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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. I don't think I even have anyone besides Matthew to fodder the Rogue Dagger to though. It'd be one thing if Felicia didn't ever get her new weapon, but then she did. And pretty much all the other Dagger users either CAN'T run any type of defensive build due to lack of a defensive stat, or don't really want to in the first place because there are now slightly offensive daggers to use. Jakob maybe, but lolno. Saizo is the only other one I can think of, and Smoke Dagger feels just as defensive as Rogue Dagger.
  2. But what about the possibility of such antics as getting a 5* Matthew randomly when you weren't even expecting to get a 5* at all, then seeing a Matthew on his banner and thinking "oh, that's neat, 4* Matthew I can give someone Hone Speed", then seeing gold stars and thinking "well shit" NO I'M NOT GONNA LET THIS GO WTF I NEVER EVEN HAD AN IDEAL NATURE MATTHEW IN MY BARRACKS IN THE PAST WHY @Zeo WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE THIS MATTHEW WHYYYYYY-
  3. Brave Roy Rating: 7.5/10 With an offensive spread that gets better with Cavalry buffs, a default kit that enables a seamless flow of combat, and enough flexibility to go whatever path he so chooses, Roy stands as one of the better offensive Sword Cavalry even now, though he's unable to go for any bulky route and faces competition from the likes of Sword Reinhardt and Siegbert. Brave Lucina Rating: 8/10 While not having much in the direct combat scene, Geirskogul lets Lucina give her physical allies a solid combat boost, letting them get stronger and faster just being near her. Lucina herself remains mostly unchanged from her base form, and the additional Defense given to her from a small statchange and Geirskogul lets her take hits better, letting her survive attacks she may not have otherwise. Overall, Brave Lucina is missing a powerful offensive weapon like her base form, but can still enable her allies to make up the difference. I already know what I'm going to say about the other two, so hurry it up day, I got some RATING to do.
  4. Just doing this as reference, here are ALL the Skill banners, featuring units who have the mentioned skill... I'm not counting 4*/5* focus banners, since they do not have a singular skill focus, even if they mostly feature fodder units. All I can figure from the above is that the focus of Skill banners has changed over time, as many of the early banners featured a mix of units from both the 5* exclusive pool as well as the 3*, 4*, and 5* mixed pools. Then as time went on and if they could help it, the focus of the Skill Banners shifted to 5* exclusive units who have the skill, see the Miracle banner. Since banners these days seem to mostly consist of 3 units at best, damn TT/GHB units taking up precious unit slots, they probably looked at the pool of units with Luna by default and said "Perfect!" without caring about color balance, because many of the later Skill Banners also had a little better color balancing... until DB June 2018 and Luna.
  5. Wait, now that I think about it, where did all the Sigurd vs Hardin chat go...?
  6. @omegaxis1 @Rezzy Oh yeah... forgot they were alternate costumes... Well there we go, for-sure Voting Gauntlet this December anyone?
  7. If we could get just two more FE fighters in Smash Ultimate, even if just Echo Fighters, we could have a Smash Gauntlet Voting Gauntlet! NO NO NO NO NO BAD XENOMATA.
  8. Sorry let me correct that. blahblah IKE IS STRONGER WITH ONLY 1.5 BIL MORE flags bladyblah. I think what'd matter most is what Ike gained in the last hour, since he would need to match the difference... that which I was also not paying attention to...
  9. BREAKING NEWS EVERYONE IKE IS STRONGER WITH ONLY 2 BIL MORE. If you have any hope, use your flags.
  10. Even if Hardin took priority over Lyon in my Voting Gauntlet priorities, I'm still a little bitter that Marth continues to get shafted because of factors beyond his own control. So IF Lyon takes it, I'm going straight over to his side. IF. I don't care what y'all are thinking, I'm a naive fool who holds hope in stupidly dire times.
  11. Amelia Rating: 7.5/10 Amelia doesn't really match other, better Axe Armors, but has a high Speed stat that helps to avoid being doubled, while still having good enough Attack and Defense to play the role of an Armor. Being compared to other Axe Armors may hurt, but coming with Armor March keeps Amelia being just as relevant. Innes Rating: 7/10 Innes isn't the best Archer, but he still delivers on good offense and magic resistance, with the option of going with his Owltome bow or just picking up the standard offensive bow and bringing destruction to unknowing foes. Just... god, keep him away from physical hits. Magvel sure does have some interesting unit representation, doesn't it... I mean, Guidance and Armor March on the same new unit banner, PLUS Eirika and Ephraim being good buffbots, without mentioning later units? Makes you wonder just what a Magvel remake would try to bring to the table with how many goodies Heroes has given us...
