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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Do remember that Second Seals CAN be bought in infinite quantities from shops as soon as chapter 14 is unlocked. Plus, Golden Gaffe with units possessing Despoil can add up quickly, and the funds can easily be used to buy extra Silver weapons for even MORE Golden Gaffe runs. All you would need to do is make sure Auto Attack is set to Blitz. Though I will admit that the training does become tedious after a good long while. Dual Guard+ is a good skill to carry though, especially when pitting Panne against Strengthy units due to Great Knights high defense stat. A shame that neither Panne or Stahl can learn Dual Attack+ or Dual Support+...
  2. Yeah, that is my only pet peeve with the Child system, because some of the Child Characters can't get their official hair color without the Avatar marrying that parent and having a specific hair color, and even then it's near impossible to achieve the same color (I'm looking at Severa and Laurent when I say that). Plus, that ruins Morgan's official hair color because literally none of the female units have Black hair other than Tharja (who might not be best paired with Avatar under all circumstances), Say'ri (Who doesn't have her own Child Character), and any child characters (Who also don't have children aside from Morgan, also how do you explain that to the parents?) ...though yes I would at least like to customize Morgan a little bit. It can make him or her more special. Though I wonder if that could also extended to siblings...?
  3. Oooh, I also decided to set up a streetpass team on my original save file that consisted only of the Spotpass versions of past lords, and containing references to their original titles. Though I accidentally deleted that save, I still have a few memories of it. For one, I had renamed numerous weapons to be similar to regalia that appeared in the games each lord came from, and I also forged numerous weapons to have similar stats to their appearances in a lords original game, regalia included. ~King Marth the Lodestar was using the Exalted Falchion, a Noble Rapier I forged and renamed Star Edge, and a Superior Sword. I tried to base him off of his Smash Bros appearance, so he had Counter, Astra, Swordfaire, Renewal, and Rightful King. ~Ike the Heo was also based off his Smash Bros appearance, so he came with Counter, Vantage (In lieu of his side-B attack), Aether, Gamble (mostly because I'm the one gambling if I actually use Ike in Smash 4), and Swordfaire. Wielding the Ragnell, an Armorslayer I renamed Alondite, and a Tomahawk I had forged for the Grima Chapter long beforehand. ~Roy was also based off his Smash appearance, but I didn't want to have repeat classes, so I made him a Grandmaster instead. I had Roy with Counter, Swordfaire, Astra, Ignis, and Aegis wielding an Alm's Blade renamed to SwordOfSeals, an Eliwood's Blade renamed Lion Rapier, and Valflame. ~Hector sticks out to me for some reason. As a General, he toted Pavise, Aegis, Vengeance, Axefaire, and HP+5 wielding the Armads, a Hector's Axe renamed Wolf Beil, and a Beastslayer renamed Horseslayer because it was called that in Rekka no Ken for some reason. ~Robin, as I named my avatar at the time, toted Pavise, Aegis, Ignis, Renewal, and Rally Spectrum, and wielded a Levin Sword, Thoron, Mercurius, and Mjolnir. I plan to do this again with the female lords and a few other female characters I've taken note of at some point, but I've been lazy.
  4. Generally speaking, Lethality doesn't activate quite as often as Astra (1/4 of skill compared to 1/2 of skill), and if utilized correctly (Critical Forged Killing Edge or Sol Katti), Astra can do 7.5 the damage a normal attack would have done. The only scenarios that such would not kill an enemy unit would be against Knight, Cavalier, and Wyvern Rider promotions. Though even factoring out Critical Astra, Astra generally activates more often than Lethality, even if the latter does instant kill. All Stat +2 can be used if you ever decided to use Strength +2, though the increase generally might not be worth the skill slot compared to Limit Breaker. Lon'qu can make good use of Lucky Seven (Trickster) on maps where a maps worst threats can be dealt with before turn 7, though I don't know if such would include Apothesis. Movement +1 gives Lon'qu movement equal to a Pegasus Rider, Cavalier, or Wyvern Rider, which might be good on larger maps such as Garden of Giants, Apothesis, or Grima if you need Lon'qu on enemy cleaning, though his inability to learn Galeforce does mean he can't defeat one enemy and retreat (only his kids). If you considered move+1 though, you probably should have considered Deliverer first, because why would you not have all of your units paired up? Acrobat shouldn't be needed, as Lon'qu will generally want to remain in forts and woods due to his low defensive ability as an Assassin and in general. Pass should be considered if you have Lon'qu using bows. One skill to consider is Aggressor, since that gives Lon'qu +10 attack on his turn, which can spell deadly when trying to utilize Critical Astra. ...okay that's Lon'qu. Stahl is going to be a bit weirder... You might want to consider Aegis, as it can cut Tome damage in half. While it doesn't save you from Bolt Axe, Shockstick, and Levin Sword attacks, those only pop up against very specific sets of opponents (Tricksters, War Priests/Clerics, MAYBE Dark Fliers or Healer Falcon Knights), whereas Sages, Sorcerers, Valkyries, and Dark Knights will appear much more often. Though if you leave Stahl as a Great Knight, it might not activate often... The only danger a Bow would present to a wall like Great knight is if the wielder has a skill like Luna/Luna+, Lethality, or Vengeance, otherwise Bow users are just not powerful enough to deal much damage to a Great Knight under normal circumstances. As a side note, Luna should be best utilized on maps with large numbers of high defense units, whereas Astra may see use on maps with... well not all that many armored units. Finally, Aggressor can still be utilized. Though it doesn't give Stahl must counter-attacking use, it does make him quite deadly on the Player Phase.
