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Everything posted by Ginko

  1. +Res /-Spd would be better. He is not that fast comparing to Siegbert and Brave Roy. So -Spd would be safer choice from above. -Atk will be a nightmare if you choose it.
  2. @Zeo #1 Generally, Close Counter is good with ranged-armor unit. But if you are looking for +10 unit who are good with Close Counter I think Sophia is one of the better choice and easy to get. Halloween Jacob is decent choice but he is better at Bold Fighter build. Sothe is decent choice, I plan to build him too but not Close Counter. I think he will shine more as sweeper, not tanker. Tanker, you have Matthew already, right? #2 I highly not recommend you to fodder Celica, because she is too good to be a fodder. Your another choice is to fodder Rhajat, who need more investment to be good. Who know? one day you might want to +10 Celica and regret this one if you fodder now. But that's just my opinion. If you are hurry, you can do what you want. I'll give it to Faye and leave Julius alone as ATK ploy fodder. #3 The first pic is Sonya's general build, you can stick to this build for all-round purpose until she got higher merge. Then if you think she has high SPD enough after some merge you can give her Swift Sparrow and Desperation to set her role to be sweeper. The last pic is least useful, only good for sniping in defensive arena.
  3. @mcsilas My suggestion is your Henry need Close Counter and Gronowl+ to be optimal and kill everything in this map more easily. It's good to see Sakura bring everyone back from death. One thing that we share same is our Shiro is somewhat useless in this map lol
  4. I have that same +ATK/-SPD on her too but I didn't use her default Ice Mirror. I gave her Steady Breath and Glacies. Now she is mixed-tank dueler. B slot can be Guard 3 or QR 3 and then you switch her seal between QR 3 and Distant/ Close Def 3. Glacies or Aether both are good. Glacies will make her hit like a truck, Aether for arena scoring and dmg sustain.
  5. I hate this map so much, last time I cleared it with Cavalry Mages team(Leo, Reinhardt,Cecilia, and BowLyn). This time might be a different because I got Micaiah ready to smack Amelia face. (I featured her one time on Lyon's map )
  6. I have no choice but to let Siegbert and Roy sweep this map. There are too many mages that can target Shiro's weakness. That 100 dmg is not my intention, without Bonfire Siegbert still manage to kill him at 80 dmg. I presume that Matthew can tank all mages that cannot double him. Julius got -ATK debuff from him so Dragonic Aura cannot harm him. (Unlike Saias's Glacies, that Matthew have to avoid at all cost). I thought I would get to see Inigo finish that blue armor, Genny stole the kill lol
  7. @mampfoid Nice one turn finish. Before I start watching, I thought you must have smite user for the opening because only ranged cavalry unit can reach the first engagement without support. @mcsilas @Zeo and can tag you? @Usana for the more, the merrier This time I want to use PA Shigure(IV +SPD/-DEF) I just got from Legendary Lyn banner recently. It is quite hard for Shiro to do his job for this map. So the MVP for this map is Siegbert who can one-round most of them without a sweat. LA Roy main target is to handle squishy mages that keep coming non-stop.
  8. Harmonic Lance has 14 MT (Def refine give 4 def) +10 only special trigger. Using Harmonic Lance is not good vs Guard unit while Bright Niginata is better for raw damage. Simple weapon damage after QR will be like Harmonic Lance: 14 + [14 +(X+10)] = 38 +X X is Bonfire /Ignis proc Bright Naginata: (16+4)+[(16+4) +X] = 40 + X X is Bonfire/Ignis proc So if he face guard unit he will do only 28 dmg with Harmonic and 40 dmg with Bright. In the end, Bright is better overall.
  9. @mcsilas I'm late, but let's talk about it. After knowing your Shiro and Siegbert, they are good with boon. but may I ask a question, are you always having -DEF curse on your units when they need it? Shiro won't have a problem because Bright Naginata can fix his -DEF but Siegbert is another story. However, I'm impress that you clear this map without a dancer. You really take your time about it. That Ignis at the end is brutal. I switch my Shiro to use Ignis sometimes on arena offense, he can nuke everything not green with that massive power. I built M Kana too. He has Lightning Breath (RES refine), Steady Breath, Vantage, SPD ploy and QR seal. 3 years in the future he will be at +10, I can dream lol
  10. Iceberg can be chosen to kill bulky units safely. She have stat identical to Rebecca so her RES is quite high. I suggest Iceberg if you run Fury. But if you keep her default kit then I suggest Luna/Moonbow/Glimmer.
