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Everything posted by Ginko

  1. Yes, I sniped blue on that banner but got 3 pitybreakers and one Shiro. I decided to stop and pull Legend banner. Maybe next time he got a better banner I can +10 him. After this Legend banner I will save more orbs until Shiro appear again on any banner. Actually, I will re-record to reduce those wasting time that I took decision for my team. But this time I'm lazy, sorry for 7 minutes long. And yeah, Shiro can survive that green armor but Siegbert can dish him out more easily.
  2. Yes, it is. Because it's the truth. He revenge for Lyn is the prove.
  3. Yayy!! We fight for friends. We choose Ike!! The Thot slayer!!
  4. @Zeo @mcsilas @mampfoid After experiment with many dancers, in the end Axura can bring everyone to victory. I tried dragon Ninian and PA! Shigure. Both two fail to bring out the full potential of Shiro, Siegbert and Roy.
  5. @Xenomata @Hawk King @Javi Blizz @mcsilas @mampfoid Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me. I think I will just keep using the same B!Ike build to kill range units easily. But I will look for his new bane like -HP or -Res so he can still tank physical unit reliably too. In the mean time, my current B!Ike will do just fine.
  6. But die to BK or Zelgius Wo Dao+ Bold Fighter if he don't have Guard.
  7. So you are focused on his physical tank build. I have one question. Am I correct that he can survive Alm's Falchion with this tank build? Sorry for double post
  8. @mampfoid Thank you, no need to apologize. I'm appreciated for your answer and I said in the beginning, there is no need to be clear. I hate using simulator. I prefer to hear some real experience that is more useful, to be honest. That DC on him, I gave him so lonnnggg time ago. Only a month later after his first release on CYL banner. I have no regret because he always OHKO every squishy blue mage.
  9. Yeah, me too. I never see Hardin run offensive skill on A slot. So he is not scary at all. The reason that I ask all of this because I have one of my friend list, he has +10 speedy B!Ike(35 spd). He is awesome with Wraith build when I use him in GC. This make me question on my +Atk B!Ike.
  10. @Xenomata I'm a bit jealous that you have Raven with perfect IV. I hope he will serve you very well. Mine is +Atk/-HP. He miss some double but hit very hard. I have some questions. @Zeo @mcsilas@mampfoid @Ae†her Can you guys give me some opinion? (maybe I can get from you too, Xenomata) What is the preferred IV for Brave Ike? +Atk or +Spd (I'm not planning to use +Def) Currently, My B!Ike is +Atk/-Def. I know this one is pretty good. But in future, I plan to +10 him. What is the different from +Atk and +Spd? Which IV is better? Pros and Cons? His set up is... His roles are to counter Reinhardt, Survive BowLyn(kill her next turn), fighting blue dragons, the rest are dealing with blue units. But one thing that I don't know, is there anything blue he can't touch? like strong blue Bold Fighter armor? There is no need to be clear answer. Just sharing me your idea is helpful ^^
  11. Underwhelming, still lose to BowLyn. Epuiping Lote's Shield seal still won't help, he can't counterattack.
  12. You need to pull new one now and meet the same fate with me. Meet F. Morgan lol
  13. Congrats, man. Too bad, I can't +10 my Shiro yet. He got shared color with F.Morgan, damn it.
  14. @Zeo S!Gaius is my first archer before BowLyn was a thing. If you want to build a fast Firesweep Bow user, you can try it on +SPD Innes. With this IV, he got same ATK and SPD like my S!Gaius. I knew that Bridelia out perform them with higher ATK but I got her +SPD version too late on the first Legendary banner. I'm a fan of bow emblem but I hate using BowLyn the most just because how OP she is. Enough for my story, watching your Matthew kill armors in this map really earn my respect. Slowly, unlike nuking with Micaiah but still manage to take them down. I hate this map as I want to clear it with easiest way. Micaiah doesn't let me down (and the others who use her too). Also I kind of understand why you pick M.Morgan with CC. I guess he can do similar role like Mathhew but in magical way. Nice Persona soundtracks!!
