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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Hey, lay off on the children, they're probably from the Heirs of Fate Outrealms. Siegbert Rating: 8/10 Siegbert is powerful and speedy, even before Horse Cav buffs, and is capable of triggering Heavy Blade as a result. There are powerful combos to be had between the Dark Greatsword and the Firesweep Sword, but Siegbert needs to keep mages and manaketes in mind, else he will die a quick death. Soleil. Rating: 8/10 Please pardon any rating point inflation present, but I just feel Soleil is that good of a Sword Infantry. She may not be as fast as Ayra or Karla, but she is still quite powerful, and can kill whatever units need killing depending on the set you give her. Her flaws aren't that uncommon among Sword Infantry though, and her bulk does take a hit for some of her most powerful sets, but even still Soleil is a potent unit.
  2. "A glitch was discovered that lets players stack SP multipliers by selecting the Restart option in 0 SP maps. As apology, here's 10 orbs." If we get compensated, it'll be because it turns out this was breaking the game in a bad way, like deleting units or something.
  3. So if you reset too much, it looks like the SP stacking can eventually lead to only getting 1 SP from kills.
  4. Well on one hand, I tested this on a unit I didn't care about much in the first place, HNY!Corrin, but on the other I now feel like a dirty hacker. Also Corrin now has 5k+ SP. There's... probably not a way to find out who exploited the glitch without checking forums and reddit and seeing people downright confess to it, right? They aren't gonna ban me for getting some extra SP on my units, right???
  5. By the power invested unto me by the divinest of Naga's disciples and also obsessively checking when the rollover would be, I have officially managed to get to a number of feathers that is a multiple of 5! Truly I am blessed and clearly crazy.
  6. I left Mia and Ayra in the spoiler below. They don't count, but I had this almost all typed up before falling asleep and failing to post it, I am not wasting all that. Anyways, now for the actual units of the day. Lute Rating: 8/10 Lute has deadly Ploy potency. Maybe not on the level of Arvis/Saias, but it's still quite good, given her tome has Speed Ploy in it, she has Res Ploy by default, and Atk Ploy is a Sacred Seal. Her good statspread also means she can take advantage of each ploy effectively. Keep her away from physical damage and Manaketes, and Lute is good to go. Dorcas Rating: 8/10 Dorcas is one of the most ready enemy-phase units in the game, and he proves powerful as a result. He's weak to Magic, but he can still be exceptionally powerful against the right matchups. As an overall, Dorcas is a unit who's strengths and weaknesses balance together to make one of the more frightening enemy=phase units to grace the game. I feel slightly more biased towards Lute than Dorcas, even though they have the same score...
  7. Nah he's long been coleslaw for Takumi. I don't particularly care about HM either. Never have, don't see myself caring even til the day FEH receives its last update. I'd probably have cared more if I didn't have Summer Takumi, but... well, I do, so...
  8. Good point... Well I'll have to get Gaius's Lv40 convo first, but then it's straight to the grinder for him. I'll worry about refining it for Takumi later, since I have higher priorities in that regard.
  9. Not that I see just among my 5* Bows, or even my favorited 4* bows... Rebecca +Spd -? HNY!Corrin? Takumi? Faye? Eugh... this is a much harder decision than it needs to be...
  10. Pulled +Def -Atk Summer Gaius, much to my disappointment. I just do not think he is usable in this current form, and I heavily doubt I'll get another Gaius before the banner ends. Should I try to keep this Gaius on hand (he's still fast, despite the terrible Atk), or should I just fodder him off? Def Ploy is still on Arvis, who I have 4 copies of, so I'd probably be using him as Refreshing Bow fodder. If fodder, how should I go about using the Refreshing Bow?
  11. Hey, I can have a Flier TT team featuring each of the 4 seasons thanks to my recent pull! Summer Takumi = Summer ToD!Nowi = Autum HNY!Azura = Winter BB!Ninian = Spring
  12. Got Tak-Tak, the unit I now can confirm I wanted most, with +HP -Spd... meh, but whatever, I can try to manage... kinda... Might try to get a new Tak-Tak with 140-ish orbs later, but I have a month to play with this banner, and I doubt the upcoming new units banner will be CYL.
  13. Binding Bla...? Oh, did you mean Blazing Sword? Cause I THINK YOU MEANT BLAZING SWORD. Int System words probably, not mine. Really, I know Blazing Sword was the game we first got in the States and all, but we all know who Roy is now, I think we can afford to give Shanna a Witch outfit at worst, a lot more Binding Blade representation at best.
  14. Tailtiu Rating: 7/10 Tailtiu isn't really unique as a Blue Tome, but she at least comes with her most defining weapon by default without being a crummy waste of roster space like... some other units. Good Speed backed by decent Attack will let Tailtiu function as a Bladetome nuke well, albeit not all that unique one. Deirdre Rating: 7/10 Deirdre has good Attack to take down Dragons and deal general good damage, good Resistance to take on Mages and Ploy a number of enemies, and a personal weapon that kills dragons and disables Field Buffs. She also has no Defense, so she really needs to get those kills on Dragons in one hit, or else.
