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Posts posted by Ycine

  1. Welcome to the Forest, Aversekhan!

    I'm sure you've found it by now but : 


    Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!


  2. Welcome to the Forest, Bunblade!

    Your overall experiences with the series mirrors mine.

    3 hours ago, bunblade said:

    I'm not entirely sure how much I will be active on here, since I'm often introverted and more of a listener/reader than a speaker (coupled with general social anxiety), but I figured I'd make myself post and see if it takes me anywhere. So, hello everyone!

    And that's ok. I'm also more of a lurker myself.

    Anyway, have a nice day and keep enjoying your stay!

    Edit : it's your introduction. Write whatever you want. No need to apologize for a long post. Thank you for taking the time to write it.

  3. Welcome to the Forest, ShadyCat!

    48 minutes ago, ShadyCat said:

    I also really enjoy JRPGs in general, and have a long backlog. I don't think I will ever fully finish it, but at least I won't ever run out of games.

    Same here. Sadly. And it doesn't help that J-RPGs take quite some time to complete too.

    Anyway, have a nice day and enjoy your stay!


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