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Posts posted by Ephera

  1. 17 hours ago, SSJDennis said:

    Troll topic? Those pairings are really weird to say it nicely...

    Noo, not trolling. I just don't get the pairing details, I don't know how y'all can recall so much information about it. I did a little research, but obviously I was looking in all the wrong places.

    Ty ertrick, I'll follow your list for the ones I haven't already reached S with. Just having a grinding game and want to optimise my units. Good thing I haven't raced too far into the game and can still follow 80% of your recommendations.

    Bit of a nothing thread tbh, I don't come here often

  2. Here are my planned pairings at the moment. I haven't looked at any statistical maps on what is technically best, but I have looked up "pairing recommendations" for each unit and tried to find a happy middleground for those who won't get their "best" pairing.

    With all that in mind, I mainly want the best for the children's stats etc etc. I honestly don't understand it in depth and it seems like a lot to get into, so I just want to hear opinions.

    Also keen on opinions for MU pairing (preferably offspring pairing), he is very single at the moment and needs a waifu.


  3. I'm down with some fates. Been enjoying the hell out of it, the only thing that irks me is the idea of playing casual mode. I couldn't imagine enjoying my game if I wasn't risking my beautiful units. Birthright is too easy, doesn't feel like a classic game with limited EXP. If Birthright was the only path, I would be as interested in Fates as I am SS which isn't much at all. (Haven't played Rev)

    But I have only been an on and off player: played Binding Blade, fe7, SS, PoR, and Fates. The best thing about fates for me is having 3 routes and playing styles (feels like 3 games in one) , and having that time in the castle to explore, prepare, and learn about your units and supports.

    My preference goes 7, BB, Fates, PoR, SS

  4. Saying ignorant claims and later pulling the "lighten up" card isn't charming.

    You can see that the quoted post was having it that whites have been prone to be power-driven with non-whites as more cultured and held down by said whites. I suggest you not do damage control.

    To be honest, I don't know what you're talking about anymore. And I don't care.

    Yes, and is that not true and has that not applied to the world of the past couple of centuries? Most white people don't even have the same sort of rigid cultural/belief system that the rest of the world does.

    Are you one of those people that believes that white privilege isn't a thing either? In fact, a better question is, what is your goal in making these points? Are you trying to defend white people or are you just pedantically picking apart a point that OP brought up? Cause neither of those are charming either, and I doubt any other reasoning you suggest probably won't be.

    Don't bother, I'm surprised you're bothered to keep track with the guy.

    You should! It's the best game in the series, imo. Mainly due to the gameplay and story. Part 1 is rather lackluster and its characters are boring for the most part, but after that, the story gets excellent. And the gameplay has features and mechanics not seen in the series before, like ledge climbing, attacking from atop ledges, unique objectives, etc. The skill system is improved from PoR too. The support system is crap, but you can ignore that if you either A) don't like the available paired endings (which is my case with one exception), or B) do supports more for gameplay than the characters. Part 3 is the best part, imo. Not just because it's Ike and his group's part either, the story is the best here, imo. Part 2 would've equaled it, though, imo, if it had been longer...

    Unfortunately, RD is hard to get right now since it's expensive these days. But Wii games are downloadable on the Wii U now, so RD should eventually join the list of games you can download!

    That all sounds like such a tease, especially because I don't have WiiU nor do I plan on buying one. Cannot afford to support music production and gaming needs simultaneously, which is a shame. But N64 + Gameboy is enough for me. Along with some Gamecube classics :)

    Someday though. Someday, I will play Radiant Dawn.

    I've always thought that none of the FE games would really work as a film, but I have also always thought that they could all be fantastic anime-esque series (especially 6, 7, and 8)!

    Anime anime<3 But yeah, FE games do have a lot of content for a movie hey. A series would be awesome, and last longer too.

  5. Assorted nations took part in Imperialism without reaching Japan in war crimes. Overly emphasizing European or Western interference in Imperial Japan's belligerence misses the point that Imperial Japan's conquests prior to WW2 were allowed and it was the Manchuria debacle that led to backlash. And that Japan already had centuries of warfare that included invading Korea while trying to invade China.

    Systemic bigotry is not at all exclusive to the modern West. The Greeks and Romans had claims similar to later racism. As did the Chinese Dynasties. Modern Japan is no stranger to controversy over such either.

    Again man, y'don't have to take it personally.. haha

    Settle down, you're going to be alright <3

    Feel free to have your own opinion, I don't really care what you think. I expect the same from you about what I think. End of story.

    Now get back on topic, we're talking about games and movies.

    It would work better as a series than a movie.

    I agree, I changed my mind due to the convincing response I got from this thread. I'd still love to see it.

  6. Okay, now saying Ike is a dick in any game is just no. He may be blunt, and even downright rude at times (*cough*that one conversation with Rafiel and Nailah*cough*), but calling him a dick is going too far, imo. Besides, he's gotta have flaws, otherwise, that's a boring character.