  15. >If the base nature sucks and I get a new one, MERGE! >If the unit has bad skill inheritance options, or I don't see myself needing the SI options present, MERGE! >If it's Elincia, HOLY FUCK MERGE I'M SO CLOSE TO +10ING HER.
  16. If you're running Clair, then yeah put Spd Tactics on F!Robin. Anything to help Clair trigger Flashing Blade. Lyn being Lv40 was my only real concern.
  17. Did I miss an outrage? I don't really see a problem with Draconic Poleaxe being Emerald Axe but personal and refineable. In fact, I welcome it. Means that DC Emerald Axe builds aren't being immediately overwritten because Titania got her own personal. Res Tactics I kinda question, but whatever. Can't ask for every refine to make the unit OP like Lilina's did.
  18. At least get her Lv 40 convo. I didn't get Lucina's for months despite summoning her once before, and she was the only 5* exclusive whose convo I didn't have. If anything, it'd be a chance to see how Lyn with -Spd stacks up against training enemies. It's Ranged day at the very least, shouldn't even take a full stamina bar.
  19. I don't know why, but for some reason I really want Takumi even more than I want Dragon Valor Tiki... Maybe it has to do with how he is basically Bridelia but flying? Probably not, I had this feeling well before the datamine. It probably has more to do with how much more cheerful he looks and feels compared to his base and fallen forms...
  20. Hey it's a good thing we're getting to Nephenee AFTER learning what her new lance does! Nephenee Rating: 7/10 The combination of Speed and Defense on Nephenee makes her fast enough to avoid doubles, and in fact get some doubles herself, as well as avoid most damage. Coming with Wrath, Moonbow, and the Dauntless Lance also fixes her average Attack by triggering Specials often. While she isn't the same as other Infantry Lances in defensive ability, Nephenee proves to be effective under her own terms. Sigurd Rating: 7.5/10 Above-average stats in most categories as well as skills that help to emphasize each stat's strong points help to make Sigurd into a powerful-bulky unit with the power to shut down a Magic foes assault, especially one in particular. But he does little to tank Manaketes, and nothing can stop Sigurd from being scared of Cavalry effective weaponry, which has become a lot more common in recent times.
  21. I'm glad Speed Ploy is getting a Seal, not so much for Flashing Blade, because all the fastest units are Fliers or Cavalry (usually post-Hones), and they can't use the seal... Oh well, I suppose I at least have something to give to one of my more speed fortunate units...
  22. I shamelessly admit to looking up the solutions for the last 6 Grandmaster ones (the first was kinda easy, the second had me stumped for a little while), and my god the solutions are way too out there for even veterans. I cannot remember the last time I ever heard anyone in the playerbase say "If only I had used Harsh Command", or even acknowledge the skill existed at all, yet here we are with a challenge that directly asks you to take advantage of Harsh Command. And then there's the risks that any ACTUAL veteran would tell you not to take unless you needed to rush a section of the map, which to be fair you do here, but you need to take those risks with the COMPLETELY WRONG UNITS. I think what I hate most is that the maps are cut off by 2 rows thanks to the textbox, and many of the map layouts are far too cramped. It's suffocating. I'm not asking for a clean open field, and I know the map design was to enable very specific solutions to a map, but I actually got hung up on the freaking Reposition tutorial because I didn't realize the textbox was taking up map space. Maybe the Grandmaster challenges were only hard because I don't utilize any of the tactics they demand use of in them, so I wouldn't know how to actually clear the maps myself, because the first 2 I found much simpler to clear because I do actually use the tactics utilized in them. I will not discount that fact whatsoever. But this was a perfectly good chance to try and teach me how to do them, and all I got was a smack into the arena with a piece of paper that may as well have said "don't die!". But the actual tutorials I feel do actually do their job and would enable a new player to learn how FEH plays without the classic Trial and Error the early players had to do.
  23. One pull on Ylissean Summer before the new Summer banner, hoping for YS!Robin... got her son at 5*. Took the chance to promote a +Spd -Def Male Morgan and get him to +4 merge since my old M!Morgan was already +1 merge, and I had one other spare because I didn't know what to do with him. I get the feeling that I'll have a side goal of getting all Red Tomes if I can... because I swear, nowadays the damn things won't stay away from me.
  24. Not sure if it's been brought up, but can I say that it is so pleasing to never have to listen to that somewhat jarring battle music and keep listening to the usually superior BGM? Feel like I'd want to start making videos with the battle animations on now.
  25. So we now have confirmation of one other alt, that being Kinshi Sakura. Flying Staff finally?
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