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Posts posted by DonDon

  1. Oh sorry I totally forgot to mention why black. It's for kamuiM to zap pesky enemy backfield, and let aqua4 to gain ccs2.

    I thought so.

    I personally think aqua is not worth it as she ends up being 4 bonds anyways with the 2 drop. I am still very on the fence about KamuiM. The effect is good but not sure about adding black for it.

  2. Isee.

    What kind of deck did u play against?

    My playstlye is promoting to ryoma5 directly. I almost never promote to flying ryoma, which will allow me to have more cards in hand by taking in dmg.

    I use aqua2, ninjas, mozume and sometimes the fliers to tank a hit or two after moving ryoma 1 to back row in turn 2/3. My opponent usually refuse to kill aqua2 knowing I will just reuse the effect, but will end up having to kill it after I promote aqua.

    As to aqua and kamuiM being cloggy, I would happily bond Aqua if needed, that would reduce 1 10 support. If late game cards like the above 2 are in my hand too early, I would use them for ninja emblem.

    About turn 3 4 5, it usually goes like this.

    Turn 3 : play saizou and archers to snipe back row. Aqua2 if it's on hand. Won't play more than 2 units, usually q
    T4: promote ryoma. Won't have 4 white on the field yet
    T5: ryoma rez aqua2. If possible, ccs into aqua 4, use remaining 3 bonds for 3 other white units. (Would have prepared before hand at least 3 1 cost white.)

    More.often than not the aqua 2>aqua 4 would get me the aqua4 ccs I needed, or a drawing into a ryoma directly.

    I try to aim for deck compression and a refresh before I try to end the game. I would lock the things I don't need like aqua 10 supports, Ryoma's kept in hand(ryoma5 preferred so ryoma4's 30sp can be reused), mozu3 and kamuiF in bond/field. That would result in hopefully archer, flying, prayer, and resistance emblems being triggered.

    Pardon if I miss out anything or train of thought is off. 3 degrees in Japan is very new to me.

    I mainly wanted to find out why you added black cards to this deck.
    I played agaisnt mia and ophelia. vince knows the match up extremely well though. He will control the board no matter what. This deck can obviously works best against slower decks. i do find the support values failing me abit more often aswell which is a minor annoyance.

    This deck still suffers from what mono white ryouma suffers from. But i find my hand alot harder to play and more inconsistant.
    Also if you dont mind i wouldnt mind discussing the deck more in depth on skype or anything else.

  3. Yes I built this myself. The twitter post u saw might have been mine because I posted there too (@toynanaka).

    I have no problem maintaining 4 white. I just make sure my hand had enough different white units to activate when I promote to ryoma5. Also kamuif 1 black is also considered white

    Okay i just played the deck with vince. I also prefer the mono white build of ryouma.

    I found aqua is be abit cloggy at times. A point that people seem to miss is how your turn 3 4 5 curves out.

    I found that turn 3 if i dont have the promote my turn is very weak.

    Turn 4 is usually always ryouma5 so aqua and corrin sometimes clogs up the hands. It felt like i just would bond them anyways.

    I also had extreme trouble dealing with the backline but maybe this was due to bad draws

    Just wanted to know your thought process of why you choose those black cards. I had originally wanted to try a black and white ryouma deck too.

    Also kudos to vince. He really knows the ryouma match up well.

  4. My version of RyomAqua

    Just wondering if you created this yourself. I saw a similar build on twitter.

    Question 1: Do you find it hard to keep ryouma's 5 effect active? You have 6 unique white units not including ryouma.

    Ofc this is due to the addition of black.

    Actually gonna playtest this deck before i make comments.

  5. tl;dr: I don't think the statement "10 Supports are never needed." is true and if fliers is all people can suggest then please keep your fliers.

    The statement that "10 supports are never needed" is not true. Fliers are just the easiest way to make sure you hit consistant power levels on both atk and def.

    Because you want to play a theme deck, it does mean you have to give up on fliers and fill the deck with 10 sups.

    Anywho, i knew it was a chrom deck, but with the 100% sword user's it could have been a lon qu deck which i have seen before.

    You have pretty much packed in every sword user there is so theres not much to suggest.

    Severa would work okay as a lord.

    Lon qu would also work as a lord.

    Priam would also work as an atker.

    Outside of that.

    Maybe some healers or virion in case you want to pick off something in the back line.

  6. The main problem with the silas deck is that you compromise the rest of the deck only to have your MC silas hit 100.
    You can directly compare this to Inigo, Soleil and ranulf.
    Inigo and soleil forces you to play an extreme amount of fliers to have a strong MC but weak board.

