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Everything posted by XRay

  1. The Arena's meta strategy right now is based around ORKO. Going for anything less means there will be more enemies left standing, and that is far riskier than just outright killing the enemy. It is better to kill the enemy as soon as possible than to leave the enemy alive just to charge a Special. @SatsumaFSoysoy If you like player phase more, give her Swordbreaker or Desperation. If you like enemy phase more, give her QR. If you want something fun, you can try Harsh Command, Fury, Escape Route, and Sword Experience to suit her sharp tongue, escaping the future, and hard work ethic.
  2. I get sweeped by pony teams too. Depending on the map, I either slaughter them easily or they slaughter me easily.
  3. I do that all the time, but ever since I got to Tier 20, I do that less and less because when I lose a unit, it is more likely that I will lose because the opposing team has highly merged units.
  4. If the Olivias are your only two dancers, I would not merge them. Having two dancers is essential.
  5. @Coolmanio That is awesome, but not for my wallet though.
  6. @phineas81707 For merging, unless you are very stingy with Orbs, Olivia is very common so it is not necessary to level her all the way up to 40 to merge. If it is Reinhardt or Hector, it makes sense to level them to 40 to squeeze out every last drop of SP since you are not getting them often unless you are a whale. @Kiketasu Can you give us a little more detail? I do not remember what it was like when I started the game, but you get Orbs from Story Maps and Daily Login Bonuses. The only thing I can think of that makes up the difference of 15 Orbs is 10 Orbs from linking My Nintendo Account and the 5 Orbs as an apology from the development team for a map glitch. @r_n You can use the calculator. Assuming you are giving Tiki an enemy phase build, +Def -Spd is better. QR mitigates -Spd by allowing her to counterattack twice. @Rezzy I am not Ice Dragon, but the max Barracks size is 500. It is too small. I need like maybe 2,000 or 3,000 to be satisfied.
  7. For enemy phase, A Passive should only be Fury or Counter. Since you are going against mages, it should be Fury. Fury gives you consistent +3 damage every hit, and an additional +1 or +2 to Special damage. Distant Defense only gives you +3 on Iceberg damage, whereas Fury gives you +3 (normal damage) and +1 (Iceberg damage) for a total of +4. Fury also gives you speed to avoid being doubled. For the debuffer role, I totally forgot about Windsweep and Watersweep. You can also use them with C's to simulate FS effect. However Sweeps are B Passives so you would not be able to use Poison Strike or another Seal. C Passives are entirely up to you. Savage Blow weakens clumps of enemies to make them easier for your glass cannons to knock out. Hones make your teammates stronger and are easier to use. I have not used Panic Ploy yet so I cannot really comment on that.
  8. That is what L&D is for. If you do not like the drop in defense, there is Quick Sparrow which is slightly less powerful, but without a defense drop.
  9. Besides exclusive weapons, generally, higher Might weapons' 1HKO kills fewer units than Braves' 2HKO. Braves with L&D/DB also increases the chance of knocking out the opponent before they have a chance to counterattack, i.e. your units take no damage. Increasing player phase kills is more important than increasing enemy phase kills. Enemy phase survival is largely irrelevant if the enemy is dead and you can Assist your unit out of enemy range. The more units you can kill on player phase, the easier it is to defend on enemy phase. I would only prioritize enemy phase kills if it is an enemy phase build. I find builds that balance between them makes them less useful on player phase and more risky on enemy phase.
  10. @Zangetsu Most people give Robins Raven builds. Since I use them to primarily to counter colorless, I plan to give them QR so they can take out both bows and daggers on enemy phase. Robins can tank Luna from both B!Cordelia and Kagero. TA and QR also allow them to handle mages they are good against, but that is not their primary job. You can also have them learn Bbreaker, Dbreaker, BTbreaker for F!Robin, and RTbreaker for M!Robin. These builds are great for player phase against a specific weapon class, but QR makes Robins equally effective against all of them on enemy phase at the cost of allowing the enemy to attack first.
  11. I want them to release an OP Sniper/Kinshi Knight/Bow Knight, I want her to have the following stats and skills: 25 HP | 54 Atk | 45 Spd | 15 Def | 15 Res | 154 BST Brave Bow+, Galeforce Swift Sparrow 2, Savage Blow 3 I will take an Atk boon and Def bane nature, and give her the following skills: 25 HP | 57 Atk | 45 Spd | 12 Def | 15 Res | 154 BST Brave Bow+, Reposition, Luna/Draconic Aura/Growing Wind/Galeforce Swift Sparrow 2/Life and Death 3, Desperation 3, Savage Blow 3, Quicken Pulse If it is not too much to ask for, I want them to release a Brave Blade Bow+ too.
