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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. To be fair, that trial is HARD, especially considering there's really not been much reason to build a strong Dark elemental team. That and we have very few powerful Dark element characters and dragons compared to any other element, even Light... As for High Midgardsormar, I'd build both. If you get unlucky and your random teammates don't wanna play Verica, you can be the healer. And if there is a Verica or Valentine Hildengarde, you can be flexible and switch to Marth. Heck, I even have Mikoto built just in case. I'd build Vanessa to if I felt that weren't overkill.
  2. I'm the opposite kind of idiot who +10ed Eir in her first freaking Banner appearance... These two orbs don't even begin to compensate for how many orbs future Eirs ate...
  3. I've not gotten to look at everything yet, but there's some good looking games here... Added in Genre's I like and Game list (even threw in my Nintendo Switch and 3DS Library if that'd help) I don't have any mods (I don't think any of the games I have besides GTAV even have mods...), and while I can access my specs, I don't think I need to yet, at least not for the reason you said I should.
  4. Now with Genres I like and Game list Been browsing Steam for the last few weeks ever since I got a powerful gaming rig (it was built with help). I've also been trying to find other games around the web, but I either just don't know what to get or what I even like... so any recommendations? Age: 21 Genres liked (in general, games do not need to contain multiple for me to enjoy): Action, Adventre, RPG, Shooters (does not matter FPS, Over the shoulder, or whatever), Platformer, Fighting, Strategy, Sandbox, Online (includes PvP, Co-Op, MMOs, etc.). These are the ones I know I like, but I'm also pretty experimental with finding out what I like. Do not hold back. Do not like: crappy Horror (the kind that's just blood and jumpscares and such) and Hentai games (can handle nudity and such, but I'm not out for specifically that.) Here's my PC's game library
  5. Quan is best used as a defensive force. Against non-Fliers he holds up pretty well thanks to the Gae Bolg providing 5 Defense, and his Attack isn't shabby either, among the highest of Cavalry Lances even. Unfortunately, +Spd -Def does little for this playstyle, as his Speed isn't that great to begin with, and is pretty hard to make usable overall. At best, you prevent doubles from a very select pool of units. For builds... W: Gae Bolg A: any S: Bonfire PA: Sturdy Stance PB: Quick Riposte PC: any It's simple but effective. Pretty self-explanatory as well, you simply get your offensive and defensive ability escalated and then throw in Quick Riposte to ensure he nets the kill. You can get Quick Ripote from a few units in the 4* Pool, and Sturdy Stance from Halloween Dorcas if you're willing to shell out the Grails. Otherwise, the skill is locked to Legendary Ephraim, so keeping his default Steady Posture is a good idea as well, especially if you don't anticipate being able to replace his +Spd. Again, prevent doubles from a few units.
  6. Well it's over now. Never got Fjorm in the end, but I'm not really bothered by it.
  7. So... do we know if there will be an official english translation? I would freaking LOVE to buy this thing right here and right now, but... I'd also like to be able to read the damn thing...
  8. Anyone who managed to get Fallen Berkut, Legendary Azura with a Hone Stat 4, Mordecai, and a Horse unit who can survive the Firesweep Bow Flier may find this pretty easy. Step 1: position Step 2: Move Berkut up one, have Azura dance him, and then have Mordecai Smite Berkut into the crowd. Then have the Horse sit within 2 spaces of Berkut. Step 3: Watch as Berkut survives the onslaught while the Horse gets pummeled repeatedly. Step 4: Clean-up duty.
  9. Forgot to mention that I decided to just complete pulling for everyone last night, screw being patient. Berkut is still +Res, but he now has a possible +Atk. Considered merging into +Atk, but I think I'll hold onto Berkut's great Res potential for now. Not gonna merge +Atk into the +Res yet though, I'll keep it around... just in case. Corrin got pulled +HP -Atk. Might not sound like it matters, but it means the first merge won't go into her Atk like it normally would. Decided to merge into -Atk instead of -Res, for the slight Spd edge. Tiki got 2 copies pulled before I got -Atk Corrin above. One was +Res, the other +Def. Between them and +HP, decided to keep +Def. Mareeta remained the same. No merges, no new pulls, just good ol +Spd -Def Mareeta. Think that's it for me from this banner.
