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Everything posted by XRay

  1. I would go with Nino if you already have a team built around her. If you plan to spend a little money once in a while to summon more characters, I would wait for a better Reinhardt. If you are completely F2P, then that Reinhardt should serve you well enough and he should either be your priority or your next priority after Nino. If you plan to use Reinhardt on your team, Xander is a better teammate than Camus. If you do not have Xander, however, Camus will be a decent substitute. 4* Clarisse can do her job well enough. Turning her into 5* is not necessary.
  2. That made me thought of a really bad joke. Ephraim successfully lobbied Nintendo to shield children from witnessing the disgusting exhibition of himself being penetrated simultaneously by Boku no Nino's multiple Blades. The spending limit policy decreases the likelihood of children summoning and seeing such revolting humiliation that Boku no Nino can cause. Nintendo will continue to make the Arena safe and family friendly.
  3. I personally do not like to use GHB units as skill fodder, but that is up to the player themselves. I prefer to merge them down the line when I am motivated to work on them.
  4. L&D kills more things. Boosting defensive stats on glass cannons at the expense of offensive stats makes them less likely to kill enemies. The more enemies on the map, the harder it is to defend, especially if the enemies are close to you. The drop in Defense and Resistance does not matter for glass cannons if their allies can Assist them out of enemy range. There is no need to worry about their survival if their survival is "guaranteed" since their enemies cannot even touch them. If you do not have the materials to assemble either build yet, I would postpone making Cecilia a 5* and work on the rest of your team. Pony teams work well enough using 4* units. If your Reinhardt does not have Death Blow 3 yet, then give that to him. I would keep Jaffar for now, since there might be new Story maps or GHB maps where having a dagger unit may be helpful.
  5. I guess we just see it differently. I see it as a popularity contest with other features mixed in to make it more appealing and interactive. I do not find implementing features to annoy the more popular side of the player base a good idea in general.
  6. For Cecilia, if she is going to use a Raven build, then +Atk is better than +Spd. +Spd is for Gronnblade, Life and Death, Axebreaker/Desperation You can substitute L&D with Swift Sparrow. If you do not have that, Fury is fine. +Atk is for Gronnraven, Moonbow, TA, QR You can substitute TA with Fury, but she will be less effective against colorless and blues. Death Blow 3 is more for very slow Brave weapon users or Reinhardt who do not need the speed to double attack. Blade builds need all the speed it can get to double attack. Raven builds function much better as enemy phase units with QR, and Death Blow does not work on enemy phase. If you are using them as support units, Fury 3 is good since they will not see much combat, and when they do see combat, their stat increases should help them out. You can also use TA on Eirika if her glass cannon ally cannot handle greens, and if Ephraim's ally cannot handle reds. Their C Passive should be Hone Spd, Seal should be Hone Res, and Assist should be Hone Def. Alternatively, their Assist can be Rally Def/Res, which frees up the Seal Passive for something else. L&D is for player phase offensive units, and if you are going to use them offensively, you might want to check the calculator to see if they kill more with Braves or with their native legendary weapons. Offensive units should use positioning skills for Assists. In my opinion, mixing builds is generally not a good idea unless you do not have the resources to inherit anything better. Mixed builds do not perform as well as specialized builds.
  7. I think you can join Priscilla, since she seems to have the third most votes.
  8. It is okay. Sakura and Elise are best buddies anyway. Join Elise now and make Sakura happy.
  9. Really? No way. People who love Elise will never act like that. That will make Elise sad.
  10. Team Elise here. You gave me a good scare during those last few hours. I caved in the last 30 minutes and spent 200 flags.
  11. I agree. Once I tried mint tea several years ago, I never bothered with any other tea since then. I still occasionally buy jasmine tea (my previous favorite tea) because it smells really good, but I wish they would sell just the flowers without the green tea leaves, so I can mix the flowers with the mint leaves instead. I think it is just me, but I put crushed candy mints instead of sugar in mint tea for a stronger mint flavor as well as for the sweetness. Mint tea is the best.
  12. @phineas81707 Outside of dancers/singer, Renais twins, and staff users, I put positioning Assists on all my frequently used units. Ranged units have Draw Back and/or Reposition, and melee units all have Reposition. Some of the melee units have Swap too, but I only give them Swap if it is needed for GHB or something.
  13. There is no way Sakura is more popular than Elise. With only about an hour left, Sakura may have a chance to beat Elise. I think the current mechanic is too unfair to popular characters. This a popularity contest and less popular characters are NOT supposed to win.
  14. I just checked it. My unarmed Xander got massive debuffs from Hone and Fortify Cavalry turning negative. I also took the opportunity to test Sanaki's Harsh Command, but it did not do affect the negative buffs. I thought it would at least reverse Raven's debuff and give Xander a +4 Def debuff, but the only thing it did was eliminate the debuff entirely so Xander is left with -6 Def, instead of -2 that I had hoped. Does that mean Harsh Command's description is wrong where it does not actually turn debuffs into buffs, or do units under Panic cannot receive positive buffs?
  15. So they stack? 1. Neutral Reinhardt Dire Thunder [41A, 18S] 2. Reinhardt gets buff Hone Cavalry [47A, 24S] 3. Reinhardt ends turn north of Clarisse [47A, 24S] 4. Clarisse's turn starts [35A, 12S] 5. Clarisse attacks Reinhardt [30A, 7S] Is that right?
  16. @Kaden Me too. I usually ignore normal banners. The only banners I pull are ones with higher chances, seasonal ones, or ones with characters I want to use (Celica, Elise, Reinhardt). For seasonal ones, I do full pulls (for skill fodder) until I get everyone and then I switch over to sniping the ones I want.
  17. Panic Ploy and C's Bow sounds redundant together. The most common buffs are Hones, so when Panic Ploy activates, C's Bow is not going to be doing much debuffing.
  18. Legion has nice stats, but he is melee ranged. He is not bad, but I prefer ranged units. There is nothing special about Clarisse besides her bow. Both are outclassed, but that does not mean they are not usable. If you really like those characters, there is nothing wrong with prioritizing them over others out of favoritism.
  19. @dragonlordsd Here is the calculator. It beats doing it manually.
  20. As long as your Cecilia is not -Atk, then it is good. But before you do that, if you have extra 4* copies of her, you might want to have those copies learn some important skills and then merge into your primary Cecilia. Each level of merging for a 4* also decreases the feather cost by 300. Merging is better than sending home because sending a 4* copy home gives you 300 feathers but it does not give you the SP bonus.
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