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Caliban of Sycorax

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Posts posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. I felt that Eirika and Ephraim's promotions worked fine in terms of story, and the game is so short that it's hard to judge a proper time to allow them to promote anyway. The Elibe promotions were all awfully late in the game, especially Roy's, thus giving you no time to use them to full potential (except maybe the two other lords in FE7, especially Hector's mode). Same with Micaiah's third tier promotion; she is a (hopefully) 20/20/1 unit going into the Endgame when everyone else is ~20/20/10 or higher. Hell, even Sothe has an extra chapter to run around and get levels (although he should be getting treasures, it gives him an excuse to level up his knife rank), and Ike's chapters have so much unit density that with regular combat he'll have plenty of levels.

    I personally think the main characters of the game should promote when it is relevant to the plot, but most of these promotions come right before the climax of the story, thus giving them little time to utilize their promotion and they are usually so severely under leveled that they are quite useless.

  2. An update from the Orlando community:

    A local tattoo shop is donating all of its proceeds to the victims' fund:

    "This Saturday at all Atomic Tattoos locations in Orlando we will donate 100% of all proceeds from pulse memorial tattoos to the victims and families from the Pulse Nightclub shooting so come get an awesome tattoo and help those suffering. You can bring you own design or chose from these ‪#‎weareorlando‬ ‪#‎pulse‬"

    So far over $2 Million have been raised for the victims and their families.

  3. dude chill lol i never said he was bad. i know he's one of the best combat units. i was just saying that it takes a while for ephraim to be as good as seth. seth has 7 chapters all to himself and still kills many enemies even when ephraim joins which is why it takes a while for ephraim to catch up to him. supports are nearly nonexistent in gba fire emblems unless youre wasting so many turns. but even after ephraim promotes there's a chance he might not even catch up to seth bc chapter 16 you're warping seth over the wall to kill orsin with a horseslayer and then he probably decimates nearly everyone around him in the next enemy phase or two. chapter 17 is warp bosskiller (seth or ephraim but probably seth bc ephraim just promoted) to kill lyon asap, chapter 18 okay ephraim levels up alot here with his high move and killing gorgon eggs. chapter 19 is warpskipped, chapter 20 is warpskipping 3/4ths of the chapter. and final chapter both seth and ephraim sees action. and the thing is even after ephraim promotes, seth can still be possibly stronger than ephraim because you get statboosters in the beginning of the game and often times you have no one to throw it at and people tend to just throw it at seth because why not and therefore he's still potentially stronger than ephraim. but no i completely agree that ephraim is a phenomenal unit lololol

    also i think the differences between their growths are so minimal because they're both powerful already

    I really wasn't trying to argue much, I was just supporting the claim that Ephraim is an amazing unit, and I just wanted the Seth comparison to show how the two stack up. The whole Vigarde thing was just to add to Ephraim's greatness, anyone with enough levels can kill him. Seth can double HM!Vigarde at Level 8, and his strength is much higher.

  4. Yeah, but we have proof that stricter gun laws don't help. Chicago has the strictest gun laws of like anywhere in the country, I hear, but they have the highest gun crime rates.

    Also, these shootings happen in "gun free" areas like schools, parties, and work areas. Not legal gun shops, shooting ranges, or gun expositions. See the issue here?

    The main issue is that he had access to an assault weapon and got it virtually instantly.

  5. Oh, I agree that it's not a reliable source, but it's a frightening possibility.

    Especially considering that Downtown Disney's security is rather lax compared to the main parks.

    I'm not trying to get too off-topic here, but I do believe that Disney could afford to have some more security measures: while the measures currently in place are working and I do feel safe whenever I go to work or into the parks to play, I think it wouldn't hurt to have extra measures; I work for Universal as well, and every guest goes through metal detectors there. I don't see the harm in Disney also doing the same.

  6. Rather interesting that you used Disney as an example, because apparently there is evidence that Omar, the shooter, was also targeting Disney World, and the police is currently investigating the shooter's computer for further proof.