  10. Hi hello, wanted to see if Oboro was in here already, and she was! But the last update was at least a year and a half ago, so nothing about her new Personal Weapon, the Oboro's Spear, yet. So if you don't mind... Oboro's Spear What you see is what you get. Armor slaying abilities and Close Def 3. Now what does this mean for Oboro exactly? Well, her statline is relatively average, so slightly above average (for most launch Infantry) Resistance with a possible SuperAsset, and average Defense for a defensive unit. That 28 Res with an Asset, however, I believe makes the crux of what Oboro is now: The answer to any Melee unit in the game, regardless of weapon, and especially any Melee Armor. Now other units can technically do what Oboro does better. There are certainly bulkier in either stat, in some cases even bulkier mixed, and others have more Atk than Oboro. In terms of Armor killing, Oboro is not the strongest of them. Her closest competition would be Gwendolyn, who has higher base defenses (specifically, her base Defense and Resistance are what Oboro has as Assets) while only having slightly less Atk. Access to Armor skills is also a point in her favor. But not many other units can achieve what Oboro can all at the same time, as well as remain as easily accessible as she is, and in Oboro's favor is the fact that Infantry do not have direct counters like Armors do, so Gwendolyn has to fear Slaying Hammers and other Armor-killing weapons. (Bold denotes what I use for my own Oboro) Asset/Flaw: Resistance / Speed Weapon: Oboro's Spear [Special Refine] Assist: any (Swap prefered) Special: Ignis or Glacies or Aether Passive A: Steady Breath or Warding Breath or Close Def Passive B: Quick Riposte Passive C: any (Odd/Even Res Wave prefered) Sacred Seal: Close Def or Warding Stance Boosting her Resistance means she can take on Dragons just as well as other units who have naturally high Resistance, unlike Oboro herself who is merely okay for a Launch Infantry. As such, you want to take in as much Res as you possibly can. Off her base Asset 28 Res, all of the bolded above boosts her all the way to 44 Enemy-Phase Resistance, which becomes 50 when Res Wave triggers. Her Defense does not slouch either, as off her base 35 Def, it becomes 47 EP. This allows Oboro to take on almost any Melee unit in the game. You could swap out Warding Breath with Steady Breath if you feel she can take the loss in Res, but overall you'd be best off keeping it as high as possible. An alternative to the Breaths is a third layer of Close Def, bringing her Defense even higher and her Res slightly better off, but this is not preferred, as she will then be unable to charge a powerful Special Trigger as fast. As you can see, even dumping as much into Res as possible still keeps her Defense higher than her Res, so the prefered Special is Ignis. However, if you chose to give her Warding Stance instead of Close Def in her Sacred Seal slot, then her Res will be higher instead, and Glacies will wind up doing more. In either case, Aether is an option if you do not intend to feed her a merge to fix her Speed Flaw, which usually makes her doublable by just about anyone, even some Armors. However, Armor units, her primary targets, tend to hover around where Oboro is in Speed, so unless they have Bold Fighter she won't be able to charge Aether in time for her second attack. Safest would be to stick with Ignis/Glacies. Quick Riposte, of course, is what will enable her to not only get a second attack, but also get her Special Triggered. Swap lets Oboro get an ally out of the way of an oncoming enemy, while letting herself take them on instead. Team options: Obviously you can't go far with 47/44 Defenses. Units have far more Atk than that these days. But fortunately, Oboro doesn't need that much help to go far in the world. ~Any form of boosting Defense and Resistance is welcome. This is made easier with the existence of the Def Tactics and Res Tactics Sacred Seals, as well