    And where is LordTaco when you need him... xP

    Never played RD so that comment was empty and with direct regard to the previous posts referring to him as a "dull cocky vanguard". Apologies for offending Ike, I like him personally. Poor choice of words on my part.


    Mmyeah, I mean I'm not trying to piss anybody off here. I'm white. Ain't got nothing against white's or ethnicities. And I don't mean to imply that European countries are inherently evil along with the antagonists in-game, everybody has their reasons and I'm open to your opinions. And I agree with you, other nations throughout history made similar actions to dominate as much land as they could, not only white nations. However, personally, the white example to be the most obvious example to get a point across.

    When the British (my ancestors) arrived in Aus, they more or less just walked right in and started claiming the land before them with no concern for the natives, they then implemented a "White Australia Policy" through which they attempted to "breed out" the Aboriginal blood by abducting young women and impregnating them when they were of age. This is where I'm coming from, and Daein's reaction to the Laguz reminds me of the situation in Australia. (replace "black" with "Laguz/sub-human", and "White" with "Beorc/human")

    "The problem of our half-castes will quickly be eliminated by the complete disappearance of the black race, and the swift submergence of their progeny in the white."

    I'm secretly Jill.

    Jotari, good to see you're on topic :Rei: This whole thing is turning into the race riots of Cronulla :/ Always gotta be someone to pull the racism card hey.

    I see your points, you obviously know more about the series and film structure than me. I didn't think much about FE7 as a movie tbh, but from what y'all are sayin' it seems to fit the film idea more comfortably than Path.

    Perhaps FE9 would work better as a series as you all have suggested.

    Either way, all I want is Fire Emblem on my TV that I can watch..

  7. I think Ike is a great protagonist (especially for Jap-anime), an honest kid following the footsteps of his father, finding a much bigger adventure than expected which ultimately shapes the rest of his life and changes him fundamentally (maybe that's why he's a d*ck in RD? Never played it..).. Anyway..

    Ike's personality aside, all these games would be f*cking awesome to see in anime. Don't care whether it's a feature length or a 26 ep anime series, I just wanna sit down and watch some Fire Emblem.

    Despite it's many flaws as a story, FE7 probably would make the best as a stand alone movie

    Of course if anything should by adapted it should be the Jugdral games.

    ^#1 I thought about FE7 aswell, but to be honest I wasn't as interested in seeing an FE7 movie. It's my favourite game hands down, I've finished it dozens of times in the past 12 years. But I feel like there's too much going on in the game for it to be a standalone. I could see it becoming a series (as with Sacred), but Path has a constant theme through the game and new aspects come into play throughout the storyline. Keep in mind, when adapted to a new medium, the flow of the plot will vary and it would seem less jagged and chapter-based. You don't think Ike facing Dark Knight, his fathers murderer, is a good climax?

    ^#2 Never played any games prior to FE7 so I can't comment on the Jugdral games. But there could definitely be better candidates for a film, I just found Path so goddamn interesting. Anything in particular about the Jugdral games that makes them a good choice?

    Also, I agree with Tragonight: Path is so much better than Sacred plot-wise. I'd just say, from the games I've played;

    Feature length - Path of Radiance

    Series - Sacred Stones/Rekka No Ken

    Maybe a better thread title would be "Which FE Game Would You Like To See On The Big Screen?"...

  8. Yeah exactly, there's more depth in this game than any other FE I've played (not many..). It's different in that Ike is a commoner, not a noble like other games. Good protagonist for a movie I think, starts as a common merc trying to be like his father, then gets caught up in his father's history and becomes knighted a Lord. He's just a sick c*nt, really. And all the politics! And the Laguz! So much content for a film.

    The problems between the nations on Tellius can be paralleled with those on Earth: between the power-driven nations (Beorc/(generally) white), and all of the smaller more cultured nations (Laguz/various ethnicities) which have been persecuted for their differences in human history. Story just resonates really well for me, didn't care much for the gameplay because it kept interrupting the story! </3

    Never played Radiant Dawn myself so I have no idea what that game/story is like other than that it's the sequel to Path. Both could be made into sequential films though. Assuming a Path of Radiance film turns out to be good, couldn't hurt to follow it up with a sequel.

  9. Am I the only one who reckons Path of Radiance would make a F**KING GOOD full length Jap-anime film?
    I prefer FE7 as a game, but 9 has an amazing plot I'd love to see in a film. Tonnes of detail and relatable to the real world I think. I play that game more for the story than the gameplay to be honest. I'd comment also on Radiant Dawn, but I can't find a place to buy that f**king game anywhere -_____-

    What do y'all think? Is there a more fitting game for an anime film in your opinion?
    Or would a film ruin your love for the series?

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