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Posts posted by Hydrohs

  1. I haven't played through a second time, so I don't know about recruiting him or anything. So my opinion remains that he's a fat bastard who thinks he's the most lovely person in the world. I can't kill him enough time, If only Ike weren't so strong, his torture could have been prolonged.












    Micaiah(Up to a certain point)

    Sothe(Because he can't dodge at all for a Rogue >.>)



    It might have been easier to list those that I WOULDN'T kill. It's really everyone that Micaiah's team gets except for Edward and Aran. And everyone else except the Greil Mercenaries, and the Laguz Royals...

  3. I hate it when main characters die. Like I hated it when everyone predicted Harry would die at the end of the seventh book fighting Voldemort.

    I agree completely. It always wrecks a good story. And to me disappearing is the same thing.

  4. what i do to destroy the aura is that i damage it with characters who have nihil or some other skill that protects them, then finish them off with a regular character.

    I did the same thing really, I gave Ellincia Parity, Ike already had Nihil, and my other Nihil to Kurth. So I took out 3 every turn. And then I just used Tibarn and Soren to take out a fourth, and healed Tibarn. Worked fine for me. I was able to 3 Turn Ashera, and for me that was good XD

    *Glad I did easy, my normal file still sits unbeaten*

  5. so you would have preferred that Ike died in the battle against Ashera? cause that is the other legend-y ending possible for ike.

    To me, once a hero is done with whatever journey they've done they disappear and reappear whenever they're needed again. they don't die or just peace >.>

  6. I like a few, but I still haven't bothered to find out their names in the sound room, going through 80+ songs doesn't seem like fun to me =/

    But anyway, I've always liked the main theme. Iunno why. I guess I just find it really epic.

  7. even though i didn't like ike's ending, i completely understand why they did it. can you really imagine ike married and having children? he just doesn't seem like the type of person who would be tied down to any obligations whatsoever. and having him gone without anyone ever seeing him again adds to the legend-y type of atmosphere.

    He didn't even need to get married, and I like the idea of exploring and all. But I just don't like main characters disappearing, it's counter legend-y to me =/

    I didn't like the lack of paired endings, but I liked the story ending in itself.

    Me too, there were a lot of other that could have gotten married other than Micaiah and Sothe.

    And if you fixed my typo in the title, thanks XD

  8. I personally hated it. It was one of the shortest and worst endings I've ever experienced. When they were going through where all the characters went it kept making me want to punch the writers in the face. And seriously: "Ike went off to explore unknown lands" okay cool, "And was never seen again" .... okay, not cool. What about Titania, she's left as second in command. WHO'S GOING TO PROMOTE HER. '+_+

    I just thought it was severely lacking for a story that was so good up to that point. All I got out of it was another nicely animated scene.

  9. He also steals EXP that Micaiah's team desperately needs.


    Then don't use him, I never did O_o

    Except for the one where it's just him and Micaiah. Because i already had her at level 20 =/

    I really like Kurth...and Ike. They're pretty amazing.

    but Soren is also godly if you can max out his speed, which I managed to do. And Micaihah, alright there is no one that's the best >.>

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