    Ranulf Forces you to play fangs to achieve that 110 but you also sacrifice your board.

    These 3 decks arguably do a better job than silas.

    If you are dead set on playing silas though, that decklist seems pretty fun to use not sure how i would change it without testing myself.

  7. Takumi3's there to snipe backrow with backrow, though +10 attack and maybe a CCS really isn't worth the trouble. Corrin1 is there for early game support/doge/CCSing. And eh... Hinoka and Setsuna are combo cards, and Suzukaze/Midoriko have proven that I can't pull off comboes. Asama is there for better/more heals.

    Is it not worth the trouble. Saizou and kagerou are 40 atk's and have range. Their support ability also synergizes better with ryouma. Corrin does not need the ccs and you might aswell use saizou/kagerou.
    Hinoka and setuna are fine for their support values but emma/shigure are also good. Suzukaze/Midoriko is not worth the trouble.
    Asama is okay i guess but pulling off sakura once per duel is pretty much all you need.
  8. SF here, coming back from the dead to post a Ryouma MC for those whose very soul RESONATES with the crown prince of Hoshido! he's2slotho ;_;

    [spoiler=A really bad Ryoma deck][Copies] Cost(Promo) Character, Title

    [3] 5(4) Ryouma, Thundering Trueblade

    [2] 4(3) Ryouma, Hoshido's Successor

    [1] 1(-) Ryouma, Crown Prince of Hoshido*

    [3] 4(3) Corrin, Chosen Future of the Prince

    [3] 1(-) Corrin, Prince of Hoshido

    [4] 1(-) Hinoka, First Princess of Hoshido

    [2] 3(2) Takumi, User of the Fuujin Yumi

    [3] 1(-) Takumi, Hoshido's Youngest Royal Brother

    [2] 4(3) Sakura, Benevolent War Priestess

    [3] 1(-) Sakura, Hoshidan Younger Sister

    [3] 3(2) Asama, Sharp-Tongued Mountain Priest

    [4] 3(2) Tsubaki, Perfect Wing

    [4] 1(-) Tsubaki, Graceful Warrior

    [4] 1(-) KannaF, Young Dragon Princess

    [4] 1(-) Emma, Apprentice Pegasus Warrior

    Usual strategy of Cipher: Use MC to hit face, have other cards trade and board control/get effects off. With Ryoma5, once can have a constant 1-drop around for an effect, or a 60-ATK Kanna to further enforce control. However, Ryoma is slow to achieve his Class Change to Thundering Trueblade, so he will have to endure a good amount of face shots until he can destroy things as a Warrior of Lightning.Th

    The deck is pretty solid. You can bump the number of ryouma's up if you want to. Other usefull cards such as saizou can also be used in this deck.

    Asama probably isnt needed. Corrins 1's arnt really needed.

    watch the amount of Promoted units you have as you want to easily field

  9. You want to stick to 2 colours for now.
    You have too many random units like lonqu
    Ike BK Navere are too situational.

    The +30 effects are extremely hard to pull off and at times over kill.

    Marth5 is way too slow. if you are not promoted by turn 3 you will lose the game. Also Marth can buff himself
    "all allies" Include themselves. "all other allies" dont.

    Fliers win games. if not fliers use archers. Almost half you deck should be these.

    A good skeleton is
    8-10MC ( with the 3 or 4 drop being the main card you want to promote and sit on)
    4-8 healers
    16-24 units used for support value (fliers and archers
    The rest with easy threats or utility such as gerome, nowi , linde, merric, caeda

    This is For a marth MC

    As for Ike as MC. He works best in a mono green Deck.
    Soren Elincia Mist are good core cards to have.

    Also we have a Metagame discussion and competitive decklist thread. Please check that out for Competitive decks and advice.

  10. Ive seen anywhere from 5-10 copies of your MC in a deck.

    1 MC as the starter
    Usually 4 of the promoted version you want to be sitting on majority of duels.
    x amount of copies of 1 drop for evade/crit.

    x amount of higher promotion such as 5 drop marth/corrin etc.

    It really depends on the character. Most currently only have 2 versions meaning a total of 8.
    Some characters require discarding a card of the same name so having more copies is beneficial.

    i personally like having 6-8 depending on the MC.
    People weigh the cost of failed supports and likelihood of crit/evade differently so its really up to which one you prefer.
    If you have time check out the tournament deck list post by Tuvillo. There are alot of decks you can learn about if you want to build your own deck.

