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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. I had a thought... Do we really have any good reason to keep the number of Bonus Units limited to just 8? Tempest Trials have become a thing that happens when we get new seasonal units, but now in Year 3 there will be too many seasonal units to put in as bonus units to the Trials, so it'll just be the new seasonals and last years seasonals. Kinda sucks if, for instance, the only Bride you can get is Caeda or Lyn.
  2. Wow, in my Outrealm Team Corrin (aka my freaking team) was left with one territory. ONE. And ya know who kept that territory for us? I'll give ya a hint, their name is probably on the screen as you are reading this right now. I'm not entirely convinced anyone was actually around for the last round.
  3. Uhhhhh... I can explain. ...no I freaking can't. I'm not sure if I wanna give him the Darting Stance 3 SS I already own, or give him the upcoming Brazen Atk/Spd seal... and based on prior knowledge, yeah Lissa is also on the +10 list.
  4. You would think, but I've the odd feeling nobody thought the mode would eventually be hosted by characters that people actually cared about.
  5. It's probably to somehow prevent individuals organizing into a single group to overwhelm other unorganized groups, which in a mode where everyone does their own thing could lead to an advantage, such as a lot of players with +10 units being in one group or being able to pick and choose zones to occupy. Just a guess, cause it seems unlikely that anyone even cares enough about an occasional event mode that comes down to "Rival Domains but bigger".
  6. Let's just answer for in general, rather than just bows. ~All Brave and Firesweep weapons, unless they are Prfs, cannot be forged. ~Assassin's Bow+ cannot be forged, but it can be upgraded to the Guard Bow+. ~Bladetomes and Raventomes cannot be forged. ~Gem weapons can't be forged. ~Pretty much anything that can be upgraded to a stronger weapon can't be forged. ~For some reason the Poison Dagger+ and Kitty Paddle+ still can't be forged even though numerous effective damage Daggers that are stronger by default AND have many more effects than either dagger can be forged without a care in the world. Seriously what the hell, DumbSys. EDIT: I think I might have an attraction to Blue units... not sexual, more like a magnetic attraction... Anyways, I know the popular set with Effie has something to do with Berkut's Lance or Slaying Lance or whatever, but I've been thinking she might be good with a Reprisal Lance. High Attack on top of built-in Fierce Stance and +Atk refine (I checked, there's not really a situation where +Def or +Res are better), and Special Fighter means she gets a 2 cooldown Special ready immediately. The build I found to get the most kills is below, she's just against the Hard List of enemies in this simulator. She'd mostly be used in Arena Assault unless I find a reason to make a proper Aether Raids defense team. Any input on the set? She probably won't be my NEXT +10, but she's certainly on the +10ing list. edit 2: all skills were put on Effie except a proper C passive.
  7. Uhhhhh, not exactly a result of legal disputes (I don't think they were technically legal at least) but they kinda did that already. As a result of issues with Seal Clubbing in other regions, the Topis from Ice Climber, which in Japan appeared as the seal on the left, were replaced with the... weird midget beaked yeti on the right.
  8. Bridal Fjorm and Sigrun in the same pull. Fjorm is +HP -Def, which... actually it doesn't look that great on paper, but for the sake of her personal weapon I think it's perfect. Sigrun is +Spd -Atk.. which really just extremifies her offensive stats. Tanith came a bit later as +Spd -HP, so... goddamnit this is one of those bouts of luck with the banner... Well... I don't know what I was expecting, but not to get the unit I wanted most from the banner so easily... with a decent Asset/Flaw combo even though it doesn't look like one. I suppose this is probably the best case scenario though... sigh... I already know I need to buy more orbs for Bridal Bloom, so I guess I can give Pent a shot once I secure a fodderable Sanaki...
  9. So long as it's over I guess. I might also be thinking of something completely different and probably unrelated...
  10. On the one hand, that's kinda mean to say publicly, even if Anacy is guilty of such. On the other... kinda have to agree, but only because Anacy doesn't really seem to learn or teach anything. There's people on these forums I'd glady be proven wrong by, because I usually learn something from them. And if they're reading this, they probably know who they are. But then there's those arguments where nothing is learned and you come out feeling like you wasted a lot of time on nothing... Sorry Anacy, I mean no offense.
  11. Ah Jaffar... summoned a good few of him, but it wasn't until well after he got his refinery update that I actually bothered to keep him. Keep in mind, this was before Life and Death was a 4* skill. Also in fairness, none of them were good until +Atk -Spd appeared and was alright I guess. Thank god for the merged units update... though despite releasing him those first few times, he still somehow has +6 merge...?
  12. Let's just make Laevatein the new Hector, getting powerful alts but always having the same weapon SLIGHTLY different each time. Cause Maltet is just Armads, but a pointy stick.
