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Posts posted by TheGreenBlur

  1. I thought her portrait was readily on the game card for AI Merchants you can rescue or when you're buying from/selling to them.

    Actually, I've got a somewhat question hypothetical question for you.

    Would it be possible to take assets from Awakening (Character data, Classes or Skills for example) and port it to Fates or the reverse of that? IE porting them from Fates backwards to Awakening.

    It's just something that's been on my mind for the past few days and I figured this'd be the perfect opportunity to ask.

    I'm not too knowledgeable in hacking (obviously) but I think I might have seen this question somewhere else. I tried looking for it, but had no luck. Anyways, I think what they said is that it seemed like it could be possible, but it was next to impossible. If I remember it right, I think modeels from Awakening and fates each have different bones so animations would fuck up and everything. Also, I dont think anyone's imported 100% new custom content either

    Who knows, maybe I'm remembering things wrong. Best to just take my reply with a grain of salt and wait for someone who actually knows wtf they're talking about.

  2. Thank you both for the answers. Recreating Apotheosis Anna by PS'ing on Skills would work for now.

    Powersaves cannot hack characters. Not only that, her data is only loaded when the DLC is loaded.

    Her stat caps and portrait and such isn't on the cart. It will crash if you attempt to load it.

    You would need to ROM hack your Gamedata.bin and character data like how DeathChaos25 did for Chrom in Fates. And that's no easy task.

    And thank you for telling me this Rey. Now when I finally decide to get into FE hacking that could be something I could build up to (anyone else reading this, dont get your hopes up. if I did do it it would be a very long time before I actually even started)

  3. Edit: I just realized a typo in the tittle. Great job Greenie. Great job.


    Besides that I do have some other questions

    Would that Anna be able to replace Normal Anna in everything ( Supports, Recruitment, Inheritance if she marries a Male Avatar etc.)

    And is it doable in only one method mentioned in the topic or is it possible both ways.

    Im asking because I plan on getting powersaves in a week or so and want to know if this would be possible. Otherwise Im stuck hacking my 3ds. Which isn't bad, just time consuming. Yes I'm lazy, feel free to judge.

  4. Anyway, I understand the reasoning, I just think it's a shoddy excuse to cover up their attempts at cutting costs. I've said my piece and I'll leave it at that (especially since this is quite off-topic in this thread).

    Honestly if they run out of ways to Milk Smash for all its worth I'm sure Female Robin/Corrin, Male Wii Fit, Female Villager etc. Will eventually get amiibo

  5. on the other side i really like the Corrin Amiibo unlock a dragon stone that let you make the final smash or something alike .

    Considering Intelligent Systems would have to update the game to add in Corrin amiibo support (Even if its Basic like, gives you a fully voiced Non Supportable Avatar of the opposite gender you chose) I doubt the Corrin amiibo (And by extension the Roy amiibo) will never get support in Fates. I seriously doubt IS will ever update the game considering all the DLC (Maps excluded) were in the games files, 100% finished since Day 1.

  6. This was probably just some fan service. I doubt these map sprites actually mean anything. Although I'm going to remain hopeful that one day my Roy amiibo is finally not useless outside of Smash. Although some people have been talking about an FE4 Remake because of Sigurd being here. As much as I think that would be awesome, I have a strong feeling that IS would find a way to ruin it if it did happen. Although, remakes almost killed the franchise so I doubt we're getting more remakes anytime soon.

  7. I recently got around to taking on the Apotheosis secret route. I beat it with zero casualties and on the same save file as my team on my first post. So here it is


    Aaron (The Avatar)

    Class: Dread Fighter

    Wife: Tiki

    Children: Morgan

    Use: Supporting Attacker

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Armsthrift, Resistance +10, Aggressor, Astra

    Inventory: Forged Waste (Scale Tipper), Forged Celicas Gale (Tcale Sipper) 3 sets of Elixer


    Class: Sage

    Husband: Aaron (The Avatar)

    Children: Morgan

    Use: Rescue Bot

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Paragon Rally Heart, Rally Magic, Odd Rhythm

