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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. I'm so old I remember Vincent's -1000 post trick. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=156 That was fuckin' hilarious.
  2. so am I. I'm member number eighteen for fuck's sake I'm older than all of you bitches where is my modship
  3. Well I'm currently taking eighteen credits in the first semester of my junior year of college. I'm directing a one-act play and a ten minute scene, and I'm acting in another one-act play. I'm almost done with my major, minor, and liberal studies requirements. I'm also planning to apply to the Disney College Program. I also have to write an essay as to why I want to attend the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival. I have two presentations on December 4th that I need to work on, one of them also includes a paper. I have to perfect an Italian dialect and neat handwriting, make up a regional theatre, and learn a new monologue for my final in Life in the Theatre. Oh, and read lots of Shakespeare. And when I'm not doing that I'm on facebook, twitter, tumblr, or playing random video games.
  4. Guys Nino is underrated Look at her growths I'd also like to add to the Sue case: she's nowhere near Shin's level, but she can hold her own, and has mobility that Dorothy and Wolt lack. She can team up with Shin in Ilia to run around and snipe the fuck out of the numerous flyers.
  5. I mean, there's some weird shit on the internet regarding yaoi/yuri. real life gay couples forever Speaking of, prepare the flame shield I got to thinking that Ike might be gay. There's not a lot of romance between him and female characters. In fact, he outright rejects romance with female characters. Mind you, the whole Aimee thing is kind of comic, but it's still relevant. Even with Elincia. It's more one-sided, with her showing the affection. He barely returns it, diverts it, or friendzones the fuck out of her. During FE10, there's nothing between the two of them. I always thought about that, and it makes me think Ike may be gay. Which would be great because he's clearly not the gay stereotype.
  6. My calc teacher in high school described the last question as a "bubble" of sorts... don't you derive what's inside the trig identity then derive the identity? And then the derivative of the inside is the coefficient of the whole equation? If I'm right then it should be -4cos(2x)sin(2x)
  7. //did not know that at all

  8. The right (hers) shoulder is also really pointed.
  9. You said she appears to be lesbian. Which is weird, because she doesn't LOOK like a lesbian. It's her dialogue that shows she's a lesbian. and a flirtatious one at that But I digress. Heather actually is one of my favorite characters, because it's obvious she's a lesbian. It's not like Florina where it's all implied. Heather flat-out hits on girls and shows no interest in men. although HeatherShinon supports are actually pretty fun Heather's the first openly gay character. Although Legault is bisexual. But I just really enjoy the fact that there is an openly gay character, because gay people exist, even in Fire Emblem. Suck my dick, haters.
  10. Study armor trim on other battlesprites, too. The trim you made is very messy and blocky in places. Not to mention I fail to see a lightsource.
  11. I think this is becoming the mentality of a lot of people. Unfortunately it took until 1972 for people to stop considering homosexuality a mental disorder. But the marriage equality movement has been gaining more speed since the early 2000's. Spain also ruled same-sex marriage 100% constitutional recently. So there are more countries that are accepting it.
  12. Good point. Jill solo is what I'd rather lean towards.
  13. I agree. Especially when FE9 hinted at more pairings than FE10 allowed. can we keep IkexSoren though it's the closest thing to a gay male couple
  14. I don't know

    I didn't realize there were others besides you and me...

  15. I think my next FE9 run will be a Jill and her supports run. And Ike because lord. So Ike, Lethe, Mist, Jill, and Haar. :3
  16. It ruined a lot of characters. Ike's barely salvageable personality was completely ruined in FE10, Sothe became a useless sidekick, the buildup to Micaiah led to... Micaiah. Pelleas, the supposed son of Mad King Ashnard, was a fucking pussy. A lot of the fleshed-out FE9 characters had very little substance in FE10. Know what? No one had substance in FE10. It threw character development out the window for a fancy game. FE10 needs to be rewritten, half the characters need to be scrapped, and the better support system needs to return.
  17. President Obama was re-elected; he is the first president to come out in support of same-sex marriage. Maine, Washington, and Maryland have officially joined the list of states that legalized same-sex marriage. They now join a list that includes Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Connecticut, Washington DC, Iowa, and California. Minnesota voters rejected a redefinition of marriage that would only include one man and one woman. Tammy Baldwin is the first openly gay senator elected to congress. Many antigay senators and representatives have lost their seats to progay senators and representatives. Face it, marriage equality is coming.
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