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Posts posted by Gigz

  1. Hey, all! Back once more, and though it saddens me greatly that the game is ending, at least we have a great community to keep the hype going 😄

    Edit: I just got B22 in the mail, and I just need a handful of things to complete the set~

    I'm willing to trade or buy, so feel free to PM me if anything jumps out at you. Thanks for looking!



    B14-048HN Maiko Shimazaki - I'm collecting this card, so as many as you are willing to part with!

    B05-038R Tate
    B05-086SR Sanaki

    B06-047SR Arvis
    B06-051SR Xander

    B07-001SR Eliwood
    B07-058SR Sakura

    B08-002SR (Risen) Chrom
    B08-009SR Frederick x3
    B08-045SR Aversa
    B08-051SR Seliph

    B10-004SR Nanna
    B10-036SR Tina
    B10-042SR Misha
    B10-051SR F!Kana
    B10-055SR M!Corrin
    B10-061R Azura
    B10-087SR Alphonse

    B11-001SR Eirika
    B11-004SR Ephraim
    B11-016SR Lute
    B11-029SR Amelia
    B11-036R La'rachel
    B11-066R Genny
    B11-076SR Rowan
    B11-079SR Lianna
    B11-090R Marth

    B13-012SR Serra
    B13-051SR Marth

    B16-066SR Sanaki
    B16-069SR Sigrun
    B16-079R Nephenee

    B18-033SR Claude

    B19-004SR Hubert
    B19-022SR Sothis x3
    B19-054SR Julia
    B19-070SR Fury

    B21-034SR Yuri
    B21-041SR Hapi




    A metric crapton of N/HN, if you're looking for anything specific, ask and I can look and see if I have any

    B01-007R Cain
    B01-009R Abel x2
    B01-028R Merrick x2
    B01-030R Minerva
    B01-059R Lissa
    B01-070R Lon’qu
    B01-078R Nowi
    B01-084R Cherche

    B02-004R Azura
    B02-006SR Ryoma
    B02-014R Saizo
    B02-026R Hana
    B02-043R Asugi
    B02-045R Caeldori
    B02-054R Azura
    B02-064R Laslow x2
    B02-093R Forrest
    B02-097R Ophelia

    B03-025R Marcia
    B03-035R Jill x3
    B03-035R+ Jill
    B03-043R Tibarn x2
    B03-051SR F!Corrin
    B03-062R M!Kana x2
    B03-069R Miitama
    B03-083R Cyrus
    B03-086R F!Kana x2
    B03-091R Nina

    B04-001SR Tsubasa
    B04-031R Sirius
    B04-085R Owain
    B04-087R Inigo
    B04-092R Cynthia

    B05-017R Deke
    B05-057R Edward
    B05-090R Soren
    B05-098R Kurthnaga

    B06-001SR Sigurd
    B06-006SR Quan
    B06-010R Ethlyn
    B06-012R Finn
    B06-038R Fury
    B06-040R Bridget
    B06-045R Mahnya
    B06-058SR Elise x2
    B06-066R Niles
    B06-066R Effie
    B06-070R Felicia
    B06-072R Flora

    B06-092R Garon
    B06-097SR Anankos

    B08-023R Maribelle
    B08-033R Owain
    B08-068R Fee
    B08-076SR Shannan x2
    B08-081R Ares
    B08-084R Lene
    B08-091SR Altena
    B08-096R Arvis
    B08-097SR Julius

    B11-055R Faye x4

    B12-032R Elincia x3
    B12-034R Ashnard
    B12-051R Chrom
    B12-080R Ares
    B12-082R Nanna
    B12-083R Sigurd
    B12-085R Beowulf

    B13-033R Karel
    B13-041R Karla

    B13-043R Lloyd
    B13-055R Abel
    B13-060R Cain
    B13-064R Draug
    B13-084R Alphonse
    B13-086SR Sharena
    B13-088R Kiran

    B14-010R Cordelia
    B14-014R M!Morgan
    B14-016R Owain x2
    B14-022SR Cynthia
    B14-029R Severa x2
    B14-032R Nah
    B14-042R Valadar
    B14-044R Istuki Aoi
    B14-051SR M!Corrin
    B14-058R Hinoka
    B14-062R Sakura
    B14-078SR Gawain/Greil
    B14-091R Shinon x2
    B14-093R Gatrie
    B14-096R Mia

