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Everything posted by kantoorfarina

  1. Crits can activate against the BK, but yeah, I can't see Shinon doing anything special here either.
  2. The Black Knight has Nihil (If he didn't we could just have Ranulf rig Rend and he could get 1RKO'd), so Deadeye shouldn't work. Are you sure you aren't thinking of something else?
  3. Micaiah would be even worse. Nyna would be the best option. She's married, uses staffs, and nobody cares about her so nobody would mind her getting degraded to a 13 year old's waifu material.
  4. I despise this class. It's stupid and impractical and the fact that they degraded Eirika with it is just the icing on the cake. inb4 Maid Eirika in FE15
  5. Unless Shinon is maxed and at tier 3, he can't really do anything that Ranulf or Haar can't. Maybe if you did somehow get him to tier 3 by now and gave him the Silencer (you have the silencer at this point, right? if not, just a forged bow.) he could be a decent chip damage unit, but I don't think there's any way to solo the BK with him. Hammers require a bit of rng abuse, but they're far more effective than any other weapon you could use.
  6. Don't forget to grow your eyes as big as your hands somehow. I still don't get why they couldn't do that with someone who was actually married and used staffs like Nyna.
  7. Also, while it doesn't have anything to do with the art itself, the way Micaiah phrases "Have you ever done anything dirty?" in her post-battle dialogue is definitely not a coincidence.
  8. I'm sure you can get Soren to tier 3 by then on Normal and possibly Hard, although it would require a lot of resources that would be better spent on Haar or Ranulf so it's not a very good strategy overall. Okay, so if we use BEXP to cap Ranulf's Strength, Defense and Speed: 36 Strength compared to the Black Knight's 40 Defense. That's actually very impressive, he could do a good deal of damage, although not as much as Hammer Haar. 32 Defense compared to the Black Knight's 38 Strength. Coupled with Ranulf's 55 HP, i'm sure he'll be able to survive a hit. Here's the best part: 40 Speed compared to the Black Knight's 30! He'll be able to double him! I think Ranulf is definitely worth bringing along with Haar. They should be able to take him out in 5 turns, maybe 4.
  9. I don't think it makes a difference what mode you're playing on, since the Black Knight always has the same stats (I'm pretty sure, anyway). In fact, it might be easier to kill him on Hard, as that removes the weapon triangle disadvantage of Hammer VS Alondite, although that would also make it harder to get to him, giving us less turns to work with. Alright, so I think we've concluded Haar is the best unit for the job. So, the strategy is: Lure out Black Knight, attack with Hammer, canto out of there, use Physic (have Mist and Rhys on board), attack with Hammer again next Player Phase, canto, Physic, Galdr, repeat. Would using a magic unit be like Soren be a good idea? The BK only has 30 Res IIRC, so Soren with a forged tome, especially at Tier 3, could definitely leave a pretty big scratch although it'd probably get him killed when BK counter attacks.
  10. I'm worried Haar might be too slow and get doubled, but that might just be me underestimating his speed. We should also consider how many turns it'll take to kill him and how we can get to him fast enough. I'm thinking Ranulf with BEXP riggery could do a lot of damage if you gave him Strength, Speed and probably Defense, although maybe that BEXP would just be better spent on Haar. Do you even get a Physic staff at that point? Maybe I just missed it, but I don't remember ever having one at that point in the game. There is, indeed, absolutely no reason to do this (unless you really want that EXP the kill gives, but that doesn't really matter because this probably requires a lot of resources that would be better spent on something else.)
  11. Are there any particularly good ways to go about this? I haven't tried it myself yet, but obviously it's a lot less simple than killing Naesala in PoR or Vaida in FE7 so i'd like to hear if there's any strategies that work better than others.
  12. I forgot about the pegasisters and Katarina. Not much to say about Katarina, Catria looks sort of cute honestly, Est is nightmare fuel and what the fuck Palla is gross. Figured i'd give some extended thoughts: Fanservice in general bothers me, but in Micaiah's DLC art it feels like an insult. It feels like the artist doesn't know who the character is but thought she was hot and drew some R34 of them. They just take a respectable character and turn them in to a ragdoll for people to fap to and that really grinds my gears. The same applies to Eirika's art in my opinion but to a lesser extent. Oh, and that card art of Elincia is a big improvement, it looks pretty good.
  13. I don't get why they didn't just make them Sages. That'd make a lot more sense. I agree, Dark Mage Oliver would be too hot for the world to handle.
