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Everything posted by kantoorfarina

  1. Don't worry, Moniker, i'm reading! I have breakfast while I read your updates, so I can't type on my keyboard or it gets all greasy. This hack is getting good. I'm glad the focus is shifting away from Dewey.
  2. Mercenary, for being the only Nohrian class that doesn't wear battle panties. ... Does it? Most of Hoshido's classes look good. I'll say Priestess.
  3. Your opinions are not facts. I respect what you think, but don't treat your opinions as the end-all word of god and anyone who disagrees is incorrect. You're allowed to like Virion, but he's certainly not the most well-liked archer. If I were to ask everyone on this site their favorite archer, far more people would say Rebecca than they would Virion. Those people would be happy because they have a different opinion from you, and they're very much allowed to.
  4. After reading a few of Elise's supports in Fates, I'm ready for whatever Gheb is about to say to the loli. I kind of want you to play on Normal or maybe even Easy for Glass's route. I want to see the dialogue. but I don't want you to have to go through the GhebFE Hard mode equivalent of Phantom Ship.
  5. I know very few people who didn't start with Awakening that like Virion, let alone consider him a favorite. I'm not sure how popular he is in Japan, but from what I know if you ask the average FE fan their favorite Archer, not that many people would say Virion.
  6. I wouldn't say I'm happy about it being Archanea only, and i'm most certainly against it. It doesn't bother me that much, though. There's plenty of cool Archanea characters. I'll be more irritated if they don't include, say, Palla or Merric and add Tomas and Wrys instead.
  7. No death quote, either? That's a shame. If you have Cecilia kill Zephiel in FE6, the game just kind of ends there. I was hoping something similar would happen. Thanks, though!
  8. I was playing through Sacred Stones again and I wondered, what happens if you kill Selena in Turning Traitor? (Via cheating, since it isn't possible legitimately.) What's her death quote? I'm pretty sure the game would freeze when the sequence with her and Valter happens.
  9. I really don't like the concept of getting married after 3 conversations. Kanna isn't cute at all, either.
  10. i'm keeping my MU single on all playthroughs.
  11. i'm meh. maybe i'll get it, but I don't really care about it. There's sprinkles of fun gameplay, but with all the battle panties and face rubbing i'm just less enthusiastic about it. SMT X FE is what i'm really looking forward to.
  12. slow down with these topics man. make it all in to one post if you're going to post another one every 5 minutes, there's not that many options for each of them anyway
  13. holy trek I have to help the trek hype Trek as a Mogall Trek as a Pegasus Knight Male Mage Trek
  14. Summoner Wendy is a reference to Don't Starve. Which is a really cool survival game, I recommend it.
  15. Hm. I think I'll do just that, actually. The rest of my ideas are more minor things that I think would be funny. I leave you with these 3 requests, though. Wendy as a Summoner (I wonder if anyone'll catch the reference.) Roy as a Knight Gilliam as a Journeyman
  16. I'm not sure where I stand in this argument. I started with Awakening on Normal-Casual. I tried Sacred Stones, and I loved it. Much more than I did Awakening. It kind of makes me sad that a lot of the newer fans don't give it a chance, but I think "Not a true fan" is going way too far. I haven't seen any "elitists" here. People tend to be really respectful of others opinions, even if they disagree with them.
  17. Awakening ruined her because the writers didn't play Marth's games, so they assumed Tiki had romantic feelings for Marth. It's really forced. I like Tiki in Shadow Dragon. Smash? She's really not relevant enough and there's not that much moveset potential for her. They'd work well as an assist trophy or boss, though.
  18. Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones are on the Wii U Eshop, if you have a Wii U. They're cheap, too.
  19. Sigurd Blue still has a chance to turn this around, c'mon guys!
  20. That is... an interesting question. Kids and Marriage are, in some people's eyes, one of the most important things in Fire Emblem. Elise and Sakura are two of the most popular characters. If they didn't let you marry them, people would be pissed. If they really did just label it as "Companion", make you give up the kids, and have your Hoshido siblings still be related to you? I would be so, so happy. I'm hoping the localization team says "Um, they're your family." but it's most likely going to stay Husband and wife.
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