    B18-004SR Edelgard
    B18-012R Bernadetta x3
    B18-014R Dorothea
    B18-023R Felix x2
    B18-027R Mercedes
    B18-035R Raphael x2
    B18-043R Hilda
    B18-048R Geralt
    B18-058R Gaius x3
    B18-060SR Cordelia
    B18-062R Gregor x2
    B18-064R Nowi x2
    B18-067SR Tharja
    B18-076SR Ephraim
    B18-081R Tana
    B18-085SR L'arachel
    B18-094R Tethys x3
    B18-095R Innes x2
    B18-099R Valter x2

    B19-009R Lindhart
    B19-013R Bernadetta
    B19-015R Dorothea
    B19-024R Dimitri
    B19-030R Claude
    B19-034R Marianne
    B19-040SR Flayn
    B19-057R Arden
    B19-061R Aideen
    B19-068SR Lewyn
    B19-072R Tailtyu x2
    B19-074R Scathach
    B19-076SR Larcei x2
    B19-089R Eldigan
    B19-094R Ishtar
    B19-096R Julius x2

    B22-003SR Sigurd
    B22-005SR Roy
    B22-007SR Ephraim
    B22-009SR Micaiah
    B22-011SR M!Corrin x2
    B22-015R Caeda
    B22-020R F!Kris x2
    B22-022R Medeus x3
    B22-042R Narcian
    B22-038R Saias x3
    B22-047R Lyon x2
    B22-053R Mia x2
    B22-074R Hinoka x2
    B22-081R Leo
    B22-087R Veronika
    B22-090R Edelgard
    B22-092R Dimiti x2
    B22-100R Kronya
    B22-102R Mamori x2
    B22-107R Al x2

    P09-004PR Grommel
    P10-003PR Shannan
    P10-004PR M!Corrin
    P10-006PR Yuzu


  2. Hey again! I finally opened some boxes of B13, and I'm updating stuff I want/have to trade/sell~
    Looking forward to making busydeals with you! :D

    Edit: I also have a spare clearfile of Sharena in case anyone happens to be looking for one!

    Wants (cards listed in bold have priority over the rest!)


    B02-058SR Camilla x2

    B01-004SR Caeda
    B01-075SR Cordelia

    B05-038R Tate
    B05-086SR Sanaki

    B06-047SR Arvis
    B06-051SR Xander

    B07-001SR Eliwood
    B07-058SR Sakura

    B08-002SR (Risen) Chrom
    B08-009SR Frederick
    B08-045SR Aversa
    B08-051SR Seliph

    B10-004SR Nanna
    B10-036SR Tina
    B10-042SR Misha
    B10-051SR  F!Kana
    B10-055SR M!Corrin
    B10-061R Azura
    B10-087SR Alphonse

    B11-001SR Eirika
    B11-004SR Ephraim
    B11-016SR Lute
    B11-029SR Amelia
    B11-036R La'rachel
    B11-066R Genny
    B11-076SR Rowan
    B11-079SR Lianna
    B11-090R Marth

    B13-001SR Eliwood
    B13-004SR Lyn
    B13-012SR Serra
    B13-014R Matthew
    B13-016SR Nils
    B13-027R Ninian
    B13-051SR Marth
    B13-070R Lena
    B13-073SR Athena



    B01-007R Cain
    B01-009R Abel x2
    B01-028R Merrick x2
    B01-030R Minerva
    B01-059R Lissa
    B01-070R Lon’qu
    B01-084R Cherche x2

    B02-004R Azura
    B02-006SR Ryoma
    B02-014R Saizo
    B02-026R Hana
    B02-043R Asugi
    B02-045R Caeldori
    B02-054R Azura
    B02-064R Laslow x2
    B02-072R Odin
    B02-093R Forrest x2
    B02-097R Ophelia

    B03-025R Marcia
    B03-035R Jill x3
    B03-035R+ Jill
    B03-043R Tibarn x2
    B03-051SR F!Corrin
    B03-062R M!Kana x2
    B03-069R Miitama
    B03-083R Cyrus x2
    B03-086R F!Kana x2
    B03-091R Nina