  12. @Fire Emblem Fan She has an attack bane, so she cannot do much. Unless she is one of your top favorite characters or something, I would invest your time and resources in somebody else. You can use her like a dagger user: [FS Bow, Moonbow/Luna, L&D, P. Strike/Seal, Savage Blow]. If you really want to use her as a player phase offensive unit, you can try [B. Bow, Luna, L&D, Breaker/Desp.], but she is pretty underwhelming. I would not use her as an enemy phase unit because it is pretty bad.
  13. @Vaximillian I put H/F Cav on my melee ponies since they are the least likely to see combat or initiate attacks, so your Camus can get F. Cav. I personally prefer H/F over G/W, but Cecilia would be fine with any cavalry buff.
  14. It takes some planning. Right before I get to work, I use up all my stamina to do the Tempest Trials, so there is usually around 9 left once I get there. I have a lunch break, and most of my coworkers go out to buy something. It takes on average about 30 to 40 minutes for people to grab something and come back to eat. I can do one round of Tempest Trials while walking and picking something. Pretending I have to go poop, I can do another round. Right before I leave, I start the Tempest Trials to make sure my stamina does not fill up completely, and I resume the event once I get home. Sometimes my stamina does fill up, but it will only be for a little while so it is not a big deal. "Now that's strategy!"
  15. @komasa It is usually better to initiate the attack rather than let the enemy attack you. Player phase and enemy phase builds are very different from each other. For player phase build against mages, Niles needs +Atk, B. Bow, Luna, L&D, and Breaker. For enemy phase build, he needs +Atk, K. Bow, Iceberg, Fury, and QR. +Spd is redundant due to Niles' already decent speed, and it does not help Niles much to get more kills nor survive. Distance Defense is not good because it means he is getting less kills, and the less enemies Niles kills, the more likely he will get killed by the ones left alive; in my opinion, increasing survival at the cost of offense is generally a bad idea. Poison Strike and Savage Blow works on support builds, not on enemy phase builds. FS and C's bow have the same might, so Niles is not going to kill much with either bow. FS allows Niles to apply a single debuff or Poison Strike safely, while C's allows him to apply debuffs and Poison Strike at the same time at the risk of getting counterattacked. @TheouAegis Outside of B!Cordelia, bows are not too common and are rarely a threat, and Breakers are too situational for FS. Poison Strike/Seal and Savage Blow will be fine on her. If you do not like Savage Blow, then Hones and maybe Spurs are good. For specials, you can run Moonbow so that she can activate it on her third engagement.
  16. Yes, it largely depends on your preferences. Most people go with Hones since it helps them kill enemies better, but if you really like Fortifies for some reason and it suits your play style more, then go with Fortifies. If you are good at manipulating AI's movements, you can go with Threaten Def/Res on your glass cannons, but Hones are better in that they can work in any situation. Unless Camilla is absolutely one of your top favorite characters, I would avoid using her. Iotes Shield is a bad skill since most players can avoid archers just fine. Iotes shield also would suit Michalis or Minerva far better if you really need a flyer to tank arrows. Camilla's stats are too balanced, so she is terrible in every role. Her niche is killing blue mages, but other units can do that better and do more. If you really want to use her, try to get a copy with a +Atk and -Res nature; -HP and -Def is also okay. She should get Luna, L&D3, and Axebreaker. Reposition is my favorite Assist, but Draw Back and Swap also work. F!Robin can take care of blue mages better than Camilla, and F!Robin can shut down colorless units entirely. The only advantage Camilla has over F!Robin is her ability to fly over obstacles, but that is largely offset by F!Robin's weapon range to attack over obstacles.
  17. But everyone can be usable with that build. For player phase in general, there is only one (sometimes a few) way(s) to build a character [+Atk/Spd, -HP/Spd/Def/Res, Brave/Blade/Raven/P. Dag./Flametongue/Legendary, MB/Luna/BF/IB, L&D/DB, and Breaker/Desp.]. For enemy phase, you can choose between Fury and Counter builds [+Atk, -HP/Spd/Def/Res, Killer/Blade/Raven/PD/FT/Lightning B./Wo Dao/Legendary, MB/Luna/BF/IB, QR]. Realistically, players who can afford those builds usually do not use neutral natures. Neutral characters sometimes have a very different optimal build compared with optimized characters, such as exchanging their legendary weapon for Braves and/or L&D for DB. That 3-4 difference in Atk/Spd between neutral and optimized characters can turn a decent unit into a stellar unit and vice versa.
