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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Okay I did one last summoning... they were leftover orbs, I'm justifying it that way. ...+Atk -Def Pale Flower Nino. No, I wasn't about to believe it so easily, but there it was, 22 atk and 3 def. +Spd might be better in some ways, but screw that, I think my Flier Emblem team just got a new friend...! EDIT: okay maybe I have problems, but I ALSO have Jaffar and, for gods sake, Leo. Both are +Atk -Spd, which is great for Leo... could be better on Jaffar.
  2. I know Freddy is better... as in, Gunter's boons are Fredericks bases at 5* ln 40... but I also have Frederick in the role of Brave Axe+, and switching between offense and defense would be a pain since I don't know what will be most effective in AA at a given time. But I did come to a difference conclusion... Gunter is a Veteran. Veterans do not sparkle. And I got too many Gunters from my Mass Summoning today. ...so this is what it feels like to have a 4* +10, eh...
  3. It is time to mass summon! For reference, I am summoning from Bridal Bloom and Scattered Fangs banners. Also, the color orbs will be labeled as follows: Red = R, Blue = B, Green = G, and Colorless = C So... not the best mass summoning... but when are they ever. I think you can actually see as my patience deteriorated over time... One goal I had in mind was getting some Shannas for Desperation 3, which I managed a few... but damn, Shanna does NOT appear often enough for me anymore... On the brighter side, got a few 5* units that I did want, including Sanaki and Nino, who... okay I'll admit it, I only kept pulling when I did get them, but they had bad natures. I would have stopped at the first Nino if she weren't -Spd. Same for Sanaki with -Atk, and then for some reason I kept going even though +Atk -Spd was perfectly reasonable... I swear these guys are running a scam specifically set up to draw me in...
  4. Ephraim (disgusting) Rating: 8.5/10 Ephraim is just as supportive as his sister, but he is far more offensive compared to her more passive nature, holding a higher focus on power than Eirika's average tankiness and high speed. Having access to two personal weapons that enables him to double under certain circumstances is also great, given his low speed. His downfall is if you try to put him against any magical foes. He is otherwise a good all-around unit. Julia Rating: 7/10 Julia is a powerful Dragon killer, which are threatening units, but what holds her back from being the best is her low Defense and Speed meaning she has to kill the dragon in one hit, else she IS going to die. But her high Attack does mean that she can net the kill if she needs to. Being Green does mean she has no advantage against the growing Green Manakete pool, but that doesn't stop her killing potential.
  5. The silence before the storm, for I will soon be able to mass summon... within reason, but a mass summon is a mass summon. 1 colorless, 1 green, and 3 red. 3 useless fodder (Lon'qu, Eirika, and Cherche) and two interesting units, for they both have the skill... Attack Tactic. Yep, Siegbert and Legault. Siegbert is +Atk -Spd, so he's fodder, meanwhile Legault is the surprisingly decent +Atk -Res. So yeah, good session I guess... would have liked Nino, but nothing wrong with having more Daggers now that they're useful...
  6. Eirika Rating: 7.5/10 Eirika has good support ability, as well as the ability to turn her supporting into buffs for herself. Having to rely on buffs given to others does hurt her a bit, in that she can't go off on her own like her Brother can, but having the ability to grant a number of buffs to her allies alone is enough reason to get her. Seliph Rating: 5/10 Seliph can be made into a good unit, but his low Speed hurts a lot, as he WILL be doubled and still take a good amount of damage from attacks due to average Defense and low Resistance. Having as much HP as he does, however, is good, if unnecessary.
  7. Odd question, but what is generally done about the two Veteran units? Like, if you get a good natured Gunter, do you feel it be worth investing in him? ...fine I'll be specific. I got a +Def -Spd Gunter, and I kinda merged the Gunter I used during his Three Heroes quests into him, and he's 4*. On one hand I'm not so invested in Gunter that I'd promote him and give him expensive skills, plus I'm not exactly shy on Gunters if I just wanted to 4* +10 him, but on the other he has pretty good physical bulk and default Hone Cavalry, so he wouldn't be the worst investment I ever made. I feel I could build him to be just as bulky as some of my other Greens if I really wanted to.
