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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. i'd like to proceed with my Pathfinder campaign at a reasonable pace
  2. -Smash trailer intro -The screen's completely black; you can hear a person running, and the camera focuses on a bottle in this person's left hand: it's barely visible, but it contains a message with Smash's seal -"I wonder what this new world will look like!" -With a flash of light, a strange key-shaped weapon appears -The person points it, releasing a beam of light that hits what looks like a keyhole; a door opens, and the screen fades into white -Simple and Clean (Orchestral) starts playing -"Looks like I'm all on my own this time, huh?" SORA Unlocks the Fight! -Gameplay footage, with Sora commenting how incredible it is to see so many different characters from different worlds meeting and fighting together -Destiny Islands stage is shown, Sora comments: "Whoa, Destiny Islands?! How did they end up here? Have they been swallowed by the Darkness AGAIN?!?" -Various KH characters are shown, cheering in the stage's background (just like KOF Stage), Sora comments: "It's you guys! I'm so happy to see you're fine! ...Uhm, guys? Can you hear me? Hellooo?" -More gameplay, special moves and gimmick are shown -Trailer ends with Sora using his Final Smash, Nightmare's End (Reality Shift ability from KH:DDD), then stating he might as well take a little break from his journey
  3. Levin (FE: Genealogy of the Holy War) Randy (Trails from Zero, Trails to Azure)
  4. i mean you're right, but personally i still think "res +3" would've been better than "-1 Special CD", he simply doesn't look like a unit whose purpose is to spam Specials like Pirate Tibarn or Karla, nor he can make use of Fighter skills since he's no armored unit the only practical way i can see this Slaying effect being useful is with Quick Riposte in his B slot, Heavy Blade as Sacred Seal and a 3 CD Special like Sol or Bonfire (4 CD if you're sure your Jorge is going to take 2 attacks), in this case Daniel-made Bow's "Atk Rein" effect would help Jorge with Heavy Blade; this said, it's a very simple build, but it's just as easily counterable, any NFU unit can break it, and i honestly would build Jorge so that he can get the most out of his defenses: that's why imo "res +3" would've been better
  5. well, as i expected, Jorge's bow isn't anything crazy, but it's fine nonetheless what confuses me is that this bow has that -1 special cooldown, which is a thing attackers, not supporters, want: i really don't know why they didn't want to give it something more suitable, considering Jorge's stats and role, like "def+3" or "res+3" anyway, i'm 100% +10-ing him
  6. well yes, he isn't Kozaki, but at the same time Kozaki isn't Awakening and Fates' art director, who's once again Kusakihara Toshiyuki Kozaki was Awakening and Fates's character designer, not their art director: they're two very different roles
  7. god i hope so, that would be hilarious no, Rhajat and Spring Loki are both drawn by Kusakihara Toshiyuki i guess there's another one who should take 2 seconds to do some fact-checking sadly we don't: i can't wait for the datamine and find it out i have the feeling that it won't be anything outstanding, but as long as it's decent, i'll be fine with it
  8. yeah, i know cuboon quite well, way before he started collaborating with IntSys in fact, but honestly i think people are simply being prejudicial due to his "fame" HACCAN's Legendary Edelgard has big boobs too, but i personally never heard a single complaint about those artworks as others have already said, if that boob plate looks bad on Edelgard, it's not cuboon's fault, but of who originally designed it on a more general note, he just does what he likes and is payed for, and he's not hurting anyone in the process more on-topic, i'm 90% sure i'll pick Claude: Lysithea's tier 4 skills are already on Bernadetta and Sue, and both of them are already in my barracks; Edelgard's skills are the ones i'm the least interested in; Dimitri's A skill is interesting, but not for my most played units i still lack a Fury 4 fodder (my Valentine Greil is not going anywhere), and, as i previously said in other posts, Ashnard could make a good enough use of Atk/Spd Rein 3 boy, can't wait to find out what Jorge's bow does
  9. honestly i'm starting to question whether it' actually cuboon who made her boobs bigger in his artworks, or if Emperor Edelgard's model is simply very poorly done due to 3H being severely lacking in graphics, polygons and shading, thus making her chest look smaller and since her official post timeskip artwork depicts Edelgard with quite big boobs, i'm more inclined to believe the latter
  10. i honestly have no problem with L!Edelgard 2.0's artworks: i like cuboon's artstyle, she's well drawn, so i have nothing to say against them about her boobplate, i mean, it's still anime fantasy, artists are not required to draw 100% historically accurate nor practical armor/weapon designs: also we still remember that Camilla's """armor""" is a thing, right? yeah, i wish i didn't too, and i'd personally take 100 Boobplate Edelgards over a single Camilla
  11. well yeah, maybe it's not exactly realistic, but it's definitely possible nonetheless