    B04-001SR Tsubasa
    B04-031R Sirius
    B04-035R Feena
    B04-059R Eleanora

    B04-085R Owain
    B04-087R Inigo

    B05-017R Deke
    B05-054SR Sothe
    B05-057R Edward
    B05-080R Lucia
    B05-090R Soren
    B05-098R Kurthnaga

    B06-001SR Sigurd
    B06-006SR Quan
    B06-010R Ethlyn
    B06-012R Finn
    B06-024SR Ayra x4
    B06-038R Fury
    B06-040R Bridget
    B06-045R Mahnya
    B06-054SR Camilla
    B06-066R Niles
    B06-066R Effie
    B06-070R Felicia
    B06-072R Flora
    B06-092R Garon
    B06-097SR Anankos

    B08-033R Owain
    B08-048R Grima
    B08-059R Larcei
    B08-068R Fee
    B08-076SR Shannan x3
    B08-084R Lene
    B08-091SR Altena
    B08-096R Arvis
    B08-097SR Julius

    B12-006R Gawain/Greil
    B12-013R Titania

    B12-034R Ashnard
    B12-051R Chrom
    B12-061R Say'ri
    B12-083R Sigurd
    B12-085R Beowulf

    B13-019SR Hector
    B13-033R Karel
    B13-041R Karla
    B13-043R Lloyd
    B13-045R Sonia
    B13-055R Abel
    B13-060R Cain
    B13-064R Draug
    B13-084R Alphonse
    B13-086SR Sharena
    B13-088R Kiran

    P09-003PR Faye
    P09-004PR Grommel
    P10-003PR Shannan
    P10-004PR M!Corrin
    P10-006PR Yuzu


  3. After opening boxes of B12, I'm updating my trade lists if anyone wants anything~
    Feel free to inquire about N and HN cards if you want/need any; I likely have spares!

    If you want to buy, please be aware I prefer using Google Wallet instead of paypal. (allows for guest checkouts just like PayPal!) My apologies in advance! :'D

    Any wants listed in bold has preference over all else!



    B12-054SR Lissa x3
    B02-058SR Camilla x2

    B01-004SR Caeda
    B01-075SR Cordelia

    B05-022R Shanna
    B05-038R Tate
    B05-086SR Sanaki

    B06-045R Mahnya
    B06-047SR Arvis
    B06-051SR Xander
    B06-054SR Camilla
    B06-082R Siegbert

    B07-001SR Eliwood
    B07-058SR Sakura
    B07-066SR Oboro

    B08-002SR (Risen) Chrom
    B08-009SR Frederick
    B08-045SR Aversa
    B08-051SR Seliph

    B10-002R Lief
    B10-004SR Nanna
    B10-007SR Finn
    B10-036SR Tina
    B10-042SR Misha
    B10-051SR  F!Kana
    B10-055SR M!Corrin
    B10-061R Azura
    B10-066R Asugi
    B10-082R Velouria
    B10-087SR Alphonse
    B10-095R Bruno

    B11-001SR Eirika
    B11-004SR Ephraim
    B11-016SR Lute
    B11-029SR Amelia
    B11-034R Gerik
    B11-036R La'rachel
    B11-063SR Delthea
    B11-066R Genny
    B11-076SR Rowan
    B11-079SR Lianna
    B11-090R Marth
    B11-095R Anna

    B12-014R Soren
    B12-019R Volke
    B12-021R Astrid
    B12-025R Stefan
    B12-032R Elincia

    B12-097SR Ishtar



    B01-007R Cain
    B01-009R Abel x2
    B01-016SR Ogma
    B01-028R Merrick x2
    B01-030R Minerva
    B01-035R Linde
    B01-038R Palla
    B01-040R Catria
    B01-042R Est

    B01-054SR Lucina
    B01-059R Lissa
    B01-068R Sumia
    B01-070R Lon’qu
    B01-084R Cherche x2
    B01-083R Olivia
    B01-097R Inigo
    B01-097R+ Inigo

    B02-001SR M!Corrin
    B02-004R Azura
    B02-006SR Ryoma
    B02-014R Saizo
    B02-026R Hana
    B02-043R Asugi
    B02-045R Caeldori
    B02-054R Azura x2
    B02-064R Laslow x2
    B02-066R Peri
    B02-072R Odin
    B02-093R Forrest x2
    B02-095R Soleil
    B02-097R Ophelia

