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Posts posted by poorlywritten

  1. Paula is pretty damn cool. Why can't other FE Lords have their mothers join up?

    I'd wonder about their fathers too, but they're often...unavailable, as it were.

    Fun fact about Judith's dad, he's alive in the story. He stays home while Paula's out doing the merchant thing and watches the family shop. Also Moniker, you should make sure you bring Rowan and Frank. Something we started doing (I'm pretty sure it doesn't show up before this) is giving some random characters talk conversations in every chapter. Just to add a bit of personality to some of the characters who don't get much screentime.

  2. Hi, I'm one of the writers and coders on Awful Emblem. So here's the thing with the current playable demo, it's actually just Act 1 of a larger story. Think Lyn mode, where while it technically plays into the later story, it's more there to ease you in. A lot of the issues with the writing come from the fact that the whole thing was rewritten over the course of a couple weeks for last year's FEE3. We are taking a lot of the feedback we're getting here into account because before this point no one had given us feedback on the writing. Turns out most people playing romhacks seem to care more about the actual gameplay usually, who knew? It is slated for major rewrites again, especially now that we have a much more solid voice for all of our characters. But to get back on point, the Act 1 story is not meant to be a mindblowing tour de force of writing. It's there to introduce you to the characters that you're going to be using in the story we're actually going to tell. Also, the whole taxes thing is a remnant of the original plot, which is something we're looking into not necessarily removing, but writing in such a way where it's more clear that they aren't getting used for good things and are instead just lining some coffers. Hell, we regularly go back and rewrite shit on the fly if we realize it just doesn't work. It's just that a lot of this early stuff got lost in a rush to get this out the door.

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