough. Between the two, Glimmer would more or less guarantee she kills any Armor/Cavalry regardless of bulk unless she is only managing 20 or so damage per hit, while Moonbow is guaranteed damage regardless of DPH. Since she'd be an AA unit, and mostly be dueling Armor and Cavalry if it were up to me, I'd go with Glacies, since her first battle (if it were me) will almost always be who she has triangle advantage against, and then the Glacies trigger will boost her chances of killing even triangle disadvantage foes. But that's my scenario. Strong Armors with Bold Fighter are who I'd be looking at. Lissa would be the cheapest since she already has Bold Fighter, but not the strongest (That'd be WE!Chrom or Lector). Both your Lissa and Amelia have the sound +Atk that'd make Brave Axe strong, meanwhile even if you do get WE!Chrom I wouldn't expect him to be +Atk (trust me, 5* exclusives are never the right nature). If you don't have any Bold Fighter fodder, then I'd give it to Lissa, but if you do, or you can count your losses and sack the Lissa, then Amelia would be slightly better. I would not give it to Gerome. Exhibit A, he is the only user of the Poleaxe besides anyone you fodder the only other copy to, and besides Keen Gronnwolf users that means he can dual Lance/Blue Mage cavalry. Exhibit B, there is no Exhibit B. Your other option would be to give it to no one. If you intend to promote a +Spd Camilla anyways, save this Camilla for when you 5* her and merge into her. ...well, that's my two cents. I agree that the increasing bulk of enemy units means standard Brave weaponry is not ideal anymore, but I still think they're cool weapons and having one or two around is helpful.
  12. I'd like to believe Kiran is a good judge of character... and then there's manga Kiran. Please, someone explain how manga Askr isn't already a crater being advertised as the new Grand Canyon.
  13. I can remember thinking, back in the early days of Skill Inheritance at least, "Clearly Darting Blow is the best skill in the game, everyone should have it!" And now some of my earlier units, Roy and Nowi specifically, have Darting Blow 3 in their arsenals, and it was a skill I never replaced when I still used Camilla... ...so anyways, best guess is that clearly Desperation is the best skill and everyone should have it!
  14. Pity broken by +Def -HP Siegbert... I'd be a little more okay with it BEFORE Legault was dropped to 4* with Atk Tactic, but well that is another merge for my base Siegbert... I also still haven't summoned Legault at 4* though... But also Summer Linde! +HP -Atk, but for what it's worth it's not -Spd, unlike my Takumi, and 31 Atk is about what most other Daggers have anyways, so... this is fine!
  15. What in gods name is going on in this thread? I'm just here to judge units I both use and don't use. Sothe Rating: 7/5/10 Peshkats comes with a good support effect that also improves Sothe's own combat ability, which is already pretty solid to begin with. Sothe can also run with more offensive daggers for more desirable results, and does slightly better overall than Kagero. He does have defensive weaknesses though, and is still unable to take many hits before going down, and has inferior movement to HatF!Kagero and Summer Linde. Anamnesis Eirika Rating: 8/10 Eirika can prove deadly on her horse, given how high her speed is by default, no matter which weapon you give her. Her power exceeds expectations behind Rauðrblade, and remains steady yet still deadly behind Gleipnir. She doesn't want to be taking too many hits though, and just wants to take as much damage as necessary to reach Desperation range. Too many solid hits and she won't be long for the world, so you should be the one inflicting said solid hits. Oh yeah, I finally learned how to do Alt codes, and I'm finally bothering to use the proper ð instead of saying dh all the time. It looks much better typing Rauðrblade instead of Raudhrblade.
  16. I guess in my case, it's mostly my fault for focusing more on army quantity than army quality, so the fodder needs to somehow be distributed to, by my last count, over 150 different 5* units, but also the fodder pool really hasn't expanded much lately, so the sources for popular skills really hasn't expanded at all... I'm looking at you, Desperation... If that's losing control, then I hope I never have control again. Please let me know what it's like to have speed on Summer Takumi, from down here where mine is still -Spd.