  13. My thoughts... ~Tanith... ugh, I'm sorry but looking at her stats and growths in PoR and RD, she looks like she'll be yet another speedy and average powered Pegasus Knight. Do we REALLY need yet another one? Doesn't help that hidy ho look not only does she have Swift Sparrow, but ALSO a Swift Sparrow lance! [sarcasm]Wow Exciting Amazing![/sarcasm] What really gets me is that she's the one who has Harsh Command+, exactly the skill that a person would want these days. I don't feel like I need her, but I do want Harsh Command+... ~Sigrun... huh. She looks very slow in PoR and RD, so why does she have so much potential speed...? Oh goddamnit they're betraying the original units stats again. Otherwise she brings nothing interesting to the table. Swift Sparrow sword, whoopee. AR-D Spd/Def, yay another Aether Raids exclusive skill I'll use for while the unit is a bonus unit and then never again. ~Pent looks alright. Really wish they'd bring out Rally Up Spd+ already, cause my Titania would love it to go along with her Tactics support. Pulse Smoke looks... alright I guess. That'll be mean for sure, but it'll be hard to outdo Witchy Umbrella which flatout resets your Special Charge AND inflicts Guard... ~Fjorm looks good. Probably not worth accidentally +10ing like I did her Nyofai form, but still good. I see Loki gave her some pointers. Ground Orders looks like a great boon for Armor teams. Yes Armor March is a thing, yes Pivot play is also a thing, and yes we have an Armor Staff so no need for Fjorm... but hey, teleporting chaos is always fun. And then Gjallarbru... hm. Looks mean. Well... I'm actually not that tempted to try for everyone. Tanith I already have like 12 of, Sigrun just looks uninteresting, Pent... actually Pent looks pretty neat, but he does face competition from Reinhardt, and then Fjorm... she looks powerful, and yeah I'll try for her, but otherwise I don't think I need everyone here... hm. As for Louise... they better not screw up a free not-Lyn Bow Cav.
  14. So first off... never played any Tellius games beyond the first two or three maps of PoR, so... gimme a moment to see who the hell Tanith and Sigrun are. I know who Pent and Louise are, pretty neat dude and madam. Fjorm... eh. Partial either way. Second... why is there drama when there isn't even a loli bride? What the hell guys? Third... BB. Every Bride banner has been abbreviated as BB. Blessings, Bloom, now Belonging... BBs.
  15. Yeah in hindsight maybe a disclaimer would have been helpful... Like I said, Nyx might only be a problem if people don't bother looking into her backstory, because yes almost every other sentence she speaks is somehow about her dark past and her crimes that locked her into the body of a child, but a nitpicker may or may not be "picky" in the facts they know about her... actually even if she's added normally to the game she might raise some issues anyway. Damn Dark Mage outfit... Kana... I dunno, I have a gut feeling they wouldn't do anything too risky if they were to put Kana in a Bridal banner. I mean, Sanaki I feel acts older than her actual age (at least as a bridal unit), but Kana is a kid through and through, and it kinda shows throughout Fates. Even Nowi has her mature moments, and she doesn't look or act that much older than the Kanas. They may actually want to make sure we understand that they were the Flower thrower or Ring bearer or whatever it is you have kids do at weddings. ...but then I'm not a game dev, so I guess we'll just have to wait 12 or 13 hours to find out.
  16. @GrandeRampel No offense meant, but do not assume I'm one of those complainers. I'm completely neutral on if PoR Sanaki should be wearing a dress (She's the goddamn Apostle, she can do whatever the hell she wants). Though I'm not sure it should be Selkie people should/shouldn't have a problem with, because she's apparently old enough to have a child with Male Corrin. Nyx maybe, if all people see is a young girl. Kana probably, since they're legit young kids. ...Fire Emblem got kinda weird when it let the player play matchmaker, didn't it?