  14. I've been meaning to make this thread for a long time. Anyway, what're your thoughts on all the DLC artwork of the previous lords? In my opinion, from best to worst: 1. Ephraim. Ephraim's artwork is really, really good in my opinion. It's drawn well and I love the armor. It's perfect. 2. Marth. It's fine. It's not drawn badly and it's the same clothes he usually wears. 3. Roy. Outfit is pretty cool in my opinion and it's drawn well. 4. Leif. Not much to say about it. It's good. 5. Alm. His face is drawn weirdly in my opinion, it's pretty good overall. 6. Seliph. Clothes look stupid, I kind of like the art style. It's unique compared to the rest of the artwork. 7. Lyn. It's not bad overall, but her legs are screwed up. 8. Elincia. I don't like the art style. The outfit is a bit over-designed. I don't like it but I don't hate it either. 9. Celica. I'm pretty sure this was drawn by a fetish artist. 10. Iketimus Prime. Why is Ike a cyborg with a sword arm? It looks really stupid honestly. 11. Eirika. Ugh. I really hate this one. It's just so degrading and I hate it. It's drawn well, at least. 12. Micaiah. I could look up "FE Micaiah R34" on deviantart and nothing that comes up would be half as degrading and stupid as Micaiah's DLC art. I guess she traded her nose for larger uncovered breasts, eyes bigger than her hands and an outfit that barely qualifies as clothing. But hey, that's all just my thoughts. Feel free to share yours.
  15. This might just be me, but i'd be more likely to believe that aliens are going to invade and turn my family in to bread than believe Mother 3 will be localized. If I recall correctly Nintendo's already not very interested in adding more games to the VC. Doing a full translation, especially for a text-heavy game like Mother 3 doesn't seem very likely to me. I'm not going to believe it until it's confirmed, but hey, who knows? and Binding Blade will never be localized, that's just not going to happen under any circumstance.
  16. I wish that was Robin's character. Anyway, Hardin would be cool. Zelgius or Sephiran could also be really cool. I don't think Micaiah really counts but Micaiah in Smash would make me the most hyped man alive.
  17. Just something I noticed, I don't want to bash on the character too much before they're actually released, but does anyone else get a feeling that there'll be quite a few Forward-Smash spamming Corrins on FG? Like that is really insane range.
  18. To be honest, all female Corrin's censorship does is make her look better. The battle panties in Fates are extremely stupid and weigh down character design to appeal to people who want fapping material. Anyways, poor Camilla. It's a shame considering she could have been a good character but to the developers she's just "big breasts and panties lol I should have gave her dog ears"
  19. Oh, right, FemCorrin wears full pants now. And, just like panty lyn in SMT X FE, they look much better with them.
  20. alright to be honest this made me very salty. I don't really mind that we're getting more FE characters but god I hate that stupid Mary Sue so much. give us hector or ephraim. hell i'd prefer eirika as a marth clone over this. and if they really needed an FE14 character, how about Azura? bleh, I hate Corrin and I think I'd prefer literally anything over them. I like Bayonetta though. Hopefully she makes up for it. oh and according to those first few seconds, Elise's english voice makes me want to punch her even more than her japanese voice. I didn't know that was possible. but hey on the other hand Sakura's voice acting is better
  21. Huh, the biggest mary sue ever got in to Smash! Final Smash: everyone on stage worships him and drops their weapons and he wins without killing anyone
  22. I was right, hard mode is too much. But this is just mercy, honestly. Now you don't have to go through GhebFE Hard Phantom Ship. It seems like the creator of this hack isn't the most creative of the bunch, with how most characters are either "I will raep u whore", very generic, or could fit right in with Awakening's cast in Knoll, Lucius, etc's case.
  23. I like Pieri, but seriously. They are basically Valter. They could have been so much more interesting if they had any supports about how the Nohr citizenship was uncomftorable with the retainer of the first prince being a psychopath, instead of being a cutesy, more comical character. Camilla is just a huge waste of potential. Her supports with Leon and Elise are great, and I wish more of her supports were like that. Most of the time, her entire personality revolves around Kamui and she's really not a motherly character at all. Felicia should just not exist. She is only there as fetish fuel. Any actual character development or real reason to exist she has is shared or done better by Flora/Jakob. Garon is the most blatantly evil, mustache-twirling saturday morning cartoon villain I have ever seen. He's even worse than Validar. This isn't about any character in particular, but marrying any of your siblings is incest and whoever thought that "he's not related to them so they're technically not family" is a valid excuse obviously has no siblings in real life. I hate how nonchalant this game is about incest in general, really. I don't have many complaints with the gameplay. Odin could use some buffs, Ryouma is unbalanced as hell and Belka is basically Erk, except if Pent (in this case, Camilla) joined in the same chapter as them.
  24. Didn't me meet Knoll early on? He was the boss of the annoying fog chapter. I really hate the concept of invisible enemies.
  25. I like how the gameplay (on Nohr, at least) is a lot less exploitable, has more interesting map design and is generally a lot more thought out than Awakening's gameplay. I like the Soldier class returning, and I like Oboro. Now for the dislikes, which will sadly be a lot longer than the likes... Characters that only have one personality trait which you can usually tell just by looking at them and or only exist for fan service, the Maid class, incest (Not being related doesn't mean you're not family), the mess of a story, Kamui, Hoshido repeating Awakening's design flaws, Luna, Odin and Lazward (seriously those are the 3 worst characters in the series.) and the writers not even trying to make a decent excuse for child units.
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