    Inventory: 5 Rescue Staffs


    Class: Dread Fighter

    Wife: Olivia

    Children: Lucina and Inigo

    Use: Assist My Unit

    Skills: Dual Strike+, Limit Breaker, Resistance +10, Aether, Aggressor

    Inventory: Exalted Falchion, 4 sets of Elixers


    Class: Dancer

    Husband: Chrom

    Children: Lucina, Inigo

    Use: Dance for my healers so they can heal again or do multiple rescues

    Skills: Luck +4, Speed +2, Relief

    Inventory: Nothing but Elixers


    Class: Sage

    Husband: Vaike

    Children: Owain

    Use: Healer and Rescuer

    Skills: Healtouch. Rally Magic, Galeforce, Miracle, Limit Breaker

    Inventory: Forged Celicas Gale, Rescue, 2 Psychic, Fortify


    Class: Sage

    Husband: Single

    Children: None

    Use: Healer and Rescuer

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Tomefair Dual Support+, Limit Breaker, Rally Magic

    Inventory: Forged Celicas Gale, Rescue, 2 Psychic, Fortify


    Class: Sorcerer

    Husband: Laurent

    Parents: Aaron (The Avatar), Tiki

    Use: Main Attacker. Deals loads of damage

    Skills Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Ignis, Astra, Amrsthrift

    Inventory: Forged Waste (Daddy Complex) Forged Celicas Gale (Kawaii wind), Mire


    Class: Great Lord

    Husband: Owain (Or Companion because Nintendo rightfully censored the incest)

    Parents: Chrom, Olivia

    Use: Supporter for Owain

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Aether, Dual Strike+, Rightfull King

    Inventory: 5 Forged Brave Swords (DemonSpanker)


    Class: Hero

    Wife: Severa

    Parents: Chrom, Olivia

    Use: Main Attacker

    Skills: Armsthrift, Limit Breaker, Astra, Swordfair, Rightful King

    Inventory: Forged Brave Sword (PassionStick), 4 Elixers


    Class: Sorcerer

    Wife: Morgan

    Parents: Miriel,Ricken

    Use: Supporter for Morgan

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Vengance, Dual Support+, Tomefair, Lifetaker

    Inventory: 5 Forged Celicas Gale


    Class: Dread Fighter

    Wife: Lucina (Or companion)

    Parents: Lissa, Vaike

    Use: Main Attacker

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Astra, Agressor, Resistance +10

    Inventory: 5 Forged Brave Swords (AvengerMode)


    Class: Hero

    Husband: Inigo

    Parents: Cordelia, Frederick

    Use: Main Attacker along with Inigo

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Armsthrift, Luna, Galeforce, Axe Breaker

    Inventory: 1 Forged Brave Sword (Tsunderblade), 4 Elixers


    Class: Sorcerer

    Wife: Nah

    Parents: Maribelle, Libra

    Use: Main Attacker

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Aggressor, Resistance +10, Luna

    Inventory: 4 Forged Celicas Gales, 1 Forged Waste


    Class: Sage

    Husband: Brady

    Parents: Nowi, Donnel

    Use: Support Brady or Be a Main Attacker. Either One really

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Armsthift, Dual Support+, Tomefaire

    Inventory: 1 Forged Celicas Gale, 1 Mire (Holding it for Brady) 3 Elixers

    DLC Katarina

    Class: Bride

    Use: Rally Bot

    Skills: Rally Spectrum, Rally Heart, Rally Strength, Rally Magic, Rally Speed

    Inventory: 5 Elixers

    DLC Roy

    Class: Dread Fighter

    Use: Supporting Attacker

    Skills: Amrsthrift, Limit Breaker, Dual Strike+, Agressor, Astra

    Inventory: 1 Forged Brave Sword (Sealed Sword), 1 Forged Celicas Gale, 3 Elixers

    DLC Celica

    Class: Sorcerer

    Use: Main Attacker

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Armshtrift, Astra, Rightful King, Galeforce

    Inventory: 1 Forged Celicas Gale, 1 Forged Waste, Mire, 2 Elixers

    Spot Pass Pr. Marth

    Class: Lodestar

    Use: Support DLC Celica

    Skills: Dual Strike+,Dual Gurad+,Dual Support+. Limit Breaker, Armsthrift

    Inventory: 1 Forged Brave Sword, 4 Elixers

    Spotpass Jaffar

    Class: Sniper

    Use: Support DLC Roy or soften up heavy hitters without taking any damage himself

