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Posts posted by Tolvir

  1. So there is a thing I noticed when scouring the trailer lol

    If you go to the segment with a bunch of map markers, you'll notice a few things.

    For starters, there's the big ass gold map marker, with 3 smaller silver markers. These seem to signify a territory. When you look each one of them have an outlined area. 3 of them with red, one with blue. Blue being the territory the player controls, probably. Red being "enemy" territory.

    There's also stuff like houses, caves, towers, keeps, etc on the map along with those markers.

    The biggest things there are the fact that at the top of the screen it says "War Map: Battle of Garreg Mach" and one of the rewards for finishing the Battle for Eastern Garreg Mach fight they hover over is the reward of action points.

    I think what they've done is make it to where the chapters are split up with multiple fights, with locations you have to conquer to win. Something sort of like the Empires games, or Brigandine, or Eiyuu Senki.

  2. Better mental health care for officers is one of the main issues. Everyone loves to act like cops never do their jobs, but we also dont want to talk about the shit the cops who are doing their job have to deal with on a daily basis.

    Someone gets their head blown off with a shotgun? They have to investigate that crime scene. Someone murdered their infant child? They have to investigate that scene. Horrific crash scene where a family of 4 died? They have to check the scene.

    Child porn, Murder, Rape, Suicide. They have to see this shit on a daily basis. Things that scar you for life, things that we are all lucky to not have to see ever in our life, and these people are the ones seeing it on a daily basis.

    This isnt including the fact that there is a very real possibility that the guy you were talking to in the office that morning could be dead that afternoon. You can find several cases where a cop was just hired, first day on the job. And killed in a shootout, Mothers returning from maternity leave that are shot and killed.

    And what do we have to care for the mental health of these people?


    They have to see the worse things humanity has to offer, the absolute worse possible things people could do to each other. They have to look at it all to find the sick fuck who did it. And we offer them nothing to actually help work through the things they are experiencing. The anger, the shock, the grief.

    And then one of these cops snap.

    Now dont make a mistake in what Im saying here, Im not trying to defend the cops in what they do. Im not even saying its justified.

    But these people need better mental health care, because they dont get any. And on top of it, they cant afford it. Because most cops arent exactly rich, thats for sure.

  3. I think he's likeable in the same way certain villains are seen as likeable. Characters like Raistlin in Dragonlance, Mr Sinister from Marvel, Ashnard in PoR


    People like characters who are unabashedly evil. They dont care what their perception is from the rest of the world, they are just after their own personal goals.

    In the case of Hubert, its doing anything and everything for Edelgard. He's blindly loyal. Its both the main defining characteristic of Hubert, and his greatest flaw. He will do anything for her, no matter how evil it is. He will walk over the bodies of thousands if it meant Edelgard was even a step closer to her own ambitions.

    Thats what makes Hubert interesting. Thats why people like him, at least thats the idea I get.

  4. I think the way the writers meant it to go, was that Nohr and Hoshido were both the name of their respective nations and the Continent they were on, since you can see that they are somewhat split, enough so that you can consider them separate continents.

    Its by far not a perfect explanation, nor really a good one, but its probably what was meant to be the case.

  5. I hate seeing Awakening lumped in with Fates in terms of conversations about how one note and fanservicey the 3DS games were. In reality, I think Fates was really the only bad one with that.

    Granted Awakening had a few of its silly designs and some one note characters, but every game has had those. We've always had our Illyana's and our Peri's and Nowi's, etc. But I also think Awakening does a good job of fleshing out the characters who arent so one note. Characters like Tharja, who unfortunately get mistaken for one note due to their presentation outside of Awakening, or Frederick, or Libra, Cordelia, etc.

    Its not perfect, but its not nearly as bad as Fates was. And from a design standpoint, I think Fates stands out way more as fanservicey than Awakening. Sure Awakening had, again, Tharja, but at least that could be explained somewhat. Unlike characters like Camilla or Orochi who had it all hanging out for the hell of it. From an actual design standpoint, Awakening probably game us some of our more modest designs in the series with characters like Lucina, Sully, Maribelle, etc.