  8. Selena (Finally a crummy sword unit I have experience using!) Rating: 5/10 Selena isn't BAD by any means, but she is severely outclassed by many other swords in general. She was given the niche of being a Green killer from the start, and sticking to that niche is wise. But if you REALLY want to use her, she can be made into a much better unit, though she does still compete with others. Leo Rating: 5.5/10 Leo's been given a defensive niche against Ranged units with Brynhildr's refine, but his offensive ability is quite bad.
  9. Damn, this game had a lot of Infantry Swords at launch... no wonder they took the chance to make Raven an axe user... Hana Rating: 6.5/10 Hana is blessed with good Attack and Speed, and low Defense. Resistance, and HP. This is good for a glass cannon, but it also means that any hit she does take will hurt a lot. Hana needs to pick her battles, or else she will not last long. Lazlow Rating: 5/10 Lazlow doesn't quite match up to most other Swords, having low Speed and average Defense, with Attack that, while good, doesn't do him a lot of good if he can only hit once. Building on his Attack via a Brave Sword can produce results, however. I ultimately feel like he's just a worse Chrom, with potential growth being put into a Resistance that still isn't high enough to consider using.
  10. HA. Freaking HA. Not trying to be rude, but when has Heroes ever had a non-super special banner with such perfect color balance?
  11. That's completely wrong. Here's the whole thing, straight from Fire Emblem Wiki and I can confirm it's more or less accurate, save for grammatical errors. Besides referencing Cordelia's Javelin from her supports with Robin and the Missiletainn, Anna is completely on board with selling infinite-durability weapons to the shnobs in Ylisse who break their weapons within 3 hits (Glass weaponry), and Robin... says it's tactical to wear them down.
  12. Probably what has me most excited, weirdly, is the idea of getting more "New Character" Smash Bros trailers. ...what? The Smash 4 ones are amazing, and the quality has not dropped in Ridleys. ...did I ever mention I freaking love Smash Bros? Cause I do. Reason why my official first FE was Awakening was literally because Robin and Lucina intrigued me enough to buy the game on impulse one day. As a great Tactician once said... "B-but...wearing down your enemies' weapons is a battle tactic!" ~Robin's support with Anna in Warriors
  13. I mentioned it myself, but it's not like Blarblade is bad. Odin is a cheap user of it, if you have skill fodder but no other users for Blarblade. Anyways... Ryoma Rating: 7.5/10 Ryoma used to be the premier Distant Counter Sword. Now that he's largely been outclassed by others, including a Legendary variant of himself, he at least still has the statline to pull off something else, and can still pull off an effective DC set. Just know that there are other options, and that Ryoma himself is one of them. Hinata Rating: 6/10 Hinata is bulky for an Infantry Sword, which isn't bad. But his low Speed and Resistance makes it impossible for him to deal with any kind of mages, and his base kit is not as designed for dealing with his color advantages as the other Fates characters who received Gem weapons. He can be used as a bulky sword even still though. Think Arden, if Arden had better Speed/Resistance and worse HP/Atk/Def, but could have a nature and wasn't an Armor unit.
  14. So... how bout that new Fire Emblem? And also English Marth and potentially Roy? I wonder how one would even go about translating the somewhat realistic looks of a character from new FE to something so cartoony looking as FEH...?
  15. Ah yes, tastefully leaving out the part where you also get feathers from... ..."sending units home".
  16. I dunno why I keep doing this when I only get like 10-15 new 5* units per gap, also I'm not even confident anyone's paying attention to my barrack, but heyo... Units are listed from left-to-right, Advanced sort Rarity and Type (viewed by type), and everyone is listed under Favorites 1. I also have the unit colors, as well as Fodder and Unfavorited, above the corresponding sections if you'd like to just Ctrl+F to the proper section. Total number of Favorited 5* units: 150 Overall number of 5* units: 176
  17. Jagen and Gunter has good Resistance and Defense, respectively, and can pull off builds centered around such, albeit not as good as others could. Arthur can at least fulfill being a lance killer, and Lissa... nah, she's pretty bad even when strictly recovering ally HP. ANYWAYS. Lucina Rating: 7.5/10 Lucina has fared well from the start, and her biggest issue is mostly that she has to compete with other Sword Infantry. Once given the tools, however, she is able to match said units, if not outpace them overall. She is, however less bulky than much of her competition. Corrin (Male) Rating: 6.5/10 Corrin is fairly balanced, but his Yato, depending on how it is refined, enables him to do whatever it is you'd like him to do. He's a Jack of All Trades, Master of None, but still able to match most Masters of One. I'd rate him higher if he had a specific niche to fulfill, and he does at least provide powerful Combat Buffs to the ally he supports, but I honestly believe it'd be best to try him out yourself and find out just what you want him to do.