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Aggressor, Armsthirft, Astra

    Inventory: 1 Forged Brave Bow, 1 Forged Longbow, Double Bow, 2 Elixers

    Robin (A My unit from a different game)

    Class: Grandmaster

    Use: Do whatever pretty much. Really just had room for one more so I took him with

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Aggressor, Resistance +10, Armsthrift, Astra

    Inventory: 1 Forged Celicas Gale, 1 Forged Brave Sword, 3 Elixers

    As stated before, done on Normal Casual, with no casualties.

  8. The Amiibo support for Fire Emblem Fates has me excited, and upset at the same time. Excited because of the fact we'll be getting past characters who aren't just reskins of the Avatar. It has me upset due to the fact I don't have enough money to blow on a New 3DS or to track down the amiibos online and buy them for triple or quadruple their actual price. Especially for when the Roy amiibo comes out because he's probably the one I want the most in the game. I then stumbled across something saying someone datamined upcoming DLC and Robin and Lucina were mentioned. Im almost positive this could be fake but it gave me an idea: Why not just make the Amiibo units DLC? I mean, I don't care if I have to pay 3 bucks for the map they come with. I'd say its much better than buying a New 3ds and spending 40 bucks each on the Amiibo.

  9. Originally posted this in the wrong forum. hehe, oops.

    I was playing through with a team full of DLC characters and I came to wonder "Wait, we paid money for these characters, why are they just reskins of the Avatar?" So it got me thinking, is there a way to import custom models over the DLC Einjhar cards? Or import custom models at all? Because me personally, I would LOVE to have a Roy Custom model because hes the one Einjhar card I will always use in my Playthroughs I would also like to know if custom voices are possible such as voices for Ike, Marth and Roy as they have voices in Super Smash Bros. If anyone could respond ASAP it would be greatly appreciated :D

  10. I was playing through with a team full of DLC characters and I came to wonder "Wait, we paid money for these characters, why are they just reskins of the Avatar?" So it got me thinking, is there a way to import custom models over the DLC Einjhar cards? Or import custom models at all? Because me personally, I would LOVE to have a Roy Custom model because hes the one Einjhar card I will always use in my Playthroughs. If anyone could respond ASAP it would be greatly appreciated :D

    Edit: I would also like to know if custom voices are possible such as voices for Ike, Marth and Roy as they have voices in Super Smash Bros.

  11. I wanted something to do as a test post and decided it would be kind of nice to share the characters and builds I used for Apotheosis. I then realized it would be dumb to just list what I had and decided to make it a place where someone can share their builds for Apotheosis and maybe learn about a few nice ways to build their characters. Now, keep in mind that for what I will be sharing this was done on a playthrough I didn't think I'd even attempt Apotheosis on so some of my pairings will be kind of off. This was done on Normal Casual I also used DLC characters, classes and skills in this run. These characters are also taken from my second run (which is why I have Katarina) Now, onto my builds:

    Aaron (The Avatar)

    Class: Sorcerer

    Wife: Tiki

    Children: Morgan

    Use: Partner for DLC Katarina

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Armsthrift, Sol, Ignis, Vengance

    Inventory: Forged Waste (Scale Tipper), Forged Celicas Gale (Tcale Sipper) 3 sets of Elixer


    Class: Manakete

    Husband: Aaron (The Avatar)

    Children: Morgan

    Use: Chrom's meat sheild

    Skills: Basically all the Manakete skills (+ Limit Breaker). I never bothered with her. i just liked the supports :\

    Inventory: 5 Dragon Stone+


    Class: Great Lord

    Wife: Olivia

    Children: Lucina and Inigo

    Use: Pack Mule (carry spare items in the convoy)