  17. Wait why we talking about ol Teach not coming with an Axe? He ain't THAT du- Uh... actually forget I said anything... and don't you dare read Teach's supports in Awakening on a whim either! They're... boring! Yep, totally boring and uninteresting to anyone not interested in cool muscle dudes being cool muscle dudes, and totally not about how dumb Teach is. Which he isn't! Ohh goodie. Always good managing to get a decent unit before the banner ends and you have to wait for a legendary banner/next summer. All out of Repo/Draw Back fodder though... I know the feeling as well unfortunately. I'm getting down to only 4 or 5 Reposition fodder, 1 or 2 Draw Back, and at least 20 units who need an Assist skill. I know Dual Rallies are good, but I can't keep giving Rally Def/Res and Spd/Res to all my units... also Pivot isn't an assist if you aren't an Armor. So why do I have so much Pivot fodder...
  18. Missed Shiro and Rhajat purely because I don't really know what to say about either of them...? I'm getting soft, normally I just strain my mind even harder if I can't come up with anything... Zelgius Rating: 8.5/10 Zelgius is frightening on the enemy phase, and has Warp Powder to get to the battle sooner than most other armors can't match without Armor March. His enemy-phase skillset is also good from the start and worth keeping, though he remains vulnerable to Blue Magic is his Res is too low, which it usually is, or it's the one BM user... Micaiah Rating: 7.5/10 Micaiah's high Resistance can enable her to tank magic, but her Attack in addition to Thani's effective weapon effects can let her bring down most any Armor unit if she is assisted enough. She can usually only afford to rely on one hit though, because her overall physical bulk is not enough to let her afford much more than that, plus her Speed is too low to let her take another shot anyways. The deceptive magic bulk of armors is also somewhat offputting.
  19. I dunno. Int System doesn't exactly sound like the "Is it a bug or a feature? Yes." type of company... Then again, Nintendo at least does preserve most glitches in remasterings, remakes, and re-whatevers, so they at least have some level of glitch acceptance. Even if they did keep it though, it'd have to be retooled heavily. For my example, Hard mode Lucius and Raven with 5 enemies on the highest SP multiplier before SP gains are lowered, 768 or something like that, made up something like 35% of a units maximum SP, not counting previous runs, and most of the units I gave SP to via the glitch ended in the high 4ks if I couldn't manage many kills with them, such as Leo and Mist, and 6k-7k if they could kill 4 enemies a run until the final run, where they kill 5 enemies and clear the map. Even a unit who is trying to learn only the highest costing inherited skills WITH a personal weapon they need to learn via SP in addition to a forge, so that'd be a forged personal weapon, a dual Rally assist, Galeforce/Aether, Close/Distant Counter, and any 240 SP skill in slots B and C, would get all the SP they needed in just one string of retries on the Lucius and Raven BHB. Maybe if they kept the glitch, retooled how SP multipliers stacked, and removed the stamina cost on the training maps we have in rotation...? I dunno, I'd like it kept as much as some other people, but no sweet granny who gives candy to all the young'uns and pies in the windowsill gets to stay rent-free.
  20. Oh no, I know... somewhat well...? what Watermelon splitting is... well, about as well as watching enough anime with the inevitable beach episode can tell... But... Who is this Marth of the Sands? ...but actually yeah, the watermelon would have to be put on a clean towel or similar beforehand...
  21. Did... did anyone in Awakening actually believe Marth was the "actual" Marth? Also, why is Tiki making reference to a Marth who went to get a blindfold for watermelon splitting? WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN???
  22. All I really used this glitch on were units who either weren't fully built, were not built at all, any Lances and Breaths (Since I don't have their Valor skills yet), Mist, and the Askr trio. Also a 4* L'arachel who I anticipated would be a pain to build. Otherwise, most of the rest of my army was unaffected. It'll be a miracle if this glitch doesn't get fixed before next week, when the next multiplier day is.
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