  18. I think I replied to your question in the other thread, but since you have pictures here, I can see what you can focus on. You do not have all the characters for a cavalry team, so I recommend focusing on making a team around Blade mages first. It might be a little more difficult to use compared to a cavalry team, but it is still very powerful. Train Azura and Olivia to level 40 as soon as possible. Two dancers will suffice for now, but you should also train Ninian up as well if you have spare time. Give Azura and Ninian Hone Attack 3 from you extra Olivias. You should also use Elise when you train your units so you can slowly train her up and she can heal her trainee teammates. — — — — — — — Next, train your Nino, Lucina (in the spring bunny costume), and Tharja. But before you train them, you might want to read the "Stat Variation" section in this article and determine what their stat spread (nature) is. The best natures for blade mages are an increase in Attack/Speed and a decrease in HP/Defense/Resistance. It does not matter if they do not have the ideal nature since you can summon better ones later. Train Odin to 4*, and then sacrifice him to give S!Lucina Blárblade, New Moon, and Moonbow. Do the same with Shanna, and give Desperation 3 to your mage with the best nature; if you summon anymore Shannas in the future, give her Desperation 3 to the rest of your mages. Melee Breakers of the same color also work, but Nino should stick with Desperation unless she has trouble with Axe units. Sacrifice your Hinata and give Fury 3 to the mage you just gave Desperation to. Do the same with your two 3* Hanas, and give Life and Death 2 to your other two mages. — — — — — — — With your three Blade mages, your core Arena team is done. You just need to choose a dancer on the fourth slot to complete your team. Options and flexibility are now what your team needs. The next units to focus on are Reinhardt, Cordelia, Cherche, Lucina, and Hana. You want to train Arthur to 4* and sacrifice him to give Reinhardt Swap and Lancebreaker 2. If you get Klein later, give Reinhardt Death Blow 3. Give Cordelia Drag Back from Donnel. If you get another Hana later, give Cordelia L&D2/3. Sacrifice Barst to give Cherche Reposition and Brave Axe. If you get Klein later, give Cherche Death Blow 3. You should train up Sully to 4* and give Lucina Swordbreaker 2. If you get another Hana later, give Lucina L&D2/3. Lucina also can get Desperation 3. Give Hana Luna from Frederick. If you get more resources later, give Hana Desperation and Swordbreaker as well. After that, you can just mix and match your team for Arena and Story Maps. — — — — — — — To make GHB easier, you should also train Hector and Robin up. Give Robin Triangle Adept and Hector Wings of Mercy, Vantage, and Threaten Def. You can also train up your 2* units and promote them if you have spare time. I would also keep a copy of neutral units that you get from the daily Special Maps rotation. I would not throw these away since many GHB strategy videos on YouTube use these neutral units at 3* or 4*. You do not need to worry too much about giving them skills since many good strategy videos do not give them skills either.
  19. I would not merge a five star into a lower star. Getting the Feathers is better than a small increase in stats that will be lost once the unit promotes to five star. In my opinion, Martyr is the worst healing Assist, so I would not learn or use it; Rehabilitate is much better. His five star skill is HP+5, and it is not worth learning either. Fortress Def 3, Def +3, and Sped +3 are better in my opinion. If you want Lucius to be an offensive unit, I would only use natures with +Atk or +Spd, and -HP, -Def, or -Res. If you want Lucius to be a good healer, -Atk is his best bane.
  20. But he is so cool and bad ass. If I was a girl, he would be one of my top husbandos.
  21. @jaaason_d14 Which units to inherit which C Passives highly depends on your team and preferences. If you do not know what you want, just play around the Arena or Training Tower more to see what stats you want emphasize more. Hones are generally the best. Fortifies are not so good unless you have a Blade mage to take in more buffs. Threaten Def/Res only works well against melee units, since ranged units can ignore it when they initiate an attack against you on enemy phase. — — — — — — — If you have not done so, prioritize leveling up Azura and Olivia first. Dancers are super helpful in the game for training, Grand Hero Battles, and the Arena. I cannot think of any stellar team composition with just the units you listed. Since F!Robin is the only green unit you listed, so she would be required to handle blue units; she will also need Gronnraven and Triangle Adept. Azura is a dancer, so she can work in any team; you should also give her Wings of Mercy and Hone Atk. Cordelia is also amazing, but you might want to replace her Astra with Luna and Triangle Adept with Life and Death. Celica is great as is, but if you want to make her better, you can replace her A Passive with Life and Death or Fury, and give her Desperation or Swordbreaker. If you have Cecilia, Camus, and Ursula, I highly recommend training them in addition to Xander and Leo that you listed to make a cavalry team. Cavalry teams have access to Hone Cavalry and Fortify Cavalry that significantly boosts up their stats. With a cavalry team, you will be able to have a stable and decent Arena Feather income every week.
  22. If you are using Olivia to take out Hector, I would go with the +Spd so she can always double him. If you are using Fury, then either one works. Hector with a damage Special and Vantage is pretty scary, but Olivia with Ruby, Moonbow/Luna, and Vantage herself can take him out.
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