    B03-004SR Elinicia
    B03-025R Marcia
    B03-035R Jill x3
    B03-035R+ Jill
    B03-040R Ranulf x3
    B03-043R Tibarn x2
    B03-044R Naesala x3
    B03-051SR F!Corrin
    B03-062R M!Kana x2
    B03-069R Miitama
    B03-083R Cyrus x2
    B03-086R F!Kana x2
    B03-091R Nina
    B03-095R Velouria x2
    B03-095R+ Velouria

    B04-001SR Tsubasa
    B04-031R Sirius
    B04-035R Feena
    B04-055R Kiria
    B04-059R Eleanora
    B04-085R Owain
    B04-087R Inigo

    B05-017R Deke
    B05-025R Lugh
    B05-045R Fae

    B05-054SR Sothe
    B05-057R Edward
    B05-080R Lucia
    B05-090R Soren
    B05-098R Kurthnaga

    B06-001SR Sigurd
    B06-004SR Dierdre
    B06-006SR Quan x1
    B06-010R Ethlyn
    B06-012R Finn
    B06-024SR Ayra x4
    B06-038R Fury
    B06-040R Bridget
    B06-045R Mahnya
    B06-054SR Camilla
    B06-066R Niles
    B06-066R Effie
    B06-070R Felicia
    B06-072R Flora
    B06-092R Garon
    B06-097SR Anankos

    B07-041R Jaffar

    B08-004R Lucina x4
    B08-019R Kellam
    B08-023R Maribelle
    B08-028SR Cherche
    B08-033R Owain
    B08-048R Grima
    B08-059R Larcei
    B08-068R Fee
    B08-076SR Shannan x3
    B08-079SR Patti
    B08-084R Lene
    B08-091SR Altena
    B08-096R Arvis
    B08-097SR Julius

    B12-006R Gawain/Greil
    B12-013R Titania
    B12-034R Ashnard
    B12-051R Chrom
    B12-053R Lucina
    B12-061R Say'ri
    B12-073R Naga
    B12-083R Sigurd
    B12-085R Beowulf

    P09-003PR Faye
    P09-004PR Grommel
    P09-005PR Alm

    P10-003PR Shannan
    P10-004PR M!Corrin
    P10-006PR Yuzu


  4. 5 hours ago, Kirie said:

    A lot of resellers attend these events with the intention to buy and resell the items via auction sites like Yahoo!Japan. A few will probably also make their way to eBay as well, though probably with even more additional mark-ups. If you don't have someone who can go to the event for you to buy things directly, expect to pay a steep premium above MSRP to get any of these items since they're event-exclusive and pretty limited. This is especially true for the most popular items like the playmats.

    The playmats in particular is where we're going to feel it the hardest, some of which go on Ebay for triple the going price. I like to think of it as an extreme example of the "waifu tax," but that's where things stand. It's unfortunate, but until we see an localization, it's unlikely to change. The best thing to do is to keep an eye on the various merchant sites listed here to find the best deal available for your needs. Happy hunting! :D

  5. (3/27/2018 - last update to this post before I make a new one)

    Hey, everyone!

    It's been YEARS since I last visited this trade thread, but I'm back after having started collecting again!
    Please bear with me as basically all of my haves are old, but I'll also be willing to toss in N and HN cards if people are looking for specific cards~


    (Stuff in bold has preference over the rest of my wants list!):


    B08-092N Altena x2
    B11-066R Genny x2

    P01-015PR M!Robin x2

    B05-053HN Micaiah x2
    B12-001SR Ike x4
    B12-010SR Micaiah x4
    B12-054SR Lissa x3

    B01-004SR Caeda
    B01-075SR Cordelia
    B02-058SR+ Camilla
    B05-082SR Geoffrey
    B05-086SR Sanaki
    B05-092SR Mia
    B03-085SR Flora
    B03-021SR Mia

    B06-005SR Dierdre
    B06-047SR Arvis

    B07-058SR Sakura
    B07-066SR Oboro
    B08-002SR (Risen) Chrom
    B08-009SR Frederick
    B08-045SR Aversa
    B08-051SR Seliph
    B04-059R+ Eleanora
    B04-055R+ Kiria
    B09-033R Delthea


