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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. a general list for my most wanted lords/secondary lords would be Alm, Sigurd, Seliph, Ike, Elincia, Micaiah, Sothe and Rhea
  2. yeah, "congiuntivo" is almost never used when speaking, and most italians can't even use and conjugate it properly by definition, Congiuntivo is used to express a subjective/unreal/not verified/hypothetical or irrelevant events ex. "Penso tu sia bravo a cucinare", "I think you're good at cooking" as you can see, in english there's no equivalent, and in this case, that of a personal opinion, you express it by using the present simple tense ex. "Spero tu riesca a partecipare", "I hope you'll be able to participate" to express this in english you need yet another tense, future simple in this case (which you can use in italian as well; "Spero che riuscirai a partecipare") "fossi" is "essere" in its first person and second person singular form of the congiuntivo imperfetto tense (but also the plural form of "fosso", "ditch") Congiuntivo Imperfetto expresses uncertain or hypothetical events Uncertainty ex. "Pensavo tu fossi in camera tua", "I thought you were in your room" Hypotheticality ex. "Se tu fossi qui, sarei felice", "If you were here, I'd be happy" so yeah, from an english speaker it can definitely be difficult to understand and to actually grasp how and when to use Congiuntivo... and for italians as well, no wonders many don't even bother using it usually italians use Presente and Imperfetto tenses instead of Congiuntivo Presente and Congiuntivo Imperfetto respectively, even though it's technically a mistake ex. "Penso tu sia bravo a cucinare" -> "Penso che sei bravo a cucinare" ex. "Spero tu riesca a partecipare"/"Spero che riuscirai a partecipare" -> "Spero che riesci a partecipare" ex. "Pensavo tu fossi in camera tua" -> "Pensavo che eri in camera tua" ex. "Se tu fossi qui, sarei felice" -> "Se tu eri qui, sarei felice" i hope i've been somewhat useful, and don't worry, not a single italian with a working brain would make fun of you for not knowing Congiuntivo, in fact you'd be more than excused
  3. Elise Schwarzer, without a single doubt, and i honestly fail to understand how is it that FE Elise has so many fans forcing myself not to think about anything illegal
  4. the banners i'd like to see happening the most are: Genealogy Gen 1: PoR: RD:
  5. Fire Emblem) Arvis Fatal Fury/King of Fighters) Geese/Iori Final Fantasy) Kefka (i wouldn't like to see Sephiroth's Masamune getting shortened to a fourth of what it should normally be) Street Fighter) Cammy (sorry to all the good boys and girls who play Smash) Mother) Porky
  6. honestly pleasantly surprised to see so many people learning italian, i didn't expect this at all, given how relatively useless it is compared to chinese, spanish and french definitely hope you italian learners don't get too turned off by its difficulty, which mostly lies in the many exceptions to basically every rule and in the many tenses good luck!
  7. i really like languages, but i honestly never find enough time to study more of them as for how many languages i can speak, my native language is italian, then there's english, and i'm pretty much still a beginner with japanese i've also studied french for 5 years (3 years of middle school and first 2 years of high school), but i've basically never practiced it anymore after that, so i'm as rusty as can be there's also latin, but again, never practiced it after i graduated at high school, and we never practiced speaking anyway, only latin->italian translations and literature (very interesting though, i still have fond memories of plato's and seneca's texts)
  8. i really love senri kita's works, but i also like yura a lot (i know, i might be in a minority) my overall favorite arts, though, would probably be Levin's, Shannan's, BIke's, Ashnard's, Jorge's and Loki's ones
  9. ok, 3H's new heroes banner just ended, so i doubt they'll make another one immediately after: taking this into account, i can pretty safely assume i can skip this NHB and use its orbs to get my Rein Atk/Def 3 Fodder from the Ninja banner i just hope it's not Genealogy, that would literally kill me
  10. as much as i like %-based skills in FE, Miracle has indeed always been a pretty crappy skill, simply because IMO being sure that your unit's gonna survive the next hit is much more important than being sure your unit's gonna one-shot the targeted enemy: when a skill randomly activates, that's simply an unexpected yet welcomed bonus, you usually don't plan your strategy out relying too much on %-based skills, and even if you do, you generally have a B plan, but you can't do this with Miracle so yeah, i like this new effect, but i doubt we'll ever see this change actually happening #BringOldMiracleBack