  12. Damn y'all getting free Hectors (jk love ya), why am I the person who's getting saddled with 5* Matthew?
  13. Well pick my locks right open, 5* Matthew is +Atk -Res. He wasn't my FREE pull, that would be 4* Lucius, but SERIOUSLY??? Where's the guy who has the uber Matthew, cause I'm in sudden need of some inspiration...
  14. I called it, yet I was silently hoping I didn't...
  15. Serra. She's in Lyn's posy along with Matthew (even if the two didn't intend it that way) and joins the main Eliwood and Hector group along with Hector, Matthew, and Oswin, who isn't in the game. That would be the obvious path, but anyone who can support Hector (Lyn, Florina, Eliwood) works to I suppose...
  16. Final chance to get anything from the Legendary Banner. I had scrounged EVERY SINGLE ORB I COULD for this pull. Every single July quest (2) and (3), Arena orbs, a few daily orbs, and I had to buy 3 more but STILL. 2 Colorless, 1 Blue, 1 Red, and 1 Green... and the green was a 3* Camilla. The Blue was a 4* Roderick. The Red was a Winter Tharja [+HP -Spd], which is the same as my current Tharja. She may be a part of my core arena team, but I now have some Vengeful Fighter fodder... The Colorless? They were Both Elise... and neither is ideal whatsoever. One is +Def -Atk, the other is +HP -Spd. Still, I just needed to end this pity rate, not get 3 5* units at the same exact time. I'm glad.
  17. Am I missing all of Ike's pity multipliers, or is he just that popular?
  18. Seth Rating: 5.5/10 Seth is somewhat average, but at least can soundly beat out Stahl in most of what he does, save for Panic Ploy. He is powerful and bulky enough to run decently average versions of some other sets, but he doesn't necessarily excel at anything either. Tana Rating: 7.5/10 Tana has the right spread of Attack and Speed to run a deadly Firesweep set, and the Defense to become a physical wall. Either way works, just keep in mind that Tana isn't all that bulky outside of Vidofnir.
  19. Damnit... I completely forgot to do battles before the round ended, and now I have to only get like 1.2k feathers because I failed to take advantage of multipliers. Also going to Team Ike now, since he was my second pick (Sigurd is my third, Lyon is my fourth, Hardin is dead last). Thinking I will swap over to my Nanna (+Atk -Def) after all, since I personally never seen any Colorless, and I like my Nanna a good bit. FC is 5177973547.
  20. Sonya Rating: 6.5/10 Sonya has an average enough statline for a Green Mage to work wonders with her default Dark Excalibur. Complicating matters is her average speed, though the right ploys can fix this. Of course, her Defense sucks, but then grass is green and Everyday Life of Heroes Kiran is a terrible tactician. Leon Rating: 7.5/10 Leon has some fairly balanced stats in everything except Resistance, but he is still able to run with speed stacking with some other bows, or with a Brave Bow for a Brave set available outside the Special summoning pools. It's pretty nasty if you can get him Attack boosted. If Valbar ever gets released, and you DON'T ally support Leon with him, then you officially have revealed yourself as a soulless robot.
  21. @D4RTH I personally believe Neutral to be better. +Spd does literally nothing for Lector when he is already outsped by any unit with 31 speed or more, which is a common Speed threshold for a unit to reach if they want to be considered "average", but it also slightly hurts his bulk to take a -HP nature, even if you never expect to hit such low HP. He already has not great HP for Armor unit expectations, I see no reason to make it worse. I also don't see how +Spd would help with Bold Fighter armors. He already can cancel out doubles if he is close to more allies than the enemy, which is common for Armors, and most all meta Armor units have around the amount of speed neutral Lector has, and those who are higher than 31 are MUCH higher than 31.
  22. They're all old enough to be my granny, they're all old enough to be my granny, they're all old enough to be my granny...
  23. I... suppose? I'd rather have a Brave Bow LA!Roy though...
  24. Not immediately, if that's what you mean. I mean, this specific Klein has been favorited for months now because I've not had many plans to promote him anytime soon.
  25. I messed up. I freaking messed up. I was gonna promote a Klein to give my LA!Roy a Brave Bow+, and I wasn't looking carefully, and I promoted the wrong Klein. I promoted the Klein I had favorited because he had a nature and some SI already, but I didn't freaking notice, now the wrong Klein was promoted and DAMNIT.
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