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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Mathilda Rating: 5/10 Mathilda has enough tools at her disposal to cripple the enemy and strike with decently powerful blows, but her Defense and HP combine to make her completely incapable of doing anything to melee and bow enemies attacking her. Her Ridersbane at least lets her take on horses on the cheap, and her Res is high enough in tandem with Berkut's Lance to take on mages, but keep an eye on those melee and bow enemies. Delthea Rating: 8/10 Delthea has great offensive stats in favor of no Defense, and having Dark Aura lets her give some of those great offensive stats to melee allies. Coming with the rare Drive Atk is also nice. Overall, while she can't do anything to fix her melee/manakete problems, she is still a powerful unit who can enable powerful melee allies.
  2. I've not been able to battle too many times, but only the first few did I get peeps from here ( @Vaximillian and @Alkaid) The rest of the time I got people who set Marth as their leads. I mean, I don't particularly care if someone sets a Red as their lead, but I will begin caring if that lead is Marth. I only hope that I didn't accidentally delete people I know when I got rid of every Marth lead on my FL...
  3. Ah... might not be the case if that hashtag means what I think it means. Well at the very least, Marth and Ike aren't on the same side, so if both sides get to the final round, then it will be a battle of proportions. Epic or Anti-climactic? The world may never know... and in fact won't know because score multiplier fun lol.
  4. Ah yes, the flow of Friend Requests is now starting up again... @LordFrigid I coulda swore I had you friended from the last gauntlet...? Eh, maybe I'm thinking of someone else, that or you just went on spring cleaning. Sent.
  5. I might change my lead to my Nanna after day 1 if I can remember to, but for right now Bridian should do.
  6. @Vaximillian in hindsight, maybe my IGN should also be my forum name... Changed, still the same lead, still the same weirdo behind the name.
  7. Screw it, I am in favor of the Melee Veteran and giving him fair representation in the game series he helped promote to western audiences. Marth siders, my FC is 5177973547, and my ally for you is the same as last voting gauntlet.
  8. Gray Rating: 6.5/10 Gray has a fairly balanced spread that comes with a Zanbato+ to deal with Cavalry. Lacking anything to truly stand out, building on this one niche can prove effective. But keep an eye on his Resistance and his magic foes... Saber Rating: 6.5/10 Same rating as Gray, because Saber isn't unique as a Sword Infantry. Coming with the Slaying Edge is good, but you would be best off foregoing the rest of his base kit to run with something more standard. Overall, not amazing, not Odin. Yes, I am using Odin's good name as a descriptor. HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE NO MORE THAN A DESCRIPTOR FOR UNIT ABILITY, ODIN THE BLARBLADE COAT RACK?
  9. I hope I'm not too late for Rody and Athena, been too tired to try to do so... Roderick Rating: 7.5/10 Roderick may have been built with the Firesweep Lance in mind, having pretty good Speed and average Attack at the cost of any Defensive ability, letting him build up his offenses to become a premier Firesweep Lance user with good reach of attack. Athena Rating: 6.5/10 Athena is average as a speedy Sword Infantry, but that doesn't make her bad. Her basekit comes with most of what she'd want to go onto the battlefield, but other units can usually do it better. That doesn't make Athena bad, just maybe a little behind the times. Damnit I was late. Well whatever, I'll try to do the two new ones later...
  10. Two Red, two Blue, one colorless... I'll let you guess which had something of absolute value to me... ...guessed? Cause if you guessed Colorless with a +Atk -Res Love Abounds Roy, then you would be right. I checked a damage sim, and there doesn't actually seem to be any difference between +Atk -Spd and +Atk -Res for a standard Brave set, plus it's only a loss of 3 res on a horse unit who already has a Res refined Guard Bow and Distant Def 3 already learned. So I've already merged my old +HP -Spd LA!Roy into the new and have him trained a bit. I'll give him a Brave Bow later, when I can afford to promote one again. Just hope they don't try to release a Bow Dancer anytime soon...
  11. Death Blow 6 get, thanks @Ginko, @Integrity, and @XRay . I'll be getting Linde's refine next, since I feel confident in my current Dragon-killing abilities enough to not need Alm's refine yet. Besides, I just cannot keep my eyes away from her... you know... ...really big... Boo...st to magic and staves. I don't know what I was going for there, they don't even look that big SHUT UP I TOOK THE OPPORTUNITY I WAS GIVEN.
  12. I mentioned it in Luke's spoiler, but I added a note to the part you quoted mentioning "For Panic Ploy", since I also do not consider Fire Boost worth keeping. IMO, 43 HP is very in-between for Panic Ploy usage. Really though, I can't imagine any scenario where you'll run an Elemental Boost over the Player/Enemy phase equivelant...
  13. I have no idea what it is I missed, but heyo. Kinda feel like that one friend of the MC who's completely normal and unaware of what's really going on... ...I've been reading some manga lately, so I now have some anime/manga tropes in my head again. Anyways, probably thinking either Marth or Ike in this one. Still thinking on it.
