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Everything posted by Namarid

  1. "I-it's all me." I like this one because sakura comes across rather confident by saying it.
  2. You're welcome and no not at all. Me correcting you over a small mistake was not an imitation of you. I just had a strong urge to do it. No malicious intent whatsoever.
  3. I hate to be that guy, I really do. But its *make* not choose. :p
  4. "You're a bad apple." After reaching that conclusion mozu slays her enemy. Very nice.
  5. "My heart is singing." Originally I wasn't fond of this crit quote but it grew on me over time. I like to think her saying this is her declaring that she's in the zone. "Time for your final bow" is a close second for delivery and uniqueness.
  6. Takumi is a very well written and relatable character, however I prefer Leo a whole lot more. He's intelligent and pragmatic, two characteristics I very much enjoy in characters. He's the only sibling that tries to educate corrin on how to do things in conquest. He's a badass mage, that intro scene was the only one that made me go "Oh shiiit". Great supports. He has his funny moments. Keeping his problems to himself is something that I relate to. He's just a really good character.
  7. "I will have my revenge." Only because it is slightly less generic than the rest.
  8. No Ryoma/Scarlet just proves IS are trolls. I can tolerate no Jakob/Flora only because there is little story interaction between the two. But the former pair just screams 'ship us'. Their chemistry and dynamic is great to see.
  9. I would of liked that as well and it frustrates me that it isn't the case, but I guess exploitable gimmicks are the only way to start conversation in IS's eyes. That's what I get from characters like Felicia and setsuna. It bothers me more in Felicia's case because she has depth that isn't explored. The character that she does have I like a lot so I tolerate the lack of development. Stories from their lives together in the fortress is a great idea btw.
  10. I'll give you conquest( one of the best supports in the game) and birthright.But revelation... Eh I'm not so sure. To me it just seemed really exposition heavy,discussing things that should of been talked about in the story. On topic tho: Corrin x Felicia: bias aside, I do think the transistion from c to s is pretty natural. It doesn't focus entirely on her gimmick and we get some insight into her character. Arthur x Beruka: this guy made the emotionless assassin laugh. Nuff said. The whole support is pretty interesting too. Azama x Orochi: the two trolls of hoshido. Keaton x Selena: the tsunderes of nohr deserve each other Laslow x Peri: Read the support and you'll understand why this is laslow's best ship. Corrin x Azura: So canon it hurts. I'm more of a same kingdom shipper.
  11. Despite his obvious flaws,I'm pretty sure takumi has some strategic capability (granted I'm only basing this on him being the best shogi player in his family and ryoma calling him wise) maybe the hoshidans ignored his flaws in favour of his tactical mind.
  12. "The pain will pass." Not that hard to pick since most of his quotes are generic. I do enjoy "you leave me no choice" for the delivery however
  13. The hostage situation really made me scratch my head. I don't understand why what kotaru did was bad. War prisoners are an obvious consequence of war, why are we so against it. I think this plot point could of been better if kagero was tortured during their time at mokushu. Then we would have more reason to fight with kotaro as torture wouldn't fly with the nohrian siblings. But I doubt torture would make it in a Nintendo game. Perhaps multiple hoshidan soliders being kidnapped and then one by one were killed, kagero being a lucky survivor.
  14. So Ryoma gets shit for making the logical decision? Fates does not need more characters making dumb plays and having enemies help each other out in a WAR. Seriously the idea of Ryoma giving the medicine to Elise is as bad as the 'nobody died' bs.
  15. "Fall so that others may live." One of the best quotes in the game. I also enjoy "Stand down" for the delivery.
  16. I'm pretty sure Felicia,Jakob, Flora and Gunther are corrin's retainers. Kaze is a bonus from A rank support and is canonically his retainer in Birthright. Silas is just a close friend who is loyal to Corrin not a retainer, it's even mentioned in his support with Effie how he isn't.
  17. "Time to take out the trash." For the robin vibes and delivery of the line.
  18. Thanks and great work. Finally the fates video I've been waiting for has been made.
  19. "You're just a stain." Great way to belittle the enemy and funny too.
  20. Thanks once again for the translations.
  21. I know it's a dumb move,but I imagine it would of been interesting to see the hoshidan siblings have doubts over if all nohrians are truly evil.
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