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Everything posted by Namarid

  1. Stuff like this is why I love the internet. In fact this thread in general is why I love it. Pure comedic gold.
  2. In terms of character there's no contest, Robin easily wins. Conquest!Corrin is a moron who makes dumb decisions, granted his idiocy is justified due to his upbringing but that doesn't make him a relateable or likeable character. The only time Conquest!Corrin did something good was when he made his speech in chapter 26, but other than that he's an awful lord who I have no attachment to and give no fucks about. (Nitpick. I also don't like how the game heavily favours a sword based physical corrin, that isn't my style.) Robin was a clever tactician(and the Antichrist as Werdna put it but we'll let that slide). Him being a tactician already makes him a lot more reliable than corrin because we the players are tacticians when we play the game (nekoknight made this point before). Robin also has some character development, you see him doubting himself when he learns the truth about who he is, whereas corrin stays relatively the same. I know some people dislike the genius tactician trope, I personally don't mind it and would take it over the guy who everyone loves who is also the strongest most important dude in existence trope any day. (Robin also uses magic so bonus points.) Gameplay wise I'm not sure since I don't have the game, but I'm leaning towards corrin only because he seems less broken than robin.
  3. (You're asking too many questions thane, you know well enough that trying to comprehend some of the decisions made in this game is a futile endeavour.) I think 3 on each side is more than enough and the elder sisters would be the ones to get cut, from a story stand point they're just so irrelevant and I can't think of a reason to justify their inclusion. You have sakura/Elise for heartbreak, ryona/xander for an imposing threat and takumi/Leo to allow both the main character and themselves to grow. (If only I was a component writer I'd start my own rewrite.)
  4. I would love it if takumi and Leo were the lords of their respective games. On top of having great characters the prf weapons wouldn't be the standard sword(based Leo using a tome). If this was the case if would be interesting to see how they would develop.
  5. Selena's laugh is the best thing about her. Had me dying when I heard it. Props to the VA for that one.
  6. I'm planning on getting the hidden truths dlc, for grandmaster. I'll probably get Anna, vanguard (for the map), royal royale and possibly the money and exp dlc.
  7. My bad can I suggest dark knight niles then.
  8. "Good night lost child!" This was a hard choice.
  9. "I'll burn you to ash!" I'm actually quite surprised at how unique her quotes are.
  10. "You're not going to like this." I liked its delivery the most. In terms of order how about this: alternate between the final 4 characters of each route that aren't retainers/royals. For example, kaden then Keaton then orochi then nyx then rinkah then Charlotte then hayato then Benny. Followed up by the corrinsexuals then children to finish.
  11. Gunter,Felicia,Jakob,flora and kaze( if A rank support is obtained) are Corrin's retainers. The Silas/Effie support points out that he isn't a retainer and just a close friend of corrins. Headcannon wise, I have Jakob and kaze be the MU's retainers, Felicia becomes royalty through marriage with my MU, Flora quits to become leader of the ice tribe and Gunter retires.
  12. "Say goodbye to your intestines." Peri gets points for uniqueness and delivery.
  13. "Bad news." "You're already dead." I have to say, Kagero's "this won't miss" is one of the worst delivered lines imo. Way to cringeworthy for me.
  14. Someone on YouTube I think has uploaded the whole ost. I'm gonna link one video so u can check the rest on his channel. https://youtu.be/wMtwwREiuss
  15. "You can't hide from me." Even though Odin's quotes are extremely unique and fitting for the character, they don't really do anything for me. Not saying their bad,but I would prefer a one liner that actually meant something.
  16. "Oh yes~." One of the best quotes in the game,extremely fitting for the character and funny.
  17. My reasons for disliking her are similar to what others have mentioned: boring and poor character interaction. However I also voted other because I'm not a fan of her voice,petty reason to hate her but oh well.
  18. "You are so last season." Harsh burns from oboro
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