  11. i already presented this idea in another topic, even though that's probably too old now anyway, since i love DnD's Monk class: Class: Hermit (M/F) Tier: Base Class Bonuses: +5 Accuracy, Avoid and Critical (when unarmed, additional +5 Acc/Avo/Crt is granted) Weapons: Bare Fists (if no weapon is equipped)/Gauntlets Movement Type: Infantry (6 Mov) Class Line: Hermit -> Ascetic (Promotional Items don't work with Hermits, they automatically promote to Ascetic class immediately after Level 20 is reached) Class: Ascetic (M/F) Tier: Promoted Class Bonuses: +10 Accuracy, Avoid and Critical (when unarmed, additional +5 Acc/Avo/Crt is granted) Weapons: Bare Fists/Gauntlets Promotion Bonuses: +2 HP, +3 Str, +2 Mag, +2 Skl, +2 Spd, +1 Def, +1 Res (M); +2 HP, +3 Str, +2 Mag, +2 Skl, +2 Spd, +0 Def, +2 Res (F) Movement Type: Infantry (7 Mov)
  12. ok so uhhh... rip my dream of seeing a regular PoR/RD banner with OG Zihark anytime soon, i guess i'm not really fond of the ninja aesthetics (especially "anime ninjas") but i must admit Zihark and Nabarl look really good oh, and it looks like IS went Yet Another Lyn Alt i'd like to post the "another one" video, but it's honestly not even funny anymore, at this point
  13. i'd say snakes and reptiles in general what i absolutely do NOT want to see is bug/insect/spider laguz
  14. wow, +2 already, that's great i got "only" one flayn in 20 summons and literally zero seteths, at this point i'm just trying to get to 40 summons and get another flayn while hoping for at least one seteth more on topic, dimitri looks really strong, and of course they haven't given him efficacy on any kind of unit, that would've been quite broken they instead went for a bunch of powerful effects all combined in one skill: not really a fan of this, but eh
  15. he isn't, he's a regular red unit anyway, not interested in this banner in the slightest, dimitri's cool but i hate legendary/mythic banners more orbs for seteth and flayn i guess
  16. sad for BD2's delay, but that was to be expected; still getting it day1 though and making a full bard team, i love bards very happy about NMH1 and 2 ports, didn't really feel like going back and getting them for wii
  17. i'm not really into game engines so i couldn't really say what would work best for FE17, but despite this, i can definitely say FE17 in modern 2D graphics would look amazing i'd pick static sprites over clunky, same-y, overly recycled and ugly-looking animations every day of my life
  18. eeeeeh, i personally don't think there are THAT many people in that situation; if those people still haven't played SD, that's probably because they don't really feel like, or aren't interested enough to do so of course, if i'm wrong, then good for them for being able to legally play this game in english, buuuut... i don't know, i still have my doubts
  19. so uhm... i surely did not expect this, but i can't deny that a part of me is kinda happy (although no italian localization nor limited edition, you can bet your ass i ain't buying this, Nintendo) but i honestly have a problem with this, and it's "who is this for?" i mean, those who wanted to play shadow dragon probably already did it either through its remake or "other means", and i honestly doubt that those who got interested in FE thanks to 3H would like to play a 30-damn-year old game which is, looks and plays completely different from the likely only FE game these people have played so again, who is this for?
  20. i'd say you should play Silver Snow, it's the very first route they created so you could say it's the "original idea", but it actually doesn't matter, there's no "correct order" to play 3H as for canonical endings, every route has Fodlan's best ending, for obvious reasons, so you shouldn't worry about them too much either
  21. so apparently the game hates me, as i got literally 0 blue summoning stones in the new church banner (desperately hoping for at least 1 seteth to use in arena), and got a Myrrh and an OG Olwen (no green stones) as pitybreakers while trying to get my last Levin but hey, at least i managed to +10 Mordecai
  22. yes, stuff like petting dogs and cats, onsen and other stuff is part of the season pass, and i couldn't care less about them that's why i still haven't played CS
  23. i would 3) completely rework how Byleth interacts with what's around him, basically turning him into a proper main character, instead of an avatar 2) make a new VW route, giving it an actual reason to be Claude's route 1) make Rhea playable CS) make the story dlc available for purchase alone at a lower price, instead of forcing players to buy the whole pass there are MANY more things i'd change (class system, battalions, map design, etc.) but these are my main 3+1 issues with the game
  24. really nice banner, although i'm skipping it i have only one question: where the hell is Rhea
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