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Posts posted by Wulfgar85

  1. What else do you actually use BEXP for, aside from improving stats in poor growth areas?

    Titania. Not Oscar. Oscar is next to useless by 4-E in Hard mode. Pathetically low caps in both Strength and Speed means he won't be killing much. Titania is quite fragile but in terms of Strength and Speed she's good.

    Figuring this one out as i'm having a hell of a time with 4-4. No matter what i do, some one i need gets kill, usually by a critical hit. I try going all out in a attack mode and that didn't work and i tried to sit back at let the ememy come to me and that also didn't work. If i fail any more i'm just going to bring Ike and Nailah to the lvl and just run through it with them.

  2. Jill wouldn't mind a few BEXP levels by the end of her Tier 2 to solve her Skill and Defense problems.

    Jill went from lvl 14 to lvl 6 in 4-p so i won't be putting any bonus exp into her at the moment. My end game team seems to be changing with every fight as Kieran bit the dust in 4-p. But Oscar can pretty much take his place. if any thing i add other royal to end game.

  3. If your unit will gian key numbers in certain stats such as Str or Spd with the pomotion he would otherwise lack and therefor drop a huge amount in usability. Then why not? It's not like you are going to take them all to endgame anyways.

    Or that you actrually need a maximum amount of level ups to win.

    I am taking Jill Nolan and Edward to end game. so no master crown until lvl 20. Nolan and Edward might get some Bonus exp depend on what stats they have maxed.

  4. Give it to Jill or Nolan + Brave Axe and you still might get in a lucky shot or two. Both can two-shot the Cats with a Brave Axe if their Strength went the right way. Nice idea with Pass too...must try, never thought of that, although I'd be more inclined to use the BK as you can unequip him and stop him rampaging for the most part.


    Considering you trained up all three, that's not too bad at this point in the game. You can't realistically get them to third tier before Part 4 in Hard mode, unless you hyper-abuse.

    Well, all three groups have access to the same Convoy, so you can exchange things between groups using it.

    Before playing though 3-E, deposit the two Paragons that Ike's team have into the Convoy so that Jill, Nolan and Ed can access them in 4-P (if you leave them all in Micaiah's team, anyway).

    Jill is staying on Micaih's team because of the desert lvl. Nolan and Edward when to Tibarn's team. Right now i having a few issue with 4-p but i think i know how to fix my problem. I'm learning that on hard mode i'll need to actually use Naesala, and Skrimir and that Sothe is useless atleast in my game. anyways heading to bed i'll try this lvl again in the morning.

  5. I finally got through it this morning. I would like Jill, ed, and Nolan to have lvl a couple more times, but they are all around lvl 14 in tier 2. All 3 are getting paragon in part 4.

    I can't remember can you switch skill around while your making your 3 teams before part 4.

  6. Believe it or not, even untrained units like Meg and Fiona can contribute in this map by plugging some of the holes in the far north. No enemies here have range, so if you position your units right, the weak ones should never get hit. Any units you wish to train should be guarding the big ledge in the middle with ranged weapons, since that's where the most laguz gather.

    Ike will walk forward in the last two (or three) turns. No 2nd Tier unit can realistically face him without getting mauled to pieces, so run away or put him to Sleep with Laura (you should have that Sleep staff from that base convo). You can also have Micaiah attack Ike with Purge to trigger an interesting conversation.

    Oh, and at the very least put the Yellow Units on Roam during the last few turns. You don't want to miss 3-13 Archer in ACTION!

    I finally got through it this morning. I would like Jill, ed, and Nolan to have lvl a couple more times, but they are all around lvl 14 in tier 2. All 3 are getting paragon in part 4.

  7. 3-13 can be quite tricky. My strategy is just to hold the frontline for about three turns (place NPC on Halt initially) and kill as much as possible (mostly with Nolan, Jill, and Micaiah+Purge). I take every single available ally with me and place them all along the edges of the 'line' (the ones I won't be using for battles, such as Ed, Leo, Laura, Aran, Meg) so that the Hawk laguz don't fly over it and end the chapter. By around turn 3 or 4, retreat all your allies backwards as the laguz will kill most of the NPCs at the end of the turn. Then put the NPC on Roam so they attack things - this enables Nolan/Jill to kill injured Tigers as they probably can't 1RKO them at full health. Micaiah can also kill things that move directly below the top level wall with regular tomes. Eventually, the NPCs will start being killed off regardless of whether or not you keep them healed. At this point, move Nolan to the northwest staircase and Jill to the northeast. They can blockade there for the few remaining turns. Make sure the rest of the units are on the top level barring the Hawk laguz from flying over.

