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Everything posted by XRay

  1. Wait!!! Not Hinata!!! Hinata at three stars already can pass Ruby. Ruby+ is not necessary. I was not sure so I mentioned it just in case.
  2. If you are promoting the Askr trio just for the Arena bonus, I do not think it is worth it since they work well enough at four stars, and five stars does not really give them much. Olivia is better at four stars since it will be easier to merge her to give her better stats, unless you have a lot of feathers to spend and plan to merge her even further. Olivia works fine with just normal Ruby against Hector. Olivia should not be using Brave Sword, but Alfonse can use it to compliment his decent attack and mitigate his low speed.
  3. I think they add maps in batches based on the story chapters. Unless they change the formula or add more chapters, I think we will be stuck with 10 maps for now per event. Mystery has two chapters, Binding/Blazing combined has two chapters, and Fates combined has two chapters. I do not really mind how they handle bonus points as long as they give us bonus points. However, it does seem weird that they focus on low turn count rather than survival. I guess that is true. I do not remember staying F2P for very long, so I have harder time empathizing with F2P issues. I would not mind if they added trading either. I can trade away all the B!Cordelias and B!Lyns I have for S!Camilla or a better B!Cordelia.
  4. Well, Nino is relatively easy to come by for most people. As long as you use Orbs efficiently and not sniping, Nino is fairly common. For the Feroxi Arena, it does take a little while to set up. I break the two left most walls on my first turn, and kill the left most enemy on my second or third turn. Once I agro the rest of the enemies, it usually lasts one more turn and rarely two. It usually takes less than five turns for me. If their only ranged unit is a healer, it goes by a lot quicker since I just let my B!Cordelia break a wall and let their healer suicide.
  5. If you have difficulty with getting the speed bonus, you can run two dancers and one or two infantry glass cannons. The game gives you two free Olivias and Nino is easy to summon. I love the tree map since it quickly taught me to abandon ponies in favor of using more dancers. Ferox (I think you are talking about the snowy one) is ridiculously easy and quick since I can dance and wipe out the entire right hand side on turn one, and then kill the left in turn two or three depending on how they move. The tree map takes a little longer, but it is not that bad since they usually give you a free kill near the tree to agro everyone else. It usually takes four turns at most for me if they have an enemy near the tree. If not, then it will take more since I need to dance my glass cannon to reach the enemy all the way on the top right. I do not see anything wrong with the bonus units. Everyone gets the 1.2 bonus for free, and 1.4 bonus is a reward for people who support the game with money.
  6. The Feathers and Orbs are definitely worth it. You cannot get those from the Training Tower. It also gives a lot more SP than the Training Tower too.
  7. @Lord-Zero@shadowofchaos Just think of it as a better Training Tower.
  8. @AW91 For dancers, it depends on what you want them to do for your team. In my opinion, Gem/Killer, Escutcheon/Sacred Cowl, Fury, and Wings of Mercy are the best, since they can teleport to weakened allies, and their other skills help them survive a little better to dance again next turn. You can also make offensive dancers by giving them Brave/Gem/Lightning Breath/Flametongue, Life and Death/Fury, and Breaker, but unless your team has a hard time against Greens or Reds, I would not bother with offensive builds. Lucina has an offensive build and a medic build. For her offensive build, she uses Falchion, Moonbow, L&D, and S.breaker/Desperation. You can also give her Brave/Luna or Fury, but I think Falchion/Moonbow and L&D is far better. Dr. Lucina is more of a fun build than a practical build, since killing enemies is usually better than healing. However, depending on the team composition, her medic build was very useful in the Tempest Trials since she is generally a better healer than most staff users and she can also attack if necessary. Reinhardt should go with Moonbow, Death Blow, and L.breaker. If you do not mind making him dependent on support, then Blade, L&D, and Cavalry buffs will get him more kills.
  9. That is even better if they can do Tempest Trials twice a month and TWO Tempest Trials at the same time every other month. More Orbs, Feathers, Seals, and Sp!
  10. I actually hope it is a bimonthly thing, happening twice every month. If it keeps the current format, then it is even better since I do not have to come up with newer and better strategies. I think the phrase you are looking for is "every other month."