    Haves (Feel free to inquire about N/HN cards! I'd like to offload some of my bulk stuff at some point!):


    B01-007R Cain
    B01-009R Abel x2
    B01-016SR Ogma
    B01-028R Merrick x2
    B01-030R Minerva
    B01-035R Linde
    B01-038R Palla
    B01-040R Catria
    B01-042R Est
    B01-054SR Lucina
    B01-059R Lissa
    B01-068R Sumia
    B01-070R Lon’qu
    B01-084R Cherche x2
    B01-083R Olivia
    B01-097R Inigo
    B01-097R+ Inigo

    B02-001SR M!Corrin
    B02-004R Azura
    B02-006SR Ryoma
    B02-014R Saizo
    B02-026R Hana
    B02-043R Asugi
    B02-045R Caeldori
    B02-054R Azura x2
    B02-064R Laslow x2
    B02-066R Peri x2
    B02-072R Odin
    B02-093R Forrest x2
    B02-095R Soleil
    B02-097R Ophelia

    B03-004SR Elinicia
    B03-006SR Mist
    B03-025R Marcia
    B03-032R Nephenee
    B03-035R Jill x3
    B03-035R+ Jill
    B03-040R Ranulf x3
    B03-043R Tibarn x2
    B03-044R Naesala x3
    B03-058SR Kaze
    B03-062R M!Kana x2
    B03-069R Miitama
    B03-083R Cyrus x2
    B03-086R F!Kana x2
    B03-091R Nina
    B03-095R Velouria x2
    B03-095R+ Velouria

    B05-054SR Sothe

    B08-028SR Cherche
    B08-079SR Patti
    B08-091SR Altena
    B08-097SR Julius

    P09-003PR Faye x3
    P09-004PR Grommel x2
    P09-005PR Alm
    P09-006PR Celica
    P09-007PR Jemmie

    P10-003PR Shannan
    P10-004PR M!Corrin x2
    P10-006PR Yuzu


  6. Hi!

    It's been a while since I did some trading here, but i did get some booster boxes in, and so I'm looking to fill my collection~ :3


    B01-097R+ Man of Passion, Inigo

    B01-16SR War-God of Talys, Ogma

    B01-50SR Sable Order, Camus

    B02-097R+ Twilight Sorcerer, Ophelia x2

    B02-001SR Chosen Prince of Yatogami, Corrin (Male)

    B02-006SR Trueblade of Roaring Thunder, Ryoma

    ...I also have a handful of rares sitting around. Feel free to ask me for anything specific, and I'll see if I have it~


    B01-004SR Angelic Advocate of affection, Caeda

    B01-075SR Pegasus Knight Paragon, Cordelia

    B02-008SR Captain of the Red Lotus, Hinoka

    B02-010SR Gale Garbed Holy Marksman, Takumi

    B02-012SR Priestess of Love and War, Sakura

    B02-030SR Capable Maid, Felicia

    B02-051SR Chosen Princess of Yatogami, Corrin (Female)

    B02-058SR Goddess of Death, Camilla

    B02-045R Intelligent Warrior, Matoi

    B03-021SR Unrivaled Sword Hand, Mia

    B03-053SR Songstress of Dawn, Aqua

    B03-058 Leeward Shinobi, Kaze

    B03-085SR Frost Maid, Flora

  7. I'm just getting into this party..er..so, hi!

    I'm just figuring out how to us this forum, so bear with me~ ;v;

    That said, here's what I'm looking at after opening three booster boxes.


    B01-001SR Savior of Archanea, Marth

    B01-004SR Angelic Advocate of Affection, Caeda

    B01-022SR Crimson God of Death, Navarre

    B01-073SR Sweetest Assassin, Gaius

    B01-075SR Pegasus Knight Paragon, Cordelia

    B01-091SR Chosen Warrior of Hope, Owain


    B01-016SR War-God of Talys, Ogma

    B01-050SR Sable Order, Camus
    B01-097R+ Man of Flower’s Fragrance, Inigo

    P01-001PR Crown-Prince of Hoshido, Corrin♂
    <ask about any R cards, and I'll see if I have any extra!>

    PM me with any offers, and I'll look forward to working out a trade with you! Thanks for taking a look! :D

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