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Posts posted by poopypanda

  1. If your getting a New 3DS you will need a gateway card, or cubic ninja. However, if your getting an old 3DS, you can use some free software to dump the game. Ether way, you don't actually need a Japanese 3DS. I don't know how it works exactly, but everyone says that all three methods work fine on any 3DS (as long as the version is below 9.2!). Make sure BEFORE you buy the 3DS that it's below version 9.2!!!

    I'm not one of the developers, I'm just going off of what the other people in this exact forum have told me. They've been so helpful to me, i'm just glad that I could help someone else out for a change. :D

    Thanks for the clarification, nice of you to help! If someone else that is more involved with the project could further clarify, as well as answer whether or not I could patch all three paths, that would be great.

  2. Nice work on the translation, looks great! I do have a couple of questions regarding patching though, if anyone would be willing to help.

    I've recently ordered an old Japanese 3DS and a copy of FE: Birthright and I was wondering a couple of things. I plan on getting Conquest as well as the third path digitally through the e-shop ASAP and I was wondering if I would be able to patch the game for all three paths or only for for the retail cartridge.

    Also, from what I've read of the readme.txt, I only need a 3DS on firmware less than 9.2, a retail copy of FE and an SD card with 8 gigs? No need for a gateway card or Cubic Ninja, or am I wrong?

    Sorry for the wall of text, but I appreciate the work you guys are putting into this.

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