  18. Wait when did I miss Tharja and Tiki...? Oh well. I know it doesn't count, but I'd give Tharja 7.5/10 and Tiki 7/10. Odin Rating: 1.5/10 I'm only not going for the obvious 0/10 because Odin remains some of the best Skill Inheritance fodder in the game, and Blarblade itself is a good tome. But the fact remains that Odin doesn't even get on stage, let alone perform poorly. Effie Rating: 9/10 Effie is one of the strongest units in the game, and her versatility with Lances proves that she can perform any role she needs to. One of her biggest issues is the fact that her existence causes people to start building counters to her.
  19. >I remember back at the beginning of the Sacred Memories banner, one of my first pulls in hopes of getting one of these three cool looking units... I instead got Lute. She was, to be honest, a unit I had wanted, but I certainly didn't expect to get her not just randomly, but randomly in the banner featuring her game. She's been useful since, with her +Res -HP nature and Fury 3 enabling the ability to disable the enemy. I also got 5* Seth one summoning session later, but he at least wasn't a 5* lock. >Legendary Grima legendary banner, I was hoping I could get Witch Nowi, but I honestly had dashed hopes and even worse hotel internet, so I was just hoping I could exhaust my pity rate before I left feeling deep regrets. I not only got two separate Witch Nowis, one +Res -Spd, which I was originally okay with because her Res was at least pretty good, and the other +Atk -Res, which I immediately merged into. But the units who were probably more likely pity breakers were VL!Ike, a Fjorm I still use, NS!Elise, and ToD!Sakura. >I guess in the first hour of Scattered Fangs, I did have a pity breaker I was somewhat okay with more than I would have been otherwise... Meister Reinhardt, which I'm only okay with because he isn't a Red pity breaker I already own. I'm otherwise not sure what else to say... pity breakers for me always go one of two ways: I already own the pity breaker, and the nature can either be good or bad, or the pity breaker was of a 4*-available unit who I already own and have built. Thank god for the summoning pool changes, amiright? I've at least gotten a few Gennys and Fayes over time that I'm more okay with than some other pity breakers...
  20. Niles Rating: 4/10 Niles doesn't have the power to really take advantage of the offensive threat most bows pose. He can run with a Guard Bow to become a dedicated mage tank, but he otherwise doesn't have many options. He is one of the better Ploy users in the game though. Elise Rating: 9/10 Elise has benefits that other staff users only wish they could have, between access to powerful Cavalry buffs and a decent offensive spread. While she isn't as fast as some of the other healers before buffs, and she still suffers from the common "horrid defense and HP" problem, she is still one of the strongest, and she remains as one of the best healer nukes in the game.
  21. Read maybe, but there's have to be a lot built up before I dive in. I'm more a "binge watching" person anyways. And I'm a terrible writer. Most of what I write feels simple and unimaginative, sometimes getting very close to self-inserting, but worst of all, and I personally think it shows especially on these forums, half of what I write is improvised.
  22. So... who do you think was sacrificed so Surtr could get a free extra life, Veronica or Xander? ...what? It's a free extra life, something like that comes at a cost, and Veronica's been silent for a few chapters now.
  23. Welp, I hate everything. First session, one of each important color, and none of them had anything special. Second session, 2 green, and 1 of each other color. Colorless, nope. Blue, nothing thank god. Green, bartre. Other green, Cherche. Red? Fucking Reinhardt. FREAKING MEISTER-HARDT PITY BREAKER well at least he's +Res -Def rather than somethng -Atk, which I guess is better than anything I could say about any of the other units I pulled...
  24. I don't need these labels of what each button does on the Home menu, I've been playing this game for over a year, like most of the people here. It's ugly to. It'd be one thing if the labels on each button matched the castle design, but they don't even match the Columned Castle all that well, the only castle design that has any amount of red in it. Please please please, revert this ugly change or let us disable it, because most of us aren't beginners...
  25. No, that just updated the Hero Catalog with the heroes updated weapons, such as Caeda with the Wing Sword instead of Armorslayer. What I mean is if you replaced, in my example, Cains Brave Sword with a Firesweep Sword.
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