  5. Name: Placeholder (I'm bad at names) Class: Myrmidon (Translates to Mercenary for female Child Units) Level: 17 Reclass: Cavalier and Knight (Translates to Pegasus Rider and Troubadour for female Child Units) Stat Modifiers: STR+3/ MAG-3/ SKL+2/ SPD+2 /LUK=0/ DEF-2/ RES-1 Base Stats: HP=31/ STR=19/ MAG=4/ SKL=17/ SPD=21/ LUK=14/ DEF=11/ RES=11 (HP, STR, SKL, and SPD increase with difficulty) Inventory: Armorslayer, Wyrmslayer, Concoction, Killer Ticket (exchanged at chapters end for one Killing Series weapon) Weapon Rank: C Skills: Avoid +10, Vantage As a unit: Favors strong offense over magical or defensive ability, though by possessing the Knight and Cavalier lines, gains the ability to lower some damage. Comes with both an Armor and Wyrm slayer, so striking at armored and dragonic units will be his strong point in his recruitment chapter. Also the only unit who can support with other non-parent generation units freely. Can also S-Support female non-parent generation units. Roster: A youthful traitor of Valm with delusions of heroism, though he shows capability of backing those delusions. Though negative and distant, he shows great care for others in the army, and is often asked to help others. Can be found crying in his sleep for no apparent reason. The blankest when stargazing. Born December 5th. Description: A youth of heroic delusions. Helpful when needed. Critical/Skill quotes "I'll end your suffering..." "This is the end!" "For Glory!" "Guide me, stars...!" Event/Barracks EXP: The stories of heroes old never get old... but I forgot how many times I read them... again... WEAPON EXP: I'm kinda better with my weapon now. If only my words could train quite as well... ITEM: What... hm... I wonder if any will notice if I just... take this and... BOOST: Does nobody else feel so well? Someone must have spiked my food... NOTHING: That was a good nap. Good thing people don't look for me in barrels and crates. Level Up 1-0: I shouldn't be so surprised next time... 2-3: Can't let this be what others expect... 4-5: That was okay, but not good enough... 6+: Someone did better... Someone did better... 1-0 NEAR CAPS: If I'm so strong already, everyone else must be centuries ahead... Class Change: Let this shield become evermore mightier for you... Supports Friendly Supports Male Avatar (Talking about Swords and Magic, later Male Avatar consoling Placeholder about his usefulness) Basilio (Talking about Ferox's finest warriors and mead) Donnel (Talking about farming tools and their war effectiveness) Walhart (Talks about Placeholder's betrayal of Valm) Romantic Supports Female Avatar (Talking about first meeting, later consoling about usefulness) Tiki (Talking about the exploits of Marth) Say'ri (Talking about Chon'sin's achievements) Anna (Talking about adventurers Anna met) Flavia (Talking about the position of Khan) Panne (Talks about Taguel culinary) Nowi (Talks about Nowi's Dragonstone and games) Avatar Confession I don't kn-no... No. I won't question you... for once... I'll accept another's warmth... Defeat Defeat quote: S-sor...ry... Classic Death: The stars are... ah... so bright... so... beau...ti...ful... Casual Defeat: Too... stro-ow... strong... owie... leaving... now... ow... All other quotes (To come later, nothing is in mind right now) Recruitment Starts as enemy unit in Chapter 15. when Say'ri is cornered, kills one of the Knights after Say'ri before becoming an ally unit like Say'ri. Gives Say'ri a Killing Edge, and the pair will progress through the map in a Pair up (Say'ri in front). When Say'ri is recruited, the two will separate. Placeholder must be talked to with Say'ri to be recruited. If Say'ri is defeated, Placeholder will not attack and cannot be recruited, regardless if he has already been recruited or not. Child Character? Hm... good question.