  11. Also turn order: (Actions in a phase can be done in any order)

    -I think "Start of your turn" effects like Ryoma and Camilla go here?

    -Start Phase: Draw, Untap field

    -Bond Phase: Play Bond

    -Deploy Phase: Deploy stuff, Class Changes, Levelups, Leveldowns

    -Action Phase: Movement, Attacks, ACT skills.

    -End Phase (Nowi2 only so far? Cordelia2 says "in between turns"...)

    Looks correct. just not sure if the skills go together with the start phase

  12. 1) You can make the forced march happen but it won't happen during your turn. If you leave your front line open during your turn, at the start of the opponent's turn your whole back line will move up (no one wants that right).

    2) Each attack is individual.

    3) I don't know how to answer your question, but unless you mean by Draw Phase -> Bond Phase -> Deployment -> Action then I don't know. It probably doesn't matter too much but you'd probably want to draw first before bonding or deploying cards.

    4) Each player can't have more than one of the same unit of the same name on the field. (e.g you can't have two Marths)

    5) Yes, it would be levelling down / demoted. If you have the bonds to demote and repromote you can do that as well.

    3) i think he means Draw, untap and any skills that activate here such as camilla. Order of these do not matter.

    I know this has been asked already, but does level 1 Lucina counting as Marth only apply when she's deployed? And can you discard a Marth for her to crit? And also promote Into Marth?

    My interpretation of this is that her skill is only active when she's out, and that you can discard Marth for her crits, promote her into Marth, and cannot be supported by Marth, whereas it's the opposite for Marth since lucinas skills wouldn't be into effect since, she's not deployed, meaning no discarding her for Marth, no level down into her, and she can support Marth.

    Is my interpretation correct? Can someone clarify when in specific are skills active?

    Thanks in advance

    Lucina first skill is special(note the purple icon). It is active at all times whether its in your hand or deck. So you can use her as a evade/crit and support will fail if it is for marth.

  13. Hmm I never thought of that... Then, what's the point of Owain not being able to use crits? Is it supposed to be a nerf?

    What I mean is, are crits better than his first skill in some situat

    In terms of power, crits are stronger.

    Skill gives you (70x2)+sup=140+sup

    Crits give you (70+sup)x2 =140+

    But most units wont hit a defensive 140 anyways so it doesn't really matter.

    The main different is that you retain the power till end of the turn.

    Like i said with a re stander such olivia Owains effect is

    Discard an Owain, flip 2 bonds

    Swing for 140, 2orbs


    140 again for 2 orbs

    This can cause a massive swing in the game if you are behind and your opponents don't evade Evade.

    ive actually vs a friend with an Owain lord deck and the 2orb dmg can be very scary.

    So over all crit will give you higher power but 140 will run over anything(not 100% sure) so it doesnt really matter in terms of power.

    but the timing of activation does matter.

    For example lets say i Have Owain not class changed on the field. I swing at the opponents 4drop marth.

    I dead trigger and he triggers 30. (70 vs 100) Because i am not ccs i can choose to crit at this point.(140 vs 100)

    If however i am class changed. i can not crit at this point therefore the attack will fail. This means i would have to predict the failed trigger and activate the skill before hand.

    Lets look at what happens in another scenario.

    I have classed changed Owain. I use his first skill to get 140 and swing at marth.

    I trigger 30 and he dead triggers. 170 vs 70

    This means even if i didnt use owains first skill i still would have hit 100 vs 70

    Meaning i used up a copy of owain when i didnt need to.

    So there are situations where crit is better and owain is better.

  14. So can somebody explain to me the usefulness of his first skill?

    I mean I get that it's there so that he can deal twice as much damage even when he class changed (due to the second skill), but it wouldn't it have been easier to just not have the first skill and have the second one simply break 2 orbs as long as he was class changed?

    Am I missing something? Am I misunderstanding something? Are there any special cards that take advantage of this? I'm just very confused...

    Here's a link, and thanks in advance!


    You can use restanders to swing twice at 140 since it last till the end of the turn

  15. 'Ally' in card effects doesn't count itself. So far only a few units mention 'All X units'

    What do you mean by "All x units".

    Also i asked my friend who could read jap. Cherche effects does not hit herself while marths does.

    He said it was denoted by this kanji (他) which specifies other units.

  16. 1. Yes, but you need at least 1 face up bond

    2. yup

    Hmm I've got a question too, the person that goes first: is he only unable to attack? Is he allowed to use abilities like locktouch (gaius) for example?


    I assume this would also be the case for the promoted Cherche? +10 attack for all ally flying units including herself.

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