as Titania's Draconic Poleaxe Special Refine. Boosting her Attack and Speed would be good as well. As such, I recommend Titania and Seth as Oboro's buffing partners, as they can both get all of her stats way up quite easily. ~A healer is an obvious partner to a defensive unit. Good options include Winter Eirika, who's default kit boosts all of Oboro's important stats so long as it is her with the highest Atk, and Picnic Genny, who has Drive Def/Res in her Toasty Skewer plus Def Opening. Brave Veronica is also great for having default access to Close Guard. Of course, so long as any healer has any of those skills they will be excellent partners to Oboro, but generally speaking anyone works. ~Need an extra layer of support? Glad you asked. Mordecai's Saber Tooth Fang, as well as Atk/Def Link, both let Oboro get into the battle much faster, as well as serve to make the enemy weaker. New Year Corrin's default Hama Ya and Spur Def/Res access, plus the Rally Def/Res and Spur Def/Res seals can all really get Oboro's defenses really high without much effort. If you have Kaden, you can have him hang around Titania/Seth and essentially add another layer of heavy buffing to Oboro. Just don't forget that Tactics only work if a units Move Type on your team number 2 or less. Ranulf is similar. Now there are obvious flaws for Oboro's Spear... ~She is useless against Ranged enemies. At least this saves you the trouble of wasting Distant Counter on her though? ~Axes and Green Manaketes, even though they would still struggle against her, do still do a lot of damage while not taking as much from her. If they can double her, Oboro might be in a bit of trouble. ~A lot of Oboro's abilities are on EP, so sending her in on Player Phase is not a great idea. But I think if you just give it a chance, you might like what you find, especially if you are a person who has trouble against the increasing number of Armor units in the game. ...did I do it right? Do people love Oboro now?
  11. Anankos actually makes sense as the Mythic. He technically counts as a Fallen Hero (his Human form at least), so he'd fit the theme of the banner similar to how Legendary Grima did last year. ...Lilith might also fit the bill though. She's an Astral Dragon after all, even already has a Breath weapon (Astral Breath) and possible personal skill (Astral Blessing). She literally IS the element of Astra.
  12. Do you value her ability to trigger Sudden Panic on as many units as possible, or would you rather barely nudge that mark up while also enabling her Attack and Speed a little? When you say fodder, I assume you mean for one of her skills, but IMO it'd be better if you instead give her a merge, especially if you pick Neutral. @XRay You said to go for +Res asset, +Def forge, and Warding Breath in building that Nowi. I noticed that it'd be possible to have the same defenses using +Res forge and Steady Breath, which I failed to mention I have fodder of. I didn't think it mattered, but this actually affects which stat is Visibly higher, which would affect skills like Ploys, Sabotages, Chills, etc etc. The conclusion I'm seeing is that Res forge/Steady Breath is better due to there being more measuring contests of Res compared to Def, but I wanted to run this by you (and anyone else reading) before I did anything stupid. So the question being asked: Does it matter which of Nowi's defensive stats is visibly higher?
  13. For me... yes and no. On the one hand, between said knowledge and the fact that I'm now at a point where I really don't need all the new fancy and shiny units to keep up with the meta, there's not an urge to get them anymore, or even bother for a good asset/flaw. On the other... there will always be an urge to collect, regardless how much I actually need or even want a unit. I'm hoping, however, that now that I have almost all the Year 1 and Year 2 units I can just relax on getting the Year 3 units, focus on finally powering up my army rather than growing it...
