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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. "IS needs to add a new alt for Sonya in Heroes" hey, that'd be amazing, the kinda left her in the dust "Claude's character is just a worse version of Seteth" how can a generator be so accurate
  2. Emma Millstein (Trails of Cold Steel) Pyra (Xenoblade 2)
  3. hot take: Rhea would be a better way to represent 3H compared to Byleth, and my reasons are: 1) she can be considered somewhat of a "neutral" pick (since nobody really cares about Rhea and her route in general, and it wouldn't make Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude fans THAT upset); 2) strong female character; 3) love her or hate her, she's a much more interesting character than Byleth
  4. i'm don't like FE avatars, and i really despise them taking the spotlight in spite of other major characters/villains, both in their own games and in the series overall, when it comes to representation in Smash and in other FE spin-offs (Warriors, Heroes)
  5. i'm fine with Farfetched Heroes/Brave Redux banners being over, as long as they add those heroes who should be featured in a FH/BR banner in regular New Heroes banners instead which... they're kinda not doing recently
  6. i'd really like to see Seeker, the boss from PoR's Chapter 12 in fact, i wanted him to be the pirate themed banner's TT reward, instead of darros
  7. "Maeda ruined Tiki=Waifu" i'm fairly sure Maeda ruins everything that involves him "Where is the Path of Radiance remake? I want them to buff Bastian!" i never knew i wanted this so bad until just now "Maeda ruined Marianne" just as i said
  8. the last Tailtiu i needed to make her +10 finally (i wanted to pull red for Karla, but the game said no) also, my rate was stupidly high in 3H's summer banner (5%), but today i managed to break it with a Fallen Ike, and honestly i'm completely fine with this now let's see how high my pity rate will get while trying to get Pirate Tibarn
  9. quite ironically, the ones i wanted in Smash since the moment i've played their games, are also the same characters i still want in Smash in general Rex (Xeno 2); 2B (NieR:Automata); Mark Evans/Endou Mamoru (Inazuma Eleven); Kratos (God of War); Estelle Bright/Rean Schwarzer (Trails in the Sky/Trails of Cold Steel)
  10. but you can't deny that the game does literally everything it can to make Rhea look suspicious and make you wary of every word she says, even so early on in the game when you hardly know any character and this is kinda hypocritical since the devs themselves said they consider Edelgard as the villain, but when you think about it, she doesn't get the same treatment Rhea gets this can seriously shape many players' view on her character, and more on topic, influence their will to play other routes
  11. well tbh i can't see Lex, Azel nor Fury being their banner's leader (although i can definitely see Claude being the demote/least appealing unit) anyway this is getting a bit off topic about Dive Bomb... i'm not really fond of this skill, it is indeed Forseti effect, but with even tighter restrictions of course it's perfect for Tibarn's playstile, but eh, there's really few units i can see making proper use of this skill
  12. Íñigo and Severa as well, but imo Brigid has more chances of appearing in the next Genealogy banner, since 1) it'll most likely be a Gen 1 banner, 2) there's not many Gen 1 characters left to add, and 3) she has a legendary weapon and could easily be her banner's leader (being female, potentially colorless and overall a pretty popular character considering Genealogy's standards)
  13. i'm pretty sure we'll see her in the next Genealogy banner LMAO what a lapsus, i meant Darros, not Dart
  14. well, Sigrun took relatively short for her OG version to come out after her Bride alt anyway, i'd really like to get at least one Tibarn and one Brigid i'd also like to +10 Geese, but i simply don't have enough orbs now that i think about it, i'd have liked Seeker (the first crow laguz boss Ike and his crew have to face when traveling to Begnion) much better than Dart i know, Dart is the series's first pirate ever, but i still think Seeker would've been a better, more meme-y choice @Ice Dragon "So yeah, Pirate Tibarn is bullshit and can go fuck himself." that's all i wanted from him tbh, to be really good
  15. well, the only one i've ever really appreciated was Mangs, so now that he got cancelled, i basically follow no FE Tubers i used to follow Ghast some years ago, but i've honestly never been a huge fan of his, so after a while i simply unsubscribed his channel if FEH Tubers are included, i could name Pheonixmaster1 and Sacred Spear
  16. if playing with the same cast isn't a problem for you, i suggest picking SS next, it just feels like a natural consequence, like hearing both sides of an argument CF was my first route, and i didn't regret at all, because: 1) i managed to feel how "wrong" was to side with Edelgard for me, so i'm happy i got rid of that route first; 2) i managed to enjoy SS much, much more after CF now i know this isn't your case, but even so i still think you should play SS after CF, since in my opinion "CF -> SS -> AM -> VW" is the best way to play 3H (free to disagree) am i biased? sure i am, but who isn't when this topic comes out?