    It was there, but it wasnt nearly as bad and as blatant as Fates was.

    I also dont like that Fates gets hit with a broad stroke with its cast because despite a lot not being great, there were also quite a few that were good. Besides the obvious ones like Leo and Takumi who are regarded as some of the best from Fates, I think there's several characters like Nyx, or all 3 of the Ninja, Kaze, Saizo, Kagero, who were all decent characters. Not perfect, but still quite good and deserve some recognition.

  6. 17 hours ago, Mage Goddess Lysithea said:

    I just want this already! Such grueling 3 weeks....

    2 weeks now at least lol. Roughly.

    Hoping we see something more before release other than just the new characters, but probably not. Im curious how this will all tie into the actual game, being a side story and all. Is it its own mini route, or is it something that "canonically" happens between the chapters it takes place in regardless of route?

  7. You have to think about the fact that those polls are a fraction of the actual fandom. You should take them more as a loose guide than anything. Which has remained true for the most part.

    Despite their overall placing, top 10 characters have been the 3 lords, Byleth, Lysithea, Felix, Bernadetta, Sylvain, Dorothea, etc. They are all in the top 20 so far for CYL.

    Edelgard is still really popular, and understandably so, she's a well written character who is a bit different from your typical lord in the series. She's also got a good design, decent supports especially with Byleth which helps a lot. See Lysithea for an example on how much a good support with the avatar can help, and you got a character that's obviously going to be pretty popular.

  8. Lysithea is great gameplay wise, but Im not a fan of her as a character. I find her to be the opposite of Leonie, both in supports and reception.

    Lysithea has a good support with Byleth, and her interactions with Byleth in the monastery are generally pretty good, which helps the perception of her from the player, where Leonie is the opposite and has a rather poor support with Byleth and her interactions with Byleth pre timeskip arent all that good.

    But support wise, Leonie is probably one of the nicest, most supportive characters in the cast, where as Lysithea definitely acts childish and cant stop from ripping into her classmates any opportunity she gets. Her Ignatz support is a good example of this, as is her support with Leonie, Sylvain, etc. Claude is one of the few that fires back at her in any way. Everyone else just ends up being a pushover around her in their supports.

    As opposed to Leonie who is always offering to lend an ear to her classmates who need it, have thoughtful discussions with them like her Claude support, or in general just help those that need it.

    This doesnt necessarily make Lysithea a bad character mind you, its not what Im saying at all, but its something that makes me personally like her a lot less.

  9. I think a good way to do it is do something similar to what Thracia did but...better handled. In Thracia, mounted units are dismounted indoors. It makes sense, there's no way in hell you'd be flying a wyvern around in a mansion or running around with multiple horses in a small jail. The issue in how Thracia handled it is with the fact that all of them essentially become myrmidons and lose their primary weapon. Its stupid, and is the one thing Id really change.

    FE 3H brought back this idea a small bit with dismounting, and with lowering cavalry movement in certain sections like stairs to encourage using it. But it didnt really work in theory. I think the best idea to run with, is to just force dismount indoors. This way it gives a section where your dedicated infantry would shine, while not punishing your mounted units.

    As far as non indoor maps go, More obstacles and ways to restrict movement. In an actual battlefield, there would be various set ups to help deter cavalry. Spiked barricades, spears stuck in the ground, etc. 3H had a good step as well with certain paths being harder for cavalry to use, so Id use this more in the more open battlefields to begin with. Though I dont think punishing Cavalry too much would be a good idea on these maps, as Cavalry being dominant on such a map still makes sense.

  10. Well there was the rumor of a cancelled remake for the 3ds being made into a Switch game. Considering its pretty obvious IS has two teams considering Fates and SoV were being worked on at the same time, wouldnt be surprised. Especially since the engine and everything is set. I wouldnt expect a release until 2021, but a reveal in 2020 wouldnt at all be shocking to me.