  14. Luke Rating: 5/10 Luke is pretty good as a Brave user, but needing more HP than the target (For Panic Ploy) is quite hard when your Brave Sword can't be forged and you only have average HP to begin with. Worse is that he is far worse than Reinhardt, who has a better statspread for a Brave set overall and can trigger the Brave effect on both phases. He can fill the void, but doesn't improve on what he does. Katarina Rating: 7/10 Katarina's default Raudhrowl may not be as powerful on her as it is on other Red Mages, but she shares the same statspread as Tharja but with more Resistance, enabling her to trigger Ploys on the enemy. Her bad Defense shouldn't prove a problem so long as you don't try to make her take Melee hits, and in the end she can be a powerful ally. You know, sometimes I wonder if I should also abstain from rating some units, since I don't have many of the units I've had to review... but then I wonder if maybe an outsiders perspective would actually be healthy, see what they think of this unit who they have no experience with or against? I dunno...
  15. Telling this to the person who always has Gamepedia tier list pulled up to check something on wild whims I understand that viewpoint, but also those are famous last words. Have small hopes that "this month, I'll definitely not have to summon even once", then boom desired unit is released/returns to a banner. Barely even FEH Karma, that's just life in general.
  16. HA. Freaking HA. You know they're gonna make [insert favorite character here] into a Legendary hero or a unit on a Legendary Banner, if not entice you with [insert character here] in the skimpiest bikini legally permitted.
  17. Ah man, I have most of these characters, which usually helps in deciding who to support... Well, I'm not really set on who to support yet... may as well sit on it for now... There have. Legendary Heroes, one of the two original banners, had Marth, Y!Tiki, and Lucina at the same time. The Wyvern Riders banner had all Axe fliers, and the paralell Pegasus Knights banner had 3 Lance users. Echoes of Mystery, the New Mystery of the Emblem banner, had Luke, Katarina, and Athena all being Red. The War of the Clerics Blocks A and B both had all Colorless units on each. Choose your Legends top 8 Block A had Ike, Roy, and Chrom in it. The... infamous... Falchion banner... The Loki's Flame TT banner had Marth, Tharja, and Sanaki. Technically doesn't count, but the Blazing Shadows banner was 1 Red, 1 Blue, and 4 Colorless. Just thought that was funny to mention.
  18. Boey Rating: 1/10 Green Henry, the end. ...fine I'll give an actual review... ignore the above... Rating: 5/10 Boey suffers a bit from the problem that he is a defensive Green Tome user with horrid Resistance, but is still able to take advantage of his good Defense to either wall against most physical threats or wall against bows. He won't be as good as other GT users, but he's a decent option even still. I only don't rate him higher because, in review, there's already a lot of bulky greens. Genny Rating: 7/10 Genny is powerful for a staff user, and her default kit includes the rare Wrathful Staff, on top of being good from the starting point. Her biggest weakness is how bad her physical defensive ability is, but given the chance she can be a valuable asset.
  19. Seems they decided, for the theme of the banner, to put the FEH connection in a suit of armor. Cause it only just got to where it needed to be.
  20. Four 3* units... FOUR. ...also Brave Ike! +Def -Spd, which... is actually tempting, despite me needing to give someone Steady Breath... well, I'll think about it.
  21. So I'm gonna have 200 Divine Dews very soon, and I wanna use them. I have an idea of what I wanna do with my Divine Dews, but I kinda wanna run it by the populace first... Anything anyone has to say, I'm open ears, but I'm weighing between Lilina and Linde for this refine...
  22. Celica Rating: 7.5/10 Celica is deadly in her first battle, and can be a potent force in multiple ways all revolving around Ragnarok. But without the boost from Ragnarok, she may as well be wielding a ranged Silver weapon with average stats. Keeping her nice and healthy is the way to go, or keeping her in Desperation range after just one battle is another way to go. Mae Rating: 7/10 Mae has a high Attack stat that will dent the opponent if not punch holes through them, but cannot take any melee or bow hits for crap. Blarowl is an interesting tome that Mae can put to work, or she can go for a more offensive build with Blarblade. Whatever way you go with Mae, she still has competition, but none are quite as filled with raw power as Mae.
  23. Horray, I'll be able to bring that Soleil I built to be an Armor Slayer into the coming Legendary Hero Battle! If Lector manages to survive a 66 base power ArmorSmasher+ hit, I will eat my shoes.
  24. Asked this in the other thread... Only wanna bring it up here because I failed to notice that I wasn't in the direct discussion about Lector.
  25. Uh... this brings up a question I've had about Hector for a long time now... HOW does Hector link to Distant Counter exactly? As in, Armads doesn't have 1-2 range in any of it's appearances, Hector himself only has access to 1-2 range weaponry common to everyone (Hand Axe, Tomahawk, etc), and even his Binding Blade appearance only comes with a Brave Axe and Silver Lance, so he has no link to attacking at a distance whatsoever. Yet so far Hector and Vector and now Lector are the only ones to have access to the skill. Follow-up, is Ostia's Pulse just an Infantry Pulse Tactics version that affects all units? Also, please stop giving units Dragon Fang/Draconic Aura, this is a personal request, y'all over at IS know we are just gonna give him Bonfire/Ignis anyway. ...does this mean normal Hector will get another Axe option?
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