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Caliban of Sycorax

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Posts posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. There is literally no incestuous implications between Eirika and Ephraim. The only way you could possibly interpret any of their interactions (mainly their C support, since that's where most Eirphraim shipping comes from) as romantic is if your mind is stuck deep in the gutter.

    There are implications in their supports, but the main hint at their incestuous relationship comes from their Sacred Twins: Siegmund and Sieglinde are characters in the play Die Walküre, where they are twins in an incestuous relationship. So while Eirika and Ephraim are not in a similar relationship, the game does make hints at it.

  2. I think Louise is a terrible mom for deciding to go do battle while pregnant. That's just plain no. There's an obvious high risk of harming the baby doing such a thing. And at the same time, Pent is bad for letting this happen. Besides this though, I imagine that they both did pretty good overall.

    Ethlin brings her toddler into battle with her even after her husband tells her several times to not do it--then due to her carelessness the Lance Ritter, Ethlin, and Cuan get massacred.

  3. So, here in Orlando, we have what is known as Gay Days every year, where there are many gay-themed events throughout the city, mostly at theme parks and gay bars. There is also a similar event known as One Magical Weekend, which happens at the same time at Walt Disney World exclusively.

    Well, obviously, there are a lot of homos in town--my fiancé works at Disney's Animal Kingdom and saw a lot yesterday, and I (working at Disney's Hollywood Studios) saw a lot today. An older Daddy Bear couple came to meet Chewbacca today, and we had this exchange:

    Me, loading families in the room: Hello, recruits! Welcome to the base!

    Daddy Bear (looking at me): Look, Chewbacca!

    Me: No, unfortunately. I'm just a baby Wookiee. Chewie is much taller and hairier than I am.

    Daddy Bear: Oh, woof!

    Needless to say, I straight-up lost it.

  4. Obligatory picture dump, starting with the night I got engaged (not spoilered because I want y'all to see it):


    Mine is the silver with black diamonds, and his is the black with the white diamonds.

    [spoiler=Photos from our Disneyland vacation]


    Tiana is my favorite Disney Princess and one of my all-time favorite characters, so this was a very special moment for me.


    Another of my all-time favorite Disney characters is Pluto, who we actually met twice on our trip, on our first day. This was the second time, at night. We made friends with the Character Host who was with him, and we got more photos.

    [spoiler=Halloween 2015]


    We went as male versions of Disney princesses--he was Snow White and I was Aurora. These were hand-made by my mother-in-law.

  5. I think the Lord needs to be good simply because they are required to complete the game. Units like Roy, Lyn, Micaiah, etc. are the worst because they die when you so much as look at them for a majority of the game. While I am not a fan of gamebreakers like Sigurd, Seliph, Ephraim, and Ike, they at least can hold their own. My ideal Lord character would be a Hector-type, where they are definitely better than the average unit but don't break the game.

  6. I've been doing research into this for quite some time, and I have decided to undergo the Paleo diet for a week at the end of this month. I'm truly hoping to improve my quality of life with this, and especially shed weight that I've gained over the past few months.

    For background, I've always been overweight, I was just born with a big figure and a bad family history. I peaked at around 230 lbs. in 2013. I eventually started losing weight, losing about 30+ lbs. by January 2014, and the weight continued, me hitting my lowest at around 180 in April 2015. However, personal life struggles in September 2015 caused me to gain some of it back--roughly 30 lbs. I've been working out since then, even running a lot more, but I still feel a lot of issues. The Paleo diet is my next step, mostly because it will force me to cut a lot of the things that probably make me gain weight: mainly bread and beer. I already eat a lot of the approved foods on the diet, especially lean meats, tree nuts, and fruits and vegetables.

    I've received some great advice thus far, but I am always looking for more. I want to be fully prepared: my goal is to have a full meal plan by the time my diet starts so I know what I am putting into my body.