    I think FEW2 has a great chance at happening, the original did well, and with how much IS worked with Koei on 3H, I imagine this little partnership will not be ending anytime soon. Perfect opportunity to release a FEW 2 next year tbh, especially with 3H being fresh on everyone's mind. Toss in some FE6 and maybe Genealogy or Tellius content, and you got a good roster going.

    Besides that? Idk. Cant see much else except maybe another collaboration/spin off title.

  11. Unpopular opinion

    Most of FE4s maps. Rarely do I play a game that makes me fall asleep, but that one did it. I have yet to sit down and play the game without starting to yawn and fall asleep as I play. Similar feel with Thracia. Idk what it is. I can play plenty of older games just fine, but these two for some reason. Maybe its the muddier color palette.

    As far as specifics go, Most irritating goes to two maps in particular for me. The Laguz maps from Radiant Dawn, the 2 Dawn Brigade ones. Especially in the swamp. Ill take doing the bridge over that any day of the week.

    And more recently, Three Houses Chapter 13. Its just an irritating mess every time. Have yet to enjoy this map.

  12. Nah there's nothing wrong with supernatural villains, plenty of stories use them. Hell some of the best stories out there do.

    FE is no different in that regard. In fact, that's kind of built into the series. Our first villain was a dragon, and supernatural bad guys are a staple of the series, and really a staple of the fantasy genre as a whole. Because....its fantasy. The issue isnt the type, its the execution. They havent always been the best executed villains. Doesnt mean they cant work though.

    Id love to see them take another swing at the demonic side of villains again myself.

  13. There's potential the next game is a remake, probably FE6 or one of the Jugdral games if I had to guess, I think their remake projects for now will be focused on taking older games that were JP only and bringing them forward. And a lot of the mechanics that were brought in with 3H would fit both games, including some of the cut features like this trading mechanic that was in. Seemed like they wanted to up the management aspects of the war phase.

    As for what comes after, anyone's guess. We were all over the place as to what we were getting next and got 3H. Something I dont think anyone was really guessing. What I think we will see though, is an improvement on features brought in with 3H. For one I dont see the customization we had over our units, and the freedom over weapon uses going away. Its a good system to allow the player to tweak their army how they want.

    Combat arts and Battalions I dont see going anywhere either. Id like to see more animations attached to the Combat arts though. While it was a cool feature, I think they were rather boring to watch.

    And finally, an improvement on the Monastery. There's a few ways they could handle this. The first is expanding it to multiple locations we get to explore on this level. Obviously more fitting of an on the move set up like SS, SoV, PoR, Thracia, FE7. Alternatively, they take the static one location, and add My Castle features to it to allow for customization on the player's part. Allow for upgrading of certain buildings, maybe even construction of certain areas, etc.

    Setting wise....could be anything. I see our typical fantasy stuff staying tbh, but they have been expanding more on secondary locations. Id love to see something Norse oriented in a future title, and we kind of got that in some ways with Faerghus, but Id like to see them really dive in. Especially with how well Vinland Saga has been showing actual Norse culture and equipment. I could also see them diving into Japanese like cultures yet again?

    I do think we wont see a branching story on the level 3H was with multiple paths and MCs though. At most maybe 2, maybe a set up like how SS was done. But I imagine the next will be a smaller scale game in some ways. Instead of branching by having multiple lords, maybe itll branch by a decision made early on, and you stay with the same group?

  14. Anna will probably have a focus in Bows, Swords, Faith, and maybe Authority. One of the classes that were datamined were adventurer, which is pretty much her class. Hell, I wouldnt be shocked if it actually came with her isntead, but the typical set up for that class in the past was Bow and Staff. I could easily see them sneaking in sword use too.

    Jeritza is relatively easy to decide. Lance and Sword, they could also just go all out and make him a master of all 3 main melee weapons and give him Axe too. Reason is a potential option, he is a Dark Knight class wise, though we never see him use magic. A weakness to Authority also makes sense, as others have said.

    Spell list I have no idea what they could come with.