  6. I once pitted an armless Chrom against an entire Risen encounter, for the sole purpose of training Lissa and Maribelle to level 10. It's a lot harder to convince the enemy to target the non-healers than you think...
  7. Technical first time was Miriel, before it hit me that "S rank = marriage". First time was Nowi, current playthrough is Sully, next time will be Tharja. ...I'm mostly seeing how the three Galeforceless children fare with each parent that pass on pegasus rider.
  8. I only used it once, when I decided that it was too tedious to manually pick each unit and have to select where I want them to go when it was obvious I wanted them to go the maximum amount of steps possible. They proceeded to not go the maximum amount of steps possible.
  9. From a stat perspective, Virion does offer SLIGHTLY better Magic, ergo making for a slightly stronger Sorcerer, Sage, or Dark Knight Noire. Though whatever differences between the two are only by one point (STR, MAG, LUK, DEF). Skill wise, Virion has no Male exclusive classes, so anything he can get, so can Noire. Mage and Dark Mage has an overlapping promotion, which means the class pool isn't quite as vast as with Gaius. The only skills that stand out from a Virion!Noire would be Tomefaire and MAYBE the -Breaker skills from the Wyvern Rider promotions. Comparatively, Gaius can pass on Counter or HP+5, and Noire can grab Galeforce, Astra, Vantage, and Swordfaire if Levin Sword Trickster is desired. Class wise, Virion!Noire really only gets one more notable class in Sage, which... I guess works for having another healer on hand? Wyvern Lord/Griffon Rider don't get any use out of the good magic or skill/speed caps. Comparatively, Gaius offers classes from Pegasus Knight, Thief, and Myrmidon, with notable alternative final options for Noire being Trickster and Dark Flier if Sorcerer or Dark Knight don't have a place for Noire. Honestly, I'm just trying to figure out Nah... if Kjelle and Noire are already taken, then Nah either needs to be born by the Avatar for the generally vast skillpool, or just pass on it altogether... a Speed+Defense- Avatar can offspring a Nah/Morgan with STR+2/MAG+2/SKL+2/SPD+3/LUK+3/DEF+1/RES+2, which after Dragonstone+ bonuses can make for pretty good Manaketes, but those modifiers just seem WAY TOO BALANCED for really any scenario...
  10. ...okay please bear with me. I've taken note of the Fire Emblem series when I began playing Super Smash Bros, mainly after reading the trophies of Fire Emblem related... trophies. My interest sparked considerably with the release of Smash 4, and I decided to try and get my hands on the latest title since I figured it would be the easiest to obtain, what with... well being the most recent. Of note, I only played a Fire Emblem game once by that point, Rekka no Ken, when I was about 11 or 12 (I'm 17 right now), and I am honestly surprised I didn't game over by the time I got the Mani Katti (though I did lose Kent in that very chapter). I just wasn't very smart at that age. Though I consider myself better now (normal mode turned out to be more of a godsend to me than I thought it would) and developed a much better understanding of how things work (i don't think I would have ever understood the weapon triangle or the importance of Durability without taking it easy), I'm still trying to get to the point where I can tackle Lunatic/Lunatic+ without worry. Plus, I generally want to try out more Fire Emblems, because I generally think that I will be best capable of understanding the series and how to play it if I can master past titles, but I feel as though I should build some confidence in such. So that brings me here. The prospect of learning about Fates and SMTxFE brought me to SerenesForest initially, but I'm only now getting around to the forums. With that in mind because I never introduced myself properly... Hello, I go by the title Xenomata, and am a fairly new player of the Fire Emblem series. I consider myself a Nintendo fan through and through, largely due to how no matter what other systems I go to, I always come back to jumping on a Goomba's head, reorganizing my boxes by the type of each pokemon, or whatever else it was I had inserted in my 3DS at the time. I might not come off as friendly, in fact I can be kinda negative about everything I talk about, though I do insist that I am genuine about my relations to a rather embarrassing fault, even if my reasons for said relations are not quite as pure. If I can get along well with as many others as possible, well that would work out well. My talents mostly reside in gaming, though I believe it has made me smarter , understanding all the aspects of what goes into "mastering" a game. Such has also made me quite fond of reading, research, and shoving things together to see what happens. I like walking in the glow of the sunset to. Does that count for anything? ...I should probably work on not quite so lengthy introductions, but I think this will do... right?
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