  11. I enjoyed leveling my Bride Cordelia. It was a breeze. By around the fifth and sixth merge, she can take on Stratums that are ten levels higher than her, although she does need some healer support. Ponies are fun. Their buffs make it easy to train. However, I did not enjoy training Reinhardt as much as B!Cordelia, as I have three +Atk copies of him so I am unwilling to heavily merge him to train quicker. Once all three of them are level 40 and about half way done, I am going to put them on my defense team. I am going to bait unsuspecting players with the Arena season's Askr Trio, and once they see 3 Reinhardts, hopefully, they will surrender. I stopped improving my armor team quite a while ago. After I learned to how to use dancers and glass cannons more effectively, I stopped using Hector and enemy phase units in general. However, I do use Xander as an Enemy Phase unit since his main job is to kill Hector. Other than Xander, units that I actively/semi-actively use are player phase units. I gave up on my flier team since I did not summon Bunny Camilla. I wish I whaled on her though. Edit: I pulled four more non Attack boon Reinhardts. Yay! I can now proceed with my defense team. I think I will go with triple +2 merged Reinhardts instead of quadruple since I cannot get the defense bonus with four of him. If I can summon one with +Atk later on, that will be my fourth Reinhart.
  12. B!Cordelia is locked at 5*. Luna works best on fast units with Brave/L&D builds in my opinion. Catria, Cordelia, B!Cordelia, Raven, and Takumi work very well with Brave/L&D builds. I would keep the 3* Catria since she is neutral, unless you have a copy of her that is better than neutral. Your Raven has a speed bane, so Brave/L&D is probably not the optimal build for him. However, once you summon a better copy, you can merge your current one to the better one. You can also give Azura that build as well, and she will murder reds on player phase. However, she will be a lot more vulnerable to high attack swords on enemy phase since she no longer gets the defensive buff from Sapphire Lance.
  13. I should have been more specific, but he was only talking about Ursula.
  14. Merging limited characters under 5* is a waste in my opinion. Merging gives them only a tiny boost in stats, and that boost is lost once you promote them.
  15. I am finally a First Dragon! Sounds pretty cool. I do not think I can stay in Tier 20 though. I can probably get back in next Arena season once I finish training Camus. I am using Anna right now since she just turned five stars while my Camus is still three stars I think.
  16. If your Lilina cannot handle Hector safely, Olivia is a good Hector check with Ruby Sword and Moonbow/Luna. Giving your team positioning Assists helps a lot. You can try Cordelia with Drag Back, Olivia, Xander/Lyn, and Nino.
  17. I slacked off too. I am ranked 1,293 currently, so I am not in danger of slipping to the next rank, but I am nowhere near going into the next one either. Since I got all the orbs, I am not sure if it is worth it to spend anymore time in the Tempest Trials besides doing a few rounds a day to keep myself in the rank. Spent all my stamina potions leveling Anna to use her in the Arena, so... yeah. I am pretty bad at conserving stamina potions.
  18. I guess I will rephrase my statement. The Askr Trio and most GHB characters can be replaced by someone better.
  19. Besides Xander, Camus, and Ursula, the rest are good, but not great. I like Legion's stat spread a lot, but I think ranged glass cannons are better than melee glass cannons.
  20. Death Blow is the other one that maximizes kills, but that is only applicable to slow Brave users, so you might want to check just to be sure. Tomes, Breath, and Daggers do not have Braves, so they would always use L&D to maximize kills. I have not checked Dire Thunder, but that only applies to two units.
  21. I think having optimized natures makes sense though, because in reality the GHB heroes and especially the Askr Trio do bottom out. Tier lists should accurately reflect that.
  22. Ouch. Yeah. My B!Cordelia is +10 and even she cannot ORKO Leo sometimes, but since I run Azura, I just let her break the rock, tank a hit, and kill him next turn. If it is Cecilia, I let Olivia do the same thing. If it is the Thunder Siblings, I usually have to wait for him or her to come near me.
  23. So, basically, we do not have the manpower nor resources to create a proper tier list. Will we ever have enough though? Would another community, say Reddit or Gamefaqs, have enough manpower and resources to do it?
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