  15. @mcsilas I can't answer all of them but here is what I know. #2 Slaying Edge is better overall , but Wo Dao is cheaper if you have it on pity breakers #3 All high speed swordmaster can enjoy Firesweep Sword. In your case, I recommend Ogma if you want to bring him out from the bench. But you have to invest a lot for him to be good. #4 Personally, I think Cain is more hopeless than Ogma, just leave him be a WoM fodder. #5 Don't you dare to sack a Shiro!! Earth Boost, Fortress Def, Atk/Def Bond, Double Stance from Ephraim all can be good alternatives.
  16. +SPD refine will help her prevent more double to keep her alive and support her teammates as much as she can.
  17. Thank you, actually he can survive emerald axe without DEF-tile but not exactly 0 damage for sure. I won't risk it on arena too. Because axe users in arena are more scary than these GHB.
  18. I use Paralogue 10-3 map for those mission. It's a lot easier. My Trio are still at 3 stars. Not gonna waste any more feathers on them. For armor clear, I used Halloween Henry, LA! Lyn, Vector and BurgerKing. Halloween Henry got Close Counter from that free Takumi. Need one more for Lyn. @mcsilas Yeah, Shiro love that DEF-tile so much. You can put your Shiro there and laugh at all fliers coming to him. Instead of using Micaiah, you can try any red mage to handle green armors for Clair. I think Clair can one round red without a problem, proc Glacies on blue armor might be safer.
  19. @mampfoid The old-style enemy phase Close Counter Takumi have merit for this map. Who die for that Armorslayer+ on Roy?Tobin? It's a shame.I can't finish this map with Siegbert and LA! Roy. Shiro have to be on the right side. He can't stay left side or that green mage will wreck him to dead. But today I bring the topcicle boy and Micaiah to do the job. @mcsilas @Zeo @Ae†her Hope you guys enjoy the massive damage ^^
  20. Have you watch my GHB: Julius yet? I run Blarblade on PA!Shigure. It's not that he is good with it. But he don't have any other choice that is "better" than a Blarblade. He is so frail to use Blarraven or Blarowl+. He is very busy to dance and reposition other units. Rather than he can attack that much. The same thing will apply to your flying Ninian as well. She will be busy dancing other people as well. 3 things that she can out perform Shigure is... 1.Fresh Bouquet make her a great buffer without sacrifice B slot. Shigure has Geyser dance but that only apply after dancing. 2. Ninian has better movement, she can go anywhere she want. 3. In case she want to run Blarblade. She will do better than Shigure as well because she can gain 6/6/6/6 buff from her fliers teammates. Shigure must be in Tactics team to be good, which is quite hard to set up. The thing is Fresh Bouquet is too good to ignore it.
  21. Read carefully, I did told you to give her SPD refine. To be honest, I think she doesn't get any benefit to give Blarblade on her while she can buff and dance S!Corrin or F. Morgan who is a lot stronger than her, right?
  22. @Xenomata I think Divine Dew refine should go to these 4 units for top priority. Alm>Ephraim>Raven>Lilina Alm is for being dragon killing machine. Ephraim is similar to Alm but it's not 2 consecutive hit. Still brutal anyway. Raven is the true sweeper if you decide to give him the upgrade. Not to mention, you have his perfect IV. Lilina is similar to Sanaki as one-shot mage so I gave her last spot. For normal upgrade, I recommend to upgrade Bride Ninian Fresh Bouquet+ for SPD refine. With Fortify Flier and Hone ATK seal on her, she can buff all 4 stat at once 4/4/6/6. Blade tome fliers can appreciate this for more flexible buff position. Because you can't do 6/6/6/6 buff at all time.
  23. My recommendation would be promote Valter for Panic Ploy( or any rare skill fodder) on your powerhorse units. If you don't have any target for +10 merge, then I think improving your powerhorse by giving them rare skill to their build can help.
  24. -Spd Ares can be easily fixed with QR seal. Early game, just bait and kill until he reach Vantage range and then late game he is unstopable, only those who can tank his Bonfire or Firesweep/ Windsweep builds can counter him. Not to mention, BowLyn's Sacae shut him too.
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