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Everything posted by kantoorfarina

  1. My answer is almost the opposite of the majority of answers. I got in to FE through Smash... 4. I really liked Lucina, so I decided to get Awakening. I was bad at it. Then I got better at the game, played on Hard and I enjoyed it a lot more and decided I wanted to play the other games in the series. I decided on Sacred Stones, and I loved it. A lot more than I liked Awakening. in fact, I couldn't even really go back to FE13 because of how much more fun I was having with the previous games. and that's how I got in to FE.
  2. my dad's name is bram ghebFE hype you should play BinksFE after ghebFE
  3. There's going to be a Camilla clone in FE15. The stupid, impractical outfits in Fates are going to be in FE15, it's inevitable. I don't mind Camilla getting popular because really, it doesn't change anything, even if she doesn't deserve it at all. It's a shame that Camilla had to be a fan service character, because she had potential. Her supports with Leon, for example, are really good. When they said she'd be motherly, I was hoping for someone like Palla or Juno, but instead she ended up being a yandere with a really creepy incestous attraction towards the self-insert. As it stands, i'm a hundred percent sure that Camilla wouldn't have gotten #2 if she had Hinoka's body.
  4. I'm really glad that Oboro is popular. She's probably my favorite character in the game for having a personality beyond a bad anime trope. Hopefully her popularity inspires IS to make more characters like her.
  5. I've never been through anything particularly horrifying myself, lucky me. this is going to sound really silly in comparison to some other peoples' experiences but i'll post it anyway. so, I wake up one morning to find that my cat, August, (this all happened is august ironically) is nowhere to be found. I assumed she was hiding somewhere like usual and moved on with my day. then, tomorrow comes and august is still nowhere to be found. I still thought that, being a chubby housecat, she would never go outside, but still, this is where I started worrying. I checked literally everywhere in the house, and that was when I realized august was gone. Then, tomorrow comes again, and it starts raining. My area is in a drought! The ONE day of the year where it rains is while my cat is lost outside! I was pissed. I didn't feel like sleeping or eating knowing my cat could be lunch for a coyote. I did plenty of walks around the neighborhood in hopes that by some miracle I might see my cat lying on the sidewalk. Then a week and a half has passed and I had just given up hope. ... and then, one morning, I wake up to my cat pawing at my face! I was absolutely shocked. I thought I was dreaming for a minute. apparently my dad found it under our car the night before. I still have no idea how she got outside or what she was living off of, but she's home. This was a huge miracle and, again, isn't really that terrifying compared to a lot of other potential things, but it's the worst I can recall.
  6. actual 2 defense Lyn. no exaggerating. also, i'm not doing any pairings in FE14. it will be a no s-support run
  7. I get way, way too OCD about my units's inventories. I have sold 24 use swords and then re-bought the same item with 25 uses. I never use Lyn. I just don't like her and find her way too frail, (*war flashbacks of my level 20 Lyn with 2 defense*) aIlthough Eirika always turns out good for me. I am roy x thany garbage
  8. Point taken. Still, she's (supposed to be) an Est, and if she had an Est's growths then she would at least have a reason to exist considering there is quite a few units with bad or meh growths in FE6. It wouldn't fix the problem with trying to train her with her worse-than-thany offense and being able to get killed by an Archer on the turn she joins, though. agreed on Wendy being adorable. I feel bad for her. just look at her face, she's trying so hard to be a good unit but she just can't
  9. Eirika x Valter (don't ask) Eirika's growths are 70 HP, 40 Str, 60 Skl, 60 Spd, 60 Lck, 30 Def, 30 Res. Valter's growths (halfed) are 40 HP, 20 Str, 27 Skl, 25 Spd, 7 Lck, 10 Def, 10 Res Which means their child would have... 110 Hp, 60 Strength, 87 Skill, 85 Speed, 67 Luck, 40 Defense, and 40 Resistance. Actually a very impressive child. hopefully I did this right.
  10. Wendy is definitely bad for reasons others have already explained. The sad thing is, there's a lot of things they could do that could've made Wendy really good. Give her 20-30% more in every stat in her growths and make her a better class (Cavalier or Pegasus Knight would be the best in my opinion), and she would've been a pretty good unit. But alas, Bors is better in literally every way and he's not exactly a great unit either. Semi-relevant opinion, I really don't think Amelia is much better than Wendy. Statistically, Amelia is far better, but they have a lot of the same problems that make them bad units.