    Skills: Dual Strike+, Limit Breaker, Aegis, Aether, Rightful King

    Inventory: Exalted Falchion, 4 sets of Elixers


    Class: Dancer

    Husband: Chrom

    Children: Lucina, Inigo

    Use: Dance for my healers so they can heal again or do multiple rescues

    Skills: Luck +4, Speed +2, Relief

    Inventory: Nothing but Elixers


    Class: Sage

    Husband: Vaike

    Children: Owain

    Use: Healer and Rescuer

    Skills: Healtouch. Rally Magic, Galeforce, Miracle, Limit Breaker

    Inventory: Forged Celicas Gale, Rescue, 2 Psychic, Fortify


    Class: Sage

    Husband: Single

    Children: None

    Use: Healer and Rescuer

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Tomefair Dual Support+, Limit Breaker, Rally Magic

    Inventory: Forged Celicas Gale, Rescue, 2 Psychic, Fortify


    Class: Hero

    Wife: Single

    Children: None

    Uses: Attacker

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Astra, Armsthrift, Swordfair, Rally Strength

    Inventory: Forged Brave Sword, Ragnell, 3 Elixers


    Class: Sorcerer

    Husband: Laurent

    Parents: Aaron (The Avatar), Tiki

    Use: Main Attacker. Deals loads of damage

    Skills Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Ignis, Astra, Amrsthrift

    Inventory: Forged Waste (Daddy Complex) Forged Celicas Gale (Kawaii wind)


    Class: Great Lord

    Husband: Owain (Or Companion because Nintendo rightfully censored the incest)

    Parents: Chrom, Olivia

    Use: Supporter for Owain

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Aether, Dual Strike+, Rightfull King

    Inventory: 5 Forged Brave Swords (DemonSpanker)


    Class: Hero

    Wife: Severa

    Parents: Chrom, Olivia

    Use: Main Attacker

    Skills: Armsthrift, Limit Breaker, Astra, Swordfair, Rightful King

    Inventory: Forged Brave Sword (PassionStick), 4 Elixers


    Class: Sorcerer

    Wife: Morgan

    Parents: Miriel,Ricken

    Use: Supporter for Morgan

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Vengance, Dual Support+, Tomefair, Lifetaker

    Inventory: 5 Forged Celicas Gale


    Class: Dread Fighter

    Wife: Lucina (Or companion)

    Parents: Lissa, Vaike

    Use: Main Attacker

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Astra, Agressor, Resistance +10

    Inventory: 5 Forged Brave Swords (AvengerMode)


    Class: Hero

    Husband: Inigo

    Parents: Cordelia, Frederick

    Use: Main Attacker along with Inigo

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Armsthrift, Sol, Galeforce, All Stats +2

    Inventory: 1 Forged Brave Sword (Tsunderblade), 4 Elixers

    DLC Katarina

    Class: Sorcerer

    Use: Main Attacker

    Skills: Ignis, Astra, Galeforce, Armsthrift, Limit Breaker

    Inventory: 1 Forged Waste, 1 Forged Celicas Gale, 3 Elixers

    DLC Roy

    Class: Dread Fighter

    Use: Attacker

    Skills: Amrsthrift, Limit Breaker, Dual Strike+, Agressor, Astra

    Inventory: 1 Forged Brave Sword (Sealed Sword), 4 Elixers

    DLC Lyn

    Class: Swordmaster

    Use: Support DLC Roy

    Skills: Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Astra, Zeal, Armsthrift

    Inventory: 1 Forged Brave Sword, 4 Elixers

    DLC Ike

    Class: Hero

    Use: Attacker

    Skills: Astra, Armsthrift, Aether, Swordfair, Limit Breaker

    Inventory: 1 Brave Sword, 4 Elixers

    Spot Pass Pr. Marth

    Class: Lodestar

    Use: Support DLC Ike

    Skills: Dual Strike+,Dual Gurad+,Dual Support+. Limit Breaker, Armsthrift

    Inventory: 1 Forged Brave Sword, 4 Elixers

    Spot Pass King Marth

    Class: Lodestar

    Use: Support Priam

    Skills: Aegis, Limit Breaker, Armsthrift, Astra, Rightful King

    Inventory: 1 Forged Brave Sword, 4 Elixers

    If you can notice Im missing one character. I didn't bother to train another Healer (which would have been DLC Celica) Anyways, thanks for reading and if you want post your own builds Down Below.

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