    I won't trust that source until I hear more about it, as PEOPLE is not a reliable news source, and some of the facts are not adding up.

  7. pretty sure it takes a long time for ephraim to surpass seth bc seth has similar growths. okay ephraim is probably contributing more than fe12 marth so i'll move ephraim one up

    Seth's Growths: HP 90% STR 50% SKL 45% SPD 45% LCK 25% DEF 40% RES 30%

    Ephraim's Growths: HP 80% STR 55% SKL 55% SPD 45% LCK 50% DEF 35% RES 25%

    So overall Ephraim has better offensive growths while Seth has better defensive growths, with them having tied speed growths. Offensively Ephraim will match base Seth at Level 14/15 unpromoted, and his defenses will not be that far behind, minus Resistance which he will always be far behind. Assuming Ephraim mode is played, by Chapter 15 he will probably hit Level 20 unpromoted since there are plenty of enemies for him to kill, and with several Rout maps in his route he doesn't necessarily compete for combat with horses because there are a lot of enemies to kill. If you want you could always rescue-drop Ephraim into the middle of a bunch of enemies and watch him go to town. FE8's enemies are also easy cannon fodder even on Hard Mode, so Ephraim will have no trouble. While the infamous Chapter 11 exists, Ephraim is lucky enough to have great units like Duessel, Cormag, and Seth by his side. He could also form a nice Support chain with these guys--Ephraim supports Duessel, who supports Cormag, who supports Seth. These are some of your best Ephraim route units, so it's likely they will all see lots of combat. Ephraim doubles HM!Vigarde at Level 15 on average, and with Regeneif's 3x effectiveness he is doing 20(x2) damage to Vigarde with ~7 Crit at that level, aka he 2RKOs him while taking 22 damage at a ~67 hit rate with NO supports. So, not the best of odds for survival, BUT it proves Ephraim is not a pushover and he is easily one of the best combat units in FE8.

  8. i'd honestly rather stay holed up in my house only coming out for shopping and working out and avoiding anyone that i think might want to kill me, i know its paranoia, but i think i have some basis for this.

    Trust me, if you do that, then you let the homophobes win.

    There have been oppressors to us since we existed from all angles of life, and they aren't going to stop. Showing that you're not afraid sends a message that things like this won't stop you from being who you are.

  9. Here's some of mine.

    -My personal canon pairings are: Adean x Jamke, Ayra x Lex, Raquesis had Delmund with Beowolf, but after Beowolf died at Belhela, she got with Fin and had Nanna, Syvia and Claud, Ferry and Levin, Tailto x Azel and Briggid x Midayle.

    These are almost exactly mine, although in gameplay I tend to pair Briggid with Holyn, although story-wise Midayle is more likely her husband. But, for the sake that Holyn is a badass, I support Briggid/Holyn.

  10. In terms of storyline Alvis is probably my favorite because he has the most depth. He starts as the shrewd advisor to the king, who, while aware of the deception of Leptor and Langobalt, keeps working with them in order to further his own means. He uses everyone as his pawns in order to achieve his goals, all the while trying to purify himself of his Loptyr blood. In the second generation he's a shell of his former self but he still exerts his influence where he can, for instance when he releases the children from Miletos and getting the Tyrfing to Seliph. Even with all of this he still shows compassion for his daughter and late wife, even after realizing she was his half-sister.

  11. In lategame when Dragons are commonplace, Marth with a Wyrmslayer is one of your top killers because he reliably isn't doubled by them. He does a lot more lategame combat than Ephraim and Chrom, agreed.

    I haven't played Awakening so I will not comment on Chrom, but I feel that Ephraim's overall usefulness still surpasses Marth's. FE8's only more reliable combat unit is Seth, and Ephraim with growth will surpass him. He gains a mount upon promotion as well as the ridiculously broken Siegmund (not that it matters much, Regenleif is also broken) which gives him an extra +5 STR and effectiveness against the most common enemy in lategame. Marth isn't consistently fighting Dragons until Chapter 22, but Ephraim is fighting Monsters in Chapters 18, 20, and Final, where that is all you encounter.