  17. Heroes 5* Units Akaneia 5* Units Valentia 5* Units Jugdral 5* Units Binding Blade 5* Units Blazing Sword 5* Units Sacred Stones 5* Units Path of Radiance 5* Units Radiant Dawn 5* Units Awakening 5* Units Fates 5* Units 3H + TMS 5* Units these are my 5* Units at the moment, of course i've had others in the past, but i ended up foddering them for various reasons
  18. i actually really liked this FEH Channel Lene and Karla now are in banners where they don't share color with anyonw, and that's amazing since i want to +10 them this Pirate banner looks cool, i'd like to get Tibarn and Brigid (she looks gorgeous, too bad she has an inheritable weapon), also geese finally makes it in, too bad the Banner Leader is... that thing, i'd like to forget about that as soon as possible i have less than zero interest in this year's CYL, so i can focus my orbs on pulling in this Pirate banner free stuff is good, and that Hero Fest with Nagi is really tempting, but i have other priorities, such as waiting for Brave Celica's refine anyway i already know the CYL's FEH Channel will be a huge disappointment for me, so i won't even bother watching it
  19. i'm with you and i strongly share your feeling (although i give Echoes a pass since it's a remake of a very old and different game) what i need from FE is its intriguing gameplay: if i were to play FE games for their casts of characters or their stories, i might as well go and play literally any other JRPG series so what other reason do i have to keep playing FE games, when their gameplay and difficulty are taken from them? well... force of habit maybe, but imo that's not a sufficient reason to justify me sticking with the series this is why 3H might actually be my last FE, actually
  20. definitely Mark Evans (Endou Mamoru) from Inazuma Eleven
  21. to bring you a personal example, Pokemon Fire Red is my most replayed Pokemon game, while i can't even imagine replaying Gen6/7 Pokemon games ever again specifically about 3H, while it does have more replay value, it's ultimately irrelevant, when actually replaying, since many poor game design choices make it so boring and frustrating yes, monastery is optional, but why would i skip the most marketed gameplay aspect of 3H? why would a game i'm playing frustrate me to the point it brings me to skip the single aspect that differentiates it from past titles? the best and most optimal way to play a game should also be the most fun, but in 3H's case it's the opposite
  22. the only moment i was really enjoying 3H, was when i was actually playing it just a few days after having completed the game, i started realizing many of its flaws now my extremely shortened opinion about 3H is "great, you tried, but this is a clusterfuck regardless of your good intentions also don't you dare 'cursing' a potential Genealogy remake with your new mechanics and engine" yeah, i like many characters and the music's good, but every FE game has good music and characters (sorta) yeah, the game has a damn huge lore, but none of it matters until it's presented to you (spoiler, it's not), because in the end, what the games want you to focus on is how awesome Byleth is and how Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude (debatable) and Rhea are lost without you (seriously, they must have some really bad mental problem); also, the game tells you about things, it doesn't show you them, and this is REALLY poor storytelling, because it is functional to literally nothing, it seems like they either didn't have enough time or money to properly tell the story they had in mind also, screw branched stories, FE made me downright hate them finally, i want to say i don't hate 3H, because i quite like it, but imo it's so flawed i can't just look at its good aspects and ignore the rest
  23. to be honest, i've never really been into any FE girl... until 3H, with Dorothea, Mercedes, Marianne and Rhea FEH's Paula is really gorgeous too (damn you cuboon)
  24. while FE borrows many elements from Chess, the fact that it is a single-player strategy Role Playing (Video)Game makes it completely different at the same time Chess is a board strategy game where you necessarily need another player, a human being, to play (or a robot or an AI, even though they're still programmed to play like a competent human being would) neither you and your opponent can cheat, and both of you need to have the same elements, because what makes the difference is your ability to see through your opponent's moves and counterattack in FE you're not playing against another human, you're playing against a fairly dumb and exploitable AI, and you're supposed to overcome the challenges it presents you, because you have a story to follow and characters to meet the game can cheat with elements the player's not allowed to use (unique mechanics and skills, higher stat caps, etc.), but you can do the same (dlc, farming and so on) but even if you're supposed to win, this doesn't mean the game can't try to create difficult situations for you as a player (this is entirely up to IntSys' will to test players' skills, though) recent FE games tried to add new mechanics (just like Pokemon) because IntSys knows FE can't go on always recycling the same elements game after game (unlike Pokemon), but imo they're missing the point of what needs to be added and what needs to be changed fair enough, i'm sorry i assumed things
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