  11. I will consider that is a compliment to my strategy, I guess. Yeah, I have to start 1st turn by putting Roy and Siegbert on the right-bridge to kite Kana to Siegbert. Otherwise, Kana and the rest of enemies will move to Shiro and... he will die. Fliers team has advantage on this map for sure. As long as those flier units can get rid of archers soon enough, the rest is pretty easy.
  12. Why not work? The team condition is met so my team would gain buff normally, isn't it? Please explain more clearly. @Tragonight Thanks for your opinion , yeah I forgot that I still have Drive Def( both seal and fodder). Drive RES may not need as my team can always one round those squishy magical units.
  13. @Zeo Awesome! you found a pattern from misclick. I'm surprise that Matthew doesn't care about Ravenmage and one-round kill him. That Inigo took a hit from red dragon was a close call. (same with my Siegbert tanking blue mage from Lyn's map) @mampfoid It's funny to watch Olwen got smited. I just wonder how many Galeforce units do you have? You must be very diligent to built all of them. I have a 5* Cordelia for 3 month, I guess. She still doesn't learn Galeforce yet.(Astra for 3 months).
  14. @mcsilas 1. I will try to avoid -DEF for Eliwood , able to survive both side is better than fragile on one side. Go for +SPD/-RES or wait for +ATK/ -RES or -HP up to you. 2. I'll choose +RES for ploy support, +DEF not gonna help as long as she can't avoid double. 3. I hate -ATK curse, so -HP /+DEF is way to go. And for better base stat Arena points. 4. personally, I'll choose +SPD /-RES so at least she can tank one hit and survive from both side. 5. I told you about Leon one time if you can remember, he can't tank magic well. So I think Close Counter doesn't worth on him. But if you will +10 in the future I think @eclipse can answers this better than me. He is good with Brave Bow. If you won't +10 him then I suggest you to stick with Bridelia.
  15. Thanks for your opinions, so I think #2 is the worst choice to go. And yeah, I sacked a Fjorm to Azura long time ago so it's not a big deal to only collect more coins.
  16. @Zeo @mcsilas @Aeā€ her @mampfoid and @Tragonight do you guys have any recommendation about Tactics skill? Currently, I have Shiro DEF Tactics and Siegbert ATK Tactics. PA Azura has Drive ATK and Def Tactics on Seal slot. LA Roy has Hone Cavalry. I plan to give Roy a SPD Tactics as he doesn't need speed at all. The question is, I have some patterns for PA Azura but still can't decide , which one will suit this team the most? 1. Drive ATK & DEF Tactics seal: benefit to Shiro and Siegbert physical tanking and additional damage dealing for team. 2. RES Tactics & DEF Tactics seal: increase everyone bulk for high amount. 3. Drive RES & Drive ATK seal: a little more magical bulk and additional damage dealing. #1 will cost me some Sacred Coins.(Already sacked a Fjorm) #2 will cost me 20k feathers to promote LA'rachel. #3 is ready to use , as Drive ATK will always useful to any team and Drive RES is her default kit.
  17. @mcsilas @Zeo and @mampfoid (more people more merry) Took me 2 tries and a Henry(for G.tomebreaker), first time LA Roy died from Gronraven mage so second time after sacrifice a Henry, that mage scare to death and hit Siegbert instead. A little tricky to position Shiro to bait and kill that lance flier. No MVP for this map, I think everyone do their work equally this time. Enjoy watching!