  12. I'm not denying Marth's fighting ability at all. He is one of the game's best combat units, and since he's not able to be reclassed, he's also your most consistent unit. Access to several Rapiers (including the ability to forge them) makes him able to kill most anything as long as he remains within the level curve, and since most of FE12's bosses are armored, he's dealing effective damage well into the game.

  13. Mind you, FE12 has a ridiculous amount of good units to the point that Marth is really not necessary for combat: Caeda, Palla, Catria, Sirius, Ogma, Luke, Cecille, and Draug are all earlygame combat gods who are viable for the entire course of the game.

    And we aren't even touching the subject of My Unit, who, while you can create a poor-performing one, is almost always your best combat unit with perfect availability.

  14. Also, since Cyas already inherited Alvis' Major Fala blood from his earlier union with Aida, there were only Diadora's Major Narga and the eventual Major Loptyr blood to pass down.

    In the case of Seliph he had two parents who each had Major blood, the Minor blood would not pass down given it was not as strong.

  15. I know what they mean, I'm just of the view the hate crime laws are flawed. Whether someone kills me for holding hands with a woman in public or kills me for looking at them funny, it should carry the same weight and penalty under the law.

    Just because people call it a hate crime doesn't mean they think it should carry more or less weight than another type of murder (premeditation or not distinctions aside). I don't, for example. It's just a way of explaining the motive, to me.

    It's when being labeled a hate crime carries a heavier sentence than the main crime itself that bothers me.

    But he specifically targeted a gay bar in Orlando on Latin Night to kill people. If he wanted to commit mass murder he could have gone anywhere else, there's even rumors (which I do not believe) that he was considering Walt Disney World as a target.

    This was an attack against the GLBTQ community of Orlando. The shooter has a history of homophobia as revealed in an interview with his father. It's not a way to explain the motive: it's a hate crime against the GLBTQ minority.

    This is the definition of a hate crime:

    a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence.

    The murder of 50+ GLBTQ people by someone who has said that seeing two men be affectionate in public "disgusts" him is a hate crime.

    I do agree that in most circumstances hate crimes under the law should not carry more weight; if someone is murdered someone is murdered and the killer should suffer the same penalty, however, in the case of this, where it was a mass murder, it was obvious that the target was a minority population in the hopes of causing serious harm to multiple individuals.

    However, it is pointless to discuss the severity of punishments, as the murderer is dead already and cannot be further punished.

  16. marth not visiting villages means no malliesia lol. it's assumed he's visiting villages on top of his combat. when he's not visiting villages he still makes good use of the special swords

    At the same time, some villages are required for certain game-clearing items/units, and thus Marth has to visit them on his way to the seize point. He's barely in combat in that regard.

  17. I've got a few of these as well, although most are pairing-related.


    • Eliwood's canon pairing is Ninian, and Hector's is Florina. They both die due to childbirth complications, explaining their absence in FE6.
    • Lyn leaves Caelin in Kent's care and marries Rath, merging the remainder of the Lorca tribe with the Kutolah. They are both killed in a Djute ambush protecting their young daughter Sue.
    • Two events lead to Karel's transformation into the Sword Saint: he kills Guy in a duel, and he learns of Karla's illness which prompts him to seek a cure. The village in which he resides is said to have the cure to Karla's illness, but she dies before he can acquire it.
    • Morphs are all genderless, Sonia has the primary sex characteristics of a female in order to attract Brendan, but there are no gonads present.
    • Nino and Canas form a relationship after the events of FE7, and she becomes Hugh's tutor after it is discovered he cannot use Dark Magic.
    • Lucius runs the orphanage that Lugh, Ray, and Chad reside at; he is the reverend killed by Bern.
    • Bors and Wendy are the children of Oswin and Serra; but Bors is adopted.
    • Gale survives Chapter 21 and surrenders to Roy's army; he is kept prisoner but released at the game's end.
    • Other canon pairings include Nino/Jaffar, Rebecca/Wil, Erk/Priscilla, and Harken/Isadora.


