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About Hydrohs

  • Birthday 08/25/1991

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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Profile Information

  • Interests
    Video Games, Manga, Books, Anime. Pretending sticks are weapons, you know.
  • Location
    Nova Scotia, Canada

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

Hydrohs's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  2. Happy Birthday!!!

  3. Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Happy Birthday!

    Enjoy your 19th!

    So, when do you plan to come back here?

  5. Happy Birthday. :p

  6. Happy Birthday!!

  7. Happy birthday!

  8. Happy birthday!

  9. I haven't played through a second time, so I don't know about recruiting him or anything. So my opinion remains that he's a fat bastard who thinks he's the most lovely person in the world. I can't kill him enough time, If only Ike weren't so strong, his torture could have been prolonged.
  10. I'm absolutely positive, I always make sure I read what I get every level...and it's hard to read nothing O_o
  11. Not true, I've had it happen to me twice I believe, if not twice then definitely once.
  12. If it's someone that you'll be killing someone with you can go as low as 75 I think. Maybe 85.
  13. My Leo had 16 Speed at Sniper when he got that bow, and I could only hit twice on untransformed Tiger Laguz.... Leo just fails, don't use him.
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