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Posts posted by Yugisokubodai

  1. I was coding years ago without a real Snes. The rom runs well on emulators. Recently I've bought a real Snes and discovered that my code can't be run on a real hardware.

    Now I'm recoding, aiming to run on the real hardware.

    Timing on the real one is not an easy task.




    Does anybody hear about this game? Some informations I'have heard so far:


    - This game is published by Extreme (Masaya), the company published the recently failed Langrisser for 3DS

    - The game will be published in 2017, as Extreme announced in Feb

    - The current beta is Chinese market only

    - The game is tied to Xiaomi accoun only


    Many strange things about this game. Despite being a Japanese game, no information in Japan about it, except a recruiting advert for programmers.


  3. This video shows the Pursuit skill (Tsuigeki). I intent to keep the FE4's battle skill with slightly modification and add some new skills, like counter hit while the enemy is attacking.

    There're changes that both player and enemy can do Pursuit if they meet the conditions.

  4. Thank you. I don't believe in what people call "fate". I believe in self karma. Fate is merely what you created in the past.

    So it's unnature to have a 90% hit strike miss, while a 30% strike hit. Hope you understand my feeling missing a blow while I'm 90% and the enemy hit me with his 30%.

    So, this game doesn't follow the traditoonal hit and miss. All depend on your karma (your finger).

  5. I was listening to Fire Emblem music while driving to work several months ago.
    Then many ideas come up to me, urged me to start a Fire Emblem game.
    And now I call this project is "Neo Fire Emblem".
    Let me introduce a little.
    Platform: Nintendō Super Famicom
    Genre: ??? I guess I don't have enough time nor ability to make a TBS game. So currently, I have some ideas described below.
    Gameplay: player must seize the castle to win the map. But no enemies on map, except the castle defending boss. All other battles will be encountered randomly like Final Fantasy games.
    In battle, we still have parameter like HP, EXP, STR, MGC, DEF... and some skills. Hit, evade no longer exist. Because it depends on player by pressing a sequence of buttons to hit enemy or to evade their attacks.
    Also, pressing precious button sequence quickly will trigger critical blow or skills...
    This is what I mean:
    So each battle will end if the enemy or the player is dead. No "non death" battle exist. Fight to death, what else do you want?
    Story: inspired by a tale which was told by Levin to Celice in Fire Emblem 4. You can read it (Japanese) as below.
    Progress currently:
    + Text module: completed
    + Battle module: on progress
    + Menu module: not yet
    + Map module: not yet
    + BGM/music: not yet
    I don't know when it's finished, because I'm super busy.
    I use entire my precious free time to code this game.
    Need help
    I need help in drawing sprites/avatars. Offcourse I can use ones from other FE games, but I don't want to mess with Nintendō. That's why.
    Any homemade avatar/sprite with 16 colors is welcomed.
    Sprite size: 32x32 pixels.
    Avatar size: 48x64 pixels.
    Note that the Snes can display a 256x248 pixels screen.
    Currently, the language is Vietnamese. If everything goes well, I'll translate this game to Japanese and English.
    I'm not programmer. I had no programming basic when I first joined RHDN. But thanks to the assembly documents here, as well as many helps from kind people here, now I have some 65816 basic. So this is a chance to test my asm skill, and offcourse I need your help to complete this game.
    Thank you for reading.
    P/s: my Neo Fire Emblem channel here.
    What the battle will look like.
    NFE will be a button smashing game like this

  6. Hello, some of you may know me from FE Shrine (especially Shadow of Chaos), but that's really not the point of the post. The point is, i want create a complete german patch of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War but unfortunately, I don't know which programm Dark Twilkitri used for his translation and how to use it. Can someone please help me? Thanks for your attention.

    Use romjuice or cartographer to dump the text out and use Atlas to reinsert the text into the Rom.

    Do a Google search and learn the basic, then you will be able to translate the game.

    FE4 is not a very hard to hack game.

    Good luck with your project.

  7. Hi

    I'm translating FE3, aka Monsho no Nazo to my language, Vietnamese.

    No, I've almost finished the translation. You can see my work at


    And here some picture if you can't wait to see the videos to load.



    The translation is about 97%, just two little thing I don't know how to duel with. So I need some help form you veterans.

    First, in the game, if you turn off the battle Anime, then when your character level ups, receives Item or his/her weapon goes broken, there's a massage inform you.

    But in my translation, I can not locate these massage. I don't know where the hell they are in the Rom. So these 3 kind of massages are strill cavespeak, like the image below.


    The current English patch also has this fault like me. I wonder whethere the text is compressed or not. So if you know where these massages is, please teach me.

    Second, FE Monsho no Nazo uses the buit-in variable width font, by which you can adjust each character's width (pixel).

    The dialogue vwf adjust table starts at $3B6B8 (inclued header), the menu vwf adjust table starts at $3BECA.

    But I don't know where is the adjust table for the font used in the tapestry in the opening of the game. So I haven't translated this opening yet, like image below.


    If you know where to go to adjust the width of the font used in this tapestry opening, please teach me.

    That's all. Thank you very much in advance. The completion is 97%, with your help it will be 100%.

    Thank you for reading, again.

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