  11. name: bigley personality: a huge mary sue, his favorite hobby is locking members of his army in his room and feeling them up gender: male class: that's really hard actually, i'm not sure. archer or lancer? he's not going to marry anyone because he's already married to farina i'm too lazy to design him yet and he's joining Nohr
  12. lmao whoops right, they probably just made it Ike exclusive because having his own exclusive legendary sword made him twice as heroic or something along those lines. or, as I said, gameplay balance. it doesn't really make sense from a story standpoint but it doesn't bother me that much
  13. i'm pretty sure other units don't wield Ragnell out of respect for Ike. didn't Ragnell belong to Greil at one point? I don't remember much about tellius's story
  14. gameplay balance imagine Seth with a 5+ strength, 18 (?) mt lance or they just wanted to make the lord cooler/stronger by giving them their own personal weapon
  15. Avatar is added, and he is Sigurd's bestest best friend in the whole wide world and has a Holy Blood screen that's lit up like a christmas tree. You can marry Cuan and Ethlyn for a stupid reason. The cringeworthy marriage confessions are added. First gen never dies, and second gen fights alongside them for a stupid reason.
  16. Awakening. Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance have a few specific chapters that are really difficult. Awakening (aside from some paralogues) is just consistently easy on every chapter. Although that's not to say that PoR/SS are particularly hard either.
  17. I agree, Sacred Stones has great villains. Selena, Orson, Lyon, Carlyle, perhaps Riev, Valter... Even some of the un-important bosses like Gheb and Pablo are pretty well-written. Characters is definitely FE8's strong suit. (Although I don't recall any real politics aside from that bit about Pablo killing Innes would have destroyed Carcino's relationship with Frelia.) My problem with Awakening's writing is that it leaves so many things underdeveloped. Mustafa isn't nearly as interesting as Camus or Selena. He fights because his king makes him. Camus on the other hand, fights because he knows that every minute he's on the battlefield, an innocent in Grust is in danger and he can't bring himself to betray them. That's a much better way of make the enemy morally grey than "They're being forced to!". The game briefly mentions that Chrom's father was cruel to Plegia and its people, and then not only do neither of the playable plegians hold any grudge against Ylisse for it, Gangrel says in his supports with MU that he only waged war on Ylisse because Valm threatened him! Taguels had potential, but really they were just an afterthought and they were never mentioned outside of Panne/Yarne and their supports. Validar is one of the worst villains in the series. Comically evil with no reason for his goals, really unnecessary "I am your father!' twist that they never do anything with, he's just really bad. And that's just scratching the surface! I'm typing this at midnight and i'm not really a professional writer, so i'm not sure what i'd do if I were to write the next game. I do know, however, that when I find an error or plot hole in my story, I would simply go back a bit and see how I could make the story work without using a plot device, instead of having the story absolutely require conveniences to properly flow. And I would keep the Lord in the moral right, but I wouldn't make him like Kamui who never does anything wrong, either.
  18. FE7: Night of Farewells is just really annoying. Narrow, disappearing platforms, boss that uses Bolting, fliers coming at you... FE8: Phantom Ship. Pretty straightforward map, it would have been pretty easy if you could just tank it out, but the enemies coming at you from off the ship, plus the boss reinforcement, plus having to get to L'Arachel in time make it really painful. I'm not sure if this chapter is possible without Cormag/Tana. FE9: Didn't play far enough to get to a hard chapter. Recruiting Illyana was annoying. FE11: The Wooden Cavalry. FE13: Priam's Paralogue. How not to make a chapter difficult 101.
  19. out of the FE6 trio? Bors, definitely. awesome armor color and his face is even more sexy than Gheb. that and Barth and Wendy suck so there's no competition
  20. same with Eclipse, I'm not doing any pairings in Fates and I wouldn't in this game either. It would be in poor taste. ... also, i'm pretty sure the game would still let you romance those characters. They'd find a way to excuse it.
  21. I don't know much about LTC's so maybe you have some kind of special plan i'm missing out on, but it seems like you could have recruited Tiki instead of killing them with just as much, if not less effort by teleporting Bantu over instead of Caeda. Edit: nevermind, just realized you didn't recruit Bantu
  22. damnit I was trying so hard not to accidentally say streetpass team yeah i'm still amazed I was able to find shadow dragon, i'm really enjoying it so far
  23. I can't share any pictures sadly, but I just thought this was amusing and wanted to share it with this site. I bought a used copy of Shadow Dragon. It had several save points at endgame, which I deleted because I didn't think they'd be important at all. So I've been playing through the game normally, and just now I checked the extras and find whoever owned this copy before me had a hacked wireless team. He had a Sage Boah with Imhullu, a Starlight that had been used a bit, and a 99 use Warp, Fortify and Physic staff and 32 Mov, a Paladin Tomas holding Falchion with 34 Mov, and Marth with two Fire Emblems and 32 Mov. So, yeah. Not that I can really do anything with it, but I thought it was pretty funny.
  24. Are you going to have Batta attack Syrene? If memory serves, they have a special battle conversation.
  25. If it's a matter of who's fanbase is the most devoted, we all know Camilla's going to win. I'm wondering if Pieri has a chance, though. She's actually kind of popular.
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