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Posts posted by kantoorfarina

  1. I find Micaiah a very good character overall. The only flaws in her character, I would say, are all of her actions in Part 3 being motivated by genocide paper and anything that has to do with Part 4, and Part 4 is very badly written in general. She's much more of an interesting character than any of the generic fan favorites like Lyn, i'd say.

  2. How does Marth sail straight to Talys from Altea when they're that far away and there's no straight route? Anyway, thanks. I was asking because I was thinking it would be cool if there was a huge open world FE game like Skyrim that took place in FE1's continent and you can choose where you start off.

  3. Over the past few days, everyone's gotten crazy strong around here. Seems every gym has at least one pokemon with almost 2000 cp, while i'm stuck with my Vaporeon with just barely 1000. I'm not sure why all the pokemon I catch still have cp around 50-130, considering i'm level 18.

  4. What team do you guys think has the most/least gym's conquered? I'd say Team Instinct has the least, they seem like the underdogs to me, it's hard to tell between Valor and Mystic but i'd say Mystic has a few more.

    I think they're going to keep the level cap at 25 for now (I believe it's 25, correct me if i'm wrong) so that people who started a few days late or can't play it very often can catch up, then increase it with future updates.

  5. Team Valor member here, we managed to set up a level 7 gym, with pokemon around 1000 cp and a Lapras with 2000. We held it for two days before Team Mystic finally took over. It's a constant fight between Valor and Mystic out here, with Instinct not having much influence. I think the only way to hold a gym for any amount of time is to meet up with other players and organize, otherwise your gym is gonna get taken really quickly. Fun game, i'm pretty excited to see what's in store for the future updates, especially if it's related to the three teams.

  6. Pent requires no training at all and is a really good unit at base, so i'd say he's the best out of the three. Nino isn't anywhere near those two's level. You need to train her, a level 1 mage up during the last 5 chapters of the game and then there's only a couple chapters left for her to be useful in, compared to Pent who starts off good and is good throughout the whole game after he joins in the midgame.

  7. There's two pokestops right next to eachother up on the hill right near my house, which is fantastic. I've caught some pretty cool stuff so far, my current best pokemon is a Pidgeot with 309 CP and I thought I was a badass until I tried to take on a gym and got destroyed by a Pinsir with 1000+ cp. Last night at 10 PM someone put out two lures on two pokestops literally right across the street from eachother (not the two on the hill) which was pretty odd. Pretty fun game, gets me off the couch which is good.

  8. How is that baiting? Do I need to put an IMO everywhere? All of those things are exactly what I want from a game, and Persona is a good example of what I want. In fact, that would only be baiting if you just hated Persona.

    It's just how you stated literally everything that people complain about in FE13/14. I hope I don't come of as trying to say you're baiting just for having an opinion because that'd be rude, but it would feel much less baity if you just said "I like the new direction of the series and I'd like to see more Persona-esque elements" or something along those lines.

  9. I personally don't like Awakening. The map design and difficulty have the quality of a rom hack and the characters are uninteresting. I like Fates much better because it has fun gameplay, but I still don't like anything else about it.

    No. The new games are fantastic. I want the next game to have more marriage, more self inserts, more zany wacky characters, more fanservice, more sexualization, and more comically evil villains

    Those are what makes a good game.

    I don't have a problem with your opinion on the new games, but the way you phrase this really makes it sound like you're baiting.

  10. I don't think sales are really a good way to measure a game's popularity, since just because someone bought it, it doesn't mean they liked it. And if I'm not mistaken, Fates has already outsold Awakening.

    EDIT: And it can be noted that FE7 had some pretty good sales. It sold around 700,000-800,000 copies or something like that.

    It's not just sales. In general, Awakening is much more popular than other FE's. For example, Nowi has dialogue in one chapter of the main story and then she never appears again unless you do her supports and she has as big of a fanbase as all non-Ike PoR characters combined.

  11. Awakening. It was my first FE game but after playing the best chapters of FE10 and FE14: Conquest, it's unplayable for me. I tried to start another playthrough to see if it's really that bad and I gave up and went back to the other FE games as soon as I saw Chapter 4's "level design" (if you can even call it that, it looks more like a ROM hack by the same person who made Corrupt Theocracy). Even Sacred Stones has some interesting and fun maps, Awakening's maps were unmemorable and felt as bland and simple as the first couple chapters all throughout. I also think the Lunatic modes were badly designed, they were just Hard but with stupidly OP enemies, unlike HHM which was more balanced and fun. I think we can all agree that Awakening is the most popular game in the series, so yeah, I'd say it's the most overrated.

    I'm actually quite impressed that this thread hasn't exploded in to a massive flame war and gotten locked by now.

  12. The point here is that despite his stats being good later, in terms of overall usefulness Donnel is just bad. The pretty green numbers make the illusion that he's a good unit and he was worth the effort, but overall how useless he is early on and how much effort he took to get to that point when you could be doing just as well had you gave that exp to other units that could have been useful early on and lategame makes it so that using him just isn't worth it.

  13. Donnel is a waste of resources and effort. He takes so much effort early on and you would be just as strong overall later if you used all the resources you used training him on other units that don't take as much effort as Donnel does. He's not even very good on Hard, either.

    I'm guessing you don't think Frederick is a very good unit? Well, consider this: Feeding Donnel all the kills early on is going to have the same effect on your team later as using Frederick.

  14. just something I think could add to the discussion about the morality of the pre-Sonia Black Fang: There's a Villager in the first chapter where you fight Linus that mentions how the people in that village used to be poor and starving, while the governer would host a delicious feast there every night for nobles only. Ever since the Black Fang killed him, the town has been much better off. I'm pretty sure the pre-Sonia Black Fang only killed people like that, who really needed to die before dozens of starving villagers did.

    Also, I think this counts as an unpopular opinion since I haven't seen anything but praise for Mustafa: I don't think Mustafa was well written. He didn't have any real motivation for his actions or any reason to feel bad for him like Selena does, the only reason he served Gangrel was because he and his family would die if he didn't and the only reason you would ever feel bad for him is because "he had a wife and kids :(((((". I get that it's not a really fair comparison considering he only gets one chapter of character development and screentime, but still.

  15. I don't know much about the technical problem, but, just saying: I don't think removing Seth till after the route split will balance him enough. I'd say that if you want to nerf him, start by giving him growths that a jagen should actually have and lower his base stats by a couple points.

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