  14. It could serve as a B skill, maybe even a Sacred Seal, though the way I was thinking the B slot is dedicated most towards directly affecting combat, as well as the additional Chills and Sabotages and whatnot. Putting it in the C slot, again, means you have to run the affected skills in the SS slot or have it in your weapon, or just be a Training Tower dunce and have a completely useless skill. Though maybe that's a worthy sacrifice? Not like every skill has to be for every unit who can learn it. ...I was also thinking that if it weren't an A slot, then you could run the Devastation skill in addition to an HP+ skill, or Fortress Def/Res3 and have an almost unavoidable skill effect, as opposed to giving up your own potential power in exchange for making life a LOT easier for your probably stronger teammates. I mean, Aversa's Night is already pretty harsh on her enemies just for being next to each other with lower HP than her... And then you look at units like Fallen Takumi and Gharnef who don't rely on stats to trigger their debuffs. If it's in the B slot, yeah they can't access B skills like Desperation or Breakers or Chills or anything, but they still have access to arguably more important stat buffing skills. There's a really weird balance to achieve with this Decimation skill... what do you give up to vastly improve on a units debuffing abilities?
  15. Huh... this is certainly the first I heard that opinion, both about +Atk on tanks and Fierce Breath. (probably should have noted such though, given the lack of... really ever hearing about Fierce Breath since L!Tiki's release) Though I like the idea of mixed Defenses on her, especially how symmetrical those Def/Res numbers look... and that'd make quite the trio of +10 EP Blues. Lukas the blunt force wall, Oboro the melee armorsbane, and Nowi the Distant Counter adept... Well I'll keep an eye out for +Res. Not much else I can do til then, at least besides prepping her skillset for when the day comes.
  16. For the sake of future preparation, any thoughts for how I should build Nowi as a future +10? Current is +Atk with two merges, and right now she's just a blue dragon with Fury 3, QR3, and Res forged Lightning Breath and Bonfire. Just looking at her raw statline, keeping her Atk high would be an alright idea, though there's other blue dragons with higher (COUGH-TIKI-COUGH) and that have other advantages, and I'd prefer keeping my units at least semi-unique. In that sense, I don't want to build on her Defense due to already having numerous Defense-focused Blues, let alone two high-defense Lances at +10. Building on her Res right now wouldn't be that costly either (her Lightning Breath+ is already Res refined). There's the idea of building her Speed up, but... no. Despite Darting Stance being a seal, it's not viable so long as there's not a Darting Breath skill. So the current paths I'm considering would be to build on her Atk (which is good for an early-game manakete) or her Res (which all things considered, is pretty good for someone with natural access to a DC weapon). Giving her a Breath skill would be ideal, since she has a longer Special charge from Lightning Breath, and both Fierce and Warding Breaths I am more than able to provide. I don't need either path in particular. Both paths I already own elsewhere in the Blue category, heck I'm not sure she's even going to be my next +10 (probably going to do Odin once the Brides are rerun). But since Nowi is a particular personal favorite character... what's wrong with spoiling her a little?
  17. ...actually a lot easier than I thought it'd be. Had to buy orbs again though, because happy tapping makes an unhappy me and another session to summon from... Mareeta is +Spd -Def, which couldn't be more perfect. Shame her Defense took a nasty hit like that... but who cares. Two Berkuts. The first +Spd -Def, which... and then the second was -Atk +Res, which is better considering the first. And Corrin wound up the same as Tiki, +HP -Res. So in the end, Mareeta and Berkut wound up absolutely perfect, Berkut with a little help from a merge, while Corrin and Tiki wound up with more HP than Resistance... think I know what future orbs will be used on for a while... think I might be okay with Corrin's shot Res though, if it means she can inflict Sudden Panic on more units...