    This strategy has worked for me every time. Ask if you need more details.


    If you grabbed the Beastfoe skill in 1-4 and the Vantage skill from the chests in 1-E then you can give them both to Nolan, along with a Bowgun or two, and let him solo the entire map (except for Greil Mercs), but also give Paragon to Jill and let her have the occasional hit-and-run (she will most likely take an attack or two, too, so you can heal her with Micaiah for Micaiah's experience) because Jill is pretty much the best unit in the game and needs the experience. Of course, I doubt you grabbed the Vantage skill in 1-E because, to get it before the thieves get it (or get to the thieves and kill them), you have to seriously abuse BK/Nailah/Muarim.

    i did grab the vantage skill i gave pass to nailah and let her run up and kill the thiefs before the could get a chest. then i ran her back to the start and left her there. beastfoe was the one thing a forgot to get.

  8. Than i think my End game team is set almost set with Edward, Jill, Nolan, Nephenee, Kieran, Titania, Soren, Shinon.

    The last 2 spots will be between, Tibarn, Elincia and Stefan. I think the hardest thing will be keeping Micaiah alive she really under level, but is only a healer at this point in time.

    So 3-13 is becoming annoying quick. The first 2 times i have left the computers on roam because i want the ballista guys to take dowm the hawks for me. edward and Nolan can hold down the left side no problem while i have Jill, Zihark, and Volug holding down the right. in the middle i have Sloth and Leo making sure no one can get up. The first tim the NPC with the javlin move on turn 10 leading sloth to get double team and killed. The Second time i move that NPC out of the way but for some stupid reason i put Leo on the side instead of in the middle. s o again around turn 10 a laguz seeks up kills leo leaving sloth to get double team again. I know my mistakes are fix able but its still annoying. also i alway hated the fact you can move Micaiah out of the green line. Even with the Physic staff she can't reach half of the people to heal them.

    sorry for the the poor grammer to lazy and tired to check it.

  9. FireXWind is pretty decent.

    And, FE favors favoritism anyways.

    Than i think my End game team is set almost set with Edward, Jill, Nolan, Nephenee, Kieran, Titania, Soren, Shinon.

    The last 2 spots will be between, Tibarn, Elincia and Stefan. I think the hardest thing will be keeping Micaiah alive she really under level, but is only a healer at this point in time.

  10. Stefan will work as a Mia replacement in the sense that he is a similarly competent Trueblade. He will not work as a Mia replacement in the sense that he does not provide a +Atk support for Ike. But perhaps Soren is already doing that in your run.

    In my game at the moment Ike has a A support with Titania. I had Mia with a A support with Nephenee. I was trying something different this game. Would Kieran make and ok support for Nephenee. they are the only 2 members of ikes team with out supports at the moment that i'm using.

  11. Bolded: I disagree. This isn't FE9 where the rainbow paladins are high/top tier.

    The only Paladin worth bringing is Titania, since she has the highest STR out of all of them. Marcia's STR growth is really whacky, and Tanith/Sigrun aren't any better. Their only saving grace is Triangle Attack shenanigans.

    Your best Endgame mount is, undoubtedly, Jill. Once trained, her SPD (the most important stat in the game) surpasses Haar, which allows her to double with Urvan, though she also works just fine with a forged Silver Axe.

    After that, it depends on who has the highest speed and the highest strength. Since the OP said he wants to try without royals, losing both Mia and Haar are actually significant losses, especially Mia.

    Right now people that i'm bringing into end game are Nolan, Edward, Jill, Neph, Shin and Soren. That still leaves me with 4 spots. Elincia, Kieran are a maybe at this point and since both Haar and Mia are died i think i will end up bringing 2 Royals with me. I have never used Stefan before but who he work out as a goood replace for Mia.

  12. Just got past the brigde lvl. I hate that level so much. Even beating it Mia die when a general with 30% hit rate drop her and haar got killed by a light mage. I going on with out them but i made a new save file. Don't care about Haar so much but i was going to bring Mia to end game but i don't want to replay that lvl any more.

  13. Since yer Hard Moding it up, i would actually use a Royal or two. I would also bring Haar and/or Jill to endgame. If it were me, i would pick Naesala and Nailah for endgame because they are my favorite royals. Tibarn whomps too though. Its all up to you. Having a Royal or two around might make things a little more smooth.

    in that case i think i will save 2 files one with a team with no royals, and one with 2 royals. That way if i can't win without out them i will switch.

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