    I have a few requests from you, the Serenes Forest community, if anyone can help me:

    • Any Paleo-friendly recipes you have to offer me
    • Iodine: this is the biggest one, because Paleo diet says no to salt. I am not sure how to get a proper iodine intake without table salt, so if anyone knows other iodine-rich foods I can look into, I would be grateful.
    • Vegan cheese: I love cheese, especially on my eggs. Is that considered Paleo? Probably depends on the other ingredients, but I am looking hopefully into cheese made with almond milk instead.
    • Red meat: I don't eat red meat right now because I don't like the high fat content, but since I am cutting so much else, should I eat it for the week? I already eat plenty of poultry and am willing to get some good fish to cook, but should I add another protein as well?

    Thanks, everyone, for the advice in advance!

  7. I started drinking in college like most kids do, and quickly learned my taste and tolerance levels. I cannot stand cheap alcohol of any kind--hence why I don't drink nearly like I used to. The college atmosphere certainly didn't help matters, because I happened to be good friends with the people who threw the best parties at my school (orientation leaders, acapella groups, and theatre majors). I was quite the drinker, especially sophomore and junior years, when I was much heavier--I could handle more alcohol. Nowadays since I don't party like I used to my alcohol consumption has lessened significantly... to the point I get drunk a lot easier.

    Luckily, though, I rarely get sick, and I've had about two hangovers in my life.

  8. I prefer Johan stat-wise, although recruiting Johalva makes getting Resire much easier (but not impossible). Horses rule in FE4, and even Johan has his uses. Johalva has the better skill, but Johan has the Horse advantage.

  9. In terms of GAMEPLAY...

    FE4: Ardan, for numerous facts, the most obvious being low movement, mediocre combat, and the fact that he has several better fathers in his generation.

    FE6: Sophia. Wendy can at least be kept alive in her join chapter by having her stay back. Sophia HAS to move around the map, and there is a much-needed Guiding Ring that only she can get in the desert.

    FE7: Wallace. To me there is nothing redeeming about him, when you have the vastly superior Oswin on your team, and recruiting Wallace means you didn't recruit Geitz.

    FE8: Marisa, because she has awful join-times and worse combat.

    FE9: Rolf, because he's bow-locked and on foot. At least Astrid has a horse and Paragon. What makes matters worse for Rolf is that he's REQUIRED to recruit Shinon, who is vastly superior.

    FE10: Fiona. Just... BAD.

    FE12: Basically anyone recruited from Chapter 11 onward, because your best units all join extremely earlygame.

  10. I voted FE6 because, out of the games I played, it's the toughest even in Normal Mode. The difficulty curve even with a well-trained team can lead to many restarted chapters, and most of the Gaidens are more rage-inducing than the main story--but required to unlock the true ending of the game. The 3x effectiveness of slayer weapons also doesn't help when you have 8 million horses and half of your best units are flyers.

  11. If he marries Nino, Erk just dumps Lugh and Raigh in an orphanage to look for her.

    I like Erk, but that wasn't the greatest choice on his part imo.

    Nino does the exact same thing if she marries Jaffar.

    Best: Hector, probably. Given that he's most likely a single dad, he does an excellent job of raising Lilina while simultaneously ruling Lycia.

    Worst: Desmond, because reasons stated above.

  12. I agree with those who say the GBA ones are best for dodgetanking, due to a strong weapons triangle, meaningful terrain bonuses, and support boosts.

    However, I do want to plug Genealogy for a minute - since the Holy Weapons give ridiculous boosts, some of their wielders can dodgetank like crazy. Shanan (with the sword Balmung (giving +10 Skill and +20 Speed) was my best unit for his godly dodginess, and I've heard great things about whoever wields Forseti (also offering +10 Skill and +20 Speed) - yes, I missed this tome on my first time through. I also married Adean x Azel and Raquesis x Jamke. I promise not to repeat these grievous mistakes.

    Any Holy Weapon with a Speed bonus automatically makes a unit game-breakingly dodgy, but I wouldn't say FE4 is the most dodge-tanky game because a lot of units get the shaft with Dodge, due to FE4's high weapon weights and related formulas.