  18. I had some inspiration in an Aether Raid map I just ran into... for something potentially annoying but possibly quite amazing. A Passive: Devastation ...I actually don't have any idea what it'd do specifically, but there are certain pretty powerful effects that I can imagine look good on paper, if only they activated on more than one turn... so that's what the skill affects! There's also certain skills that affect units under very specific conditions, which many recent units have made it VERY hard to trigger them and kinda make it not worth it to hold them. Such skills include... Fallen Takumi's Skadi (On Turn 3, affects units within 3 columns centered on unit, inflicts -10 HP and Panic) Gharnef's Imhullu (On Turn 3, affects non-magic units within 5 columns centered on unit, inflicts -5 HP and Dazzle status) Garon's Breath of Blight (On Turn 4, affects units within 3 spaces of unit, inflicts 10 damage and restores HP to unit equal to number of foes within 3 spaces x5) Duma's Upheaval (On Turn 1, inflicts -7 HP on all foes) Yune's Chaos Named (At Start of turn, affects units within 3 columns centered on unit with Res less than Yune's Res by at least 3, inflicts -5 on affected units highest non-HP stat (with Atk being calculated as current Atk -15)) Threaten skills, including Nyofai Gunnthra's Hikami and Surtr's Menace/Sinmara (At start of turn, affects units within 2 spaces of unit, inflicts various stat debuffs on foe (Sinmara doing a hefty -20 HP), with Surtr's Menace also adding +4 to his own stats. Hikami affects the unit within 4 spaces closest to Gunnthra) Ploy skills (At start of turn, affects units within the same row/column of unit who have less HP/Res than skill holder, inflicts various debuffs on affected units) Feint skills (When unit uses a Rally assist, inflicts stat debuff on foes within the same row/column of unit) Chill skills (At start of turn, inflicts various stat debuffs on units with certain stat totals, commonly the highest of a stat, but occasionally the lowest of a stat) Aversa's "Aversa's Night" and the related Sabotage skills/Sudden Panic (At Start of turn, affects units who are adjacent to allied units and have less HP/Res than skill holder, inflicts various effects depending on skill) Honorable Mention to Aether Raids buildings with various trigger areas and effects. Among others, if I forgot any. And I'm sure IS would be more than willing to add even more skills with such effects. So what if such skills became even more devastating? I think such effects might include... ~Additional effects on top of the initial skills effects ~Expansion of the trigger area ~Increased number of turns for effect to trigger ~Strengthening of the existing effects ~Increase in the potential number of affected units ~Less lenient trigger effects And that's just what I thought of alone. The A Slot is used because the skill doesn't really feel like it fits the B slot all that well. As for the C Slot... well, that's where most of these skills are slotted in, if they aren't on a weapon. I also considered adding a stat increase on top of the effects above, such as HP +4 or Res +2, since those are the two stats most commonly used by units with these skills. It could also open the possibility of skills with effects similar to Skadi and Imhullu being inheritable C Passives...
  19. No sudden splurging for me on this banner. Gonna take it nice and slow... ...I mean, I'll buy orbs once now, from the May deal and the usual 75 orbs, but I'll try for one foci now and save the rest for when I get the tick-oh hey Fallen Tiki +HP -Res. Well that's a start. Neutral woulda been better, but at least her direct offense isn't affected...
  20. Seems the corrupted heroes still have shards of their former selves left to break through their... well, whatever it is that drives them. And the EX accessories are, indeed, untainted versions of their dark normal versions, so normal Tiki Tiara, FemCorrin Hairpin, Rinea flower, and another feather hairpin.
  21. Nice... insanely magically bulky. Kinda question Darting Stance on 32 Spd, but hey your call. Can't say I didn't think about Julius with my own Grail +10, but I already have so many Red +10s, and Walhart seems like such an overlooked unit who is actually pretty good once you give him some space (heh, positioning jokes)
  22. And hey, with Anna comes a steady and reliable source of income which, if you can convince her, can become wealth for the both of you. ...though it might be awkward if your child is born a boy and not a redhead...
  23. I'm not sure I'd want Breidablik IRL... I'm not that great around people IRL, and important figures in history? Forget it. Now then... ~Any Lightning-based Tome (could make endless electricity) ~Restore+ Healing Staff (I'm a healer) ~Accessories (they're cool) ~Sacred Seal Forge (I imagine they're like little badges filled with unlimited cosmic power, so I could just make a lot of them and sell them) ~...Anna? (Konosuba anyone?) ...huh, guess there's not really all that much I'd want from Heroes...
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