  17. This is usually a question best left in the Ask questions thread, but carrying on... ~Saber looks great. If you don't know (and it seems doubtful if you were gone for since the first Christmas banner), he got a personal weapon that, when refined, gives him conditional Distant Counter when his special is ready in addition to +3 to all stats. Give him Pavise or Aegis, keep Shield Pulse, and you got yourself a good Saber. ~Soleil can use that Speed to her advantage, but she's also got a nice Atk stat. I personally used to use her as an Armor killer, then an Arena cheerleader. ~Elincia can work with either +Atk or +Spd, so that +Atk is fortunate to have. I'd replace Death Blow with Life and Death or Swift Sparrow to give her some Speed. ~Fjorm is... well, Fjorm. We all got her. ~Nothing to say about Oscar, because I don't use him myself, but I will say that there is now an option in the Settings menu that enables you to see the Boon and Bane stats of a unit (known officially as Assets and Flaws). Assets will be highlighted Blue, while Flaws are Red. Giving any unit a merge will now also remove the Flaw, though it does still exist for certain purposes. I say this because this will let you see your units Assets and Flaws regardless of their level. ~Olwen might prefer Blarblade to Dire Thunder, but with enough Speed stacking she can run a Quad Thunder build. Not recommended if you don't have her with an offensive Asset. ~I'm not sure how usable that Summer Corrin is, but most non-Infantry mages can run just fine with a Bladetome. ~PA!Azura shouldn't need much to make her good. Dancers generally don't want to see combat against anyone but units they have a color advantage against, so Triangle Adept already has you pretty covered. ~Amelia recently got a personal weapon with a refine that boosts her Spd and Def as long as she has a positive status effect or stat boost on her (Armor March, for instance). While your Amelia is relatively... eh, she can still be used to good effect. ~Deirdre also got a refine to Divine Naga: if she has at least 3 points of Res more than her target foe, she gets +3 to all stats. Refining Divine Naga at all will get her the ability to disable Adeptive Damage at all, so she's a good Dragon killer. ~There's a good number of ways to build Brave Lyn, but having Neutral is a good start. ~Same with Brave Veronica. As for your other units, again I'd turn on the setting that lets you see your units Asset and Flaw stats, then come back with everyone who looks good in your eyes.
  18. I just realized... who we are assuming is Fjorm, couldn't that also be Ylgr? Their hairstyles are somewhat similar, but Ylgr is also quite short. We also know they have no qualms with putting a young child in a wedding dress (at least, we know they did that last year and don't know if they learned anything from the backlash), and so far Ylgr is the only Nifl sibling to not have a seasonal alt (mostly because the other three got theirs all at once). Heck, this seems like a both great and awkward time to get Helbindi in on the seasonal action.
  19. Depending on the units you put in that Beast/Dragon team, each Chill will serve a different purpose. ~Chill Atk is generally good for all units, as it means the strongest foe is... well, not that strong anymore. It doesn't have any impact on boosting damage of course. ~Chill Spd lets the more offensive of beasts get in follow-up attacks. Panne, Lethe, Ranulf, just to name a few. It does not have that great an impact on defensive units, Caineghis and the most popular of Dragons, since defensive units generally drop all Spd anyway, and it especially becomes useless when fighting exclusively defensive units, though there are a few Spd tanks out there... ~Chill Def and Res do affect damage dealt. Which you take would depend on which of Beasts or Dragons you take in, as Beasts do exclusively Physical damage while Dragons, while dealing Adeptive damage to ranged units, otherwise do Magical. You can also consider a Sabotage. While it means she needs to boost her Res, and while yes Sabotage skills right now are very rare, it does affect more than one target for pretty much the same debuff. Just something to consider once Sabotages become more available. As for if to take a Chill or WoM, I'd say do a Chill. WoM is great for Dancers because their otherwise 2 move can mean they can't reach their allies who are in the thick of battle, but having 3 move means Leanne is able to reach most any ally as long as she is positioned correctly.
  20. Do you have other Dancers or Singers you can use freely? Refreshing units generally don't see combat unless they are forced into it, and Leanne lacking a color means there's not even a certain type of unit she can bait in and expect to live against. And as a Flying Dancer who can potentially have 3 move, that's just even more reason to keep her around. ...there's also the fact that she's not exactly the best for fodder. Mirror Stance is probably her best fodder skill, but it's not exactly a highly desired skill except with magic tanks, where Hone Beasts is probably second best (great if running a Beast team, especially if Kaden is around) and Flier Formation... eh.
  21. First thoughts? Setsuna and Ares. ...I've been playing Fates lately, and the right one just gives a very Ares look... ...also someone should make a thread. I kinda want to, but don't know how to insert tweets and should not be trusted with these kind of things anyway.
  22. @Sire I'm considering Earth Defense Force... it looks just ridiculous enough that I think I can enjoy it and not have to take it TOO seriously... if at all. @Glennstavos Oh man I used to play the first few Dead Risings so much... does DR1 still have survivors missing large chunks of brain functionality? And what about DR3 and 4? I know 3 wasn't considered as good as the past 2 (3?), but still held up as a good DR game, and then 4 was... nobody liked it, and I watched a video comparing DR4 to DR1, with DR1... my god, do landslides usually have to be so large? @Ertrick36 I just bought New Vegas (thanks Post-Apocalypse sale), might get 4 as well if I like what I play. I mean, it's $30 USD for a $30 USD game, but with almost $30 USD worth of DLC. Man, Glennstavos was right about those sales, they are worth taking even a peek at... @Tryhard I checked Total War, and... there's a lot of them. Do you have any particular first recommendation, or should I basically close my eyes and throw a dart at the wall? @Michelaar Welp... between you and Ertick, I think I oughta check out Stardew...
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