  12. i don't mean to rain on your parade, but that's most likely not going to happen House Rule skills seem to be a special case for this year's CYL, since it's 100% 3H units Claude simply lost his chance, but if L!Edelgard is anything to go by, L!Claude will most likely have Fallen Star as his personal B skill (although dragon effectiveness will probably be one of Failnaught's effects)
  13. @Xenomata i may unintentionally be doing that, but that's simply because i can't see me actually making proper use of those skills with my most played units (BIke, Levin, Reyson, Ashnard and Paula, and i'm also planning to +10 Jorge), but since my most versatile unit is BIke, that's the unit i talk about the most if someone can actually show me how to make the best out of these skills, they're welcome point is, the units i mentioned above are already fully built, but i like giving them new skills to try out new builds; what i don't like is giving premium skills to units that are not +10, i feel like it's a waste i'd honestly pull for a new unit with Spd/Res Unity and give it to BIke, but since Dimitry does not feature this skill, and BIke's defense is already high, i don't really feel like getting him as my free unit Claude's Atk/Spd Rein might actually work really well with some B skills like Mystic Boost or Repel, especially after i change my BIke's ivs from +Atk to +Spd, but then he'd score lower in Arena (still, we have yet to confirm whether Rein skills are inheritable by infantry units); otherwise, Ashnard might make good use of Atk/Spd Rein (although Atk/Def would be better, since Ashnard's Spd is almost useless) i think my only option is to wait for the datamine and see if i offended anyone due to my poor skill-valuing opinions, i'm sorry
  14. because it'll most likely not be inheritable by my +10 BIke, so it'll be of no use to me; if you want me to recognize their power, then ok, but this won't change my opinion about them also, if they're actually inheritable by infantry units, i'd be much more inclined to wait for tier 4 Rein skills, if they're ever happening if not, i'll keep Joint Drive Atk on my BIke, as i've always done since that time i got pitybroken by Lilith some months ago
  15. as i'm not interested in any of these units, i'll just get one of them for free and fodder said unit to one of my +10 units point is... i don't like these inheritable skills either i mean Rein skills are nice but not amazing, Dimitri's Atk/Def Unity is cool but there's something that tells me "it's not as strong as it sounds like" Lysithea's and Edelgard's inheritable skills are nothing new and i'm not interested in them never thought it would've been difficult for me to choose my free fodder too
  16. i bought a brand new copy if RD, italian version, some years ago (it was still wrapped in Nintendo's cellophane protection), and it had a manual can't send a picture, as i'm not home right now, but if you want i can send one when i get back on sunday
  17. yeah, i'm honestly not seeing Rhea winning CYL anytime soon, but a high enough position might be good for her representation she should've been the lead unit in her summer alt with Byleth as for Spoiler, yeah, they should, but "different characters" and BS like that will eventually always undermine her ranking potential well, a man can dream
  18. please do i'll give Rhea all of my votes, hopefully she can rank better this time
  19. ok, i lost all interest in this competition and most importantly in mankind now that Emma and Musse are out
  20. damn, Emma and Musse are losing i'll never believe in the "The world is beautiful because it's full of variety" proverb anymore, if this is the price i need to pay...
  21. yep, just as i expected, i'm not interested in the slightest, and the fact that they chose their painfully obvious promoted classes with random Akaneia regalia makes it even worse for me i'll just see who has the best skills for my +10 units and free summon him/her on the other hand, Jorge is amazing, i couldn't care less about how he got in the game to begin with, i want to +10 him now being ablw to change ivs is great, but at the cost of yet another game currency, as if we didn't already have enough i completely skipped the part when Feh introduced the new game mode, couldn't care less, i want more new units overall i'm ok with these announcements, now let's just try not to make CYL5 "Oops! All Three Houses" Part 2
  22. 1) "I never quite realized... how beautiful this world is." 2) "A future is not given to you. It is something you must take for yourself." 3) "Thank you. Thank you for playing." - Various characters, NieR:Automata "You had Randy bro and the others... That didn't seem just your own strength." "...That is exactly... what I've obtained..." - Shirley and Rixia, The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure
  23. i played the game in this order: CF -> SS -> AM -> VW my criteria was "i want to get rid of edelgard's route as soon as possible"
  24. rip Schera, you didn't deserve to lose also LMAO Camilla losing to Tio, it's hilarious but in the end we all know the winner's gonna be the best girl among best girls OLIVIER LENHEIM
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