    • Duessel names Cormag his heir and he inherits both the Gavaleus and Duessel's cursed lance; Cormag is able to tame the lance's curse.
    • Ephraim rebuilds Grado after the natural disaster and becomes its ruler, while Eirika continues to rule Renais.


    • Zelgius' brand is Raven Laguz. He and Naesala are distant relatives. They are descended from the same Raven King who created the Blood Pact with Lekain. Zelgius was not affected because he was raised in Daein by his beorc mother. The past king committed suicide, hence why Naesala was crowned king in his place.
    • Boyd and Oscar's mother was alive when Rolf was born; their father had an affair with a prostitute. Boyd and Oscar originally resented Rolf but when they were orphaned they raised him out of responsibility and grew to love him.
    • Pelleas' death is canon. The third option is an alternative to give the player a Dark Magic user.
    • Daein's new Four Riders after Micaiah becomes queen are Zihark, Jill, Nolan, and Fiona. Tauroneo becomes an advisor; Edward and Leonardo take over the Dawn Brigade, making it into a mercenary group similar to Greil's Mercenaries.
    • Greil's Mercenaries are disbanded after Ike and Soren disappear, although everyone remains in close contact with one another afterward. Oscar and Titania rejoin the Crimean Army, while Shinon and Gatrie become their own mercenary pair. Boyd, Mist, Rhys, and Rolf move to the Crimean capital, and Mia wanders the land looking for her rival.
    • Ranulf becomes the new Giffca after he dies and Skrimir becomes king of Gallia.
    • Nephenee/Heather is canon, and they retire to the countryside after the war to never fight again.


    • The substitute characters still exist in the canon story, but they are simply members of the Liberation Army. The only exceptions are Linda and Amid, who join the main force alongside their cousins.
    • Hannibal adopted both Corple and Sharlow from the same orphanage.
    • Claude and Sylvia are not siblings, but they are close cousins, although they are not aware of this. Claude is the father of Leen and Corple.
    • Fin is Nanna's biological father, but Beowulf is Delmud's. Lachesis ended up marrying Fin after the Battle of Barhara when Beowulf was killed.
    • Lex and Ayra are a canon pairing, as is Lakche and Johan/Johalva. This is how the Neir line is rebuilt.
    • All of the Crusader bloodlines eventually are rebuilt, although it takes a few generations for some.


    • Nyna follows Camus back to Valencia after the events of FE3 but they never re-unite.
  18. Okay, y'all. I'm still pretty numb from this. I had flashbacks to the Boston Marathon bombings, which happened also in my backyard. I have been within an hour of both of these events, and this affects me a lot more than most of you could probably realize. Pulse was a nightclub I used to frequent especially when I first moved to Orlando; while not all of my memories are the fondest (alcohol, kids), I always felt like I was included. As a member of the gay community, especially the gay community of Orlando, it was important to feel that sense of belonging. A tweet I read about the situation hits the nail on the head:

    "Anyone who doesn't understand a bar or club as a sanctuary never had to live in fear of holding someone's hand in public"

    Pulse, for a lot of people, was that sanctuary--that safe place we went to. Pulse was different in that every night it was open was themed, so everyone had their niche. Tuesdays had amateur drag performances, Wednesday was college night, Saturday was Latin night, there was a lesbian night, etc. EVERYONE had their time, and EVERYONE was welcome.

    Whether or not the shooter was acting as a part of ISIS or not (he declared allegiance to ISIS in his 911 call, and ISIS is taking credit for the attack, but as of now no other links have been made), he was acting out of pure, unadulterated homophobia. He openly expressed his disgust for homosexuality and had a history of violent tendencies. If he wanted to do damage and shoot up a crowded place, he could have gone to any other nightclub in Orlando. There are tons of them. But he targeted Pulse, specifically. He was seen inside the club all night. This was an attack on our community.

