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Posts posted by jodalita

  1. I wouldn't recommend it. The Shaman with Luna, the Archer with the Killer Bow, and Damian with his Killing Edge make this Chapter somewhat unpredictable. Otherwise, I would recommend going around to where the houses at the top are and lure all enemies from between the two houses, where the forest is. Hope it helps.

  2. I believe Glen is stronger than Duessel. Wyvern Lords are just badass.

    As far as my favorite goes, that would be Valter. He gets the most screen time out of the Imperial 6 and is a great villain. I just wish he really did have only one arm like his art implies, it would make him even more badass.

  3. I personally hold this game as my favorite and I a very grateful for the things that it added, like navigating the map, buying weapons and items outside of chapters, and extra areas like ToV and LR. I don't see how any of these inclusions would make the game worse than other entries. If it bothers you so much, don't use it.

    I think the reason why people think this game is so easy is because of Emulators and the use of save states. When you have an actual GBA and a single mistake you make might end up having you restart a chapter? Yeah, that's not fun. Sacred Stones allows you to either train or proceed with the story depending on what you decide.

    If you want a challenge, try Hard Mode. On an emulator you might not even notice the difference, but on a GBA it's a different story. I am grateful that Hard Mode is challenging enough while not being overly frustrating. If you really want the frustration that was present in the previous entries of Fire Emblem, then yes, you might have to find your own ways to make it so.

    I guess my point is that a game being easy is not a legitimate reason for it being bad.

  4. It appears that Tana is one of those units that people tend to disregard due to her arrival on Chapter 9 at Level 4. At this point, Vanessa may already be at Level 6-8, or you may prefer to use Cormag instead.

    As far as my opinion goes, Tana has excellent growths, far superior than Vanessa's. Raising her from Level 4 at a point when your other units are at Levels 6-9 doesn't seem to be much of a hassle either. The only thing that is a problem is showing up with a level D in Lances, which hurts her ability to user stronger weapons earlier. Other than that, she seems pretty much perfect to me.

    What are your opinions on Tana?

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