  15. Well, based on what was datamined, Harrier, Adventurer, and Malig Knight were datamined. Which fills the caster abled fliers we were missing, and the missing Master level rogue class we were missing.

    There's a few classes I hope come with them. But we know there's only 1 more.

    My first hope is Vanguard. Itd be a good option to toss in, maybe trade the axe skill Vanguard normally has for Lance. Or just add the Halberdier instead and give it a bonus with swords as well.

    Id also like to see Baron. We dont have any armored class at Master, so throwing in Baron would be quite nice.

    Lastly, a straight up mage class for both genders. Currently the only option is Gremory, but that's female only. If you want a caster focused male, you either have to stay in the previous tier or bump up to Mortal Savant. Alternatively, they could genderlock this one too and make it a dark magic oriented class, since we still get dark seals late game but no class to use them on, and Dark Magic fades outside of the few that just get the spells inherently.

  16. I think it might still be a 5th route myself. There's some stuff found through datamines that make me believe this, along with the fact that we have 5 save slots, not 4, which would otherwise be one for each route.


    There was data found for Jeralt and Sothis having voiced lines for crits, choosing them on the map, etc. Makes me think that the last DLC may be a 5th route, maybe one where events go differently and Jeralt doesnt die, and Sothis doesnt merge with Byleth and becomes her own entity again?


  17. Went with Annette for my Lions route, originally wasnt the plan but she ended up way better than I expected. Helps her timeskip design is top notch too.

    Eagles route I went Edelgard, figured I might as well since thats the only route I can do that in.

    Other than that, next one will definitely be Leonie. She might be the one I stick to in the future with Byleth, I just like the set up between the two.

    spoilers for early game/stuff with Leonie


    Jeralt telling her to look after you when he dies, and to be your family after the events that happens makes me really like the idea of Byleth and Leonie being a couple. Throw in Alois as the crazy Uncle and you got Team Jeralt there lol.


  18. 1 minute ago, Etheus said:

    There are benefits to not using one save for both.


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    Namely, if you are planning to do a Church run, it may be best to level Edelgard as little as is possible to keep both of them, so as to not waste experience on units you're using. Whereas in an Edelgard/Empire path, you probably want to level them a lot, as they are both powerhouses (and not use Flayn more than you have to).



    Good point, though considering this would be a NG+ path, and you can bump your Professor Rank to A+ from the start if you want, grinding isnt too difficult to catch people up level wise. Everyone is roughly around the same level for me before timeskip, which was 20-22. So while its a good point, especially from a resource standpoint as gold and materials used on her equipment would go to waste as well, along with seals, its not a big deal at least.


  19. Play El's path is what I say tbh. Its what Im doing ,and its a good way to understand where she was coming from with the BL route. Plus itll answer questions you might have about the church and things as a whole that BL doesnt offer.

    I also suggest making a separate save at Chapter 11, as thats when you make your choice between Edelgard or the Church, and just do the church route right after. That way you dont have to run through early game a 4th time to do it.

  20. I dont think we are getting side story dlc like the Deliverance DLC like SoV got or the DLC Fates got.


    Itd have to forego the game's mechanics to make it work, as it would in all reality only be about 3-4 chapters at most, maybe 5, which isnt enough time to meaninfully use any of the game's mechanics with a completely new cast of characters. With the amount of work that would have to be put into that to even make it worthwhile enough to use said mechanics, flesh out this entire new cast of characters, I’d rather they just make a prequel game and not shove it into dlc. 

    Im thinking its either a companion piece to whatever route you play, which lets you use whoever you are currently using, or itll be a new route.

    "" New story content, with additional playable characters, locations and more"

    The fact that it mentions new story content with additional playable characters, locations, and more is what leads me to believe this as well.

    spoilers for early game/datamine


    I think the fact that Sothis and Jeralt both have data in the files that goes unused, such as voiced lines for being selected on a map, crit quotes ,etc says a lot too. If its a new route, I think itll be a drastically different route, one where maybe Jeralt lives and Sothis doesnt merge with you?


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