    The homophobes of the world have the fucking nerve to say he was doing "God's work"--FUCK. THAT. Whether or not he was religiously motivated, he committed the largest mass shooting in American history AGAINST A SPECIFIC MINORITY POPULATION. This isn't just terrorism. This is a HATE CRIME. People are doing this and that about radical Islam, gun control, etc. At the end of it all this was a hate crime against the queer community. I've been openly gay now for 9 years and this is the first time since that I have felt threatened and afraid due to my sexual orientation. This is living proof that hate crimes exist and that homophobia is real and alive. My fiancé said it best: the more visibility that we get the more active those against us become.

    It's not going to stop, though. The responses have been overwhelming. Thousands of people have donated blood so far and even more were told to come back another day because the blood bank was so full. Over $1 Million has been raised to support the victims. The community of Orlando has come together like never before in support. Events like these bring out humanity's worst and best.

    We don't need "God in our hearts", we need tolerance. We need people to realize we are human beings and that we bleed just like our straight counterparts. We need people to understand that one person can kill 50 people because of hate. This is one of the worst hate crimes in history, and I fear what it can become. At the same time I have experienced so much love and light from people both in Orlando and the outside communities. People all over are dedicating themselves to helping our community rebuild and be stronger than before.

    So far, I haven't known any of the deceased too well, but we've crossed paths. One of them worked at my local Target, and he cashed me out a few times. Another worked at Universal, and while we did not work in the same department, I have several friends who worked with him directly. As the names pour in my fears continue; while most of my friends who frequent Pulse were not there on Saturday, there are still names to be released as the families are contacted.

    My request to all of you: don't take these lives for granted, don't use them for political ambitions. They deserve better.

  19. Awakening has so much possibility that it's hard to rank Lucina properly. It's the same with FE4 where you have to rank children based on their fathers. You can't judge Arthur as a whole, for example, because while he is spectacular with Levin or Lex as a father, fathers like Jamka and Claude do little to no good for him. If you're going to include Lucina you need to rank her based on her possible mothers, separating the best ones while including an Every Other Mother!Lucina which would most likely place her lower.

    Regarding the placement of some of these lords, FE10!Ike needs to be much lower; while he is a virtual god especially with FE9 transfers, his poor SPD and RES make him an early target. It takes him a few chapters to get really going, and then he's still not the best unit in the game when you have the extremely overpowered Haar. If we're including transfers Ike can stay where he is but otherwise he should be lower.

    FE9!Ike can be lower than Hector--Hector has the best weapon type in the game with a personal Knight/Cav slayer that helps his poor SKL. His SPD is lacking but with his high defenses and HP he is at low risk to die especially in earlygame. A Speedwings can fix his problem with relative ease, and he doesn't have too much competition for it, because FE7 is generous with SPD growths. Ike is sword-locked in a game with a ridiculous amount of lances, and his personal sword is quite useless given its low power and inability to ORKO armors. FE9 is a game where mounts rule, and you have some of the best in the series (Titania, Kieran, Marcia, Jill, Oscar) to run the game for you. Ike goes from mediocre to decent in a game where most units are stellar.

  20. It seems like we're specifically talking GBA onwards, so I won't elaborate on my Fury/Fee bias here.

    On the topic of the GBA Horsebirds, it all depends on how you play the game. If you're looking for a unit that will mow down enemies and solo maps, you're looking at the wrong unit type. Farina and Tana excluded, the GBA Pegasus Knights are not known for their strength. Instead they all have ridiculous Speed growths and are able to dodge with ease when they're wielding anything that's not heavier than a feather. Even when weighed down, they usually have enough attack speed to at least not get doubled, and will still double slower enemies without risking being hit much. If you're looking to shave turns, these are your gals. They have superior mobility with no penalties, whereas Cavaliers suffer penalties in forests, rain, and deserts. Flyers do suffer rain penalty but, if I recall, they are able to move one extra space that land horses cannot. If you have a strong horse unit (Marcus, Seth, Franz, Sain, Kent, etc...) they can mow down the enemies while your horsebird carries your Lord to a quick seize.

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