  13. In terms of plot, Ashera is the obvious choice because of her straight-up god status.

    However, in terms of next-powerful, I don't know between Loptyr and Fomortiis. Loptyr was an Earth Dragon much like Medeus but he seems to have gained significantly more power than him, especially due to the fact he could transfer his power to a human. He had a massive cult following him as if he were a god. In the FE4 timeline we see several massacres and sacrifices to Loptyr where possibly millions of people were murdered all for the sake of this one dragon. We know that over 100,000 people were killed in the Great Purge alone, and the Sorrow of Miletos also had thousands of child sacrifices. He always had possession of a human who ran the empire. It took 12 people (not really, given Heim was the only one who could do damage) with the Fire Emblem equivalent of superpowers to defeat Loptyr. Fomortiis on the other hand is told to have essentially ravaged Magvel before the Five Heroes took him down, however, it doesn't seem there were any human worshippers that had a strong-enough presence. Riev is the only character in-game who worships the Demon King, and there is never a mention of others who follow him. There was never a cult on the level of Loptyr, although Fomortiis' power at its peak seems to have rivaled that of Ashera's. His soulless body is enough as is, and just his presence corrupts an entire forest, so we do get to experience some of the degree that his power extends.

  14. Narcien is too much of a scumbag to be enjoyably evil. The game tries to push this under the rug, but he tries to rape Clarine, a teenager. At that point you aren't fun to watch anymore. Valter in my mind is the best.

    Edit: Narcien autocorrected to Marxism. Freudian slip?

    I never really understood the "over the top" vibe from him, anyway. Besides the rape implications it's just stated that he is heavily narcissistic to the point where it's driven him insane. However, he's not "funny" insane like Legion can be--he's almost frighteningly so.

  15. What helps Lute's case a lot are a combination of her extremely early join-time and the fact that monsters die if a mage so much as looks at them. Lute is probably one of the best mages in the series due to her ridiculous growths across the board (65% MAG alone is impressive) and the overall fact that Lute has few issues with enemies in SS.

    Comparing her to Lilina and Nino, Lute far and away is the winner for several reasons, she has the best join time, and best spread of stats based on averages. Lilina ties Lute on HP growth and does have her ridiculous 75% MAG growth but is losing to Lute in the SKL, SPD, DEF, and RES categories including 10% in SPD, which is a lot more important in FE6. Nino's growth spread is more impressive than Lute's in several categories (namely her 60% SPD growth) but her join time ultimately is Nino's downfall because she will fail to reach Lute's level if they were to be placed in the same spectrum. Lute also beats Nino in MAG growth by 15%, and her SPD is still comparable, so Lute is killing things more, and faster than Nino.

  16. I thought Mrs. Potts was the only one that sounded British. All the others sounded either French or American to me (American for obvious reasons). And I loved Jerry Orbach's accent for Lumiere. It sounded genuine.

    And if you watched Beauty and the Beast, a lot of the characters in Belle's town are saying "Bonjour!" in the opening song. I believe Belle is referred to as a mademoiselle at least once too, which is the French term for an unmarried woman.

    I'm very aware Beauty and the Beast is set in France. Trust me. It's my favorite.

    Lumiere and Babette are the only two characters in the original with French accents because that is their character type--Lumiere the romantic Frenchman and Babette the sexy French maid. Cogsworth is the stuffy British servant and Mrs. Potts is the British nanny type. Those are the only characters in the film with accents.

  17. I was playing ht game last year, but the ROM I had keep freezing everytime I try and finish chapter 14 (The one where you can recruit Klein and Tate).

    So I think I should try and find a more reliable ROM.

    I had the same issue with my most recent FE6 ROM; mind you, this was years ago, I haven't played FE6 in some time.

    What I love about FE6 is just the scale: yes, it's only 25 chapters (gaidens not included), but it is just an epic scale of a game with some of the later chapters. The story is pretty horrendous, unfortunately, and even with such a diverse cast a lot of them get overshadowed in favor of another "Roy does stuff and is still Roy" chapter. I actually dislike a majority of FE6's main characters, instead preferring the side-cast.

    That said, though, I do enjoy playing through FE6. I still have yet to choose between Ilia and Sacae; I prefer Sue and Shin as units (I have done playthroughs with both and have been quite successful) but Chapter 20 makes me want to cry every time. However, I am not a fan of the Pegasus Knights in the game (Thany's abysmal strength, Tate's... everything, and loljuno) so I tend to go to Sacae more often.

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