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Status Updates posted by Yulie

  1. Thanks to everyone >w< sorry if i'm not always there >.< i'm a bit busy .-.

  2. Uh.. Just feeling a bit sad, that's all..

  3. Actually it's because we are a bit to much shy... >///< we really don't know what to say...xD

  4. Thank you!^O^

  5. Thank you!^O^

  6. Thank you!^O^ actually my sig is a song!^O^ i really love that song.. Thanks again!^O^

  7. Don't worry, don't worry! it's ok^w^ i will replace the one i have already so don't worry about it ^w^ i'm happy you helped me, thank you so much!

  8. Thank you!^w^ two are real art of the game^O^

  9. Thank you, i will! ^///^

  10. Hi there! I will! Arigatou! ^///^

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