  18. Thank you for compliment, one thing you may notice is Shiro can go offensive sometimes instead of standing still. This time I let him killed the sword cavalier first as I want to clear the way ASAP. I didn't calculate that Siegbert will tank blue mage, I just look at blue mage ATK points and presume that he can tank because his SPD is so high, no one in this map can ORKO him from full health. Actually ,LA Roy want Iceberg but my boy is +DEF/-RES with DEF Tactics make Bonfire reliable. I think next time, may I tag you on my playthrough? I appreciate that you support me even if I didn't tag you in first place. Your Galeforce team earn my respect too as you have to change builds and come up with new strategy everytime.
  19. I wish LA Roy will appear again in any Legendary banners soon. I want +ATK version so he can catch more kills. Your Matthew still impress me, I think I can try using him today in GC. My suggestion is if you have more feathers to spare why don't you give him SPD smokes 3?(from Evil Takumi). It will turn him to be a debuff beast and you don't have to rely on Threaten SPD crappy 2 range anymore.
  20. @mcsilas @Zeo 2 tries to finish, First time fail because PA Azura can't tank a hit. So this time I let my Ninian shine a little in this battle. Shiro is the MVP as always. Siegbert is HP bane but able to survive a hit from blue mage at 39 HP.
  21. I like it but personally I think it should be on healer who want attack and defense to do both tank and hit hard. Atk/Def +2 is decent and budget choice if you don't want to deal with recoil. But I do recommend Close Def 3 would be another great choice for you too in term of extra bulk. Close Def 3 do not give any Atk stat but it boost Ignis/Bonfire.
  22. @Zeo before anything else, do you love your Celica? If you love her, keep her and hunt for preferred IV when she is available in any banner in the future. Desperation is good for her in PvE content at lower merge. At higher merge it can be useful in higher tier arena, after she gain 4 additional SPD from merges. She don't need Sword Breaker anymore as she can one shot most of them(+ATK IV). Let her carry 4 cooldown AOE special(Ex. Blazing Light or Wind) along with Heavy Blade Seal. She can ORKO Effie and Hardin with AOE special intitial hit combine with normal hit. The only weakness of this set is enemy Vantage units. I don't have her but I have a +10 from my close friend and I use her a lot in VG, Rival Domain and GC. The only thing you have worry about her is to keep her safe. Reposition and Dance to safety after she nuke someone. Bring some sort of healing if you want her to secure a kill every turn. Renewal is only good in TT and Chain Chalenge. Quite useless in arena fast pace battle. With that said, give her both Swordbreaker and Desperation and you can switch them anytime you see fit.
  23. @mcsilas Too bad that I don't have Rhajat. I plan to give Galeforce to Siegbert too. Once he get Swift Sparrow ,he will sweep non-stop. Shiro did great job too. You will never have to worry about QR range anymore once you give him SB and Aether. I plan to build Soleil too (have 4* preferred IV sit in barrack already) but my feathers will go to Kaze and M Kana first. On 2nd clip, that New York Takumi is a beast. I wish I can pull one if he will appear again on Legendary Banner. Kagami Mochi+ will always look better than Barb Shuriken+. A little sad that I didn't see Sakura slay any mage. I will record next time on M Kana GHB for sure, stay tune!
  24. @Zeo You can build Lukas to be similar to my Shiro but you can choose his special between Aether for sustain or Ignis for insta-kill. Up to your preference. You may consider Guard 3 in B slot and switch Seal to QR so he will be safe from Bold Fighter users. Nino Gronblade+ can be switch to something else like Gronowl+ or Gronwolf+ because at higher arena tier you will face a lot of Panic Ploy users and it will cripple her a lot. I personally not recommend to hand DC to Chrome for general reason. DC will be more useful on someone else who can tank both physical and magical side. Chrome is a bad choice for DC because he can't even handle green mage very well with it. Otherwise, he can tank 1 hit and one-shot back before he take second magical hit (from green mages who can double him). For example: Some underrated unit like Seliph can be better DC user because his Sword give him enough magic resistance with his mid-tier 30 def to survive both side. Maybe, you don't have to sacrifice any Hector at all if you will consider to build +10 Adult Tiki who can survive Divine Naga if build correctly. Also can counter Brave Lyn too which is important. Normal Roy is another better Red DC user who can slay dragon for you too.
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