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Posts posted by Stahl

  1. I didn't mean to cause such a debate over Ike's sexuality. Honestly, I really couldn't care less if he's gay, straight, bi, asexual, or whatnot, because his sexuality has no bearing on his masculinity. With RD's fail support convos, I guess his sexual preference is pretty much stuck in limbo.

    TL;DR: IS did it for the lulz

  2. I don't know what you people have against Ike being gay. It's not like it makes him any less manly. Seriously, the lead male, contrary to popular belief, DOESN'T have to fall for the lead female.

    Anyway, Fire Emblem has provided me with a few favorite pairings, such as:

    Hannibal x Corpul

    Dozla x Garcia

    Shinon x His Ego

    Gheb x Tana x Amelia

    Renault x Florina

    Barst x The Universe

    Cord x The Universe :Cord:

    Bord x His Hand

  3. I'd have to go with Seth. He has the best overall averages for all the potential Paladins SS, awesome supports, and WTF Weapon Ranks, having an A in Swords AND Lances.

    Of course, an Aless is fine, too. The Mistoltin criticals like nobody's business and criticals are broken in that game, 2x ATK :awesome:

  4. Let's see...

    Caeda: Mage -> Sage or Cavalier -> Dracoknight

    Ogma: Merc, class change to Fighter ~Lvl. 12 -> Hero

    Barst: Fighter, class change to Hunter ~Lvl. 12 -> Warrior/Berserker (I alternate between the two to accommodate for the chapter

    Navarre: Cavalier -> Swordmaster

    Merric: Priest -> Sage

    And then :Sedgar: and Wolf can be anything (except maybe Sorcerer) and turn out :awesome:

  5. Welcome, how far in FE5?

    I'm on Chapter 8x, the one in Hannibal's mansion. Just started having to get used to the whole fatigue thing. Thought it would annoy me, but it's pretty brilliant actually. Adds even more strategy to an already extra-strategic Fire Emblem.

  6. Hi there! I'm a fresh new user today, but I've been lurking for a few months and browsing the main site even longer. So I guess I should do some kind of about-me, right?

    First FE game: Sacred Stones

    Favorite FE game: Genealogy of the Holy War

    FEs completed: FE3, FE4, FE7, FE8, FE9, FE10, FEDS

    Favorite character: Levin from FE4, Haar from FE9/10, Fergus from FE5

    Favorite TV show: How I Met Your Mother :awesome:

    Favorite video game: Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

    Favorite sport: Track. I'm currently on the track team in school. Hockey seems like a pretty cool guy too.

    Hmm... can't really think of anything else. But in any case, it's good to meet you all. I already know SF's community is one of the best!

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