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Posts posted by EliApparently

  1. Here are my pairings for my male Hoshido file:

    Azura x Ryoma: Because I think they complement each other.

    Kagerou x Nishiki: Kinu is flipping adorable with that black-brown tuft of hair.

    Oboro x Takumi: I plan on making his son that one flying class that can use bows and lances, so he can get lance or bowfaire with this pairing.

    Hinoka x Subaki: Why hello there Not!Cordelia!

    Setsuna x Jakob: Emo archer being the mother of a depressed looking kid? Yes.

    Mozume x Silas: Village girl and loyal paladin, also yesss.

    Hana x Kaze: It'll explain Midoriko's personality. Also she'll be able to pick up Astra.

    Rinka x Saizou: IT'S ELDER GAIUS!

    Sakura x Tsukuyomi: Two cinnamon rolls, one Tharja.

    MU x Felicia: Why are all of my waifus adorable?

    Orochi x Hinata: I forgot why I did this one. Probably for breaking sky :P.

    As for female, and the male and female Nohr I have no clue.

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