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Everything posted by Strict_Gryphon90

  1. I picked L'Arachel for reasons already stated by others, yet if Ursula was a choice I would have picked her. Reason being is she is a well designed villain (the chapter in which you fight her in HHM is legitimately terrifying too, and good villains inspire fear).
  2. Hello everyone! I received permission from Sacred Blaze to do a Let's Play of Requiem. Here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCk9qkRaQZU&index=1&list=PLCt_OyUqfAWvcvo0lWYs3wjfaa9GH2iyT I'm going to shoot for one video a day. You can find future videos on my channel: Strict Gryphon. Something to note: This is my first Let's Play ever, so it's going to take me a little while to warm into things. The first 4 minutes are a bit shaky, but then things go a bit more smoothly. Enjoy! :) Gryphon
  3. These changes sound absolutely metal. Count me in. The only thing I disagree with is giving assassins 7 movement. This sets up some serious RNG induced rage quits. Just please, if you're going to give them 7 movement, don't give them killing edges too. Let me know if you need any help. I'm not an artist but I think I'm a good map designer, should you need any help with that. Does your increased difficulty include map redesigns? EDIT: Oh I forgot to mention, I second the L'Arachel side quest idea.
  4. Thank you for giving the hack a try! Whoops, I guess my choice of words left things unclear. I'll edit that right away. The character Lyn represents wears heavy armor and carries a shield; that's why I gave her the defense and resistence you see. As for the mage, try this: LOL about the cleric. I thought I gave her the "Heal Units" AI, but it's right below "Destroy Villages" and I probably read the wrong row. I can give each character another vulnerary before the first turn. I hope that will solve the vulnerary issue. I was planning on adding two bolting mages in the next chapter . The reason for the strong enemies is I want the player to stop and assess the situation before taking action each turn. It is possible to complete all three maps without losing a single character, I promise. Try these tactics: I admit those tactics are a bit unorthodox. If players don't find this style of play fun I can change it, and save these ideas for an unlockable, optional crazy death mode. Fun is more important than challenge anyway. As for bows, I figured most people wouldn't be too keen on this at first but I'd like to keep it for now and continue to design my game around it. If people don't warm up to it then I'll change it. Thanks again for playing the hack. it means a lot to me and I hope you had fun. I will take your advice to heart when I design more chapters. EDIT: I recorded myself playing chapter 02 to demonstrate one way in which it might be approached. Here it is for anyone who would like to take a look. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2czOJEfycg Gryphon
  5. Fire Emblem - Origins v1.0 A Blazing Sword ROM hack by Strict_Gryphon90 Foreword: Exactly 3 months ago (July 19th 2015) I started working on this hack knowing absolutely nothing about ROM hacking. And now, with great joy, I present to you the fruit of those 3 months of work. I hope you enjoy playing this hack as much as I enjoyed making it. As of this release the prologue through chapter 3 has been fully completed. The maps for chapters 4 and 5 are complete and in the game but do not contain any dialogue. I wanted to have chapters 4 and 5 finished for this release but I wasn't able to do so before my deadline. This upcoming school week (week of Monday 10/19/2015) is midterm week, and I also have a long paper due shortly after, so after today I won't be working on this hack for about 2 weeks. I decided to release whatever I had done before then. After my busy time is over, I will resume work on this hack with all the same dedication as the past 3 months. Quick Note About the Mugs and Animations: As of yet I do not have any custom mugs or animations, and so I am using default resources as placeholders. I do have someone working on the mugs, but they've been feeling ill the past couple of weeks and haven't had the chance to get them done. Rest assured I will insert the custom mugs as I receive them, and also the custom animations as soon as I find someone who can do them. Story: Main Characters: Screenshots (Thanks to Pixelman): Chapter Maps: Changes: Plans for v1.1: Plans for v2.0: Things You Should Know About Chapters 4 and 5 (because of lack of dialogue): Credits: If I forgot anything I'll add it as soon as I remember. If I forgot something or gave the wrong credit, let me know and I will fix it. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/frghe8jlrjga2lh/FEOv1.ups?dl=0 Base Stats/Growth Rates for Player Characters and Generics: The player character section on base stats is not entirely up to date, but the growth rates are. Also, I use Apache OpenOffice instead of Excel, so you'll need that program to open it. Don't worry it's free. https://www.dropbox.com/s/frjr0s32vcde5ui/Character%20Stats.ods?dl=0 Original Post: Gryphon
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